13:44:56 RRSAgent has joined #social 13:44:56 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/09-social-irc 14:03:06 Hi all, we're having a Social CG meeting in 1 hour, in jitsi and here, about the Fediverse Enhancement Proposals https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/2021-01-09-socialcg-meeting-fep/1246 14:29:45 remy has joined #social 14:39:06 jarofgreen has joined #social 14:48:08 Just to be clear, https://meet.jit.si/ScatteredConsequencesActRegardless is the jitsi link, correct? 14:51:25 nightpool[m]: yep! 14:52:56 +👌 14:55:36 Zakim, start meeting 14:55:36 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:55:37 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), rhiaro 14:55:41 hello, joining 14:55:43 one sec 14:55:46 Meeting: Social Web Incubator CG 14:57:48 present+ 14:57:55 present+ 14:58:09 present+ 14:58:43 joining, 1 sec 14:59:07 present+ 14:59:27 present+ 14:59:30 present+ 14:59:49 present+ bashrc 15:00:39 I can do scribe! 15:00:53 scribe: nightpool[m] 15:00:57 chair: cwebber2 15:01:52 agenda: https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/2021-01-09-socialcg-meeting-fep/1246 15:02:09 scribenick: nightpool[m] 15:03:27 topic: Amy/Rhiaro as co-chair 15:03:47 cwebber2 (IRC): This group currently has 3 cochairs: myself, aaron perecki (sp?) and nightpool 15:05:11 ... you may notice the socialcg has still been struggling with respect to organization, and I talked to amy, and amy has a lot of ideas and is very knowledgeable and involved with the way the W3C is structured 15:05:17 PROPOSED: Make rhiaro / Amy Guy co-chair of the SocialCG 15:05:19 +1 15:05:31 +1 but I'm biased 15:05:39 paul has joined #social 15:05:50 ... so I talked to the three other co-chairs, and we all agreed 15:06:03 +1 ! 15:06:47 +1 (but i’m unsure about voting eligability) 15:07:07 +1 15:07:11 +1 15:07:14 sandro: +1 15:07:18 present+ sandro 15:07:32 RESOLVED: Make rhiaro / Amy Guy co-chair of the SocialCG 15:08:12 Topic: The Fediverse Enhancement Proposal process 15:08:26 cwebber: we're proceeding with pukkamustard here, CJ, are you okay with representing it? 15:08:47 cjslep: Yes, I talked to pukkamustard before the meeting and we're okay to go ahead 15:08:48 https://git.activitypub.dev/ActivityPubDev/Fediverse-Enhancement-Proposals/src/branch/main/feps/fep-a4ed.md 15:09:40 cjslep: Going back to APConf last year, we had some BoF sessions where we wanted a lightweight way to discuss improvments to activitypub and communicate in a way that provides for cross-software or cross-developer communication 15:10:27 ... it's really design to be a lightweight way, so i don't know if it could be considered a "standards" process, but the name was inspired by Python's PEP process or the XMPPEP(?) process 15:11:07 ... I'm not very familiar with these processes, but I know there were some concerns raised due to the similarities wrt that process, but we wanted something that was much more lightweight then those processes generally are 15:12:14 q+ 15:12:36 ... We just set up a Gitea instance at random, and we had one proposal from Claire (mastodon developer), and that seemed to work very well, and it engendered a really robust discussion within the community 15:12:42 q+ 15:12:48 ack cwebber2 15:12:50 ... and we just wanted to open up the floor to feedback from members of the community 15:12:50 ack cwebber 15:13:00 q+ to talk more about the mastodon side of Claire's proposal 15:14:29 q? 15:14:35 cwebber: I like it, it definitely doesn't have the full stnadardization process that say a w3c standard would, but it's not intended to, and I like how it provides for a way of creating new ideas that we can then take into a new WG charter or something similar 15:14:37 ack rhiaro 15:14:42 s/stnadardization/standardization 15:15:15 rhiaro (IRC): I agree, I read through it earlier, and I thought it was very good. It's lightweight, easy to read. 15:15:36 ... one way we can connect it to the CG is when things come down to the final stage, they can be published as a community group report 15:16:08 https://www.w3.org/community/socialcg/ 15:16:10 ... that way it gets a w3 URL and it makes it much easier to transition it into a W3 WG spec down the line if we want to 15:16:43 ... Although we may want to make that optional, in case people don't want to join the CG 15:17:02 q? 15:17:18 ack nightpool[m] 15:17:18 nightpool[m], you wanted to talk more about the mastodon side of Claire's proposal 15:17:43 