17:58:59 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:58:59 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-aria-irc 17:59:00 agenda+ Follow-up: tree inclusion of focusable elements from #1100 17:59:01 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:59:01 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:59:07 agenda? 18:00:09 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 18:00:16 agenda+ rechartering 18:00:42 pkra has joined #aria 18:00:55 present+ 18:02:08 regrets+ SinaBahram IsabelHoldsworth HarrisSchneiderman MarkMcCarthy 18:02:40 carmacleod has joined #aria 18:02:46 present+ 18:02:59 present+ 18:03:04 scribe:jcraig 18:03:05 agenda+ CR? 18:03:07 msumner has joined #aria 18:03:35 agenda is 1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8 18:04:01 agenda order = 1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8 18:04:09 zakim, agenda order = 1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8 18:04:09 I don't understand 'agenda order = 1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8', jamesn 18:04:14 present+ 18:04:17 zakim, agenda order is 1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8 18:04:17 ok, jamesn 18:04:24 agenda? 18:04:25 present+ 18:04:38 agenda- 10 18:04:57 Zakim, take up item 1 18:04:57 agendum 1 -- New Issue Triage ... ore-aam&type=Issues> -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:05:04 https://github.com/search?l=&q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+created%3A%3E%3D2021-01-21+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam&type=Issues 18:05:44 Should aria-rowindex/colindex really set the position? https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1386 18:05:55 jamesn: 1.4? 18:06:07 no disagreement. 18:06:24 New ARIA attribute for possible interactions like delete, edit, move https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1385 18:07:22 StefanS: 2 examples. tokenizer like a tool list from Microsoft and "taps that can be deleted" from personalization 18:07:25 q+ 18:07:38 StefanS: I could assemble a list 18:08:02 ack me 18:08:13 CurtBellew has joined #aria 18:08:33 jcraig: relate to the Actions issue #762... 18:08:42 jamesn: same milestone too 18:08:51 zakim, next item 18:08:51 agendum 2 -- New PR Triage ... m&type=Issues> -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:08:55 no new PRs 18:08:56 zakim, next item 18:08:56 agendum 2 was just opened, jcraig 18:09:11 zakim, close this item 18:09:11 agendum 2 closed 18:09:12 I see 7 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 18:09:12 3. 1.2 Status [from agendabot] 18:09:14 zakim, next item 18:09:14 agendum 3 -- 1.2 Status -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:09:37 jamesn: we have a TAG review 18:09:59 we have an issue from the PrivacyWG 18:10:11 working on Sec and i18n reviews 18:10:21 should be able to move forward to CR 18:10:43 one remaining issue #1100, could mark as at-risk 18:10:57 and pull it out before CR if not resolved 18:11:43 s/PrivacyWG/PrivacyWG #1371/ 18:11:54 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1371 18:12:42 i18n tracker is #1365 18:12:47 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1365 18:13:04 zakim, next item 18:13:04 agendum 9 -- rechartering -- taken up [from jamesn] 18:13:09 Matt_King has joined #aria 18:13:18 present+ 18:14:07 jamesn: prior deep dive meeting: moving ARIA spec to evergreen aka "ever-teal" (scribe: 🙄) 18:14:40 jamesn: need aria 1.2 in CR first, before starting the recharter that would be needed for ever-tealing 18:15:07 Matt_King: I don't see a need to rush the recharter... to what benefit? 18:16:13 jamesn: process could allow CR to snapshot versions. or you could have a permanent PR that has versions pushed to it... 18:16:30 I want this for the 1.3 timeline, hence the earlier recharter 18:17:06 Matt_King: possible to complete recharter ahead of 1.3 timeline? 18:17:18 jamesn: maybe, but realistically by Oct 18:17:48 any restriction of switching 1.3 to ever-teal with a recharter? 18:18:24 MichaelC: should switch when WG charter switches, so nothing to worry about re: precendent 18:18:49 Matt_King: jamesn your proposal seems reasonable 18:19:25 jamesn: we only push to stable when stable with 2 implementations anyway 18:19:49 discussion of green / teal / blue 18:20:42 agenda? 18:21:43 carmacleod_ has joined #aria 18:21:51 present+ 18:22:21 zakim, next item 18:22:21 agendum 4 -- Meaty topic for next week ... ssues> -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:22:58 https://github.com/search?q=is%3Aopen+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam+label%3Adeep-dive&type=issues 18:23:46 https://github.com/search?q=is%3Aopen+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faria+repo%3Aw3c%2Faccname+repo%3Aw3c%2Fcore-aam+label%3Adeep-dive&type=issues 18:24:30 pkra: WebAIM discussion about trees? 18:25:34 summary of WebAIM thread re: frustration with trees (not being native controls?) 18:26:06 q+ melanie 18:26:26 ack Matt_King 18:26:27 ack mel 18:26:33 ack msumner 18:27:05 msumner: any process on starting on 1.3 issues? 18:27:16 jamesn: just start on it... and thank you 18:27:38 carmacleod_: take assignment 18:28:13 s/assignment/assignment to avoid risk of duplicated effort/ 18:28:21 siri has joined #aria 18:28:22 zakim, next item 18:28:22 agendum 5 -- Reminder: Accname feedback needed -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:29:02 present + 18:29:07 jamesn: no responses to Bryan's thread re AccName... please everyone look again? 