18:54:51 RRSAgent has joined #auto 18:54:51 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/19-auto-irc 18:54:53 RRSAgent, make logs Public 18:54:54 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 18:54:55 Chair: Peter 18:54:58 Scribe: Ted 18:54:59 scribenick: ted 18:56:40 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/mid/CAHfMbK8xSHM6yvDcss9dm1FR-NpezdnBPB4sxCxT4t2g0w9TNg@mail.gmail.com 18:56:50 Agenda+ PR363 18:57:01 Agenda+ Path to FPWD for VISSv2 18:59:30 Present+ Peter, Ted 19:00:48 Present+ Ulf, Gunnar 19:02:52 Present+ MagnusF, Arman 19:04:38 zakim, next agendum 19:04:38 agendum 1 -- PR363 -- taken up [from ted] 19:04:52 Peter: I looked at the PR and don't see anything that should be a problem 19:04:59 https://github.com/w3c/automotive/pull/363 19:05:17 Ulf: the majority of the changes are in the transport document, reflecting earlier agreed on changes made to core 19:05:27 … nothing new, number of examples with syntax 19:05:38 Present+ Daniel 19:05:43 … for things like filtering 19:05:51 … also did some cleanup 19:06:52 … it should be rather non-controversail 19:09:17 [approved] 19:09:28 zakim, next agendum 19:09:28 agendum 2 -- Path to FPWD for VISSv2 -- taken up [from ted] 19:09:54 Ulf: my view is we are fairly feature complete for the intended scope of VISSv2 19:10:19 … we should perhaps do a freeze and start moving towards publication 19:11:14 … want review of use of normative terms, any chapters that would benefit from better descriptions 19:11:50 … if there are checklists we should perform, please let me know 19:13:10 Ted: @@ 19:20:09 … suggest you and I do a walk through and prepare a presentation to the group in two weeks time. pubrules@@ 19:20:15 … cfc@@ 19:20:27 Peter: shouldn't we be sure open issues are all addressed 19:20:32 Ulf: good point 19:20:45 Peter: will the privacy issue get triggered as well? 19:21:06 Ted: that was back of my mind too 19:21:37 … I'll check the Process Document about horizontal review. meeting again on Friday 19:21:54 https://www.w3.org/2020/Process-20200915/ 19:50:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/19-auto-minutes.html ted