nightpool[m]: I wanted to give a bit more reflection of my experience of the process when I helped Claire go through it with the follower collection syncing proposal 15:18:09 sandro has joined #social 15:18:28 btw if you need a second implementation of that FEP, I might try implementing it in Smithereen 15:18:52 q+ 15:18:59 nightpool[m]: my understanding is we still haven't merged that code for a few reasons, one is open questions on our side, but to our side it feels like we haven't gone through the process. from that perspective I think we were hoping for more consensus than we got from the process, where it seems like it's more to reflect the processes of what one application is doing, which is valuable but maybe not what we're looking for in this 15:18:59 specific case 15:19:12 https://git.activitypub.dev/ActivityPubDev/Fediverse-Enhancement-Proposals/src/branch/main/feps/fep-a4ed.md nightpool[m] 15:20:16 nightpool[m]: I guess the only other thing I have is... it's good for people to get their implementations in front of us so we can find more spaces of commonality... on the other hand if we rubber stamp everything that comes through as a lightweight process if we'll come to a point where everything does slightly different things in slightly different ways which might make it harder to converge on a future spec. not sure there's a good 15:20:16 way to avoid that either 15:20:19 q? 15:20:26 ack cjslep[m] 15:21:00 cjslep: I definitely agree with nightpool, and I understand how the FEP process can be disappointing in that regard 15:21:14 ... because it wasn't designed to give that kind of feedback 15:21:34 ... it was designed so you can push your things out and let you communicate about it without necessarily coming to a consensus 15:21:37 +1 cjslep 15:21:56 q? 15:21:59 ... and the CG could look at a wide range of FEPs when starting a potential standardization proccess 15:22:01 q+ 15:22:08 ack cwebber2 15:22:11 ack cwebber 15:22:28 ... I don't have any good solutions either but i think it was intentional for it to be that way 15:23:01 cwebber: It strikes me that a lightweight process is useful even if it's not a full process 15:23:08 ... because a lot of things are happening, and we don't even have them documented 15:23:19 ... and that's a much worse solution then when lots of things are happening and we do have them documented 15:24:04 ... To another end, I think this ties in to something else that we were talking aobut with the SocialCG. Now that we're using Jitsi, which supports video calls 15:24:51 ... We've had problems with doing things regularly, and not having enough things to work on on a rigorous schedule, and not having enough meetings to cover the topics when not doing a rigorous schedule. 15:25:03 "here are groups in Smithereen, here's how they work…. oops they don't" :D 15:25:14 q? 15:25:34 ... We've talked about doing a more "show-and-tell" sort of process, where people come and present on what they're working on, and maybe it would be good to couple that with a FEP, so people come and present their projects and what they're working on 15:25:39 ... alongside an FEP 15:26:11 cwebber2 (IRC): It might be useful to have a proposal at this time, let me type something out 15:26:43 present+ humanetech 15:27:23 DRAFT PROPOSED: The SocialCG should support the FEP (Fediverse Enhancement Proposal) process as a way of documenting extensions to the fediverse and encourage bringing FEP proposals for discussion to the SocialCG. 15:27:25 nightpool[m]: mastodon did in the end merge the follower sync proposal 15:28:23 q+ 15:28:30 ack cjslep[m] 15:28:49 cwebber2 (IRC): There are a couple of things not captured here, including governance for the FEP process, as well as "graduation" or anything that comes after the FEP process 15:28:56 ... not sure whether we should be adding anything on top of that 15:29:02 q+ 15:29:07 ack rhiaro 15:29:34 cjslep: Wanted to highlight here that we currently have an "editor" role in the FEP process, which is curerntly me, pukkamustard (IRC), and lain_soykaf (IRC) 15:29:55 PROPOSED: The SocialCG should support the FEP (Fediverse Enhancement Proposal) process as a way of documenting extensions to the fediverse and encourage bringing FEP proposals for discussion to the SocialCG. 