15:45:47 RRSAgent has joined #wot-uc 15:45:47 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/19-wot-uc-irc 15:59:55 cperey has joined #wot-uc 16:00:10 Mizushima has joined #wot-uc 16:00:16 Meeting: Discovery + AR Use Cases 16:00:24 Chair: McCool 16:00:37 McCool has joined #wot-uc 16:01:10 RobSmith has joined #wot-uc 16:01:36 brinkwoman has joined #wot-uc 16:01:51 jan-erik_OARC has joined #wot-uc 16:01:56 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Christine_Perey, James_Jackson, Jan-Erik_Vinje, Linda_van_den_Brink, Michel_McCool, Nazih_Fino, Rob_Smith, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Tony_Hodgson, Vladimir_Ufnarovsky 16:02:07 present+ Joshue_O_Connor 16:02:56 hi all 16:03:07 present+ Kunihiko_Toumura 16:03:52 nfino has joined #wot-uc 16:03:56 ufnv has joined #wot-uc 16:04:07 James_Jackson has joined #wot-uc 16:04:15 ktoumura has joined #wot-uc 16:05:13 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/955 16:05:37 topic: Background 16:05:51 cp: (provides the background so far) 16:05:56 ... discovery is the key 16:06:12 ... to have broader discussion on discovery for AR today 16:06:46 present+ Ted_Guild 16:07:01 mm: (provides logistics notes) 16:07:05 ... the minutes will be public 16:07:33 present+ Colin_Steinmann 16:07:42 present+ Michael_Koster 16:08:18 ... holding as an IG meeting under the use case TF 16:08:49 ... (introduction of McCool himself as the co-Chair for the WoT WG/IG) 16:09:02 (and the others also introduce themselves) 16:10:03 Christine 16:10:05 Tony 16:10:44 Linda 16:11:12 rrsagent, make log public 16:11:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:11:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/19-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 16:11:47 Rob 16:12:24 Josua 16:12:31 s/Josua/Joshua/ 16:12:45 Ted 16:12:57 q+ 16:13:08 Joshue 16:13:44 Kaz 16:13:52 Jan-Erik 16:14:45 topic: Intro 16:14:58 mm: this meeting is specifically discovery for AR 16:15:07 ... focus on AR use cases 16:15:20 ... and identify what the next steps would be 16:15:45 ... would provide technical background information 16:15:54 ... any comments before that? 16:15:55 (none) 16:16:19 mm: (shows the TPAC breakout slides) 16:17:07 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/10/27-wot-breakout/2020-10-WoT-Breakout.pdf WoT Breakout slides 16:17:23 mm: [WoT Goal and Use Cases] 16:17:34 ... [Current Work Items] 16:17:42 ... have published several specs 16:17:50 ... working on a new Charter 16:18:01 ... Discovery is a process to access metadata 16:18:23 ... not just local area broadcasting but also internet search 16:18:38 ... considering multi-process approach 16:18:49 ... including geospatial awareness 16:19:09 ... finding out where the related sensors are, etc. 16:19:13 ... [Thing Description] 16:19:21 ... describes information on devices 16:19:32 ... including metadata 16:19:39 ... one of the metadata is location 16:19:52 ... might be static but could be dynamic 16:20:09 ... e.g., if the device is a vehicle 16:20:39 ... also not just position but acceleration, direction, etc., can be included 16:21:00 ... [Geolocation] 16:21:09 ... did some prototyping 16:21:31 ... quickly shows them 16:21:40 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/labels/Geolocation geolocation-related issues 16:22:47 mm: (shows example TDs) 16:22:56 ... longitude, latitude, etc. 16:23:04 ... accuracy and heading 16:23:19 ... might have property to distinguish the positions 16:23:43 ... links to associate entities 16:23:52 ... need to have some method to handle this 16:24:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/tree/master/events/2020.09.Online/TDs/Intel example TDs 16:24:38 cp: discussion for now? 16:24:46 mm: let's have discussion during the second half 16:24:53 ... 24mins past now 16:25:19 cp: introducing open cloud would make sense 16:25:52 topic: Open AR Cloud 16:26:06 jev: (starts to share the screen) 16:26:26 ... AR-Cloud, Spatial Discovery & WoT 16:26:53 s/open cloud/open AR cloud/ 16:27:22 ... open AR cloud is a young non-profit 16:27:34 ... 60+ partners and 300+ members 16:27:50 ... big picture here 16:27:54 ... new convergence 16:28:14 ... real world spatial computing including IoT 16:28:21 ... what is the AR cloud? 16:28:33 ... realtime 3D/spatial map of the world 16:28:40 ... (Ori Inbar) 16:28:49 ... exciting concept 16:28:58 ... (4 books on the slides) 16:29:32 ... Open AR Clouds, AR Convergence, Welcome to Mirror World, ... 16:29:42 ... Layers of the Spatial Web 16:30:02 ... thematic layers and reality capture layers 16:30:17 ... IoT, Art, Entertainment, Commerce, etc. 16:30:35 ... currently not good interoperability there 16:30:51 ... The Open Web Platform - Web@30 16:31:00 ... standards, protocols, services, clients 16:31:29 ... we should let James Jackson give the through story 16:31:44 ... jj: interesting comparison with the Web 16:31:58 ... Open Spatial Computing Platform (OSCP) 16:32:12 ... provides core building blocks 16:32:29 ... we provide reference implementations 16:32:45 ... high-level view of the experience 16:32:55 ... various phases here 16:33:10 ... first thing to do is discovery 16:33:20 ... spatial service discovery 16:33:32 ... it's sort of hierarchy 16:33:46 ... it's mapping of coverage polygon 16:34:19 ... services themselves will be smaller geo area named geo zone 16:34:31 ... determine accurate position in the