13:24:41 RRSAgent has joined #rqtf 13:24:41 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/06-rqtf-irc 13:24:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:24:43 Zakim has joined #rqtf 13:24:45 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 13:24:45 Date: 06 January 2021 13:24:50 chair: jasonjgw 13:24:54 present+ 13:26:20 agenda+ RTC Accessibility User Requirements (RAUR) open issues. 13:27:17 agenda+ Future Task Force publication opportunities and the APA Working Group Charter proposal. 13:28:04 agenda+ W3C Workshop on Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range for the Web. 13:28:18 agenda+ MiniApp accessibility. 13:29:12 agenda+ Miscellaneous updates and topics relevant to Task Force work. 13:29:21 present+ 13:29:36 zakim, list agenda 13:29:36 I see 5 items remaining on the agenda: 13:29:37 1. RTC Accessibility User Requirements (RAUR) open issues. [from jasonjgw] 13:29:37 2. Future Task Force publication opportunities and the APA Working Group Charter proposal. [from jasonjgw] 13:29:37 3. W3C Workshop on Wide Color Gamut and High Dynamic Range for the Web. [from jasonjgw] 13:29:37 4. MiniApp accessibility. [from jasonjgw] 13:29:38 5. Miscellaneous updates and topics relevant to Task Force work. [from jasonjgw] 13:55:47 janina has joined #rqtf 13:55:59 present+ 13:56:09 JPaton has joined #RQTF 13:58:02 JPaton_ has joined #RQTF 14:01:44 present+ 14:02:13 scott_h has joined #rqtf 14:04:39 present+ 14:05:34 Judy has joined #rqtf 14:05:53 scribe: scott_h 14:06:09 zakim, next item 14:06:09 agendum 1 -- RTC Accessibility User Requirements (RAUR) open issues. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:06:57 josh: starting to work through RAUR issues 14:07:11 TOPIC: NEW Use Case Pinning audio output #118 14:07:18 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/118 14:07:42 josh: new use case for pinning audio output 14:08:17 josh: mutkple use cases fo rpinning something, different items for different TTS/audio items 14:08:30 janina: does that make sense? 14:08:54 jjason: direct to channels via shortcut key 14:09:03 There may be a broader issue around the use of the term pinning 14:09:16 is it relevant for this case? 14:09:17 janina: eg pinning parts of screen to braille display 14:09:24 q+ to say it could be a useful catch all 14:09:43 SH: It makes sense to me. 14:09:47 scott: makes sense o tme 14:09:50 ack me 14:09:50 joconnor, you wanted to say it could be a useful catch all 14:10:09 josh: good t ohave catch-all term, pinning = sticking something on screen, whatever that is 14:11:09 janina: eg who's speaking, what message came up in chat, 14:11:13 josh: good to define that 14:11:37 use cases: audio, Brialle, 14:12:10 jason: status messages 14:12:36 e.g. who jsut arrive din ameeting, conveyed via status message 14:14:10 josh: issue of atomic intersting - audio, brialle, routing options 14:14:44 present+ 14:15:26 josh: we also have teh generic use case of routing tihngs in RAUR< cross-link 14:15:59 josh: currently have window anchoring/pinning, 14:16:34 three requirements: ability to pin (sign language/interpreter), flexible pnnning of captions, e.g. second screen rdevices 14:17:00 differential is the atomic idea 14:17:27 janina: yes, all from WCAG ACT, atomic tests. 14:17:57 Zoom have variet of views constructed on-the-fly. 14:18:32 josh: so need to add atomic and current pices of data: who's speaking, lat message, etc to pin that as new requirement 14:18:48 added to first one - 1(d) ensure that atomic pieces of date 14:18:57 in relaiton to who is speaking, last message was, can be pinned in user interface 14:19:58 janina: given we're using both ZOom and IRC, may need two sign language - multiple streams requriements? 