Publishing Community Group

18 Nov 2020


wendyreid, ivan, zhengxu, mateus, Naomi, duga, wolfgang, Bill_Kasdorf, Alex
mateus, zhengxu


<scribe> scribenick: mateus

zhengxu: let's get started. thanks, everyone for joining the meeting.
... first, sharing the status of the community group
... currently, we have one task force active, the accessibility TF led by Avneesh
... I've joined some of their calls to catch up with what they're doing ... and have met some potential members to join the task force

<wendyreid> scribe+

<wendyreid> mateus: We do have a few open GitHub tickets with active discussion

<wendyreid> ... neither of the discussions have lead to a specific direction on whether there will be a taskforce

<wendyreid> ... we should follow up with Laurent and Juan

<wendyreid> ... thanks for logging tickets!

zhengxu: regarding logistics, i'll be adding the accessibility tf details to our documentations

Naomi: what's the github repo?

<wendyreid> https://github.com/w3c/publishingcg

zhengxu: Avneesh isn't here today, but some of the work handled by accessibility TF is under the WG and some parts are under CG, but it would be good to clarify that

wendyreid: the distinction to make between the WG TF and the CG TF is that the WG TF is focused on changes to existing documents, like Accessibility 1.0... and they're very much focused on updating the documents for the future... and the CG TF is focused on best practices, recommendations, etc... not any changes to spec documentation, just making sure people understand how things work... and that's generally true of TFs that overlap

with the EPUB WG

zhengxu: sometimes it might get confusing for people, but thank you, it's good to clarify as we're just getting started... we're not modifying existing specifications, that's a good point
... the next item is feedback on yesterday's second kickoff meeting with 5-6 members... no members from Japan could join, but we're hoping others from Japan, Taiwan, and China will be able to join going forward

<Bill_Kasdorf> Daihei can be really helpful

<Naomi> https://github.com/w3c/epub-rs-bugs

zhengxu: one item was about linking to the epub reading system bugs, so we can direct the community to the right place... another item we discussed was documentation and MDN...
... it will be good to move on with that work and continue documentation work as a TF in the CG
... we've reached out to a couple of prior members who had worked on this before, Ashley and Danielle at Norton and Rachel Comerford
... but we still need to get someone to work on documentation

<wendyreid> mateus: I have an update for Norton, I wasn't optimistic, it would be difficult for the team to continue to work

<wendyreid> ... I haven't connected with Rachel either

<wendyreid> ... I plan on reaching out, ask for anyone who might be interested

Bill_Kasdorf: contributing to the CG wouldn't require membership, so Rachel and Macmillan wouldn't be prevented from contributing if they wanted to

mateus: I will reach out to Rachel

zhengxu: finally, sharing the status of active task forces... the only task force currently underway is Avnesh's accessibility TF, which we discussed earlier
... some action items from today: reaching out to Laurent and Juan, who filed github issues; reaching out to Rachel and others about documentation; and adding link to the reading system bugs repo to the CG page

Bill_Kasdorf: just confirming the cadence of these calls

zhengxu: it's once a month, always the same Zoom link
... the Zoom link is only available on the members-only mailing list (link to the members-only list is posted with the monthly agendas)
... so that's all for today. thanks everyone for joining

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/11/18 16:27:50 $

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Present: wendyreid ivan zhengxu mateus Naomi duga wolfgang Bill_Kasdorf Alex
Found ScribeNick: mateus
Inferring Scribes: mateus

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Found Date: 18 Nov 2020
People with action items: 

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<dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report

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