15:29:57 +1 15:30:03 +1 15:30:07 +1 15:30:08 +1 15:30:26 qq: am i allowed to vote? 15:30:31 +1 15:30:54 +1 15:31:03 +1 if we also widen the group of editors or change that process in some way to make it more clear what editors are doing 15:31:22 rhiaro: it is good for socialcg to support the FEP process and encouarge overlap. We can think about governance and CG report graduation separately 15:31:32 RESOLVED: The SocialCG should support the FEP (Fediverse Enhancement Proposal) process as a way of documenting extensions to the fediverse and encourage bringing FEP proposals for discussion to the SocialCG. 15:32:42 topic: Structure of W3C Social CG and official site 15:33:00 cwebber2 (IRC): woo! 2 proposals! 15:33:05 https://activitypub.rocks/news/overdue-site-updates.html 15:33:17 ... Let's see if there's anything else on the waitlist we can knock out easily 15:33:27 rhiaro: I had a similar problem, some email providers don't accept those emails for some reason 15:33:34 had this with APConf as well 15:33:36 topic: The not existing official Test Suite and making the inofficial an official 15:34:29 cwebber2 (IRC): I think we've made good progress on the activitypub.rocks page this week, it's been updated with things people have been requesting and points to test.activityrocks.dev, which is cjslep's test suite instead of the broken test.activitypub.rocks 15:34:29 ... round of applause to cjslep for making sure the fediverse has a working test suite! 15:34:31 q+ to talk about upcoming meeting schedule 15:34:51 topic: Upcoming meeting schedule 15:34:53 ack rhiaro 15:34:53 rhiaro, you wanted to talk about upcoming meeting schedule 15:35:17 https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/upcoming-socialcg-meetings/1257/5 15:35:19 rhiaro (IRC): I took the waitlist and turned it into a meeting schedule 15:35:51 humanetech has joined #social 15:36:08 rhiaro (IRC): I just arbitrarily assigned them days and times, alternating fridays and saturdays, so people can see if they can make the times for topics they're interested in 15:37:19 q? 15:37:39 rhiaro (IRC): We've been alternating between Friday's and Saturday's to accommodate people who can't come due to work or due to the weekend, we can continue doing that for now and move topics around to accommodate people's availability. 15:37:57 agenda+ the incoming wave 15:38:16 cwebber2 (IRC): Since we've already gotten through the stuff on our agenda for the week, is there anything else we should work on for the rest of the meeting? 15:38:52 topic: the incoming wave 15:38:53 rhiaro (IRC): Neither, I'd prefer to do a "any other business" section to open the floor to anything else that we haven't planned to address 15:39:05 q+ for the Policy group thing 15:39:40 sandro (IRC): If I understand correctly, over the last 2 days all major platforms have banned Trump and possibly some amount of his followers (possibly around 500k accounts removed?) 15:39:47 q+ 15:40:15 q+ to talk to gab 15:40:25 ... They were thinking of moving to Parler, although it's banned from the app store and we don't know much about if they're going to be able to stay there, with it removed from the app store 15:41:02 ... so I think the fediverse at some point is going to need to deal with them maybe coming here, and figuring with what comes next 15:41:13 .. and there's some opportunity here for us, with expertise, to help the world manage that problem 15:41:58 https://conf.tube/videos/watch/a5d5675e-3ccb-488b-8759-1dc0420e395f 15:42:05 cwebber2 (IRC): Sandro, you might not be privy to what's happened to gab over the last year, are you? 15:42:24 ... They left the fediverse, and said f*%! activitypub, basically. 15:43:01 ack nightpool[m] 15:43:01 nightpool[m], you wanted to discuss the Policy group thing and to talk to gab 15:43:03 ... I linked a video where that explains kind of what happened, where they made a big deal about leaving the fediverse 15:43:27 nightpool[m]: the gab thing.. I was doing some research into this. they are still running a fork of mastodon, though they have rewritten the frontend 15:43:32 ... and ripped out all of the federation 15:43:40 ... and added features that have no federated equivalent 15:43:51 ... that's not to say all of the alt right troll are gone from the fediverse 15:44:13 ... some big names still run instances 15:44:28 ... the vast majority moved off with gab. Still yet to see what's goign to happen there 15:44:45 ... the fediverse itself is pretty good at circulating block requests but it doesn't say they could still develop their own alt right fediverse by connecting together 15:44:53 ... is there something we can do about