18:29:45 or would people prefer a GitHub issue? 18:29:58 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2021Jan/0052.html 18:30:12 +1 for GH issue 18:30:21 present+ 18:30:23 another +1 for GitHub issue 18:32:39 action: jamesn to post ACCNAME discussion thread as a github issue 18:33:17 zakim, next item 18:33:17 agendum 6 -- Updated aria-setsize and aria-posinset to clarify usage for authors -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:34:30 msumner: I will follow up 18:34:33 zakim, next item 18:34:33 agendum 7 -- Spec is unclear on aria-invalid="spelling" | "grammar" uses -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:34:55 nick/jemma 18:35:29 jamesn: newest change conflicts with use of spelling/grammar 18:35:37 Matt_King: 18:35:57 Matt_King: maybe, or is aria-invalid the incorrect choice for those 18:36:13 carmacleod_: aria-proofing? 18:36:30 Matt_King: need to review our research on document revisions 18:36:57 s/revisions/annotations/ 18:37:08 added comment role 18:38:23 jamesn: is a spelling error an "annotation"? 18:39:39 it's a substring associated with (call it "attribution", "annotation" whatever) some indicator, whether comment, warning, error, etc. 18:39:59 haven't seen any uses in the wild 18:40:11 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/989#issuecomment-764860865 18:40:29 s/haven't seen any uses in the wild/Matt_King: haven't seen any uses in the wild/ 18:40:42 s/it's a substring/jcraig: it's a substring/ 18:41:04 q+ 18:41:05 jamesn: aaron implemented in chrome and its supported in JAWS 2020 18:41:24 ack joanie 18:41:27 sounds like folks agree with jaws-test https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/989#issuecomment-765129090 18:42:13 joanie: web engines have built-in spell-check, they expose that platform API attribute in the way that the SRs expect. 18:42:26 has a start/end substring marker 18:43:19 the aria spelling indicator could be exposed as a text attr, or as an object attribute 18:43:23 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/989#issuecomment-764890451 LOL 18:44:04 joanie: considering giant text aria... only a substring is invalid or misspelled, not the whole element (object) 18:45:32 jamesn: to move forward… we've deprecated in 1.2. we need to replace this usage or allow it again. how to proceed? 18:46:00 Matt_King: did we deprecate the other values, like grammar? 18:46:02 jamesn: No 18:46:22 q+ 18:47:35 ack mel 18:47:38 Matt_King: should this be about text instead of invalid, which is specific to elements? 18:47:42 ack msumner 18:48:05 msumner: was aria-invalid specific to give feedback on form input? 18:48:29 If so, we should come up with something different 18:48:40 Matt_King: it was originally a global 18:49:09 msumner: could resolve with AAM instruction to implementors 18:49:39 old issue - https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/103 18:50:08 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/751 18:50:11 Matt_King: could have only some values as global... 18:50:24 jcraig: that might be a complicated spec change. 18:51:49 is the consensus to make this global again? 18:52:03 s/is the /jamesn: is the / 18:52:23 msumner: I may have been convinced of the opposite 18:52:37 agenda? 18:52:41 (discussion of example edge cases) 18:53:43 Matt_King: user never has to know that spelling and grammar are communicated through aria-invalid... They will just perceive it as they would with native AT usage 18:53:56 so they wouldn't hear "invalid" for example 18:53:59 I think we should get implementor feedback 18:54:14 jamesn: will someone take ownership and make a proposal? 18:56:46 carmacleod_: I am a hero (scribe embellished) 18:57:16 zakim, next item 18:57:16 agendum 8 -- Follow-up: tree inclusion of focusable elements from #1100 -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:57:42 scribe: carmacleod 18:59:19 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/1381#issuecomment-765022696 19:00:03 I'm having computer issues. I'm dropping off. See you all next time 19:00:07 jcraig: if something is focusable but aria-hidden, it doesn't have to be included in the accessibility tree 19:00:43 mck: if it is included in the tree on focus, does it stay in the tree after blur? 19:00:52 we need inert to be a real thing and not a polyfill 19:01:10 totally agree msumner 19:01:23 it's really close :) 19:02:23 jcraig: this is more of a stopgap until inert is fully implemented 19:04:03 jcraig: so we can use "while focused" instead of "if focused" 19:04:39 jamesn: we have to fix this before CR 19:04:56 jamesn: we should ping Aaron and James Teh 19:05:09 zakim, who is on the call? 19:05:09 Present: Joanmarie_Diggs, pkra, carmacleod, jcraig, Jemma, msumner, Matt_King, carmacleod_, siri 19:05:49 chair: JamesNurthen 19:05:53 meeting: ARIA WG 19:05:59 present+ 19:06:25 rrsagent, make minutes 19:06:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-aria-minutes.html carmacleod_ 19:12:12 zakim, part 19:12:12 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Joanmarie_Diggs, pkra, carmacleod, jcraig, Jemma, msumner, Matt_King, carmacleod_, siri, jamesn 19:12:12 Zakim has left #aria 19:12:31 rrsagent, part 19:12:31 I see 1 open action item saved in https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-aria-actions.rdf : 19:12:31 ACTION: jamesn to post ACCNAME discussion thread as a github issue [1] 19:12:31 recorded in https://www.w3.org/2021/01/28-aria-irc#T18-32-39