16:00:16 RRSAgent has joined #tt 16:00:16 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/11/19-tt-irc 16:00:18 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:00:19 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 16:00:32 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/159 16:00:41 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/11/12-tt-minutes.html 16:01:00 Present: Andreas, Nigel 16:01:50 Regrets: Glenn 16:02:16 Present+ Cyril 16:02:23 Present+ Gary 16:02:42 cyril has joined #tt 16:03:13 Present+ Pierre 16:03:42 scribe: cyril 16:03:46 Present+ 16:03:51 Topic: this meeting 16:03:54 atai has joined #tt 16:04:06 nigel: we have regrets from Glenn 16:04:17 ... the first topic is what his regrets apply to 16:04:31 ... but we can use the opportunity to get the discussion going 16:04:36 pal: yes 16:04:48 (will come shortly. still in previous) 16:04:53 nigel: since sending the agenda on tuesday I modified the order to put the registry next 16:05:03 ... we just published 16:05:25 ... I still haven't got the MPEG liaison 16:05:43 I'm here, IRC only. 16:06:19 cyril: I'll send you the liaison again 16:06:21 mike has joined #tt 16:06:35 nigel: not sure if we need more on Process 2020 16:06:47 ... the conclusion last time was that gary would send something around 16:06:48 Present+ Glenn 16:07:04 gkatsev: the patent 2020 there is a time limit if we want to do the quick adoption of that 16:07:22 nigel: and the last topic is changing the default branch name 16:07:25 present+ Mike 16:07:27 ... from master to main 16:07:39 nigel: any other business for the agenda 16:07:57 nigel: seems not 16:08:11 Topic: remove applicability of direction on p 16:08:39 github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/pull/1214 16:09:06 nigel: we have comments from Glenn 16:09:20 ... Pierre tried to address Andreas' comments 16:09:28 ... Andreas approved them 16:09:43 ... Glenn says there is some semantic inconsistency 16:09:57 ... we need to workout what that means 16:11:13 pal: the computed value of tts:direction on a region can come from 2 different places 16:11:18 glenn_ has joined #tt 16:11:29 ... implicitly from tts:writingmode or explicitely if you specify it or initial value 16:11:39 ... I don't see why Glenn is unhappy 16:11:48 nigel: it's not obvious is it? 16:12:10 nigel: we need to ask glenn 16:12:32 Present+ Mike 16:13:37 mainly, i 16:14:11 mainly, i'm not happy with using a dull axe to cut out tts:direction semantics 16:15:01 q+ 16:15:06 we went to a lot of trouble to define out tts:writingMode maps to tts:direction which maps to paragraph embedding level in UAX#9; there is no need to remove those semantics 16:15:10 scribe: nigel 16:15:26 cyril: Since last time I did some research in our catalogue. 16:15:30 .. I found 2 things. 16:15:52 .. 1. I found more example of tts:direction being used on p, and not only from internal Netflix tools 16:16:00 .. but at least 2 external vendors who produce such content. 16:16:27 present+ 16:16:31 .. The content I found has tts:direction on p, no writingMode on region, but textAlign on p, most usually "center". 16:16:39 .. I need to search for other cases where textAlign is not used. 16:16:59 .. I am really worried that if we make this change to indicate that direction does not apply on p, there could be an impact on these 16:17:05 .. Netflix external vendors. 16:17:10 q+ 16:17:34 s/The content/2. The content 16:17:40 ack cyril 16:17:45 scribe: cyril 16:17:53 I am also unhappy with (read cannot and will not accept) deprecating. 16:18:04 atai: coming back to the rendering question 16:18:21 ... what are the expectation of vendors when putting this value on p 16:18:31 ... what interpretation is done by the renderers 16:18:34 glenn has joined #tt 16:18:41 ... what should be the rendering 16:18:55 thinks nobody is reading IRC except me 16:19:04 ... I struggle to see how the situation could be worse if we remove applicability on p 16:19:12 q+ 16:19:15 ack at 16:19:22 cannot accept deprecation approach 16:19:23 ... because it seems implementation dependent 16:19:39 q? 16:19:50 ack n 16:20:20 nigel: there is a missing data 16:20:30 ... for the content that Cyril has found, that sets direction 16:20:41 ... presumably it is setting direction to rtl 16:21:05 what is the missing data? 16:21:31 you do realize that the bidi algorithm uses the character directionality? 