14:55:05 RRSAgent has joined #pronunciation 14:55:05 logging to https://www.w3.org/2021/01/06-pronunciation-irc 14:55:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:55:07 Zakim has joined #pronunciation 14:55:09 Meeting: Spoken Pronunciation Task Force Teleconference 14:55:09 Date: 06 January 2021 14:55:21 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:55:28 zakim, agenda? 14:55:28 I see nothing on the agenda 14:55:37 paul_grenier has joined #pronunciation 14:56:16 Agenda+ Agenda Review & Announcements 14:56:24 Agenda+ APA charter 14:56:31 Agenda+ Updates on Call with PCG 14:56:37 Agenda+ Other Business 14:56:41 zakim, agenda? 14:56:41 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 14:56:42 1. Agenda Review & Announcements [from Irfan] 14:56:42 2. APA charter [from Irfan] 14:56:42 3. Updates on Call with PCG [from Irfan] 14:56:42 4. Other Business [from Irfan] 14:56:52 present+ 14:57:08 Chair: Irfan & Paul 14:57:28 rrsagent, make minutes 14:57:28 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/06-pronunciation-minutes.html Irfan 15:00:34 JF has joined #pronunciation 15:02:23 NeilS has joined #pronunciation 15:04:56 janina has joined #pronunciation 15:04:59 present+ 15:06:58 present+ 15:07:12 Dee has joined #pronunciation 15:07:17 present+ 15:07:40 scribe: Irfan 15:07:41 present+ 15:07:44 zakin, next item 15:07:49 zakim, next item 15:07:49 agendum 1 -- Agenda Review & Announcements -- taken up [from Irfan] 15:08:20 Hi all, Zoom is not working so well. Will try again. 15:09:44 janina: we may need to give some specific to ARIA working group for SR specification. perhaps a joined meeting with ARIA working group. 15:10:00 janina: will find the specific documents 15:10:13 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/charter-2021/charter.html 15:10:15 zakim, next item 15:10:15 agendum 2 -- APA charter -- taken up [from Irfan] 15:11:26 janina: what are we going to do by 2024 end if summer. we have been granted charter as a w3c working group. APA asks this task force about deliverables. we have normative pronunciation document. 15:11:53 janina: we may have authoring guide document. 15:13:10 janina: we thought we were done with webRTC documents but then we found some more use cases demanding more research and work. 15:13:54 paul_grenier: when we have CR document ready, do we go to personalization tf? 15:14:01 Q+ 15:14:10 janina: you can do it in a CR document to link it to CR or PR 15:14:32 JF: not sure if PR still a think 15:14:48 ack j 15:15:28 JF: I was trying to understand linking personalization. we are working towards common goals and dont see any overlap between the two. if you see any, would like to know. 15:16:12 paul_grenier: I am not suer familiar with the group. I just brought up a use case that something personalization can handle. I could be mis-remember something. 15:16:43 JF: we spent lot of time supporting alternate rendering. 15:18:28 janina: when we have our specification mature, we can ask various vendor to support the technical specification 15:19:10 JF: perhaps we can have AA kind of success criteria in WCAG which will encourage users to do this. 15:22:03 Mhakkinen: 3.1.6 Pronunciation: A mechanism is available for identifying specific pronunciation of words where meaning of the words, in context, is ambiguous without knowing the pronunciation. (Level AAA) 15:22:47 JF: we can advocate it to AA from AAA which seems more realistic 15:23:59 JF: over the life of next charter period, we think we have got a robust solution and we need to take it to the next level. 15:24:17 JF: that includes demos, blog post, outreach programs 15:24:30 NeilS: we need to find the implementation 15:24:50 JF: another way to reach-out to vendors and ask them to implement it 15:26:30 JF: there are 3 or 4 kind of nature player, if we can get one or more of them, (I know someone at samsung) telling them that they have ability to customizing the names using our technology. those are kind of activities we should be thinking about going forward, how can we spread it organically. 15:28:27 Idea: author a new technique for this: https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?showtechniques=316#pronunciation 15:28:47 janina: there is a draft charter and template about describing presentation of the deliverables. we can take first crack using the template and then Roy or Michael can fix it. 15:29:05 janina: we would like our CFC in few weeks. 15:29:18 JF: within the next two weeks 15:29:39 janina: we should have our draft document ready within two weeks following templates. 15:29:50 https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/charter-2021/charter.html 15:30:10 action: Irfan to create a document using the template for first draft 15:30:11 Created ACTION-19 - Create a document using the template for first draft [on Irfan Ali - due 2021-01-13]. 15:32:04 JF: do we want to put a submission in virtual CSUN? 15:32:33 mhakkinen: we have nothing for virtual CSUN. are they still excepting any more submission? 15:33:13 JF: deadline was October 15:33:49 JF: we should be looking for socializing at CSUN to spread the words. 15:34:10 mhakkinen: perhaps we can check other conferences. need to be little creative and take a look 15:34:32 there was a speechtech conference. we can take a look on this 15:35:18 action: JF to check the venues to spread the words about pronunciation work 15:35:19 Created ACTION-20 - Check the venues to spread the words about pronunciation work [on John Foliot - due 2021-01-13]. 15:35:49 zakim, next item 15:35:49 agendum 3 -- Updates on Call with PCG -- taken up [from Irfan] 15:37:56 paul_grenier: met with publishing group. most of them have not heard about work but they are interested in following up closely. very possible that we will find additional implementation form that group. 15:40:25 mhakkinen: we need to touch abse with eReader. they don't have any support of pronunciation like ePub 15:41:22 paul_grenier: guidance will be there. we can help them build out some examples and test their implementation. Neil can help in some math examples. 15:42:08 zakim, next item 15:42:08 agendum 4 -- Other Business -- taken up [from Irfan] 15:43:37 zakim, close item 4 15:43:37 agendum 4, Other Business, closed 15:43:38 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 15:43:47 rrsagent, make minutes 15:43:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2021/01/06-pronunciation-minutes.html Irfan 16:54:42 janina has left #pronunciation 16:56:09 becky has joined #Pronunciation 17:04:14 JF has left #pronunciation 17:49:33 Zakim has left #pronunciation