MiniApp CG Monthly Call

19 November 2020


angel, Canfeng_Chen, Dan_Zhou, Martin_Alvarez, Ming_Zu, Qing_An, Tengyuan_Zhang, Thejesh_GN, tomayac, wanming, wseltzer, xfq, xiaoqian, xueyuan, Yongjing_Zhang, Yongqing_Dong
xfq, xueyuan

Meeting minutes

Current Progress of MiniApp WG charter

angel: charter update?

xiaoqian: I can give some update, xfq may give more details
… W3C management approved sending the WG charter for AC review
… may send it to the AC this week
… may end the AC review this year
… needs some time to resolve potential FOs after the AC review

xiaoqian: expectation is to launch the group in January, before the Chinese New Year

Angel: good to know. Thank you xiaoqian!

xiaoqian: you're welcome

angel: when will the draft announcement be sent?

xfq: I've sent draft to w3c comm team for internal review on the draft announcement

Angel: do they normally announce on either Tue or Thu?

xfq: Tue/Thu are for publications. We can announce charter cfr whenever applicable

Wendy: Thanks Fuqiao and all for getting this out for AC review.

<xiaoqian> https://w3c.github.io/miniapp/charters/wg-2020.html

Charter related Issues

<Angel> https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Acharter

angel: We have 4 open issues for the charter


Angel: Yves responded, is it ok to close the issue?
… hearing no objections, so ok to close #75


angel: I responded to Sam, and he seemed to be OK with the current wording
… I think we're OK to close this one.


angel: "Super applications" may make sense in certain contexts for some miniapp vendors
… but may confuse people

angel: Fuqiao changed "including super applications and native operating systems" to "applications or operating systems that are hosts to MiniApps"
… is everyone OK with this change?
… is it clear enough?


angel: from Sam, about defining/explaining "UI component"

angel: is the rest of the group ok with proposed edits by Fuqiao?
… hearing no objections, let's close this issue
… I think we have closed all open issues against the WG charter
… we do have some new issues, like https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues/146
… we can worry about this issue after the AC review

xfq: I've already reflected all the changes to the proposed draft charter
… there's another issue I'd like to I would like the CG to pay attention to, which is:



[xfq introduces the issue]

xfq: I added comments following W3C Management team's suggestion, please check.


angel: there seems to be no objections

next steps for CG and WG

Angel: any new incubating ideas on MiniApps?

Qing_An: I recall discussions during our July MiniApps workshop, that MiniApp APIs for IoT



<QingAn> IoT MiniApp API, like Bluetooth Mesh API

Yongjing: Packaging spec states that we may develop security aspects, so we can start preparing a draft for it.
… another thing to incubate is UI components
… common UI components that can be useful for miniapps

angel: thank you Yongjing!

<QingAn> IoT MiniApp API, like Bluetooth Mesh API

Wendy: Thanks for your considerations on security aspects. Feel free to let the security review community in W3C know and review them.

Xiaoqian: Bluetooth Mesh API on IoT
… we have some ongoing work on them in DAS WG
… Fuqiao and Qing_An probably can talk in further

Angel: curious about the FO on the DAS rechartering, any potential impact on MiniApps work?

xfq: first, the Web Bluetooth specification is developed by the Web Bluetooth CG, not in the DAS WG charter
… the Web Bluetooth specification describes an API to discover and communicate with devices over the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) mode
… Bluetooth Mesh is not supported

xfq: DAS recharter has been actually approved and the announcement should follow shortly.

Angel: now we have MiniApp Addressing, UI components, Bluetooth Mesh API on IoT, security aspects of Packaging spec to consider to incubate

Yongqing_Dong: this is Yongqing_Dong from Xiaomi
… I have two ideas for us to incubate
… one is the introduction and invocation of system capabilities
… the other is the management and loading mechanism of page application container

angel: do you have any details?

Yongqing_Dong: I'd like to write them down after this meeting

Angel: I encourage all group members who raised incubating ideas to write them down somewhere, e.g., on GitHub.
… any other new ideas, questions, comments?

Tengyuan: we would like to adding dereferencing section of packaging spec
… and security, signature prosessing, etc.

Yongjing_Zhang: if there's no other topic, I'd like to point out there are several open issues we can close regarding the manifest spec

<Angel> https://github.com/w3c/miniapp/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Amanifest

Yongjing_Zhang: several are related to the extension of WAM
… many members of MAM are now inherited from WAM
… many of those are i18n-related issues
… don't need to address them today
… maybe xfq can look at them

xfq: I'll discuss the i18n-related issues with the i18n WG today
… I'll also have a look at the other issues and pull requests
… encourage other participants in the CG to look at them as well

Angel: please check with Addison, xfq

xfq: will do

Next call

Angel: how about Dec 10?

<xiaoqian> +1

Angel: same time, UTC 12:00 noon
… people may be on vacation on Dec 17
… the charter will be under AC review

<Yongjing> ok with me

<martin> +1 to Dec 10

Angel: we can discuss comments and objections during the AC review
… hearing no objection


Angel: any other issue?


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 126 (Tue Nov 10 12:12:40 2020 UTC).