18:31:21 RRSAgent has joined #silver 18:31:21 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/22-silver-irc 18:31:24 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:31:24 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 18:31:31 Meeting: Silver Task Force & Community Group 18:31:31 present: 18:31:31 chair: Shawn, jeanne 18:31:31 present+ 18:31:32 zakim, clear agenda 18:31:32 rrsagent, make minutes 18:31:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/22-silver-minutes.html jeanne 18:31:32 q? 18:31:32 agenda cleared 18:31:49 Hi, Jeanne! 18:32:12 agenda+ Publication of FPWD rejoicing 18:32:12 agenda+ approving the requested change to Requirements 18:32:12 agenda+ Subgroups: status on January goals? 18:32:12 agenda+ Update from leadership 18:50:30 ToddLibby has joined #silver 18:57:58 present+ 18:58:45 CharlesHall has joined #silver 18:58:58 present+ 18:59:21 Chuck has joined #silver 18:59:27 scribe: sajkaj 18:59:31 present+ 18:59:31 present+ 18:59:35 Francis_Storr has joined #silver 18:59:35 present+ 18:59:40 Jemma has joined #silver 18:59:41 present+ 18:59:47 present+ 18:59:52 present+ 18:59:56 agenda? 18:59:59 Bruce_Bailey has joined #silver 19:00:06 present+ 19:00:09 rrsagent, make minutes 19:00:09 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/22-silver-minutes.html Jemma 19:00:25 Sukriti has joined #silver 19:00:35 present+ 19:00:51 zakim, take up item 1 19:00:51 agendum 1 -- Publication of FPWD rejoicing -- taken up [from jeanne] 19:01:01 E-Champaigne all around ... 19:01:16 KimD has joined #silver 19:01:27 present+ 19:01:34 present+ 19:01:35 present+ 19:01:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wai-announce/2021JanMar/0002.html 19:01:47 Lauriat has joined #silver 19:01:50 Present+ 19:02:26 JF has joined #silver 19:02:42 Present_ 19:02:48 Present+ 19:03:03 Also a permanent start link for WCAG 3 work will be: 19:03:10 http://www.w3.org/wai/wcag3 19:03:45 AngelaAccessForAll has joined #silver 19:03:45 sarahhorton has joined #silver 19:03:50 present+ 19:04:07 js: This latter link best for new readers of our docs 19:04:11 present+ 19:04:25 js: Has pointers to all key docs 19:04:52 maybe this: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/Understanding/intro 19:05:04 present+ 19:05:33 q+ 19:05:35 Thank you all for your hard work and being so welcoming! 19:05:49 ack sarah 19:06:18 sh: Q about process for collecting feedback and for our handling of those 19:06:22 q+ to ask about 30 day time limit on feedback 19:06:39 sh: Do we have a plan for formal comment handling? 19:07:09 sh: Like that we're prompting people on their comments 19:07:45 Isn't that what github is for? 19:07:58 that is what I read from Jeanne's article. 19:07:59 q+ 19:08:05 SuzanneTaylor has joined #silver 19:08:09 github 19:08:15 Bruce asks for some informal guidence on soliciting from DHS Trusted Tester and OCIO ACOP. 19:08:23 ack Bruce_Bailey 19:08:23 Bruce_Bailey, you wanted to ask about 30 day time limit on feedback 19:08:34 b: Notes 30 days really insufficient 19:08:40 That would only differ from github if it was a yes or no question survey 19:09:31 bb: I want to solicit feedback elsewhere in the U.S. Government, but that may well take longer 19:09:47 bb: Also wondering how hard to work on soliciting feedback 19:09:56 Feedback Prerequisite https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/wcag3-intro/#who-develops-wcag-3 19:09:57 Feedback Instructions https://www.w3.org/blog/2021/01/wcag-3-fpwd/#feedback 19:10:01 js: Suggest we could ask our specific questions in a WBS 19:10:02 neither prevent survey 19:10:26 I just did one for content usable 19:10:36 js: This is intriguing -- here's our specific questions and please comment 19:10:43 Q+ to ask if someone comments in a 'survey', would they be owed a response? 19:11:04 js: FYI: I'm working on a slidedeck about WCAG 3 and will be available to do presentations. Let me know! 19:11:10 +1 to Sarah's idea if we can, before joining AG WG, I never knew how to comment or on what. 19:11:43 ack chuc 19:11:43 q+ to say that feedback can continue after the 30 days 19:11:51 bb: Rephrasing: If we want significant feedback from the large collection of government folks, that will require more than 30 days 19:12:08 ca: Could also be tough in my company 19:12:39 q+ 19:12:58 +1 to what Chuck is saying, that I think the 26th Feb. is kind of soft. 19:13:22 js: Every spec always has a date by which comments are expected, that doesn't mean comments recieved later will be dropped 19:13:39 but having the date in print makes it harder for beurocacy to respond. 