15:12:12 RRSAgent has joined #did 15:12:12 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/11/17-did-irc 15:12:14 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:12:16 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 15:12:23 Meeting: DID WG Telco 15:12:23 Chair: burn 15:12:23 Date: 2020-11-17 15:12:23 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Nov/0017.html 15:12:23 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-11-17: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-did-wg/2020Nov/0017.html 15:49:19 burn has joined #did 15:50:28 yoshiaki has joined #DID 15:55:37 present+ 15:57:49 TallTed has joined #did 15:58:13 present+ 16:00:04 present+ 16:00:35 present+ 16:00:46 present+ 16:00:47 present+ 16:01:02 justin_r has joined #did 16:01:05 present+ wayne 16:01:15 present+ justin_r 16:02:00 present+ dlongley 16:02:06 present+ drummond 16:02:30 drummond has joined #did 16:02:30 Eugeniu_Rusu has joined #did 16:02:46 present+ 16:02:48 scribe+ 16:02:52 markus_sabadello has joined #did 16:02:55 Topic: Agenda Review, Introductions, Re-introductions 16:02:55 present+ 16:03:09 jonathan_holt has joined #did 16:03:13 present+ jonathan_holt 16:03:35 present+ jonathan_holt 16:03:50 introduction from Ted Thibideau (Tall Ted) - has been active at W3C for many years, recovering from colon cancer 16:04:04 JoeAndrieu has joined #did 16:04:11 present+ dmitri 16:04:16 present+ 16:04:36 dbuc has joined #did 16:04:49 q+ 16:04:55 Agenda review: recap of F2F, PRs, patent policy decision, editors presenting the plan moving forward with priority 1 and 2 issues, then priority 1 issues 16:04:57 q? 16:05:00 ack manu 16:05:09 present+ 16:05:15 present+ orie 16:05:29 manu: does that include the PRs that have gone in for the data model 16:05:46 burn: Brent will cover those first 16:05:54 Topic: Special Topic Call 16:06:30 Special topic call will be Thursday at noon ET, the topic will be on equivalence properties 16:06:39 Topic: Face to Face Meeting Recap 16:06:54 present+ selfissued 16:07:05 s/Thibideau/Thibodeau/ 16:07:11 selfissued has joined #did 16:07:13 q? 16:07:22 present+ 16:07:30 brent: F2F was two weeks ago. Very productive sessions. Covered privacy concerns, abstract data model, translation between representations... 16:07:43 https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RoE8E4y8S1j65EJaXZ8oihkduNbjTXXvdwtkzw961Xw/edit#slide=id.p1 16:07:44 ...how DIDs are being used today, went into new patent policy 16:08:00 https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/resolutions 16:08:03 ...that link is slide deck for all presentations during the F2F 16:08:20 ...and the page where all the resolutions are registered 16:08:48 ...resolved to add language to the spec to avoid privacy-violating properties 16:09:10 q+ 16:09:11 ...we got much more concrete about what it means to ignore unrecognized properties 16:09:18 ack justin_r 16:09:19 ack justin_r 16:09:42 justin_r: I think it was really good for the group to be forced into concrete details about what it means to ignore a property 16:09:55 ...it brought out a lot of assumptions 16:10:21 present+ dpuc 16:10:23 ...so it resulted in a path that nobody is completely happy with but we can all live with 16:10:28 present+ adrian 16:10:29 Topic: PRs 16:10:39 agropper has joined #did 16:10:41 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/454 16:10:45 present+ 16:10:50 ...a number of the resolutions resulted in two PRs 16:11:27 ...454 adds language about representation syntax that explains why properties for those 16:11:40 ...this PR proposes language for the spec that clarifies that 16:11:57 ...this PR has resulted in good conversation and has pretty wide approval so far 16:12:02 present+ kristina 16:12:09 q+ 16:12:09 ...so we would like to accept this PR as a good step forward 16:12:41 q+ 16:12:47 q? 16:12:49 burn: normally with PRs we give a 7 day review window, however in this case we need this PR to move forward 16:12:51 ack manu 16:13:16 manu: We have a lot of positive reviews. I could quickly review it in 5 minutes. 16:13:52 ...just noting that we have a lot more support for these PRs that we've had before. The editors are happy with them and I'm seeing a lot of alignment. 16:14:02 q+ 16:14:07 q+ 16:14:10 burn: Can we first see if there are any objections to merging? 16:14:35 ...Is there anyone who would object to merging PR 454? 