real world 16:34:56 ... and secondly determine it in geopost 16:35:33 brainwaive has joined #wot-uc 16:35:41 ... determine the precise position where you're within the real world 16:35:54 jev: geo post is a standard by OGC 16:36:08 ... also we have the CEO of a company who provide it 16:36:34 ... small steps to the goals 16:36:52 mm: we need to move along 16:36:56 jj: ok 16:37:02 brinkwoman has joined #wot-uc 16:37:06 ... once you determine the position 16:37:21 ... you can think of democritizing the position 16:37:39 ... anyone can discover it 16:37:43 brinkwoman has joined #wot-uc 16:38:07 ... content itself is not our standardization target 16:38:23 ... the other key aspect is digital twin 16:38:29 ... static layer and dynamic layer 16:38:41 ... discover a content which is available to me 16:38:57 ... e.g., a building in front of me 16:39:53 ... spatial discovery is one of our use cases 16:40:01 ... you could discover other elements 16:40:11 mm: a lot of points packed here 16:40:27 ... any additional materials before discussion? 16:40:28 (none) 16:40:51 mm: is there any liaison with W3C? 16:40:58 jev: happy to establish one 16:41:17 ... indirectly connected via ETSI, etc. 16:41:34 cp: can work with Kaz for the procedure 16:41:37 kaz: yes 16:41:46 mm: two points here 16:41:52 ... 1. information model 16:41:59 ... what information to be included here? 16:42:20 ... 2. discovery process 16:42:26 ... very loose structure here 16:42:45 ... onboarding, contact model, etc., to be described 16:43:00 ... we don't have to just have a mDNS approach 16:43:16 ... and would like to know how your model works 16:43:28 jev: would follow it up 16:43:37 ... we ourselves work on the geospatial aspects 16:43:59 mm: semantic discovery and network-relevant discovery are also of our interest 16:44:20 ... also last year we started to work on several use cases 16:44:28 ... Rob Smith submitted one 16:44:50 ... e.g., geospatial query needs to include position of view 16:45:04 q+ 16:45:13 q- 16:45:29 ack r 16:45:45 rs: regarding location 16:46:01 ... are you interested in trajectory, i.e., history of location, as well? 16:46:08 mm: historical data in general 16:46:19 ... relates to time-series data 16:46:31 ... time stamp is also 16:46:32 q+ 16:46:47 ... not only spatial aspect 16:47:02 rs: video aspect is in my scope 16:47:15 mm: Kaz is also involved in the MEIG 16:47:17 rs: yes 16:48:01 jev: interesting aspect about time domain 16:48:19 ... different time series structure to be considered here 16:48:38 ... note that it's highly sensitive 16:49:12 ... if you have very local access, the data might be aggregated 16:49:16 mm: yeah 16:49:38 ... could be several use cases like factory automation 16:49:55 ... sometimes privacy control could be less weighted 16:50:06 topic: Next steps 16:50:16 mm: capturing use cases and requirements 16:50:28 ... we're holding use cases call bi-weekly 16:50:36 ... having a couple of you would be helpful 16:50:44 ... do a project to dig into the issues 16:51:10 cp: Linda, any ideas from the Spatial group viewpoint? 16:51:28 linda: what McCool mentioned makes sense 16:51:38 ... functional requirements would be helpful 16:52:00 ... and thinking about geo pose 16:52:18 cp: dig into some complete package 16:52:45 mm: follow-up actions here 16:52:55 ... (updates the agenda issue) 16:53:25 -> https://github.com/w3c/wot/issues/955 agenda issue 16:53:28 q? 16:53:52 mm: 1. spatial experts participating in WoT use cases calls and contributing use cases 16:54:15 ... 2. discuss liaisons between WoT and geospatial SDOs 16:54:29 ... 3. WoT to review and summaze relevant spatial data standards 16:54:44 ... 4. review of ongoing standards activitis 16:55:03 ... 5. proposals and prototypes from WoT to b reviewed by spatial experts 16:55:14 ... the question is what/where the spatial data comes from 16:55:34 q+ 16:55:35 ... having a service that is responsive for some specific area? 16:56:53 kaz: completely agree with the approach 16:57:21 ... and would like to extract horizontal requirements as well as vertical requirements from the use cases at the bullet point 1 16:57:23 ack k 16:57:36 mm: (adds note to the bullet point 1, use case) 16:58:08 rs: spatial on the Web producing responsive use of spatial data 16:58:28 ... would like to post the information 16:58:30 https://w3c.github.io/sdw/responsible-use/ 16:58:32 mm: tx 16:58:43 s/responsive/responsible/ 16:58:55 Actually just published at https://www.w3.org/TR/responsible-use-spatial/ 16:59:55 i/github/Editor's draft/ 17:00:05 i/Actually/published draft/ 17:00:40 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-wg/2020Dec/0002.html 17:00:55 https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/blob/master/events/2020.09.Online/TDs/Intel/intel-camera.jsonld 17:00:57 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_UseCase_WebConf 17:01:34 mm: the next WoT Use Cases call will be held on Jan-26 17:01:53 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_Page#WebConf_Meetings times at your timezone :) 17:02:22 mm: people interested are encouraged to join that call 17:03:09 kaz: if you're interested but don't have access to the webex coordinate, please let me know 17:03:30 [adjourned] 17:03:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:38 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/19-wot-uc-minutes.html kaz 19:24:52 Zakim has left #wot-uc