19:13:44 q+ 19:13:57 Francis_Storr has joined #silver 19:14:19 js: We can't promise to do anything about any comment in a future draft before the published comment deadline 19:14:22 q- 19:14:34 ack JF 19:14:34 JF, you wanted to ask if someone comments in a 'survey', would they be owed a response? 19:15:09 s/beurocacy/beurocracy 19:15:09 jf: Notes long standing process that comments are responded to. Would expect that even in an WBS, no? 19:15:45 rm: The date means that we will address recieved comments in the next draft somehow, but no next draft before the cutoff date 19:16:04 rm: Asks where this might best be clarified 19:16:10 q? 19:16:10 ack rac 19:16:11 Rachael, you wanted to say that feedback can continue after the 30 days 19:16:16 ack bru 19:16:36 b: 60 days needs to be minimum for large bureauracracy to respond 19:17:00 bb: The short turn around becomes a disincentive to comment 19:17:17 I can get it to the Director of Federal Sector Programs for the EEOC if that helps 19:17:35 rm: Suggest we could do 60 days on the next draft 19:17:52 js: Next draft should also be more concrete 19:18:04 q? 19:18:18 zakim, take up next 19:18:18 agendum 2 -- approving the requested change to Requirements -- taken up [from jeanne] 19:18:18 js: one more round of e-champaigne ... 19:19:05 js: Want to remind everyone how this change started ... 19:19:27 jennifer has joined #silver 19:19:28 https://docs.google.com/document/d/17lkBBpSYchGcr-2KB8Ud7-7RTfziAo_TlxMT7WpYCno/edit# 19:19:30 js: We were asked to update in next draft, started multiple ways to measure 19:19:40 present + 19:20:06 present+ 19:20:24 js: Notes we need to work this out with COGA. It's their objection. 19:20:53 js: NOtes the original text was published yesterday, but it drew an objection 19:21:10 js: on 1 Dec we agreed to change and have had a few go-rounds since 19:22:06 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2021Jan/0075.html 19:23:02 q+ to say that I think the first term was intended to be test procedures. 19:23:17 Sarah's version "Silver guidance includes tests and other [performance indicators, quality measures, evaluation methods]. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more) where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included. This [approach, 19:23:17 strategy, principle] includes particular attention to people whose needs may better be met with a broad testing approach, such as people with low vision, limited vision, or cognitive and learning disabilities." 19:23:29 ack rach 19:23:29 Rachael, you wanted to say that I think the first term was intended to be test procedures. 19:23:48 q+ 19:23:51 rm: May be slightly changing the intent with the bracketed choices, but OK by me 19:24:16 ca: Yes, but may also be addressing another raised concern, so may be beneficial 19:24:20 ack Ch 19:25:03 js: Asks RM if any bracketed terms OK? 19:25:04 rm: Yes 19:25:32 Apologies if I missed this, but how do we indicate which bracketed item we "vote" for? 19:26:02 js: looks at the term definitions ... several dictionaries 19:26:09 me Jennifer, we aren't quite to that point yet. You haven't missed it! 19:26:13 s/looks/reads/ 19:26:25 s/at // 19:27:05 js: quality measures seems to turn up health care related definitions 19:27:49 js: Found Wikipedia for "evaluation methods" 19:27:58 q+ 19:28:26 q+ 19:28:30 ack bru 19:28:38 bb: Recalls wcag2 principle that our glossary term should substitute inline successfully 19:28:44 ack Ch 19:28:47 js: wasn't thinking of it that way 19:29:01 js: they just seemed synonous on first read 19:29:16 Evaluation methods. There are a variety of usability evaluation methods. Certain methods use data from users, while others rely on usability experts. There are usability evaluation methods for all stages of design and development, from product definition to final design modifications. 19:29:39 performance indicators 19:29:39 (wikipedia) A performance indicator or key performance indicator (KPI) is a type of performance measurement. KPIs evaluate the success of an organization or of a particular activity (such as projects, programs, products and other initiatives) in which it engages. 