17:55:32 RRSAgent has joined #aria 17:55:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/21-aria-irc 17:55:34 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:55:35 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), jamesn 17:56:04 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2021Jan/0053.html 17:56:05 clear agenda 17:56:05 agenda+ New Issue Triage 17:56:05 agenda+ New PR Triage 17:56:06 agenda+ Meaty topic for next week 17:56:09 agenda+ AccName 17:56:12 agenda+ Follow-up: tree inclusion of focusable elements from #1100 17:56:12 meeting: ARIA WG 17:56:15 agenda+ Updated aria-setsize and aria-posinset to clarify usage for authors 17:56:18 agenda+ Spec is unclear on aria-invalid="spelling" | "grammar" uses 17:56:18 chair: JamesNurthen 17:56:21 agenda+ 1.3 triage 17:58:45 agenda- 1 17:58:49 agenda- 2 18:00:44 Isabel has joined #aria 18:00:57 pkra has joined #aria 18:01:38 present+ 18:01:51 StefanS has joined #aria 18:03:03 siri has joined #aria 18:03:06 harris has joined #aria 18:03:15 present+ 18:04:06 scribe: harris 18:04:10 zakim, agenda? 18:04:10 I see 6 items remaining on the agenda: 18:04:11 3. Meaty topic for next week 18:04:11 ... [from agendabot] 18:04:11 4. AccName [from agendabot] 18:04:11 5. Follow-up: tree inclusion of focusable elements from #1100 [from agendabot] 18:04:15 6. Updated aria-setsize and aria-posinset to clarify usage for authors [from agendabot] 18:04:15 7. Spec is unclear on aria-invalid="spelling" | "grammar" uses [from agendabot] 18:04:15 8. 1.3 triage [from agendabot] 18:04:16 zakim, next item 18:04:19 agendum 3 -- Meaty topic for next week ... ssues> -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:04:28 carmacleod has joined #aria 18:04:40 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 18:04:47 present + 18:04:51 carmacleod: are we ready to start discussing evergreen? 18:04:56 present+ 18:05:06 carmcleod: at the moment there is an issue but nothing in it 18:05:13 present+ 18:06:35 https://www.w3.org/2020/Process-20200915/ 18:06:37 CurtBellew has joined #aria 18:06:44 Cooper: iii-iiiiiii-aaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaahhhhh 18:06:47 MichaelC: I don't think w3c has a specific guidance for that. The process doc has part of that and there might be a wiki page 18:07:20 jamesn: anyone think we shouldn't talk about this in a deep dive? 18:07:31 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Evergreen_Standards 18:07:33 q+ 18:08:09 https://www.w3.org/wiki/Process2020 18:09:17 jamesn: is there anyone who has gone through this before that we could speak with? 18:09:24 MichaelC: I think css has gone through this 18:10:49 jamesn: if we're ready to discuss this by tuesday then we can deep dive it 18:10:58 jamesn: anyone want to suggest a backup? 18:11:09 q- jcraig 18:11:31 jcraig: we start with aam that moves to evergreen 18:11:37 jamesn: I think we already decided that 18:11:46 jamesn: working groups have already discussed that actually 18:12:03 jcraig: maybe the next step is to get through that process of moving AAM, so then the discussion will be more informed 18:12:41 MichaelC: everyone will get booted out of the group and rejoin 18:13:03 carmacleod: I agree that we should go through the AAM first 18:13:13 carmacleod: what about html-aria? 18:13:47 jamesn: html-aam is an on the rec track. I assume anyone who uses it looks at the editor's draft 18:14:00 Here's the AAM issue... https://github.com/w3c/core-aam/issues/81 I recalled an earlier one but no matter. 18:14:59 MichaelC: I think we need to kick off some work here 18:15:02 Matt_King has joined #aria 18:15:12 MichaelC: We've never sat down and said "ok this is our work plan" 18:15:41 jamesn: It sounds like we have a topic for a deep dive -- how are we going to implement this evergreen plan 18:16:55 MarkMccarthy has joined #aria 18:16:59 present+ 18:17:09 zakim, next item 18:17:09 agendum 4 -- AccName -- taken up [from agendabot] 18:17:47 jamesn: bryan sent out a message asking for clarification on some accName questions. I propose we talk about them here to make sure we're all on a similar page 18:17:59
