Merchant Business Group

23 Nov 2020


Joshue, O'Connor, Matt, Orr, nicktr, Steve, Jones, Amber, Walls, Vivi, Marandari, adem, Cifcioglu, Linda, Toth, Karen, Myers, Laura, Townsend, Phil, Archer, melanie, o'brien, Peter_Shikli, Alan, sumantro_das
Melanie O'Brien


present_+ Karen Myers

<benoit_> meeting on teams link?

on Zoom


<benoit_> may I have the link?

<benoit_> thanks

<scribe> scribenick: nicktr

joshue: I can provide the Accessibility and you can provide the merchant experience
... for background, I'm looking at many aspects of emergent aspects of technology in A11y for the w3c
... there are lots of established technologies but what about things that are emerging?
... virtual reality
... immersive technology
... web of things
... and then privacy and security and how they relate
... and I think this nexus of privacy and security and accessibility may be of particular interest

<joconnor>  https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/accessibility-principles/ https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/v2IXBjHw/image.png

joshue: accessibility is often underestimated


joshue: w3c has lots of resources which is good news and bad
... it's often hard for folk to know where to start

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/people-use-web/

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/components/

joshue: we need to make sure we separate usable and accessible!
... form should follow function

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/accessibility-usability-inclusion/

joshue: speaking in broad terms, accessibility is about accommodating diversity
... it is often about understanding extreme needs
... designs often converge around the middle but if we design for diverse needs, we get a great result for all
... key principles
... use clear language and semantics

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/fundamentals/accessibility-principles/

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/blog/2019/12/free-online-course-introduction-to-web-accessibility/

joshue: there's actually a great online course available for free from the w3c
... the core needs of users don't really change
... the key is finding the overlaps between cohorts
... and then the real challenge is where there are competing needs
... this is something we are seeing in immersive environments
... "one size fits one"

melanie: questions from the group?

phil: I can't imagine how difficult it might be to buy things online with a disability
... many web pages have semantic markup/structured data using schema.org but I don't know how commonly that is used

joshue: you're right that it's not all screen readers

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/personalization/

joshue: wrt to schema.org, assistive technology generally relies on information on the DOM

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cognitive/ https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cPpIlGsK/image.png

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/cognitive/

joshue: there's a COGA task force

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/TR/coga-usable/

joshue: one of the drivers for a11y work is policy - for example, public sector websites, driven by legislation
... but also driven by profitability (example of Tescos where more accessibile site was also more profitable)

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/business-case/

linda: are these policies/procedures/guidelines mandatory in different parts of the world?

joshue: yes - in US section 508
... part of federal legislation which says you must be accessible to a certain standard to do work with the US federal government

<joconnor> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EN_301_549

joshue: in Europe, you have procurement standard 301549 which has been transposed into some national legislation
... so you're basically breaking the law if you're not accessible to a certain standard (e.g. WCAG "AA")

<joconnor> https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/web-accessibility

peter: title 2 and 3 of the ADA applies to private industry
... there's about 5-10k law suits

<joconnor> CVAA also https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/21st-century-communications-and-video-accessibility-act-cvaa

peter: and there's a whole slew of state legislation too in the US
... in summary, even if you aren't covered by Federal obligations, there's lots more legislation

david benoit: my wife has low vision, and her number 1 gripe is that most sites disable the ability to zoom in... mostly on mobile versions. for low vision uses, the need isn't for screen readability, but magnification.

joshue: thanks for all the comments
... I should mention a couple of other things for your attention

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/TR/xaur/

<joconnor> https://raw.githack.com/w3c/apa/ac2fdf945bf692718f948e438198c9639ddf021e/raur/index.html

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/mobile/

joshue: user requirements for immersive environments

melanie: also important to consider a11y when selecting payment gateways

joshue: it's important that these requirements goes into tender documents

benoit: are there guidelines for SCA type interactions for WCAG2.1?

<joconnor> https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#re-authenticating

joshue: there are some new success criteria in 2.1 and in 2.2 relating to authentication

Recruiting members from the merchant community

laura: this is a bad time for retailers!
... it's hard for them to make time
... I think it would be really useful if there were projects that could be presented to merchants
... and offer merchants the opportunities to be influential in the outcomes
... most retailers are reactive
... I'm talking here payment-related issues
... I will continue to support this group
... I think we need to be able to paint a vision of what's coming
... 20% of merchants are leaders and 80% are followers

peter: covid has presented a new requirement to go online for the first time for merchants
... that survival tactic can be presented as a straightforward business case at a time when revenue is challenged

sumo: we need to be clear on the mission and vision
... what are we trying to do?
... why join? when can things be actioned?

melanie: I'm hearing you say we need to get buy-in

sumo: yes - time is of the essence.
... plus Zoom fatigue!
... we need to make it a clear forum for inputs and ideas as well as learning
... this should be a place want to come

linda: I would agree with Laura
... connexus represents convenience and fuel retailers
... EMV fuel vending a huge challenge right now
... cost also a big issue
... retailers are very reactive
... and are scrambling to react to Covid

benoit: on the engagement piece, the service provider group members could be asked to help act as a conduit for their clients

phil: +1
... now is a hard time for everyone
... Amber and I represent an org (GS1) which has members all round the world that are merchants
... I think there are some events that we have where you could reach some of the right people

<Karen> +1 Phil's offer to help let more GS1 members know about upcoming events

melanie: are these virtual events?

phil: yes

laura: as a membership org, we have arrangements with other standards orgs where our members can participate under the MAG umbrella
... which makes the cost objection go away
... and lets us create a community focussed on standards
... we need to create a bridge so that merchants can see the value

dezell: I work with Linda at Connexus
... we have seen tremendous value in w3C for merchants, but it is a high bar to get them to participate in activities which are not immediate priorities
... what I am selling people on is the value of horizontal review across the variety of topics
... it's a wasteland out there for the web of things and the internet of things - which are important topics for merchants
... Intel are a channel that I think we should look at
... at NACS/Connexus, we have a long tail of small (2-3 store) members. We are very supportive of this work - it's hard to engage those folk


next meeting: December 7th 21h00

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/11/23 22:04:32 $

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Default Present: Joshue, O'Connor, Matt, Orr, nicktr, Steve, Jones, Amber, Walls, Vivi, Marandari, adem, Cifcioglu, Linda, Toth, Karen, Myers, Laura, Townsend, Phil, Archer, melanie, o'brien, Peter_Shikli, Alan, sumantro_das
Present: Joshue O'Connor Matt Orr nicktr Steve Jones Amber Walls Vivi Marandari adem Cifcioglu Linda Toth Karen Myers Laura Townsend Phil Archer melanie o'brien Peter_Shikli Alan sumantro_das
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