14:20:27 judy: have been in meetings with 3,4 speech interpreters - not speculative 14:20:34 josh: yes e.g. ISL and BSL 14:21:22 https://www.evertype.com/standards/iso639/sgn.html 14:24:15 josh: have new text, updated 14:24:57 TOPIC: WebRTC needs mechanism to handle the metadata needed to re-aggregate Pinned audio content #119 14:25:02 https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues/119 14:27:22 jason: comlicated that some devices can come and go, display could all happen in midst of a session 14:28:02 josh: mentioned that if we have mutliple atomic data points for Braille spacing 14:28:21 didn't know you could break up Brialle dispaly - great example 14:29:09 jason: there are status cells, ways to put different inforation in 14:29:26 janin: yes, but can you update cells some cells wihtout others? 14:29:43 jason: yes, but the user wouldn't know 14:30:45 JOC: Adding a reference to sending atomic content to different sections of the braille display would be helpful to readers to understand the user need for atomic output 14:32:42 josh: back to piont on referring functionality within Brialle output - would help RAUR readers understanding atomic 14:32:55 janina: not much difference from a tabular display: file, size, etc. 14:33:01 josh: yes, but not common knowledge 14:35:20 JOC: Can you route live region output to different sections of a braille display? 14:35:23 JS: Not yet 14:37:12 jason: complicated when there is mutliple channels of informaotn coming in and only one channel output 14:38:35 janina makes point htat ARIA is about screen readers and speech, not screenr eaders and Brialle 14:40:58 jasoN: how's it looking regading this issue? 14:41:09 josh: still need to address what metadata means in this context 14:44:39 josh: making the point hta taomtic items may not be pinned next ot each other, but mmay have relaitonship 14:44:50 how do we capture dependencies/mechanisms? 14:45:00 janina: let the user deifne that? 14:46:39 jason: this paragraph/seciton will need some work, need discusson on github or list 14:47:21 josh: agreed, will come back with suggestions 14:48:03 zakim, next item 14:48:03 agendum 2 -- Future Task Force publication opportunities and the APA Working Group Charter proposal. -- taken up [from jasonjgw] 14:48:51 jason: the APA working group is preparaing proposal for new charter, 14:49:06 need to include deliverables inlcuding non-normative Note track 14:49:19 need to discuss with APA before end of month 14:49:37 janina: would like to send new charter end Jan/early Feb 14:49:54 how to discuss our work in a proposed charter 14:51:02 judy: good to be specificlly on technical reports that RQTF publishing through APA 14:51:24 however RQTF is also exploratory 14:53:31 RQTF was taken from a preexisitng working gorup, restrctivie to take reserach questions - new area that needs deeper dive 14:54:16 RQTF doing well - good to take a fresh look 14:56:07 jason: will discuss what we want ot work on 14:56:16 has been some discusisonon MAUR as revision opportunity 14:56:39 are there other things? 14:56:59 janina: think about that and start next week 14:57:31 need scope to explore - eg new things to add to RAUR 14:57:44 can also point to work done eg CAPTCHA 14:58:19 s/discusisonon/discussion on 14:58:33 s/gorup/group 14:58:40 judy: also consider focus on scope with more flexible deliverables 14:58:47 s/reserach/research 14:59:04 s/htat/that 14:59:15 s/screenr eaders/screen readers 14:59:33 s/hta taomtic/that atomic 14:59:42 s/mmay/may 14:59:53 s/relaitonship/relationship 15:00:05 s/informaotn/information 15:00:21 s/piont/the point 15:00:32 s/wihtout/without 15:00:47 s/inforation /information 15:01:00 s/comlicated/complicated 15:01:51 zakim, bye 15:01:51 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been jasonjgw, janina, joconnor, scott_h, JPaton_ 15:01:51 Zakim has left #rqtf 15:02:01 rrsagent, make minutes 15:02:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/06-rqtf-minutes.html jasonjgw 16:56:13 becky has joined #rqtf