23:58:03 RRSAgent has joined #pbg 23:58:03 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/12/08-pbg-irc 23:58:12 zakim, start meeting 23:58:12 RRSAgent, make logs Public 23:58:13 Meeting: Publishing Business Group 23:59:42 Date: 8/9 December 2020 23:59:43 MattNelsonWaPo has joined #pbg 23:59:50 Chair: Daihei Shiohama 00:00:16 present+ 00:00:56 present+ 00:01:20 scribenick: liisamk 00:04:15 present+ 00:04:34 y-nagao has joined #pbg 00:04:46 Topic: TDM - Text Data Mining 00:10:55 Liisa: TDM is the one Laurent of EDRLab presented the TDM subject at the last PBG meeting 00:11:45 Liisa presents and explain by using the Laurent's TDM presentation deck 00:16:46 Liisa: Laurent came to PBG to find out if publishing industry wants to pursue this 00:17:24 jkamata has joined #pbg 00:17:47 Liisa: For the Japanese content, based on the Japanese law, if they are posted in Europe, it will be affected. 00:19:32 q+ 00:19:53 Liisa: Regarding Daihei's question about any actions from US, we are not sure if it is there yet. 00:21:39 Junko: what sort of content will relate to these TDM restrictions? 00:22:22 ...will it cover everything video, music, lyrics, and everything related to text? 00:24:45 Liisa: Anything under the European copyright law. Thus, any content. 00:26:03 Liisa: We might want to wait to hear about what's happening and decide from that 00:27:45 Liisa: we might want to get industry associations and our legal people involved to determine whether there is 00:28:06 ...something important to us to get involved to guide how we can describe the opt-out methods we need 00:28:39 shiestyle has joined #pbg 00:29:20 Liisa: Maybe, next step is to approach to the industry organizations in US, Europe, Japan, Asia 00:29:49 Daihei: yes, to get the industry associations involved would be good 00:30:11 present+ 00:31:42 +q 00:31:56 ack jkamata 00:32:03 ack y-nagao 00:32:44 Topic: FXL + Reflow 00:34:15 Liisa: We addressed the use cases of breaking from the flowing text box to the edge of the view point if it is useful. 00:35:48 Liisa: reading system engineers thought that a pure fxl + reflow was doable, but other examples would require a change to CSS 00:37:33 Liisa: People are indicating there are not many useful and business cases are for FXL/reflow cased 00:37:37 cases 00:39:43 ...we should continue to build out use cases and image examples to help build the business point 00:40:05 q+ 00:40:06 Liisa: are there kinds of content that would benefit? (nodding heads say yes) 00:41:52 y-nagao: i think epub should support more, the value of web goes up and epub suffers by not 00:42:07 ...being able to do what web can do 00:44:07 ...it is necessary for epub to be comparable to web and on the web things are advancing and epub stays the same with 00:44:25 ...either fixed or reflow and people see that the web seems better and that is not good 00:44:56 ...for the business and requires more production costs and choices have to be made 00:45:23 ...mix of reflow and fixed would make easier to make competitive and comparable content 00:45:56 ...requires a more digital first production process and compromises to not have 00:46:10 ...+1 for mix of reflow and fxl 00:46:57 MattNelsonWaPo: see this in the graphical teams and with stakeholders that want to launch different verticals 00:49:06 ...see with recipes and cookbooks and want content to be as accessible as possible 00:49:26 Liisa: Matthew's case, it's always a compromise to content to fit into a format 00:49:30 ack shiestyle 00:50:53 shiestyle: think about image in spine for FXL and this idea of what the spread might look like in this new way 00:52:32 Liisa: What I want to do is to place a larger image over the frame and the format will do the cropping 00:54:22 Liisa: Though I see the point of Shinya's idea of how FXL could be, but it can be adjusted to the size 00:56:07 Liisa: On the fonts, Apple case explained by Shinya is something we give up on in US, etc., however 00:56:37 Liisa: we give up but want to see how Japan will manage to deal with Apple 00:57:07 Liisa: not sure if we can help much, but would like to see what we can do with Apple 00:58:43 Shinya: No progress with Apple in Japan yet 00:59:16 Shiya: I will contact Apple and provide you with outcome to discuss at PBG and Liisa 01:00:25 Liisa: Chris from Web Fonts people might come in and give us embedding web fonts situation. 01:00:53 According to him, all solved with web fonts. Not sure if that's the case though 01:04:05 Daihei: business group schedule for the next couple of months and focus on Conference Day meetings for March 23rd 01:04:14 ...please give us idea and thoughts for topics 01:06:00 y-nagao: about the TDM issue, EU regulations want to understand how this will be applied 01:09:14 liisamk: it could be quite broad and in our best interests to stay involved and figure out how to be best business opportunities 01:09:38 zakim, end meeting 01:09:38 As of this point the attendees have been Daihei, liisamk, jyoshii, shiestyle 01:09:40 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 01:09:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/12/08-pbg-minutes.html Zakim 01:09:43 I am happy to have been of service, liisamk; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 01:09:47 Zakim has left #pbg 01:10:08 rrsagent, bye 01:10:08 I see no action items