15:53:35 RRSAgent has joined #voiceinteraction 15:53:35 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/10-voiceinteraction-irc 15:55:21 meeting: Voice Interaction 15:55:26 chair: debbie 15:55:33 scribe:ddahl 15:55:43 regrets:jon 16:01:38 present:debbie, dirk 16:04:08 dirk: had some "todos" from the last discussion, still working, added History and Knowledge Graphs 16:05:02 ...would be part of the context 16:06:10 debbie: what we have in history might be enough 16:08:07 ...might need more clarification about the knowledge graph 16:09:23 ...clarify what's meant by "navigation" 16:11:00 ...these can all be black boxes 16:11:22 dirk: need description for NLG 16:12:37 ...TTS may be related to context 16:13:45 debbie: for example when you can use anaphora in the NLG output 16:15:44 dirk: some TBD's in the Data Provider Services 16:17:26 ...need example of external services, like making a reservation 16:18:58 ...need to adapt walkthrough to new architecture 16:20:03 action: debbie to add in TBD's 16:20:23 action: Dirk to update Section 4.1 16:21:44 dirk: need to add arrows in output figure 16:22:47 debbie: on the 24th we can review my actions 16:23:23 ...dirk to finish updates by March 10 16:23:58 ...talk about publishing on March 10 16:29:04 dirk: also need to look at the interfaces document 16:29:43 debbie: also need to look at the JSON semantic representation 16:29:47 ...document 16:30:12 rrsagent, format minutes 16:30:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/10-voiceinteraction-minutes.html ddahl 16:30:20 rrsagent, make logs public 16:34:40 ddahl has left #voiceinteraction