13:56:43 RRSAgent has joined #idcg 13:56:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/12/01-idcg-irc 13:56:47 Zakim has joined #idcg 13:57:04 dka_ has joined #idcg 13:57:06 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-idcg/2020Nov/0023.html 13:57:08 clear agenda 13:57:08 agenda+ Merge the IDCG and PWECG? 13:57:08 agenda+ Progress on actions. 13:57:28 lutgendorff has joined #idcg 13:57:30 meeting: IDCG meeting 13:57:41 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/11/17-idcg-minutes.html Previous (2020-11-17) 13:57:45 chair: Léonie 13:57:50 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:58:59 present+ 13:59:43 zakim, agenda? 13:59:43 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 13:59:44 1. Merge the IDCG and PWECG? [from agendabot] 13:59:44 2. Progress on actions. [from agendabot] 14:00:00 regrets+ 14:00:05 wendyreid has joined #idcg 14:01:16 present+ Coralie 14:01:22 present+ 14:01:29 scribenick: koalie 14:01:38 present+ Dan_Appelquist 14:01:45 present+ Laura_Morinigo 14:01:54 present+ Lola_Odelola 14:02:21 present+ tink 14:02:33 present+ lutgendorff 14:02:53 Judy has joined #idcg 14:02:55 [Léonie reminds the participants of meeting minutiae] 14:03:13 lola has joined #idcg 14:03:13 Léonie: Let's do introductions around the room as we have a few newcomers 14:03:17 ... warm welcome to all of you 14:03:24 Topic: Introductions 14:03:33 Léonie: I'm Léonie Watson, AC rep of Tetralogical at W3C 14:03:41 ... co-chair of the IDCG and Web@@ 14:04:19 Coralie: @@ 14:04:33 Wendy: I'm the chair of the Publishing and Audiobook groups 14:04:49 Dan: I'm the co-chair of the TAG, work at Samsung and I'm in the UK, in London 14:05:00 present+ Ada_Cannon 14:05:01 Estella: I work at a research group in catalunya 14:05:12 ... accessibility and web accessibility 14:05:16 ... work with European projects 14:05:37 Laura: I work at the samsung internet advocacy group 14:05:51 Liz: Part of the digital gov service in the UK 14:06:08 ... no part of any other group yet 14:06:15 ... will need to leave at half-past 14:06:28 Lola: developer advocate at samsung 14:06:40 ... I have experience in non-profit and civic-tech space 14:06:47 ... I also help black women get into tech 14:07:03 ... I run a podcast and blog about this in the industry 14:07:16 Nishad: I'm an Indian in Japan 14:07:27 ... I work with the @@ community 14:07:37 ... I work with datasets, interop 14:08:08 Tzviya: I am co-chair of the publishing steering committee and audiogroup wg, chair of the pwe cg 14:08:17 Ada: I'm another person from samsung 14:08:24 ... I did some work with the PWE TF 14:08:30 ... I'm one of the authors of the current CEPC 14:08:35 ... chair of the Immersive WG 14:08:50 Tobie: I've been involved with W3C on and off for a long time 14:09:16 Zakim, take up item 1 14:09:16 agendum 1. "Merge the IDCG and PWECG?" taken up [from agendabot] 14:09:45 tobie has joined #idcg 14:09:45 Léonie: let's consider if this group should merge with Positive Work Environment CG 14:10:05 ... suggestion came in the wake of Coralie and I announcing we're stepping down as co-chair at the end of December 14:10:11 ... we put out a call for volunteers 14:10:18 ... the missions of the two groups overlap 14:10:30 Tzviya: since someone contacted me about this, I'll add that 14:10:38 ... PWE is focusing on the code of ethics 14:10:42 ... and the ombuds program 14:10:43 Nishad has joined #idcg 14:10:51 ... other than that, our objective is the same 14:10:58 ... make W3C more positive, more inclusive 14:11:06 ... and our membership has overlap too 14:11:10 ... I think it's a good idea 14:11:21 Léonie: I want to open this up for those here to think about 14:11:40 Dan: I'd like to be optimistic about this proposal! 14:11:51 ... seems to be making good use of people's time 14:11:56 ... the code of conduct is done now 14:12:17 ... it feels like the merged group would not be dominated by the development of a new code of conduct 14:12:23 ... this feels like this would be a good move 14:13:08 Léonie: From my pov as current co-chair of this group 14:13:09 ada has joined #idcg 14:13:15 ... I think this is a great idea 14:13:24 ... I have looked at the activity of the PWE CG 14:13:32 ... there's a lot of common ground 14:13:43 ... there are distinct areas as Tzviya said 14:13:58 ... seems worth exploring to me! 14:14:21 Lola: I had a question about objectives of the 2 groups 14:14:26 ... I understand they're both similar 14:14:32 ... in what the outcome we want 14:14:39 ... what was the objective of this group and that group? 