Publishing Steering Committee

13 November 2020


Avneesh, Bill_Kasdorf, Cristina, dauwhe, Garth, George, Ivan, Liisa, Ralph
Daihei, Tzviya, Wendy

Meeting minutes

previous 30-Oct

EPUBCheck fundraising letter

George: do we know if Tzviya has sent it?

Ralph: I think she would have told us if she had

George: can we ask her to circulate it with the minor end-of-year change?
… she doesn't have to be the only one to send it
… one of us could send it with a statement "please circulate broadly"
… send to the BG, CG, and WG list
… I don't think I should be the one to send it
… as Daisy is the recipient of the funding

Liisa: I could send it
… I'd remove the word "just"

George: sure

Liisa: I'll send it Monday so it doesn't get buried

Garth: I'm doing my part internally

George: once Liisa sends it to the W3C lists, maybe BISG would circulate it too?

Bill: sure

George: any other publishing lists?

Bill: two questions: what organizations would be appropriate and what vehicle to reach those organizations
… for an organization like SSP, it's less obvious; many are journal-only in STM and don't use EPUBcheck much
… this isn't exactly a commercial appeal
… I wouldn't see IPTC picking up on it

Ivan: a list for ONYX folk?

Bill: that would be Editeur; I could send it to Graham Bell
… BIC is UK, BISG-like but I don't have a particularly good contact there
… there are book organizations in most countries

Ivan: we could ask Laurent to circulate to the French community

Bill: I

Bill: I'll include Luck; he's still consulting in several committees

Cristina: I'll circulate it

Liisa: what do you think about adding a couple of sentences to make a second paragraph describing what's been done
… to turn it into something that's newsletter-friendly

Bill: good suggestion

Ivan: and ask Daihei to do the same for Japan

<Zakim> Avneesh, you wanted to comment on Luc status

Avneesh: Luc is still in EPUBCheck management, so it's good to keep him in the loop

Bill: InclusivePublishing.org too

George: sure; I can get it to them
… I'd love to see many small gifts; more grassrootsy
… there will be a need for continued maintenance

Bill: this underscores Liisa's propsal to remove "just"
… get this on the conscious of others; there's work and costs associated with this and we're actively working on it

Ralph: thanks, Bill; if you want to solicit any feedback from us, please don't wait too long for it


How are our three new groups doing?

Ralph: any comments on the CG relaunch?
… Thanks, Avneesh, for resuming the A11Y TF

Avneesh: yes; that work was going on in the EPUB CG too
… ways to help people know what books are accessible to download
… also looking at mapping a11y metadata, starting with schema.org and looking at ONYX
… we expect a first report to be published this year
… the work will continue; we have to harmonize with ONYX
… we've also discussed harmonizing MARC21
… we want to talk with IFLA

Ralph: the Audiobook WG call for participation just went out

Ivan: and of course the Audiobook Recommendation and Publication Manifest Recommendations were published this week
… it would be nice to have more publicity about them
… perhaps a blog post
… , the Audiobook WG doesn't plan to have meetings; we'll see what issues and errata come in and schedule meetings as necessary
… as part of the review we did get a number of comments from organizations saying they planned to use the technology
… so we should see more announcements eventually

Dave: I heard there were comments about the packaging aspects
… related to existing players in the audiobook distribution

Bill: a focus on retailers, right?

Dave: yeah

Liisa: this points to a lot of concerns in the market about audiobooks generally; they can be quite large
… the distribution partners need to update

Garth: it would be interesting to have a conversation about the needs; note that there does not have to be just one track per chapter
… a good answer is that this brings a standard way to distribute a ToC

Audiobooks Working Group

Garth: do the Publishing WG participants have to rejoin?

Ivan: yes, due to the Patent Policy update
… and they have 45 days to do that

<ivan> Audiobooks spec in EPUB 3.2: https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/publ-wg/assets/publications/manifest_audiobooks.epub

Ivan: the Audiobook spec is now also available in EPUB 3.2 format ^^

Ralph: EPUB 3 WG ?

Dave: we had the Asian-time meeting last night
… the participants in that meeting agreed to move to Patent Policy 2020 after Florian explained it
… given the multiple specs we're working on, the PP 2020 seemed a better fit
… Matt has done a massive amount of editorial restructuring
… he doing the work of Hercules
… we are slowly attacking a bunch of the issues that have been haunting us for a while: spine order vs. nav order
… we've come to consensus around some of the weird issues around external entities
… we're chipping away on the issues
… I see a way forward on the various epub- CSS options
… we need to round up people to talk about testing
… following up from the discussion at the virtual F2F

George: having Avneesh drive the CG TF and in the WG seems good
… he has a small group to get the work done
… are we seeing the same kind of TF leads in other areas?

Ivan: the most urgent will be to find someone to lead the testing work

Dave: +1

Ivan: testing is one of the two main jobs of the WG

Ralph: do we know what community we can recruit within?

Dave: the most logical community would be someone who likely works for a reading system
… someone familiar with software testing

Avneesh: there's a huge community around EDRLab

George: we have some non-profit companies looking for income; could we do fundraising to develop a test harness that EDRLab might run?
… everybody needs it; how do we share?

Dave: this is frustrating; WebPlatformTests does not seem to be struggling for funding

Liisa: it's going to be a hard sell for publishers to fund test development
… it's hard to explain how testing is going to get us beyond the current state of lowest common denominator

Bill: it's hard to get people to understand that things that they can use for free cost something to create and maintain

George: perhaps a GoFundMe page?

Dave: Igalia has been experimenting with a similar model for building features in web browsers
… it's proved to be slow going so far
… the general idea is to get web developers were to kick in $5 to work on things that would make life easier for them

George: maybe we need to adopt some non-profit fundraising practices

Avneesh: this is a complex subject when it comes to core standards and technical work
… it's easier to talk about tools than about improving the spec
… when there's a practical thing people can see it's easier to get money
… we should look beyond publishers; there are institutions that fund other work
… highlighting the aspect of accessibility makes this easier

Dave: sounds like we need a foundation to do fundraising and apply for grants
… we've been stuck trying to do all these things with no resources

Bill: good ideas
… an alternative way that I don't like is to sell advertising on things
… more seriously, the conversion and prepress vendors are the ones who should be contributing

Garth: advertising works because billions of people see it
… I agree that EPUBCheck is the lifeblood for the conversion houses

<Zakim> dauwhe, you wanted to talk about the financial situation of prepress vendors

Dave: I'm not sure that conversion houses have a lot of money

Ivan: EPUBcheck and EPUB 3 testing are not the same
… for the latter the issue is to develop a testing environment in a way that can be also used as a testing environment for reading systems

Ivan: we should try to get together all the reading systems around us to discuss how to frame this in a way that will be useful to them as well
… then it may become easier to get funding

Ralph: +1, Ivan

George: the Steering Committee needs to act on this
… we need to put together a plan to raise money
… for the broader activity
… I'd not want to think small


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 124 (Wed Oct 28 18:08:33 2020 UTC).