18:17:59 18:17:59
18:18:21 jamesn: what would you expect the accessible name to be? 18:18:22 Isabel has joined #aria 18:19:13 jamesn: myself and joanie came to an agreement on it being "Screen text" 18:20:11 jcraig: because the div is ambiguous as to the role, it is not clear if contents is included in that context. it's not clear if the name gets bubbled back up to that context 18:20:32 jcraig: the labelledby refers to an empty string 18:20:36 what scenario will this be used? 18:21:12 Otherwise, if the current node's role allows name from content, or if the current node is referenced by aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, or is a native host language text alternative element (e.g. label in HTML), or is a descendant of a native host language text alternative element: 18:21:36 Bryan: the reason I put that one in there, if you look at chrome, it has no label 18:21:48 jamesn: Firefox and safari agree though 18:22:13 Bryan: all of these examples have ambiguities on what is meant by self-referencing 18:22:33 jamesn: which part of the spec are you referring to when you say "self-referencing"? 18:22:43 jamesn: where is that in the spec language 18:23:07 https://www.w3.org/TR/accname-1.2/ 18:23:11 jcraig: I'm having a little trouble following 2e/2f 18:23:24 jcraig: the lettering/numbering is no longer there in the editor's draft 18:23:59 https://www.w3.org/TR/accname-1.2/#step2F 18:24:18 jcraig: the accumulated text doesn't include the contents, right? 18:24:44 jcraig: because it says "if its referenced by aria-labelledby" and it says to include the child nodes...yea I agree 18:25:55 Bryan: self referencing is something causing some sort of loop to occur 18:26:10 Bryan: like you said (jamesn), it's not defined anywhere 18:26:37 q+ to mention webdriver computedLabel for this context 18:26:58 second example: 18:27:00
18:27:06 zcorpan has joined #aria 18:27:16 q- jcraig 18:27:59 jcraig: last year webdriver added computed role/label. I don't recall if it implemented in webkit yet 18:28:43 jcraig: writing some platform test for this would allow us to get an automated report on what is working and what is not 18:29:11 jcraig: the algorithm is getting so complex. that explains why there are different implementation for it. Automation is the path forward 18:29:45 Bryan: in this case, I'm just trying to figure out what should be happening. I can't move forward until we settle this 18:30:50 Bryan: button does support a value 18:30:58 jamesn: one wouldn't expect that to be shown to a user 18:31:13 jamesn: I think we have a typo in the spec regarding value 18:31:29 jamesn: they were intending to talk about menubutton not button 18:32:15 s/added computed role/added computedRole/ 18:32:45 s/label. I/computedLabel. I/ 18:32:56 Bryan: if you have a collection of radio buttons you don't want to return the value, you want the human readable text to be returned 18:33:27 s/if it implemented in webkit yet/if it's implemented in any of the rendering engines yet/ 18:33:43 Bryan: form field and widget are used interchangeably in accName 18:33:51 jamesn: we don't use the term form field in it at all though 18:34:00 Bryan: but it still has to work with form field 18:34:29 s/some platform test/some Web Platform Tests (WPT) using WebDriver computedLabel/ 18:35:57 Bryan: what happens if we have an aria-labelledby attribute which references the parent element and that same element (self) 18:36:04 third example, with 2 different self-referencing processes: 18:36:06 jamesn: this one is slightly more difficult 18:36:07
Outside Text
18:36:26 jamesn: can aria-labelledby reference the same element multiple times? 18:36:43 jamesn: like