<sajkaj> date 10 Dec 2020
<scribe> scribe: Wilco
Janina: Adjusted the agenda order
a bit.
... We've been asked to extend statement of purpose. Have
something in mind. We'll need to develop a the list and
... Last time, is anyone present not on the W3C mailing
Bryan: i'm on the mailinglist
<PeterKorn> I likely cannot - at least for the 2nd 30 min
Janina: Not everyone can participate next Thursday. We're not going to meet 24 and 31th, but how many would not be able to attend next week?
Wilco: I will not be available next week.
Peter: Me neither
Janina: Any objections to skip next week? This will be the last meeting of December.
Jeanne: No concerns
Janina: Then this is the last meeting of 2020.
<sajkaj> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-silver/2020Dec/0014.html
Janina: For those not on the
call, want to share the minutes from our call with Judy Brewer
and Shawn Henry.
... Did not meet a full decision. We'll have a follow-up
meeting. Even if we fold everything we want into a single
conformance model that the FPWD does not have everything some
of us are looking for. There may not need to be a name, as
there may be just one conformance model.
... Any comments?
Bruce: missed the meeting, did
not know in time
... We'll have another one. All good
Janina: We've previously gone through 1 - 6. Have some edits we can come back to.
Janina: We talked about 7 last week, but not sure we finished.
Peter: Ended up when we touched on intersectionality of disability
<PeterKorn> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/edit#
Peter: I think the addition is
... For example, screen reader that uses mutli-finger
Sarah: Talk about functional
needs in WCAG 3, maybe it's good for us to shift our own
language to talk about functional needs.
... Defined functional needs are good, maybe that's what we
should talk about.
... The language is a negative, vs what we're going to do.
Janina: First pass, can go back for wordsmithing.
Sarah: I think if we switch our focus to functional needs we address intersectional
Jeanne: I think we have language
for this in the requirement
... Something to the effect of "treating disabilities
... Can take an action to look it up for the next meeting.
Peter: What principle 7 is trying to get at, if we go down the path with a lot of reliance of programmatic testing, that shift may do a better job testing for one set of functional needs over another.
Jeanne: The way we're approaching this principle in WCAG 3 is that the final score that an organisation would have for their product would score at least 3.5 of 4 in each category.
<sarahhorton> Functional Needs: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eJkgXqbh7dx3uD6XAy8XAANmwfbbVZ5GKb_gbsUdkVs/edit#heading=h.4jiwp8jpc143
Peter: This is so much pushed
into the text of each guideline, imagine the cognative or
vision requirements, not making reference to sensory
characteristics. We may have content that is difficult to
programmatically test for.
... What this is trying to get at is there is a tension between
programmatic tests and a the very strong imperative to not
support one set of functional needs over another.
Sarah: Maybe delete everything after the bracket. Don't think the EG is necessary.
Peter: I'm fine with that change. Will make a note to Rachael about this.
Janina: I think the exposition of what's behind is is useful to surface. Happy to hear it articulated.
Peter: I suggest an addition to the bottom of the document. Guidance we got was to consider the persona work that was done to illustrate the issue the principle is trying to address.
Janina: Are we done with 7 for now?
Peter: Judy questioned this and why it was needed. Bruce has a suggested edit from November
Bruce: Overcome by events
... mom-and-pap website want to know what they have to do for
substantial conformance. If we're not talking about the
buzzword, I agree with the statement.
Peter: I'm somewhat persuaded by
what Judy said Monday. Was thinking of this as it going to be a
separate thing from WCAG 3 conformance. We haven't made that
... This may be addressing a problem we may not have. Maybe
largely static website don't tend to have the kinds of problems
we're trying to address.
... Maybe we don't need this principle, or we need to restate
<jeanne> +1 to removing the principle
Jeanne: To have it as a principle seems overly perscriptive
Bryan: Agree. We'd define the solution as dynamic sites and static sites.
Peter: We're coming from the
vantage point of where there are problems. I think it's true
that static sites don't generally have these kinds of
challenges, but that doesn't make it a principle.
... Especially a small site, it's perfectly doable to test it
with humans.
Jeanne: Having it as a separate principle implies what is in WCAG 3 would only apply to static sites, which it doesn't.
Peter, Sarah, Wilco: Suggest remove it
Bruce: Out of all the principles, this is the only one that I have concerns with. As said, it's kind of a consequence, not a principle. I think it's good not to lose the concept. Maybe as a note.
Peter: Propose I remove it from the principles and put it in todo, suggesting it as a note.
Sarah: Recommend putting it in as
a question, rather than a note.
... It seems more like a key question.
<PeterKorn> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/edit#
<sajkaj> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GyUYTnZp0HIMdsKqCiISCSCvL0su692dnW34P81kbbw/
Peter: we have one more key question
Bruce, Sarah: looks good.
Jeanne: We've had in many
conformance meetings compiles potential principles. Started to
look them up and cross check. Did not complete this. My
short-hand was to say a number of important ones are captured
in the Silver requirements.
... Wanted to add that in addition to these principles the
solution should meet the Silver requirements.
Wilco: makes total sense for the solution to meet the silver requirements
<Zakim> JF, you wanted to go backwards and pose a question
<jeanne> 1RRSAgent: make minutes
Peter: Little concern with the
addition. What I think we're trying is understand a subset of
challenges and recommend solutions for those. My concern is
potential distractions. We could get bogged down in
... Want to make sure our conversation is focused on solutions
to these challenges, and then come back and see how it fits in
Janina: You've hit on the core
Judy articulated on Monday. My understanding of substantial is
not that you don't meet it, but that you meet by far the
greater share of it. It is pretty significant.
... There are no synonyms for substantial.
... Maybe it's the wrong word to use because the meaning has
shifted, but I don't think that's the dictionary
... I couldn't find an alternative, so I hope we can fold what
we come up with back into the conformance model of WCAG 3.
Peter: Suggest we move this to a todo, once we've come up with something that meets principles 1 - 7, we'll look at this.
Jeanne: The 7 principles do not include the consensus work that a lot of people have put in.
<sarahhorton> Requirements for Silver: https://w3c.github.io/silver/requirements/#requirements
Jeanne: On the wiki there is an archive. The principles will be there.
Janina: I'll look for the lists.
JohnF: Have we scoped "minimum of difficulty" from principle 2?
Janina: We have not
... There needs to be a definition for conformance
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