16:14:49 selfissued: I would object without some editorial corrections 16:15:02 burn: maybe we should talk about patent policy first 16:15:06 q? 16:15:14 zakim, close the queue 16:15:14 ok, burn, the speaker queue is closed 16:15:31 ack jonathan_holt 16:15:58 jonathan_holt: PR 454 is still too abstract 16:15:59 ack ivan 16:16:05 burn: please add that comment to the PR 16:16:38 +1 what ivan says 16:16:48 ivan: Since that PR puts in writing what was decided and resolved at the F2F. If it faithfully represents the decision at the F2F, then it should be merged. 16:16:49 +1 to ivan . Note that we can also merge and then make additional improvements afterwards (e.g. regarding terminology). 16:16:49 ack selfissued 16:16:52 burn: agrees 16:17:14 q+ 16:17:31 selfissued: The problem is that the PR does not faithfully reflect what was decided. It deletes the language about unrecognized properties must be ignored. 16:17:47 ...If someone can go to the minutes and find the text, I will add that to the PR. 16:17:48 I agree that this isn't sufficient but it's not meant to be complete yet. Same with the 455 16:17:52 selfissued, https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution4 16:18:12 burn: thank you, that's good input, we'll return to this shortly 16:18:25 ...and the editors can think about how to move forward with that input 16:18:34 zakim, open the queue 16:18:34 ok, burn, the speaker queue is open 16:18:44 Topic: Patent Policy 16:19:06 burn: we talked about this at the F2F about the new patent policy 16:19:14 selfissued, we more clearly defined "ignore" and the new language is based on that 16:19:23 ...we are encouraged by W3C to make a decision by the end of November 16:19:37 ...this is the proposal 16:19:54 q+ 16:19:58 ...is there anyone who has a question that must be answered before they can respond about this proposal? 16:20:02 ack TallTed 16:20:25 TallTed: As the chairs will find in their email, he doesn't know that he can acquiesce to this because he's not the AC rep 16:20:40 burn: each WG needs to make its determination about this. 16:20:51 ...Ivan, that's a good question 16:21:02 There was an earlier meeting - I think a special topic call - in which we resolved something like "Properties that are not understood MUST be ignored". Can anyone locate that resolution? 16:21:13 ...if a WG needs to adopt something, then it can be passed by a vote of members at a WG meeting 16:21:38 selfissued, in the last meeting we all agreed "ignored" wasn't well defined, so we did this resolution: https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution4 16:21:39 ivan: We discussed it at the F2F meeting but did not act there so that WG members could talk to their AC rep. 16:21:51 ... you, Ted, are in a special situation 16:22:04 selfissued, that is the language that is in the PR now and it applies to all representations, not just JSON, hence the old confusing "ignored" language has been removed 16:22:11 ...in general I would say that WG members had two weeks to discuss it with their AC reps 16:22:38 TallTed: As a policy, this is very broken process 16:23:01 ivan: He can bring that back to the W3C management 16:23:27 TallTed: I researched this new policy and it was hard to find information 16:23:37 ivan: This was discussed two weeks ago 16:23:49 TallTed: This is not the way this process should be set up. 16:24:22 burn: This is all we as the WG can do. During the F2F meeting we provided a lot of information about the new patent policy. 16:24:28 I found it: https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-03-did#resolution2 : "Unrecognized properties MUST be preserved." 16:24:45 ...I'd like to suggest that you talk with Phillipe. 16:24:55 selfissued, and that is now in 454 in a more explicit way: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/454/files#diff-0eb547304658805aad788d320f10bf1f292797b5e6d745a3bf617584da017051R2250-R2255 16:25:06 selfissued, and it covers all representations. 16:25:09 TallTed: It's outside of scope for this meeting. Ivan, if you would bring this back to W3C. It is broken in many ways. 16:25:35 ivan: The cleanest solution would be to recharter the WG. 16:25:56 TallTed: It should not be a WG vote. It should be the AC reps for each participant in the WG. 16:26:16 ivan: The process is that if the WG decides that we want to go with the new patent policy, a separate process kicks in. 16:26:43 ...every member of the WG needs to rejoin the WG, which has to be approved by the AC rep. 16:26:59 ...so each AC rep can decide whether their organization will remain part of the WG or not. 16:27:26 ...to start this process, the WG needs to vote. 16:27:54 TallTed: It seems the default should be to remain with the 2017 patent policy. 