12:01:51 RRSAgent has joined #wot-marketing 12:01:51 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/12-wot-marketing-irc 12:02:46 Meeting: WoT Marketing 12:02:56 dape has joined #wot-marketing 12:03:08 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Daniel_Peintner, Kunihiko_Toumura, Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:03:12 Chair: Sebastian 12:03:16 sebastian has joined #wot-marketing 12:06:26 scribe: dape 12:06:37 TOPIC: previous minutes 12:06:46 Mizushima has joined #wot-marketing 12:06:47 https://www.w3.org/2020/12/08-wot-marketing-minutes.html 12:07:07 SK: talked about webpage, also with Coralie 12:07:13 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Jan_12.2C_2021 12:07:30 present+ Tomoaki_Mizushima 12:07:41 SK: mainly discusses web page topics 12:07:57 ... made also resolution abozut URLs pointing to new content 12:08:32 ... no objections --> minutes approved 12:08:39 TOPIC: Status Animation video 12:08:54 SK: shared new version via email also 12:09:13 q+ 12:09:45 ... will play it now in the call also 12:12:50 SK: some gaps, no voice over 12:13:07 ... fixed in final version 12:13:35 ... story (text) is available already 12:13:44 q+ 12:13:58 ... I am OK with the video 12:14:30 ... hope it addresses many people (with different kind of background) 12:16:37 ... Coralie asked whether voice over is final? 12:17:06 ... i think I misunderstood the comment.. the voice over will be done by English native speaker 12:17:39 ... Coralie also missed W3C mentioning.. i pointed her to the places 12:17:48 q? 12:18:04 ack dape 12:18:24 Kaz: Video is nice and I am ok 12:18:28 ... 2 comments 12:18:36 ... story is a bit vague 12:19:38 ... giving more details might be useful (no additional scene necessary) 12:21:11 SK: need to be careful where is the best fit and whether the time frame is sufficient 12:21:36 ... do you have some proposal? 12:21:49 Kaz: Borrow some text from press release? 12:22:02 ack kaz 12:22:24 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Jan_12.2C_2021 12:23:05 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/04/pressrelease-wot-rec.html press release 12:23:15 s|https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Marketing_WebConf#Jan_12.2C_2021|| 12:24:01 Web technologies enable the full potential of the Internet of Things by interconnecting platforms, devices, and cloud services 12:24:20 Kaz: e.g., "Web technologies enable the full potential of the Internet of Things by interconnecting platforms, devices, and cloud services" 12:24:55 ... also "Wot standard" instead of "W3C activity" 12:25:39 Kaz: 2nd comment; ask accessibility people before doing the final voice over 12:25:47 ... could ask Josh for example 12:26:26 SK: We are already quite late in the process 12:26:52 ... we might expect additional fees again 12:29:05 ... this (or similar) video exists for a long time 12:29:32 Kaz: I just fear complaints from accessibility view point once we publish the video 12:30:11 ... we asked Josh already in the past but there seems to be more additional content 12:31:37 SK: Kaz, can you ask Josh 12:31:44 Kaz: Yes, will do 12:34:00 SK: IF there are changes we need to decide "who" can pay for it 12:34:13 .. Coralie seems to be fine with the current content 12:38:26 SK: w.r.t the additional text we need to make sure that it does not become to much text in the end 12:38:59 Kaz: or replace some parts of the existing text.... 12:40:17 ... meaning is identical. we can choose 12:44:28 >> general discussions "which" text might be better << 12:45:21 Kaz: If there is no strong preference we should keep the current text 12:45:24 SK: OK 12:45:38 Kaz: we should change activity with standard 12:45:42 SK: Makes sense 12:45:57 ... will inform Coralie again 12:46:46 TOPIC: Status new website 12:46:55 SK: PR https://github.com/w3c/wot-marketing/pull/104 12:47:02 ... proposal for TD task force 12:47:58 q+ 12:49:42 ack dape 12:49:54 DP: wonder whether bindings should be part os this task force? 12:49:58 SK: not sure either 12:50:14 ... currently its part of this activity 12:50:17 DP: makes sense 12:51:47 SK: Not sure whether we should point to the acual TD/Binding documents 12:51:53 q+ 12:52:01 DP: Scripting does have it.. architecture does not have such a link 12:53:02 see https://w3c.github.io/wot-thing-description/ 12:56:20 SK: added both links 12:56:30 .. OK to merge? 12:56:43 Kaz: OK with article itself 12:57:56 ... wonder whether "Activities" is the right term... task Force? 12:59:13 DP: term came from McCool -> let's create issue and discuss it again 12:59:44 SK: Merged TD text 12:59:55 TOPIC: Wikipedia 12:59:58 SK. short note 13:00:14 ... spend some tmie working on wikipedia entry 13:00:19 ... still under review 13:01:07 [adjourned] 13:01:16 rrsagent, make log public 13:01:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:01:20 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/12-wot-marketing-minutes.html kaz 14:57:49 zkis2 has joined #wot-marketing 15:04:23 Zakim has left #wot-marketing 15:08:51 zkis3 has joined #wot-marketing