that? what is the next step? 15:45:07 ... right now gab is gone and they are advocating to other alt right friends that not to use activitypub 15:45:23 sandro: it's great symbolically that they dont' want to use mastodon code because mastodon isn't their kind of people 15:45:46 q+ 15:45:47 ... they can't just use gab cos they ripped otu federation so that will slow them down. but nothing there that stops them from using AP or some other codebase for making a facist fediverse 15:45:50 q? 15:46:09 ack cwebber 15:46:13 cwebber2: I have been a vocal skeptic that the allow/deny list approach is going to work long term 15:46:17 cwebber2 (IRC): As a note, I have been a vocal skeptic that the allow/denylist approach will work long term 15:46:21 ... what surprised me over the last year is how well it did manage to work to at least disuade gab 15:46:24 ack cjslep[m] 15:46:37 ... but I think what surprised me over the last year was how well it did work to dissuade gab 15:47:29 cjslep: One thing I saw consistently from voices on the fediverse, including playvicious.social, was calls for improvement for tooling for handling these kind of cases 15:47:57 ... one thing I think may help personally is having more interoperability with moderated actions, possibly arrived at with a FEP like process 15:48:04 q? 15:48:13 q+ 15:48:19 ack cwebber 15:48:55 sandro (IRC): Yeah, I've been on the "we need better moderator" tooling thread for a long time, but i'm realizing it might not have a lot of benefits here when you're talking about 8 million people 15:49:04 .. and maybe there's something we can do with software licensing. 15:50:25 privacy settings! 15:50:33 cwebber2 (IRC): I would disagree with going down the software licensing route, but I think that if there's something we can do here to make sure users who don't want to be exposed to these type of things aren't exposed to them, i think that's a big goal here 15:50:40 q+ 15:51:11 ... because historically, we've had private nazi forums for as long as we've had the internet, and a lot of this organizing has happened literally behind closed doors 15:51:34 ... and a lot of the storming the capital planning happened in closed fora 15:51:41 ack Grishka 15:51:54 ... so I think we need to acknowledge our limits and scope this to what we're practically able to achieve. 15:52:16 ... since we cannot prevent other people from using protocols to communicate 15:52:17 s/a lot of the storming the capital planning happened in closed fora/a lot of the storming the capital planning happened on open forums/ 15:52:47 Grishka (IRC): privacy settings on Interaction is something that can help solve this 15:52:59 q? 15:53:09 ... for example, if you set up "only ___ can reply to my post" or "I only see notifications from people I follow" 15:53:18 https://gitlab.com/spritely/ocappub/blob/master/README.org 15:53:20 ... you can protect yourself from some of these types of content 15:53:49 cwebber2 (IRC): I will note that OCapPub addresses some of these interaction concerns, but it's not tested or implemented yet 15:54:08 (and on the other side of this: something something filter bubbles are bad) 15:54:14 ... I suggest we spread some of these discussions out over the next several meetings, since I don't think we have a solution here but this conversation isn't going away 15:54:20 q+ 15:54:35 present+ trwnh 15:54:56 services like Facebook do the opposite btw — they make it nigh impossible to guard yourself from content outside of your circles 15:54:57 ... I don't think it's going away in the following way: this organizing happened in public, and it's already leading to calls for banning end-to-end encryption 15:55:22 ack sandro 15:55:36 q? 15:55:46 Topic: Policy Group 15:56:15 nightpool[m]: I've been following the forum discussions about the policy group but did not get a great sense for what it's role was or the kind of goal of the committee 15:56:17 q+ 15:56:27 ack cwebber 15:56:52 I've put that on the meeting schedule for next Friday too 15:57:48 cwebber2 (IRC): we've had a few informal socialcg meetings about it, as well as a few meetings with policy groups from the EU about it 15:58:21 Facebook would do to AP what Gmail did to SMTP 15:58:32 *if* Facebook chooses AP 15:58:49 ... And discussions about the proposed EU interoperability law, which doesn't say much yet except for the word "gatekeepers" repeated over and over throughout the document 15:59:30 ... and the concern was around