16:28:28 ...In trying to prepare for this call, I was looking for a diff file between the two policies? 16:28:53 ivan: Brent did that comparison in the slides for the F2F meeting. 16:29:02 patent policy discussion starts at this slide: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1RoE8E4y8S1j65EJaXZ8oihkduNbjTXXvdwtkzw961Xw/edit#slide=id.g9b7a7df111_1_47 16:29:06 burn: I would like to get a decision today. 16:29:23 +0 to proposal, pending feedback from AC Rep 16:29:24 ...We could actually give a week for comments and responses. 16:29:50 ...We can always choose to adopt the policy later. 16:30:32 ivan: Any decision we make today is only valid one week after the decision. So if someone objects in that time frame, the decision is rescinded. 16:30:58 burn: If an objection occurs within the next week, the Chairs need to determine if there is consensus or not. 16:31:08 PROPOSED: The DID WG adopts Patent Policy 2020 (https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20200915/) 16:31:11 +1 16:31:13 +1 16:31:14 +1 16:31:15 +1 16:31:16 +1 16:31:16 +1 16:31:17 +1 16:31:18 +1 16:31:19 +1 16:31:23 0 16:31:24 Orie has joined #did 16:31:24 +1 16:31:25 Eugeniu_Rusu has joined #did 16:31:25 +0 to proposal, pending feedback from AC Rep 16:31:30 present+ 16:31:30 +1 16:31:51 +1 16:32:02 0 (is not to take side on this) 16:32:19 RESOLVED: The DID WG adopts Patent Policy 2020 (https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Patent-Policy-20200915/) 16:32:23 by_caballero has joined #did 16:32:39 0 16:33:13 q+ 16:33:21 Topic: PRs 16:33:27 burn: Suggests that Manu take over the discussion of 454 and 455 16:33:35 q+ to respond to mike if people want me to 16:33:35 +1 to manu taking over the PR discussion 16:33:37 manu: Maybe all we need to discuss is Mike's concern 16:33:40 ack selfissued 16:33:59 q+ 16:34:05 ...I believe the concern is with 455. But if we can move forward 454, then we can get to your concern in 455. 16:34:12 ack selfissued 16:34:54 ack dlongley 16:34:54 dlongley, you wanted to respond to mike if people want me to 16:35:03 selfissued: The text of two different resolutions needs to be included the approved resolutions. You can't omit those proposals and still have the full effect of the PR. 16:35:23 https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution4 16:35:29 present+ by_caballero__juan 16:35:29 dlongley: During the WG call, people were confused by the meaning of "ignore" and "preserve". 16:35:33 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/454/#pullrequestreview-532550623 16:35:43 ...so we then got to another resolution (linked above) 16:35:48 I meant 455 -- 455 should be non-controversial (beyond the normal controversy). 16:35:53 q+ 16:35:55 q+ 16:35:58 ...that's what got moved into the Representation Requirements section 16:35:58 ack selfissued 16:36:06 ...so that's what is going into the PR 16:36:19 q+ 16:36:29 selfissued: The text he cites. "Unrecognized properties must be preserved." 16:36:55 ...the other is that: "Note that the value of the @context member will be ignored if present." 16:36:56 q+ to make a comment and ask editors/chairs to take it from there 16:36:58 q- 16:37:16 ack justin_r 16:37:18 present+ Wang_Haiguang 16:37:23 ...the PR is not complete because it doesn't include those two statements. If you can apply those two, I'll change my review to approve. 16:37:33 +1 to justin 16:37:52 +1 to justin 16:37:58 justin_r: I think it's important to note that this PR is moving language UP a level to where it belongs. This needs to be consistent across multiple representations. 16:38:03 +1 to justin 16:38:12 +1 fine with adding the note to another PR 16:38:16 ...We need to have the note about @context in the JSON section. 16:38:17 q? 16:38:21 q+ 16:38:22 q- 16:38:28 justin said what i wanted to say 16:38:30 ...if we can add that to this PR, let's just do it and move on. 16:38:30 q+ 16:38:49 +1 yes, let's not add it back in, agreed (i think the group agreed too) 16:39:05 +1 please don't add that language back in... the new language is so much better. 