19:29:39 (Collins dictionary) a quantitative or qualitative measurement, or any other criterion, by which the performance, efficiency, achievement, etc of a person or organization can be assessed, often by comparison with an agreed standard or target 19:29:40 19:29:40 quality measures - (the first two SERP were all healthcare. Even wikipedia search turned up health care. I don’t think we should use this) 19:29:50 Direct link to Definitions of terms proposed by Sarah: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17lkBBpSYchGcr-2KB8Ud7-7RTfziAo_TlxMT7WpYCno/edit#heading=h.xggj9lozpbaj 19:29:53 q+ 19:30:06 q+ to express a preference 19:30:10 ack sar 19:30:22 sh: Agree that "quality measures" is health care related, and probably not best for us 19:30:24 q+ 19:30:35 sh: "Performance indicators" may also not be meaningful to our audience 19:31:05 sh: Recalls we were thinking along lines of organizational maturity 19:31:16 sh: Wilco objected to "procedures" 19:31:46 my vote will also be "evaluation method" 19:31:46 sh: Wonder whether "evaluation method" would work; tests and more? 19:31:51 +1 to "evaluation methods" 19:31:53 Q+ 19:31:59 sh: notes these are methods for evaluating a thing 19:32:07 q+ to ask my favorite is a derivative, "methods of evaluation" 19:32:20 js: asks if sh prefers evaluation methods? 19:32:20 ack rach 19:32:20 Rachael, you wanted to express a preference 19:32:21 sh: yes 19:32:24 rm: me too 19:32:26 performance indicator is a bit more toward private sector. 19:32:32 rm: but flexible 19:33:05 rm: we can put it in two places, suggests using it twice ... 19:33:09 KPI - key perforance indicator for companies. KPI is not used often in Univeristy settings. 19:33:17 q+ 19:33:24 q+ Chu 19:33:29 ca: What RM said 19:33:29 Silver guidance includes tests and methods of evaluation. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and / or evaluating (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, usability evaluation methods with people with disabilities, and more) where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included. This approach includes particular attention to people whose 19:33:29 needs may better be met with a broad testing approach, such as people with low vision, limited vision, or cognitive and learning disabilities. 19:33:39 ca: like "methods of evaluation" 19:34:02 ca: do want to stay away from "quality measures" 19:34:02 ack jen 19:34:06 ack Ch 19:34:09 ack chu 19:34:09 Chuck, you wanted to ask my favorite is a derivative, "methods of evaluation" 19:34:45 jennifer: pasting thoughts ... 19:34:48 Silver guidance includes tests and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more) key indicators where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included. This [approach, strategy, principle] includes particular atten[CUT] 19:35:59 q+ 19:36:10 ack sar 19:36:33 sh: looking at two other details ... the "other" word is important 19:36:41 Reflecting what I just said: Silver guidance includes tests and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating key indicators where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more). This [approach, strategy, princip[CUT] 19:36:43 +1 to other 19:36:53 sh: i.e. not everything is a test 19:37:28 sh: Also wanted to be more precise than saying "this" 19:37:41 ack jemm 19:38:16 jema: Also wanted to meet Wilco's concern 19:39:04 js: Suggest we not change too much from what was agreed with COGA; so hesitant for large changes 19:39:33 q+ 19:39:45 js: Like moving the examples to sentence end 19:39:48 +1 to "other" also 19:40:07 q+ 19:40:40 ack sukri 19:40:42 ack jenn 19:40:42 I agree with Sukriti about key indicator can be many different thing depending on their roles. 19:40:48 How does everyone feel about "include but not limited to"? 19:41:11 q+ 19:41:18 q 19:41:23 q+ 19:41:42 js: asks df where that phrase? Examples? 19:41:43 df: yes 19:41:56 I agree with Sukriti about "key indicator" language - has different context/meaning in corporate America. 19:42:08 ack faz 19:42:33 js: Please file as a feedback issue because it's new and different enough 19:42:46 ack suk 19:43:04 sukriti: indicators are usually very specific 19:43:13 +1 to Sukriti 19:43:23 sukriti: concerned too much opportunity for misinterpretation 19:43:23 +1 Kim and Sukriti 19:43:33 js: how about eliminate "key indicators"? 19:43:37 sukriti: yes 19:43:44 Ah, perhaps I misunderstood. I did think it was saying that there would be key indicators to know if the item met standards. :) 19:43:50 ToddLibby has joined #silver 19:44:27 jennifer: wonders whether I misunderstand, and "key indicators" was important 19:44:43 I think we are trying to resolve this sentence. "Silver guidance includes tests and other [performance indicators, quality measures, evaluation methods]. " 19:45:40 will is too absolute 19:45:41 this is the effor to reflect Wilco's obejction for the words, "procedure" 19:45:47 jennifer: Now agrees with Sukriti 19:45:48 may would be better 19:46:10 may is permissive will is similar to shall and means mandatory 19:46:12 ca: Believe we're at this ... 