16:49:40 RRSAgent has joined #silver-errors 16:49:40 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/02/03-silver-errors-irc 16:49:42 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:49:43 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), sarahhorton 16:49:46 rrsagent, make logs public 16:49:52 Meeting: Silver Errors Subgroup 16:49:57 present: 16:50:00 chair: sarahhorton 16:50:05 present+ 16:50:09 zakim, clear agenda 16:50:09 agenda cleared 16:50:13 rrsagent, make minutes 16:50:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/03-silver-errors-minutes.html sarahhorton 16:50:36 agenda+ Update team on presentation to Silver Taskforce of Errors User Needs Worksheet and Errors User Needs Summary 16:50:41 agenda+ Review Scope and Timeline; discuss next steps 16:50:44 agenda+ Review February Tasks; assign tasks 16:52:20 agenda+ Discuss ways to collect input and feedback, e.g., additional error flows 16:54:34 agenda? 17:03:22 Sukriti has joined #silver-errors 17:03:27 present+ 17:04:32 Todd has joined #silver-errors 17:04:39 present+ 17:05:58 Crispy has joined #silver-errors 17:11:54 deanhamack has joined #silver-errors 17:12:29 scribe:Sukriti 17:13:29 zakim, next item 17:13:29 agendum 1 -- Update team on presentation to Silver Taskforce of Errors User Needs Worksheet and Errors User Needs Summary -- taken up [from sarahhorton] 17:14:45 sarah: everyone really happy about the approach 17:14:53 ...in the larger group 17:16:24 zakim, next item 17:16:24 agendum 2 -- Review Scope and Timeline; discuss next steps -- taken up [from sarahhorton] 17:16:45 Scope: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KrDoB4wNJGKwhQ7MhXSQzj1vhamt-WaQFR4D0i3QNOA/edit#heading=h.1c6d9fdd68lf 17:18:59 Sarah: timeline 17:19:05 zakim, next item 17:19:05 agendum 3 -- Review February Tasks; assign tasks -- taken up [from sarahhorton] 17:20:56 tasks for the month divided up into individually assignable pieces 17:21:45 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/wiki/Main_Page#Sub_Groups 17:26:31 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DBP8ujOs6HeZ1dYQWBbSOAssATCNDEcLYMF3VYRCAZk/edit#gid=526717162 17:26:43 Sarah: guidelines from the first public working draft 17:27:39 ...that and the guidelines worksheet to model out guidelines 17:29:27 sukriti: are errors a subtopic of other guidelines or guidelines of their own? 17:29:43 Sarah: Can be either depending on the scenario 17:30:00 ...came up in call last week 17:30:03 ...contrasts 17:30:43 ...should there be a different error contrast than general 17:31:03 ...there could be a case where that is the requirement 17:31:43 ...our scope is for error related guidelines for now 17:32:28 chris: related guidelines in the summary sheet 17:33:27 ...cross mapping between different groups 17:35:17 ...there are things in the user needs data such as persistent data 17:36:01 ...thinking about the language of the guidelines and applicability 17:36:23 Todd: also for the timed guideline 17:37:30 ...is there a non text contrast section as well? 17:38:23 chris: error icons for additional understanding 17:39:09 Sarah: subgroups that currently exist 17:40:36 ...asking or compiling a list of things we're looking at 17:40:52 ...content resources to use for developing guidelines 17:41:11 chris: need to be w3c or external? 17:41:27 sarah: need to stick with silver resources 17:41:48 chris: I can do that 17:42:45 sarah: next thing would be to go through the worksheet and add a column that is yes/no 17:42:54 ...errors/ guideline? 17:43:03 ...yes this is an errors guideline 17:43:11 yes/no/maybe 17:45:45 sarah: one way to do it would be to have 2 of us to do that 17:45:54 ...get together and do it together 17:46:34 Sukriti: I can do it 17:46:45 ...two columns and discuss where there is a disagreement 17:47:13 todd: can do that 17:49:31 sarah: content category, and other content to put in the guidelines outline for the end of the month 17:50:04 ...come up with a template 17:50:57 https://w3c.github.io/silver/guidelines/ 17:51:38 ...structured content description 17:54:38 sarah: working meeting not scheduled at the moment 17:55:08 chris: throwing a whole section in and seeing where the gaps are 17:55:21 sarah: if someone wants to host it, would work 17:55:31 todd: can host 17:55:47 ...don't mind getting on the collaborative call 17:56:02 chris: doesn't have to be every week 17:56:14 sarah: do one on Friday? 17:56:20 chris: that works 17:56:31 sarah: 11 ET 17:56:56 todd: can do Fridays 17:57:03 sarah: can use the w3c room 17:58:31 sarah: Janina was explaining iOT error flows 17:59:16 zakim, next item 17:59:16 agendum 4 -- Discuss ways to collect input and feedback, e.g., additional error flows -- taken up [from sarahhorton] 18:00:05 ...deliberate about getting feedback 18:00:20 ...helpful to catch edge cases Janina mentioned 18:00:37 rrsagent, generate minutes 18:00:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/03-silver-errors-minutes.html Sukriti 18:13:07 present+ Chrispy, deanhamack 18:13:20 rrsagent, generate minutes 18:13:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/03-silver-errors-minutes.html sarahhorton 18:30:34 s/Chrispy/Crispy 18:30:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 18:30:50 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/02/03-silver-errors-minutes.html sarahhorton 19:34:49 Todd has left #silver-errors