WoT Marketing

17 Nov 2020



Kaz_Ashimura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Kunihiko_Toumura, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Michael_McCool


<kaz> scribenick: cris

previous minutes

<kaz> Nov-10

Sebastian: there were some good feedback from Philipp
... one open point was to ask information about marketing activies to w3c team
... were there some feedback about our presence on different multimedia platforms?

Kaz: do you want me to talk with them?

(Sebastian will check with Coralie.)

Sebastian: no objections to publish the minutes?
... ok approved

animation video

Sebastian: we have an update from the creator. The link is not public yet, I don't wont to share it before we have approved it.

(sebastian shows the video)

Sebastian: not bad
... any comments?

Daniel: the voice is not final. It is from the animator as a placeholder

Sebastian: we decided for a female voice in the final version
... I already provided feeback about the dashboard displayed in the video
... also a scene is quite long and too much abstract
... I suggested to add drawings about different IoT protocols
... the voice over repets too often the wot term
... the end is unlinked to the beginning
... finally, the logos in the ending should be larger

Cristiano: it feels abstract when explaning TD documents and technologies

Sebastian: it is quite difficult to display such details in the video
... the scene it also is pretty short

Daniel: in the final ending scene it would be better to leave an url

Sebastian: do we know the URL?

Daniel: I think the URL above might not change in the future

Kaz: I think it is fine, if we all agree

McCool: is it the best entry point?

Sebastian: that web page is not the best. Problably we should finalize the website and use that one.

McCool: in Japan usually people show keywords to be used in a search engine

Cristiano: we could leave the link in the description (when posted on youtube platform)

Sebastian: yeah it might be a good idea

McCool: however, the video could be shown outside from youtube context.
... I don't mind to use the main page linked above, as long the first thing they see is a redirection to the new website.

Sebastian: I made a proposal on how to handle the new website URL
... basically I proposed to use a sub directory as a redirection to our site.

Kaz: I think Coralie was OK with our using www.w3.org/WoT/Welcome URI for our WoT Welcome page (=https://w3c.github.io/wot-marketing/)
... however we were thinking about /WoT/IG rather than /Welcome/IG

McCool: Another question is timing. We have to publish the website (and fix URL issue) before video finalization

Sebastian: I think there's no problem to add just the URL at the end of the video

McCool: we could even create multiple ending versions with different URLs

Cristiano: we could use a video editing software to add the link

McCool: I think it is not a big deal for the animator

Kaz: logo colors are modified

McCool: yeah, we should notify him and ask not to mess with the colors.

<kaz> W3C official logo

McCool: he's using also some filter to boost the contrast

Sebastian: ok, I'll report your input


Sebastian: can we use my proposal for the website

Kaz: we already checked with Coraline and the scheme is fine. The only difference is that we agree for /WoT/IG and not /Welcome/IG

Sebastian: is it possible to have /WoT/IG ?

Daniel: I think it is easier if everthing is under /Welcome. The other way around is possible

<kaz> Kaz notes that we already have https://www.w3.org/WoT/WG/ as the WoT WG page and https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/ as the IG page

Daniel: however it is not the real issue. We should start from the welcome page and then think about this issue

Kaz: we have a conflict. We already have defined WoT/IG and WoT/WG
... we could just redirect those pages to the new one

Sebastian: yes the idea is to redirect WoT/IG to /Welcome/IG

Kaz: when should we resolve this issue?
... several months ago we started looking to migrate current content of IG and WG pages. Should we solve this before the redirection?

Daniel: yes we should wait
... let's try to resolve as many issue as we can

Kaz: we should focus on the welcome page and should be able to use WoT/welcome as the portal link for the video as well

Sebastian: is Coralie ok?

Kaz: she agreed with your proposal on that usage of WoT/welcome already, I think.

Sebastian: I'll ping back to her just to be sure

<sebastian> proposal: if the W3C Marcom Team is ok with the new URL w3.org/WoT/Welcome as landing page of the new WoT Welcome page we will use this URL in the animation video

RESOLUTION: if the W3C Marcom Team is ok with the new URL w3.org/WoT/Welcome as landing page of the new WoT Welcome page we will use this URL in the animation video

<kaz> July 30

Kaz: by the way, in July when we had this discussion, you already mentioned a similar URL and checked with Coralie.

<kaz> but "WoT/welcome" instead of "WoT/Welcome"

Sebastian: it seems that it was before I sent my proposal

Kaz: we should decide whether we use capital letter (WoT/Welcome) or not (WoT/welcome)

Daniel: I think usually it is not case sensitive
... e.g. welcome is the same as Welcome

Kaz: It depends on the server setting.

Daniel's PR new website desing

<inserted> PR 90

Daniel: I made several changes
... the first one is a new inverted logo

McCool: I don't like the inverted logo

Cristiano: however the bar looks better

McCool: what about moving the logo outside the bar?

Daniel: we should also add the w3c logo
... we could move both of them above the navigation bar

McCool: I agree

Daniel: I moved also the meeting page into a activities category

McCool: I see that we have acronisms in the upper bar. It is confusing for newcomers

Daniel: I think we can improve it when we'll move the logo

McCool: how it looks on the phone

Daniel: it is a responsive design
... we shold define a description for the activities page

McCool: we should add PlugFest under activities

Daniel: could we merge this version so that we can incrementaly improve it.

<kaz> fyi, WoT WS page: https://www.w3.org/WoT/ws-2019/cfp.html

Kaz: please check the link above for an idea where to place the logo of W3C and WoT. a possible option.

Sebastian: thank you very much for the update!
... we have still some open points in the agenda. We'll discuss them next time
... let's adjourn

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

  1. if the W3C Marcom Team is ok with the new URL w3.org/WoT/Welcome as landing page of the new WoT Welcome page we will use this URL in the animation video
[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/12/16 07:09:04 $