16:21:34 ... is there a common expecting rendering behavior that you would be expected and that would change if direction applicability is removed 16:22:12 ah, someone is reading.... 16:22:29 sorry, i'm not on audio 16:22:34 nigel: specifically, around what is implemented now vs any hypothetical implementation 16:23:21 pal: a very general observation is that implementations prior to 2017 or 2018 of TTML, perhaps with the exception of ttv and ttpe, were terrible 16:23:47 ... In my experience, produced documents that today would be deemed not conformant 16:24:11 cyril: Netflix has received plenty of documents prior to 2017 that were fine 16:24:21 @pal have you used all implementations? i haven't 16:25:12 q+ 16:25:14 pal: but what does direction mean then in these documents 16:25:32 cyril: maybe that its equivalent to writing mode 16:25:47 q? 16:26:06 nigel: there is a stated meaning of direction p 16:26:28 ... I don't think anybody doubts that it sets the paragraph embedding level 16:27:11 ... if the result of this change meant that it no longer did that, then a bunch of text already out there, if you rendered it with a now conformant implementation, would render in the incorrect order 16:27:15 ... that wouldn't be right 16:27:17 ack n 16:27:17 q+ 16:27:20 pal: that's not accurate 16:27:34 q+ pal 16:27:37 ack at 16:28:13 atai: going back to what Cyril said, that it was clear what directionality on p, I can guess that they wanted to indicate that the content in the p had the direction indicate in the tts:direction attribute 16:28:31 ... especially to override the left to right direction because they did not specify writing mode 16:29:20 ... if we follow the text in TTML2 as of now, i.e. setting the embedding level, this has an effect on arabic and hebrew 16:29:34 ... because the neutral and weak characters would use it 16:30:00 ... the issue we are facing is how it is defined in TTML is that it separates the directionality from the inline progression direction 16:30:12 ... CSS3 does both at the same time while TTML2 does not 16:30:12 glenn_ has joined #tt 16:30:20 q+ 16:30:32 ... the problem is that most authors would expect that it behaves like CSS 16:30:45 ... either way there will be problems 16:30:53 q+ to say that #1213 is the issue that implements Andreas's point 16:31:02 ack pal 16:31:05 ... and not the expected rendering from the authors 16:31:51 pal: as an example where this is not clear is the case where you have arabic (rtl) but writing mode is set (ltr) and textAlign is set to center 16:31:59 q+ 16:32:02 ... in that particular tts:direction will have no impact 16:32:08 ... if it's pure arabic with no latin 16:32:35 ... so that's the case where somebody might set tts:direction thinking it would do something but it does nothing 16:32:45 not true 16:32:55 ack glenn_ 16:33:00 ... because some think it may set the alignment but they use text align 16:33:16 nigel: Glenn please go ahead via IRC 16:33:19 I would like to point out (yet agaiin) 16:33:36 that tts:direction is used in two context with respect to tt:p 16:33:38 present+ Glenn_IRC_only 16:33:57 and one context with respect to tt:span 16:34:11 q? 16:34:14 it is used with tts:unicodeBidi as a parameter 16:34:15 nigel: I think that's well understood in the conversation 16:34:22 i don't think so 16:34:34 with tt:p it has two uses 16:34:52 we need to know which context applies 16:35:11 if we are talking about the use where it appears by itself 16:35:31 then tts:direction only means set the default paragraph embedding level 16:35:39 and that does have an impact 16:36:10 it means something and has a visual interpretation w.r.t. neutral characters 16:36:22 so I don't know why pal is saying it has no impact 16:36:29 nigel: in Netflix cases, is tts:direction applying with unicodeBidi? 