14:16:22 Coralie: @@will fill out later@@ 14:16:36 Léonie: the remit was then for W3C to become more welcoming 14:16:45 ... we would like more people from more communities to join us 14:16:50 ... we look at the language we use 14:16:57 ... the practices we have 14:17:33 Liz: maybe combining efforts would help progress work 14:17:51 ... from my perspective, as we struggle with this at GDS too, this is worth exploring 14:18:11 Tzviya: Both groups changed mission over time 14:18:12 estella has joined #idcg 14:18:28 ... PWE is shifting to looking at the ombuds program 14:19:04 ... IDCG two years ago was only focusing on women alone 14:19:14 ... but in the meantime it has come to the fore at W3C 14:19:23 WendyR: Merging the 2 groups is a good idea 14:19:42 ... it's a good idea at this kind of phase in both groups 14:20:11 ... inforcement of CEPC should be done through the lense of inclusion 14:20:18 +1 14:20:23 ... It's a perfect moment 14:20:27 +1 14:21:09 Lola: A concern of mine (but I'm brand new here): 14:21:38 ... if the PWECG has already a large undertaking, will there be capacity for what the IDCG wanted to achieve? 14:21:51 ... will that stretch the team in a way that would be unproductive? 14:21:54 Léonie: good point 14:22:02 ... my immediate thought on the question is that the team is already the same 14:22:31 ... there are so many people that attend both sets of meeting, until so many new people turned up here today! 14:22:49 Tzviya: by merging we can have the same group of people assess that capacity 14:23:12 Laura: I have a question related to how you actually organise the group 14:23:18 ... is the other CG open? 14:23:36 ... do you work with other communities outside W3C to invite other people at least as listeners? 14:23:41 Tzviya: yes, the PWECG is open 14:23:47 ... we have not done much outreach yet 14:23:50 ... we're open to that 14:24:04 ... but asking people outside of W3C to volunteer their time had not occured to me :D 14:24:33 Léonie: yes, both groups work in a similar manner 14:24:44 ... same characteristics whether the groups stay separate of merge. 14:24:53 present+ Judy 14:25:13 Judy: I had seen the suggestion to merge these groups 14:25:32 ... There's so much to do in each area that I thought some may be lost but there's so much overlapping 14:25:42 ... and there even are overlapping wiki areas 14:25:52 ... and overlapping sentiment from my perspective 14:26:09 ... it would be possible to have specific focus on different meetings 14:26:30 [Dan nodded; Coralie too] 14:26:50 Judy: we may end up with sub-groups discussions 14:26:56 ... I'm interested in both groups 14:27:08 ... I'm Judy Brewer from W3C team 14:27:17 ... happy to help the groups 14:27:31 Léonie: before Liz heads off, quick straw poll 14:27:33 ==== 14:27:40 sub-topic: straw-poll 14:28:31 Leonie: hands up in zoom if you are in favour of merging? 14:28:37 [10 out of 13] 14:29:14 Leonie: anybody against? 14:29:15 [none] 14:29:20 s/[10/[11/ 14:29:26 ==== 14:29:30 Dan: next steps? 14:29:40 ... combined charter? if so can I offer my help? 14:29:56 Léonie: Tzviya needs to have that same conversation in the PWECG 14:30:11 Tzviya: I suspect there will be similar sentiment, to be confirmed 14:30:21 ... I will take you up Dan if we think we need a charter! 14:30:25 dka++ 14:30:34 Léonie: a charter seems like a good idea 14:30:36 [Liz departs] 14:30:42 Zakim, close this item 14:30:42 agendum 1 closed 14:30:43 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 14:30:43 2. Progress on actions. [from agendabot] 14:30:48 Zakim, take up next item 14:30:50 agendum 2. "Progress on actions." taken up [from agendabot] 14:30:58 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/ 14:31:56 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/8 14:33:31 Coralie: @@report 14:34:05 Judy: we may have a problem if W3C is unable to pay/reimburse 14:34:33 ... it may be that with our different hosts and financial options we can find ways to do that 14:36:29 Coralie: manage fund elsewere is on the table as part of this issue 14:36:43 Léonie: this year we failed to do anything we set out for this diversity fund 14:38:10 Dan: possibility to use open collective to manage that fund? 14:38:32 ... that alternative could have more flexibility 14:38:37 WendyR: I like that idea 14:38:59 ... one of the questions we had this year was