organizations adopting the protocol and then closing it off, like we saw with Google and Facebook and XMPP 16:00:16 ... and then we moved to discussions about how legislatures aren't aware that non-centralized approaches exist 16:01:09 ... and how to make sure that the legislation doesn't harm decentralized approaches and make sure that regulators are aware that these alternatives exist 16:01:16 q? 16:02:27 q+ 16:02:37 nightpool[m]: that makes a lot of sense... I guess I'm wondering from the technical land of what this group is good at and has an expertise in, what's the best way for us to approach it that's not necessarily presenting ourselves as a policy or political body which I don't think we have the setup or expertise or chops to be. but I think there's a lot of good goals here and we should do our best to make sure that we're providing the 16:02:37 technical options while deferring to other voices in the fediverse who may be better set up to provide the political options 16:02:47 q+ 16:02:51 ack rhiaro 16:03:42 rhiaro: I agree nightpool with what you said. I haven't been super closely following the recent policy stuff, but what I think would be good would be to have people who are very well qualified and active in brussels etc to report back here (and we had some of those here) 16:04:39 cwebber2 (IRC): I would like to note as Amy mentioned that we did have some of those people here, and that was the goal as of the place we left it last time, and that most of the people in the Policy group are connected to these kind of issues, and 16:04:51 ... it's a different composition then the people who show up to this group 16:05:11 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:05:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/09-social-minutes.html rhiaro 16:05:15 RRSAgent make logs public 16:05:20 RRSAgent, make minutes public 16:05:20 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', rhiaro. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:05:28 Zakim, make minutes public 16:05:28 I don't understand 'make minutes public', rhiaro 16:05:31 cwebber2 (IRC): and that will be the topic of our meeting next time! next Friday 16:05:33 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:05:36 rhiaro (IRC)++ 16:05:46 cjslep++ 16:05:46 cjslep has 1 karma over the last year 16:05:55 rhiaro++ 16:05:56 rhiaro has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels) 16:06:23 Zakim, end meeting 16:06:23 As of this point the attendees have been 👌, cwebber, rhiaro, nightpool[m], cjslep[m], jarofgreen, Grishka, bashrc, sandro, humanetech, trwnh 16:06:25 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:06:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/09-social-minutes.html Zakim 16:06:28 I am happy to have been of service, rhiaro; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:06:32 Zakim has left #social 16:07:02 haha, I can't believe it picked up my emoji reaction as a present + ! 16:08:21 I like how two bots talk to each other 16:09:31 rhiaro (IRC): RE the gitea instance emails: I know the emails are prone to being marked as spam since gitea is just using basic sendmail to issue the emails. I'm not a wizard at email configuration. :( I can manually mark your account as activated if you'd like, however this means that you still probably wouldn't receive the notification emails that the instance sends. 16:10:39 wow the meeting logs recently got much fancier https://www.w3.org/2021/01/09-social-minutes.html 16:10:45 thanks cjslep[m] ... hmm.. I don't have any spam filtering on the server side of my email afaik and it's not going into junk on the client side.. I'll dig in a bit more though in case I missed something 16:10:58 yeah cwebber2! I was asking in sysreq earlier how we get the fancy new css, but it seems we've switched over automagically :D 16:11:06 :D 16:11:25 With your permission, I can also manually send a test email to your account, rhiaro (IRC). 16:11:42 cjslep[m]: yes, go for it 16:12:23 my emails go through dreamhost, they might have some very light spam filtering, going to look now 16:12:45 I have issued the test email. 16:13:35 cjslep[m]: you might also configure a different more reputable mail provider, maybe? 