16:36:34 cyril: no 16:36:35 it has nothing to do with textAlign 16:36:53 cyril: there is no unicodeBidi in my example 16:36:53 q? 16:37:11 ack nigel 16:37:11 nigel, you wanted to say that #1213 is the issue that implements Andreas's point 16:37:19 I don't have the example in front of me 16:37:34 I think the examplle I looked at DID have unicodeBidi 16:37:46 nigel: I wanted to make a point that the main things was that Andreas made a good point about the direction and CSS compatibility 16:37:59 ... and that's precisely issue #1213 and that is not implemented 16:38:00 it had tts:unicodeBidi="embed" 16:38:10 ... sorry, this is confusing 16:38:19 ... in this PR, I don't think it does that 16:38:27 pal: the PR is compatible with CSS 16:39:04 ... because the PR proposes that the paragraph embedding level be set by the inline progression direction computed on the region 16:39:16 ... which in CSS would be set by direction 16:39:42 q? 16:39:56 nigel: I will close the queue on this to move on in the agenda 16:40:10 ack atai 16:40:39 atai: I agree with Pierre that the PR solves the conflict with CSS because it avoids the situation where TTML acts differently from CSS 16:41:19 ... but I also need to agree with Glenn that setting tts:direction to RTL and have centered arabic text as content in that p, will render different from the case where you have not set tts:direction on the p 16:41:22 that is precisely the semantic inconsistency I point out in my comments 16:41:35 tts:writingMode does not apply to tt:p 16:41:35 ... there have been some examples in the long long thread 16:41:57 ... where I mixed some latin text with weak characters and numbers, and this will be rendered differently 16:42:20 ... I'm not sure if we discussed the option that some parts of the rendering could be implementation dependent 16:42:30 ... I think that reflects the reality at the moment 16:42:38 ... at least regarding the setting the edges 16:42:50 tts:writingMode applys to tt:region which has special semantics that flow to tts:direction which inherit down to tt:p which apply to paragraph embedding level WHICH NEEDS TO STAY AS DEFINED 16:42:52 ... saying that it's not clear in the spec and implementation dependent 16:43:08 pal: I will withdraw my PR 16:43:37 I support withdrawal of the PR, thank you pal 16:43:53 SUMMARY: Pull Request is closed without merging due to lack of consensus 16:44:07 Topic: TTML Profile Registry 16:44:20 nigel: we published a new version, thank you very much Atsushi 16:44:34 ... it's a WG note, we can publish whenever we like 16:44:40 ... Cyril has made a request by email 16:44:48 ... to add in a new IMSC1.1 based profile 16:45:04 ... Mike expressed support for this already, which is helpful 16:45:14 ... there is no general reason why we would not accept it 16:45:37 ... the proposal I suppose is to use identifier nst1 16:45:52 ... not used at the moment 16:46:10 PROPOSAL: add the Netflix profile to the TTML Profile Registry as requested using identifer nst1 16:46:19 nigel: any objections? 16:46:35 q+ 16:46:46 ack mike 16:46:57 mike: no objection, I consider approved and closed, but I have a question 16:47:09 ... the process says to put it in the agenda and discuss 16:47:23 ... would we ever decline if the 5 items requested are provided? 16:47:36 nigel: maybe there would be ways to misuse the process 16:47:48 ... the fact that it's a formality is not a concern for me 16:47:57 mike: I thought it was administrative 16:48:42 RESOLUTION: add the Netflix profile to the TTML Profile Registry as requested using identifier nst1 16:48:56 nigel: Cyril can you raise an issue? 