17:59:06 RRSAgent has joined #auto 17:59:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/18-auto-irc 17:59:08 RRSAgent, make logs Public 17:59:09 Meeting: Automotive Working Group Teleconference 18:01:40 Meeting: RPC / VSC 18:01:47 Present+ Gunnar, Ted, Ulf, MagnusF 18:03:55 Present+ Glenn 18:06:25 Present+ Jon 18:08:17 [Magnus shares screen to demo a code generator he is trying to open source] 18:08:52 [seat service YAML, type defs, structs...] 18:09:43 [we can use enums. interfaces with commands but no return values] 18:10:29 [not fire and forget. state reflected in signals] 18:11:00 MagnusF: want to see if people agree on this, what we're putting into the catalog 18:11:35 … can't show code until released. there is a dbus python template, stub code IDL generator 18:12:30 … we have a dump template 18:12:46 Gunnar: you look at ginga (python templating system)? 18:13:23 MagnusF: back in JLR days and forget what we didn't like about it. cheeta works, bit difficult to read 18:24:01 MagnusF: intent is to have enough Franca compatability 18:24:07 Gunnar: YAML syntax a bit different 18:24:11 … if you are formal about parsing, there is potential to have different ways to represent syntax tree 18:24:26 MagnusF: we have a formal syntax though 18:24:44 Gunnar: I guess it depends on how it is parsed and what the python objects look like 18:25:10 MagnusF: it mirrors and expands the tree 18:26:03 Gunnar: there are some Franca/python couplings that might be worth looking at 18:26:14 scribenick: ted 18:26:43 MagnusF: purpose of all this is to agree on service catalog format, integrate VSS into it 18:28:34 … we have configuration service, deployment file... service file 18:28:56 … I do simple key/value storage for sake of demonstration, would be tied to back end 18:29:20 … I also did a simple http service to be able to GET values 18:30:16 … we then start creating interfaces... interface file picked up from extensions 18:31:11 … even though it doesn't look great, the generated code works 18:32:10 [demo starting config server, client and client profile] 18:32:39 Gunnar: what is a profile here? 18:32:54 MagnusF: user profile, music stations, seat position... 18:33:13 … it allows you to support multiple users (drivers) 18:33:53 … the intersting thing will be in rust, mixing and matching python, rust and later RPC 18:34:04 … you can mix and match between languages and networks 18:35:21 … this is what I intend to open source, will work on rust and a powerpoint to better present 18:35:52 … I understand this may compete with WoT. I see it more as a backdrop for conversation 18:37:29 Ted: I see WoT as a bridge, short and long term as IoT will be desireable after we settle on rpc and it gets established 18:38:32 Gunnar: AGL has a rest interface with JSON, we may want a wrapper for that as well 18:38:48 MagnusF: there may be multiple mappings 18:39:58 Gunnar: big picture for CVII we can make clear the different paths for same purpose. in some cases there will be legacy technology but still benefit from a common underlying model 18:40:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/18-auto-minutes.html ted 18:40:43 MagnusF: resulting in different code generators potentially? 18:41:09 Gunnar: yes, but we will see the same VSS/VSC data types, meanings etc 18:41:32 MagnusF: we want model passthrough 18:41:44 … I will look into ginga 18:47:06 YSS and YAML. unattended delivery 18:47:26 Ted will take an initial pass after finishing a grant proposal 18:47:50 MagnusF: I need to think about how to roll VSS into this 18:48:02 … do we want to treat VSS as properties on a global level? 18:48:08 … or we do we treat them as events? 18:48:23 Gunnar: settable and gettable 18:48:49 MagnusF: event for maybe actuation 18:49:06 Gunnar: property if we look at the protocols with get/set and subscription 18:49:12 … an obersvable property 18:49:29 MagnusF: this is going to get interesting. are we going to use RPC to set signals? 18:49:49 … if not... 18:50:26 Gunnar: we discussed what an actuator is. actuator can be written, sensors for only reading 18:50:48 … if you look at the other side, someone/something is writing the value inside the system 18:53:31 Ted: in some cases the events will set/change values and in different order 18:54:31 Gunnars: events are distinct. signals can be confused with events. we may want the named events in VSS tree 18:56:03 MagnusF: then it is an integration question, how to incorporate 18:56:41 Ted: I don't want to go too far in this discussion without Daniel 18:56:52 Gunnar: speculation and discussion fine 18:57:03 … we're not making decisions 18:57:04 Ted: agree 18:58:04 MagnusF: we can extend VSS with an event concept 18:58:18 Gunnar: that is a possiblity 18:59:13 MagnusF: I'll give it more thought 19:10:27 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/18-auto-minutes.html ted 19:10:29 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Gunnar, Ted, Ulf, MagnusF, Glenn, Jon 19:10:29 Zakim has left #auto 19:10:30 I see no action items