16:14:16 I will add it to my list of things to do. :) 16:14:25 wow I'm really impressed by that CSS! I took a look at the scribe code last year when I was figuring out the bot ropes and it was so incredibly complicated 16:14:48 cjslep[m]: what is the domain the email is coming from? I'll explicitly add it to an allow list on the server side. Though I don't see anything on server side that is filtering anything out at the moment 16:15:06 git.activitypub.dev 16:16:32 Or that server's IP. 16:18:03 ps. if the wave *does* come with, say, 20m users, even moderated away to a separate space, then it is 4m against 20m.. bye bye fedi-as-we-know-it: a public image problem arises. 16:19:59 humanetech: yep.. sandro ^ 16:20:33 in that light even public discussion might trigger ideas with the wrong ppl 17:05:04 [@elidourado] ↩️ Better protocols than RSS exist specifically for social data https://www.w3.org/TR/social-web-protocols/ (https://twitter.com/_/status/1347952401102331906) 17:51:01 actually, I don't think it's really a big issue 17:51:30 mere existence of bad actors IS a big issue on centralized services because those have recommendations 17:52:06 and the very purpose of those it to forcefully expose you to content that you didn't consent to be exposed to 17:53:10 on fediverse, you can't just randomly see posts outside of your network — you gotta specifically browse those profiles, or they have to actively interact with you by e.g. mentioning you or replying to you 17:54:45 and privacy settings I was talking about would give the users control they need to essentially preemptively block those they don't want to see 18:02:38 dmitriz has joined #social 18:09:30 grishka: I think part of what humanetech was talking about was that even if the fediverse users aren't impacted, the public perception of the fediverse would change dramatically if we get a flood of nazi users 18:15:14 of course it's as important as ever, PR-wise, to emphasize that there is no single entity running the whole thing and it should be thought of as many interconnected communities 18:19:30 Yes, I meant the PR / public opinion aspect. Like fedi being the big bad dark web, very easily depicted as such by other parties, and easy too as it sticks in the minds of ppl who hadn't heard of it before. 18:21:50 Growing in numbers, Fediverse name recognition and such, 'branding' of the fedi is very important in that regard, imho. Most of the grassroots growth so far came from tech circles, but more is needed to become prepared for the masses. 18:22:08 Same with EU Policy thing.. 18:22:50 *iif* a big tech platform were to adopt AP we need to be able to handle the influx. 18:22:51 the explanation that I found works best is "like email but social media" 18:23:31 because email is a federated system and it's familiar to literally anyone who has ever used the internet 18:25:14 Yes, but you also mentioned the problem here. That in the mind of most ppl email means Gmail, or maybe Hotmail or whatever. And mail from your small-time mail server ends up in Spam box at the Gmail end. 18:25:53 you then proceed to explain that each server is independently owned and operated, and has its own rules it's moderated in accordance with, and if you don't agree with existing servers, you can always make your own 18:26:42 spam will inevitably be a problem in the fediverse as it grows, it's just that it's now possible to deal with it manually 18:27:03 this is the kind of tradeoff you get when you make the whole system open to anyone 18:28:05 Agree. But this explanation is already sorta technical. Your grandma or teen daughter doesn't care about this. I referred to the spam in the way that your small mailserver is less effective in being 'part of the whole'. It it the big shots that have taken over. 18:28:25 it's either centralized and you have to solve captchas, upload IDs and do other kinds of humiliating procedures when you're suspected as being a spammer, or it's decentralized and you have to filter the spam on the receiving end 18:29:27 Also agree. I guess it is more a question when Fedi is ready to handle these scenario's. Are we mature enough at this moment to do so? 18:29:40 humanetech: are you suggesting that there will be centralization like there was with email? 18:29:50 I am full in on decentralized web. 18:30:17 There might be. Might play out a bit differently than with email. 18:30:18 uh, Smithereen doesn't implement any sort of blocking as of right now… :D 18:30:34 not even individual account blocking 18:31:11 Do you intend to add that still? 18:31:38 (are there proper message replies on IRC and it's just that my client sucks?) 