16:39:08 s/add it back in/the preserved language into the individual representation sections/ 16:39:12 ack dlongley 16:39:15 ...we absolutely must not add in the "unrecognized properties must be preserved" language SHOULD NOT be added back into the representation-specific sections because it belongs is in the overall requirements at that higher level. 16:39:26 dlongley: Justin said everything I was going to say. 16:39:34 ack jonathan_holt 16:39:43 burn: Reminder to everyone that the PR needs to just reflect what we agreed to. 16:39:46 I'm fine with "Unrecognized properties MUST be preserved." being added to the representation-independent section 16:39:49 q+ 16:40:01 This is https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-03-did#resolution2 16:40:11 ack selfissued 16:40:13 jonathan_holt: I think we have some outstanding issues about the ability to represent the abstract data model types. 16:40:17 that's PR 455 16:40:29 q+ to say, selfissued, "unrecognized" was also problematic, we fixed that 16:40:50 q- later 16:40:57 ack dlongley 16:40:57 dlongley, you wanted to say, selfissued, "unrecognized" was also problematic, we fixed that 16:41:05 selfissued: I'm fine with the resolved language about "unrecognized properties must be preserved" being added to the Representation Requirements section. 16:41:17 +1 for this new language 16:41:19 ack manu 16:41:22 q+ 16:41:28 dlongley: This is why Resolution #4 was incorporated. It is more specific and applies to all representations. 16:42:09 manu: I'm not hearing any objections to PR 455. 454 builds on 455. These have been out for over a week now. 16:42:17 q+ 16:42:26 ...455 has no controversy. 16:42:49 ...455 applies a number of resolution that we made at the F2F. 16:42:50 ack selfissued 16:43:31 selfissued: The resolution to 454 is just to add the two sentences he proposed. I have not read 455 yet. 16:43:54 burn: The week off last week was for meetings, not for PR review. 16:44:02 q+ 16:44:14 manu: 454 depends on language in 455. 455 is the first one that should go in. 16:44:17 ack ivan 16:44:20 burn: let's go to 455. 16:45:08 ivan: We are paying the price for having two different PRs. What I would do differently that normal, because there are no fundamental problems so far, is to merge both PRs now... 16:45:22 ...or to merge the two PRs to avoid the messiness. 16:45:23 q+ to talk of 455 16:45:28 ack justin_r 16:45:28 justin_r, you wanted to talk of 455 16:45:29 burn: let's look at 455 first 16:45:34 q+ 16:46:07 justin_r: on 455, I left a comment about 40 mins ago that suggests a bit of tweaking for the property and type definitions. If that is accepted, I'm okay with this. 16:46:22 ...there's more to be done, but we can handle that in a future PR 16:46:47 q+ 16:46:52 ack manu 16:46:55 ...but this will give us the ability to work on that specifically. So I support merging both of these and then "taking the hose to it" afterwards 16:47:13 q+ 16:47:17 ack selfissued 16:47:20 manu: +1 to Justin's suggested changes. Some of those changes have already been made. 16:47:43 selfissued: I just read 455 and I agree with Justin's proposed changes. 16:47:45 q+ to ask if we can take up 455 now? 16:47:47 q- 16:48:24 q? 16:48:32 ...i think we should apply Justin's changes 16:48:32 ack manu 16:48:32 manu, you wanted to ask if we can take up 455 now? 16:48:35 https://github.com/w3c/did-core/pull/455/files#r525281650 16:48:38 +1 to applying Justin's suggested text 16:48:52 q+ 16:49:02 manu: reading the changes now... 16:49:08 ack justin_r 16:49:14 ...they are fine 16:49:19 +1 to it 16:49:24 q+ 16:49:28 +1 to justin's change 16:49:32 justin_r: Yes, there was one specific change, very similar to what David Longley had as well. 16:49:45 ack markus_sabadello 16:49:53 manu: I have merged Justin's proposed changes in 455 16:50:10 q+ to say there is more to be done 16:50:25 markus_sabadello: We may want to improve the terminology about how we describe classes of properties. But we can do that after this PR is merged. 16:50:30 ack brent 16:50:30 brent, you wanted to say there is more to be done 16:50:31 q+ 16:50:35 +1 to markus_sabadello's point 16:50:53 I'm not OK ignoring https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution2 - we should do this change and not delete the text 16:50:55 brent: With both PRs, there is more to be done, but I don't object to any of the changes these PRs bring. 