16:48:57 cyril: yes 16:49:19 Topic: Patent Policy 2020 16:49:37 gkatsev: I doubt that we really care that much 16:50:08 ... but it sounds like if we wanted to apply the PP2020 we have through nov 27th to say so and the charter would be updated just for that 16:50:19 ... so we could use the new PP immediately 16:50:38 .. otherwise we will have to wait for the next re-charter, december next year 16:50:49 nigel: I haven't kept track of the differences 16:51:00 gkatsev: the continuous CR living standard would require that 16:51:08 nigel: and we have no plan to use that mechanism 16:51:13 gkatsev: not right now 16:51:22 ... but I figure it's worth mentioning it now 16:51:41 cyril: what's the harm in adding it now even if we don't use it? 16:51:46 gkatsev: probably nothing 16:51:57 nigel: anybody would have concerns about adopting it? 16:52:06 could be helpful: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RoE8E4y8S1j65EJaXZ8oihkduNbjTXXvdwtkzw961Xw/edit#slide=id.g9b7a7df111_1_47 (slide used for DID WG TPAC) 16:52:46 ... I would advocate for using it 16:53:06 ... and for a reduced review period if there is this deadline of Nov. 27th period 16:53:44 ... Atsushi, can I ask you to extend the deadline to accomodate our decision review period 16:53:53 ... which would bring us to Dec. 3rd 16:54:14 ... I don't want to reduce the review period, because people may have to go back to lawyers 16:54:26 atsushi: this seems to be a strict deadline 16:55:56 ... we can ask rechartering at any time 16:56:25 nigel: I did not understand the deadline, causing AC review if we are too slow 16:56:35 ... I will ask plh directly if you want 16:57:16 atsushi: the purpose is to make it easy to review multiple charters at the same time 16:58:12 PROPOSAL: adopt Patent Policy 2020 16:58:29 nigel: are there any objections now 16:58:37 cyril: I don't know 16:59:07 ... I think it's ok but I will consult 16:59:35 RESOLUTION: adopt Patent Policy 2020 16:59:59 nigel: If you think you need a review, please do it now, don't wait for the 2 weeks 17:00:03 ... it might be too late 17:01:58 scribe: nigel 17:02:26 Topic: Default branch name 17:02:39 Nigel: We don't have time to cover this now so I'll bump it up the agenda for next week. 17:02:54 Pierre: Would like a proposal from the Chairs and W3M. It's going to be work whatever we do. 17:03:07 Nigel: I think it is going to impact Editors primarily. 17:03:15 .. In any case, let's come back to it. 17:03:18 Topic: Meeting close 17:03:30 Nigel: Thanks everyone, we're out of time for today. [adjourns meeting] 17:03:34 rrsagent, make minutes v2 17:03:34 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/19-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:08:34 nigel: for branch name item, let me send some line of summary and proposal for changing procedure shortly (I hope shortly...) 17:11:21 Present- Glenn 17:11:26 Regrets- Glenn 17:11:43 Regrets+ Glenn_on_audio 17:11:58 Present- atsushi, cyril 17:12:04 Present+ Atsushi, Cyril 17:15:28 a/I wanted to make a point that the main things was that Andreas made a good point/I wanted to note that Andreas made a good point 17:15:43 s/#1213 and that is not implemented/#1213 and that is not implemented in this PR 17:17:12 atai has left #tt 17:18:45 rrsagent, make minutes v2 17:18:45 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/19-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:19:31 s|a/I wanted to make a point that the main things was that Andreas made a good point/I wanted to note that Andreas made a good point|| 17:19:38 s/I wanted to make a point that the main things was that Andreas made a good point/I wanted to note that Andreas made a good pointå 17:19:43 rrsagent, make minutes v2 17:19:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/19-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:20:26 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:20:30 zakim, end meeting 17:20:30 As of this point the attendees have been Andreas, Nigel, Cyril, Gary, Pierre, Glenn, Mike, atsushi, Glenn_IRC_only 17:20:32 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:20:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/19-tt-minutes.html Zakim 17:20:35 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:20:39 Zakim has left #tt 17:20:40 rrsagent, excuse us 17:20:40 I see no action items