18:31:54 of course I do, it's an important feature to make it actually usable 18:32:14 Ah, just asking. Maybe it was intentional :D 18:32:40 Suppose FB was forced to be interoperable and they embraced AP for that.. 18:32:46 What would they do? 18:32:58 for which? 18:33:15 they'd introduce a lot of vocabulary I presume 18:33:28 like the exact sort of thing I'm doing right now 18:33:40 Yes, and maybe they would also break up their centralized server in tons of virtual instances. 18:33:52 And too they would take the lead in protocol development 18:33:58 and btw I'm going to write a FEP about collections that anyone can add objects to 18:34:19 that's an important construct and I'm surprised it's not part of the AP spec 18:34:20 That's cool. 18:34:41 it's useful for many things that aren't microblogging 18:34:51 walls are this, photo albums are this 18:35:04 Yeah, I'd like to see different domains being added. Lots of them.. 18:35:29 especially photo albums in groups, where many people can upload photos to one album 18:36:38 I'd like to see groups span multiple instance (or instance-independant) 18:36:49 what do you mean? 18:37:26 the groups I'm making are VK-style, in that you join them (from any instance obviously) and then see various updates in them in your feed 18:37:42 Maybe this is already possible. Dunno. But if you have a community, it is not bound to the instance where it was created. 18:38:03 can't imagine how this could work 18:38:16 Probably can't atm. 18:38:36 AP objects have identifiers, and those are URLs, and the domain of the URL, by definition, is the server that has an absolute authority over that object 18:39:05 so there has to be one server that hosts the group 18:39:07 Matrix does a similar thing with how it sets up rooms, but to me it seems a little wrong-headed.... you're going to almost always want to know which instance is "authoritative" for any given group 18:40:15 Yeah, for Matrix I am also curious. I set some stuff up on matrix.org but want to move to feneas.org now. 18:40:17 so for Smithereen, as groups can't exist by themselves, the group is hosted on the same server as its creator 18:40:30 as in, groups aren't accounts in their own right 18:40:58 part of the open-world model AP operates under is that, unlike IRC, things are namespaced and have an authority associated with them. so if groups were "portable" between servers, it would be kind of a step back in that regard 18:41:40 The URI thing is in current spec, but might be extend in later versions. How would it work in P2P AP for instance? 18:42:08 Where e.g. my mobile phone is my personal actor. 18:42:21 Can't host a group. 18:42:35 in a theoretical P2P ap, it would be a URI with a different authority scheme, for example something like TOR's public key onion router host names instead of DNS 18:42:41 there's no such thing as P2P AP 18:43:04 No, but there's talk about it for the future.. 18:43:31 Would be great if there was a mixed federated + p2p model. 18:43:35 but yes, you can obviously run AP in an overlay network, I think Mastodon actually supports running through TOR 18:44:35 yes, although i'm just using that as a example of a non-dns based authority scheme 18:45:02 the problem with p2p is the user experience — the setup is usually somewhat intimidating, and it can't run in a web browser, you need a client 18:45:56 pukkamustard I believe intends to research p2p. Was part of openEngiadina future research, but now moved to https://dream.public.cat/ (I think) 18:45:58 if you remove the requirement of TLS, you could, in principle, run AP without domains, using just IP addresses 18:46:26 so that's already one possibility 18:46:29 And cj is thinking of implementing a gossiping facility in Go 18:47:05 and speaking of p2p stuff, I want global search that actually works 18:47:33 very important. 18:50:58 humanetech has left #social 18:56:32 my basic idea is to use a DHT, this would work for looking up actors by various keys, like centralized account IDs, because that's what hash tables do, distributed or not 18:56:58 the bigger problem, though, that I know no solution to, is storing lists to which everyone could append 18:57:20 those, obviously, would be extremely useful for things like hashtags 18:58:26 nevertheless, the DHT idea solves the dreaded "I signed up for a fediverse account, now what" problem 18:59:20 because you would then connect your centralized accounts, or import GDPR exports, or something else, to find the people you already know, wherever they are