19:46:15 js: no! 19:46:41 Silver guidance includes tests and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more). 19:46:46 js: Notes the example list at sentence end was strong 19:47:23 +1 the first 2 sentences 19:47:36 +1 19:47:38 +1 19:47:39 +1 first 2 sentences 19:47:40 +1 19:47:42 +1 19:47:42 +1 19:48:02 +1 approach 19:48:12 Silver guidance includes tests and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more). This [approach, strategy, 19:48:12 principle] includes particular attention to people whose needs may better be met with a broad testing approach, such as people with low vision, limited vision, or cognitive and learning disabilities. 19:48:27 0 19:48:36 no objection to move on. 19:48:53 0, with a note about "scoring" (but not a hill...) 19:49:00 +1 to approach 19:49:01 +1 approach 19:49:03 js: Seems we have the wording order ... Now we need to choose among the bracketed options ... 19:49:14 +1 approach 19:49:20 +1 to strategy 19:49:20 +1 to ap[proach 19:49:23 +1 approach - more netural 19:49:25 js: approach, strategy, or principle 19:49:28 +1 approach 19:49:37 +1 to approach 19:49:38 +1 approach 19:49:41 We already say approach in the sentence, which is difficult to read for me. 19:49:50 +1 approach 19:50:17 q+ that second approach can be dropped 19:50:31 js: or just drop second approach 19:50:49 +1 to JF, but I don't have a good replacement in mind 19:50:50 + jf 19:51:05 jf: suggest approach in the first use, and swap the second as "broader testing strategy" 19:51:32 Alternate terms for the second "approach": technique, procedure, method, means 19:51:37 +1 for broad versus broader 19:51:40 js: "broader" asks broader than what, and leads to criticism of wcag2 that we don't want to go there 19:51:49 +1 to chuck's wording 19:51:50 robust? 19:51:57 +1 to Chuck 19:52:02 +1 19:52:06 +1 19:52:08 +1 19:52:08 +1 to Chuck 19:52:13 +0.5 19:52:14 +1 to final sentence wording 19:52:16 +1 19:52:17 +1 19:52:18 +1 19:52:24 +1 19:52:37 +1 19:52:49 js: About to propose entire para ... 19:52:51 Silver guidance includes tests and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more). This approach includes 19:52:51 particular attention to people whose needs may better be met with a broad testing strategy, such as people with low vision, limited vision, or cognitive and learning disabilities. 19:52:54 +1 to the whole enchilada! 19:53:03 +1 19:53:10 +1 19:53:15 +1 19:53:16 +1 19:53:19 +1 19:53:22 +1 19:53:22 =1 19:53:25 +1 19:53:25 +1 19:53:26 +1 19:53:28 +1 19:53:30 +1 19:53:31 +1 19:53:33 +1 19:53:34 +1 19:53:35 Silver or WCAG3? 19:53:40 s/=1/ 19:53:55 I can send it to COGA for a final approval by email. 19:53:59 q+ 19:54:29 bb: wonders about guidance vs guidelines 19:54:33 ack Br 19:54:41 js: at time originally written, didn't know they'd be guidelines 19:55:20 q+ 19:55:21 bb: expecting testing with at beyond bronze is not going to happen 19:55:41 Not all people with disabilities use assistive technology. 19:55:48 bb: Suggests "Guidelines" with cap G -- so better guidance 19:55:52 q- 19:56:04 js: asks any objections? 19:56:54 s/with cap G/with cap G would be bad 19:56:59 RESOLUTION: TO adopt the changes to the 4.1 Requirement in response to Github issue #188 as follows: 19:57:02 Silver guidance includes tests and other evaluation methods. Some guidance may use true/false verification but other guidance will use other ways of measuring and/or evaluating where appropriate so that more needs of people with disabilities may be included (for example: rubrics, sliding scale, task-completion, user research with people with disabilities, and more). This approach includes 19:57:02 particular attention to people whose needs may better be met with a broad testing strategy, such as people with low vision, limited vision, or cognitive and learning disabilities. 19:57:21 lol 19:57:31 agenda? 19:58:14 ToddLibby has left #silver 19:58:26 rrsagent, make minutes 19:58:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/22-silver-minutes.html jeanne 20:01:22 But ray - chel is fine too. 20:01:30 s/But ray - chel is fine too. / 20:03:27 KimD has left #silver 20:11:24 rrsagent, make minutes 20:11:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/22-silver-minutes.html sajkaj 20:46:01 jeanne has joined #silver