whether we were going to have the same problems as last year 14:39:03 ... but this year was particular 14:39:20 ... the pandemic has shaken everything up, we had few applications 14:39:32 +1 to wendyreid 14:39:40 ... any care wasn't allowed due to pandemic regulations 14:40:07 ... we need to solve this funding issue: if we can't deliver funds to people who need them, it's useless 14:40:58 Coralie: I'm interested in Dan's suggestion 14:41:26 ... I'm interesting in hearing more about how opencollective can help redistribute funds (as opposed to just collecting funds) 14:41:33 Dan: Jory Burson has more experience 14:41:49 Tobie: associated 503c3 in the US 14:42:06 Léonie: that might work 14:42:33 Judy: I wanted to suggest that we re-explore the payments through w3c issue 14:42:41 ... I've paid similar services in the past 14:44:12 Léonie: we encountered problems eventhough we set ourselves up the best we could to NOT have them 14:44:28 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/26 14:45:17 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/24#issuecomment-661801816 14:46:24 Tzviya: I think the text needs to be updated 14:46:30 ... in the discussion on another issue 14:46:43 ... I had suggested adding something about black lives matter 14:46:56 ... to the statement, or at least who it is the Web is for 14:47:10 ... it talks about web for all, and different categories 14:47:14 ... there are lots of things 14:47:23 ... this would be a good place to mention BLM 14:47:29 ... we don't mention race there 14:47:59 Tobie: the wording behind my proposed rewording: 14:48:16 ... there was somewhere in our BLM something that looked like the W3C statement 14:48:24 ... the suggestion was to use the W3C's value statement 14:48:33 ... which happened to be needing an update 14:48:42 ... what we have needs fixing 14:48:48 ... the fix wasn't mine 14:48:59 Léonie: I agree this needs to be updated 14:49:04 regrets+ 14:49:12 ... "physical and mental ability" is outdated language 14:49:30 ... we talk more about cognitive than mental ability 14:49:50 ... I agree with what Tobie and Tzviya said 14:50:00 ... whether the proposed words are right, probably not 14:50:04 ... but if we can we should update it 14:50:14 +1 to Leonie that the disability language should be updated 14:50:37 +1 to update language 14:50:38 Léonie: should we close this issue and open a new one? 14:50:48 +1 to updateing the language 14:51:17 s/teing/ting/ 14:51:34 [we're keeping this open] 14:51:43 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/27 14:52:26 Coralie: @@ 14:55:38 Lola: why can't we have both, why either/or (re: blm) 14:55:54 ... statement and actions 14:56:00 ... a statement holds the org accountable 14:56:31 ... valuable and will show the black community that W3C cares 14:56:56 ... such a statement could make w3c more knonw in the black community 14:57:04 +1 14:57:15 Judy: there's room for taking a fresh look at the statement 14:57:24 ... we have some credible actions lined up 14:57:35 ... so that the statement could be linked to things we're doing 14:57:42 +1 to Lola's point 14:57:51 ... your point about getting something out there to increase accountability is helpful 14:57:58 Tzviya: I agree 14:58:10 ... I'm not convinced this CG should be writing it 14:58:19 ... as this requires W3c review again 14:58:27 ... we're likely to get the same feedback 14:58:36 ... we could write a draft 14:58:51 ... and W3C could take this through AC review 14:59:03 +1 to Lola's point and to Tzviya approach 14:59:13 s/W3c review/W3C AC review/ 15:01:02 Judy: we had strong and positive support overall 15:01:35 ... let's be preprared for objections next time 15:01:55 Laura: is there a way to follow what happened to the statement? 15:01:59 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Draft-BLM-statement 15:02:06 Léonie: The statement in on our wiki ^^ 15:02:16 ... the reasons the statement stalled were two-fold 15:02:32 ... Kim CReighton's feedback that it wasn't going to achieve as is what we wanted it to 15:02:40 ... and there was one formal objection from the AC 15:03:15 Léonie: Let's close this issue but a parting shot: it seems there is consideration we should continue with a statement 15:03:19 ... we would need a v2 15:03:34 Topic: next meeting 15:03:47 [December 15] 15:03:49 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 15:03:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/12/01-idcg-minutes.html koalie