16:51:07 ack selfissued 16:51:12 that is 454 16:51:22 that's 454 not 455 16:52:09 burn: Manu, please write the proposal 16:52:19 PROPOSED: merge PR 455 16:52:21 +1 16:52:22 +1 16:52:23 +1 16:52:24 +1 16:52:25 +1 16:52:25 +1 16:52:26 +1 16:52:26 +1 16:52:27 +1 16:52:27 +1 16:52:27 +1 16:52:28 +1 16:52:29 +1 16:52:33 +1 16:52:38 RESOLVED: merge PR 455 16:52:45 I'm not OK ignoring https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution2 - we should do this change and not delete the text 16:52:46 q+ 16:52:49 q+ to a quick process question 16:52:50 ack selfissued 16:53:03 burn: now switch to 454. 16:53:12 ack justin_r 16:53:12 justin_r, you wanted to a quick process question 16:53:20 selfissued: Rather than delete the text, we need to make the change. 16:53:41 justin_r: Should we raise new issues for specific suggestions? 16:53:47 burn: please raise new issues 16:53:48 +1 to adding the text Mike is referring to 16:53:55 justin_r: I will do that 16:53:56 kristina has joined #did 16:53:56 q+ 16:54:00 ack dlongley 16:54:03 burn: Any comments on Mike's request 16:54:14 q+ 16:54:37 https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution2 https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution4 <-- think these are the links 16:54:52 dlongley: Could the chairs comments on whether Resolution #4 superseded Resolution #2? The latter had newer language to resolve the problematic language in #2. 16:54:53 new issue for type conversion language: https://github.com/w3c/did-core/issues/462 16:55:14 burn: I believe that Resolution #4 further refines the text of Resolution #2. 16:55:31 and https://www.w3.org/2019/did-wg/Meetings/Minutes/2020-11-05-did#resolution3 also moves everything to common place 16:55:50 ...Resolution #4 refines the text about consumption of an unknown property 16:55:50 q+ to say Res#2 is clearly a text change. Res#4 is a conceptual change which might be applied to #2, but it's not clear what that change would be. 16:56:15 burn: The resolutions are not expected to be precise spec text... 16:56:17 q? 16:56:24 ack selfissued 16:56:24 ...so there can be additional text added 16:57:02 selfissued: Two different comments. The harder one is that the general statement about preserving unknown properties that needs to go into the Representation Independent section. 16:57:16 ...but adding a note about @context should be in this section. 16:57:39 q+ 16:57:39 q+ 16:57:48 burn: Resolution #4 is a refinement of what "ignore" means. So the text may be in different text. 16:57:54 ack TallTed 16:57:54 TallTed, you wanted to say Res#2 is clearly a text change. Res#4 is a conceptual change which might be applied to #2, but it's not clear what that change would be. 16:58:28 TallTed: I believe that the explicit text change that was resolved should be applied as resolved. Then you can make another PR. 16:59:04 ack justin_r 16:59:04 burn: At the F2F, we were making statements of intent. 16:59:05 Eugeniu_Rusu has joined #did 16:59:30 +1 to justin, can selfissued just add a note in a PR? 16:59:34 q+ to I added a suggestion 16:59:48 justin_r: I believe the text in the PR reflects the intent. We can also add an informative note about @context. 16:59:54 ack selfissued 17:00:07 burn: We did discuss that at the meeting. 17:00:15 q- 17:00:15 q+ 17:00:49 selfissued: We took 15 minutes to agree to add a Note. We need to add the note before merging 454. 17:01:01 burn: Sorry for not watching the time. 17:01:03 I've added a suggestion 17:01:07 to the PR 17:01:30 q- 17:01:31 ...Editors: we did agree to add an informative note into that section, so we need to do that. 17:01:37 agropper has left #did 17:02:01 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:02:01 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/17-did-minutes.html ivan 17:02:12 zakim, end meeting 17:02:12 As of this point the attendees have been burn, brent, TallTed, shigeya, ivan, rhiaro, wayne, justin_r, dlongley, drummond, markus_sabadello, jonathan_holt, dmitri, JoeAndrieu, 17:02:15 ... Eugeniu_Rusu, orie, selfissued, dpuc, adrian, agropper, kristina, by_caballero__juan, Wang_Haiguang 17:02:15 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:02:15 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/17-did-minutes.html Zakim 17:02:17 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:02:22 Zakim has left #did 17:07:53 dmitriz has joined #did 17:09:19 dmitriz has joined #did 17:17:14 rrsagent, bye 17:17:14 I see no action items