16:04:57 RRSAgent has joined #tt 16:04:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/11/12-tt-irc 16:04:59 RRSAgent, make logs Public 16:05:00 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 16:05:26 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/158 16:05:56 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/11/05-tt-minutes.html 16:06:10 Present: Andreas, Cyril, Gary, Pierre, Nigel 16:06:14 Chair: Gary, Nigel 16:06:46 scribe: nigel 16:06:49 Topic: This Meeting 16:07:08 (will come shortly) 16:07:29 Nigel: [iterates through agenda] TTML2 - maybe we need to discuss the pull request for 1212 16:07:49 .. Do we need to discuss MPEG liaison? 16:08:07 Cyril: I don't think you've received it yet, I'm trying to track it down. I don't think we need 16:08:20 .. it on the agenda, I think I have an action to work with Pierre on the wording, which we 16:08:25 .. can discuss next time maybe. 16:08:42 Nigel: Ok, let's remove that from the agenda. 16:09:03 .. Next is 2 Process2020 topics, default branch name, and AOB. 16:09:09 .. Is there any other business? 16:09:18 Present+ Atsushi 16:09:37 Cyril: There was a Media WG meeting the other day and I raised the idea of text track 16:09:43 .. support in MSE and there was some good feedback. 16:09:51 Nigel: OK, AOB+ that. 16:10:08 .. One from me: status of TTML Profile Registry publication. 16:10:42 atai has joined #tt 16:11:02 Topic: Remove applicability of tts:direction on

w3c/ttml2#1214 16:11:09 github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/pull/1214 16:12:11 Pierre: My summary: long discussion on #1211. Boils down to what does tts:direction 16:12:20 .. actually do when applied to p. 4 options available: 16:12:36 .. 1. Keep things exactly as is by having tts:direction on p have no effect on the inline progression direction. 16:12:58 .. This is probably what TTML and XSL-FO have in mind but is incompatible with CSS3. 16:13:14 .. 2. Make things consistent with current CSS by having tts:direction on p override the inline 16:13:26 .. progression direction set by the writing mode. 16:13:35 .. This is inconsistent with existing TTML and XSL-FO. 16:13:49 .. 3. Make tts:direction not applicable to p and instead set the paragraph embedding levels differently. 16:14:08 .. 4. Keep things as is but note that the result of applying tts:direction on p is implementation-dependent. 16:14:17 cyril has joined #tt 16:14:26 .. The PR I propose is a compromise, option 3 here. 16:14:44 .. It makes tts:direction not applicable on p, removes the opportunity for inconsistency. 16:15:04 .. Instead the paragraph embedded level is set from the computed value of the 16:15:24 .. writingMode on region, so it is always set to the inline progression direction as determined on region. 16:15:44 .. It's consistent with the spirit of TTML, and compatible with modern CSS, and if we ever 16:15:55 .. change our mind we can make tts:direction applicable again and maybe then it will be 16:15:58 .. more obvious what to do. 16:16:13 .. As an aside, we have to decide what to do with unicodeBidi on p, which should be easier 16:16:16 .. to deal with. 16:16:16 q+ 16:16:20 ack at 16:16:39 Andreas: I have minor comments on the pull request but in general I fully agree with the 16:16:46 .. intent, for the reasons Pierre mentioned. 16:16:50 q+ 16:16:56 ack nige 16:17:24 Nigel: What's the impact in terms of potentially breaking existing documents? 16:17:50 Pierre: It's really hard to tell. I've not seen many if any right to left IMSC documents in the wild. 16:18:01 q+ 16:18:13 .. The few I have seen I think just set the writingMode and that's it, without any direction. 16:18:20 .. I don't know, in terms of hard numbers. 16:18:28 .. If we're going to settle on something now is a good time. 16:19:01 Nigel: Not quite what I meant - rather, if there were a document with direction on p, and 16:19:06 .. we made this change, what would be the impact? 16:19:24 Pierre: If the author set direction to explicitly set the paragraph embedding level explicitly, 16:19:35 .. presumably that would be consistent with the writingMode, because it would be unusual 16:19:45 .. to set the two unequal, so there would be no change. 16:19:57 .. If an author had used tts:direction on p to override the inline progression direction set 16:20:07 .. by writingMode that would break those documents. Why would someone do that? Maybe 16:20:20 .. because they think they're in CSS? This approach would break those documents, possibly. 16:20:31 ack a 16:20:51 Andreas: If you specify tts:direction on p or reference a style through some inheritance then 16:21:06 .. it is actually specified for p. It is not an error - you can do it even if there is no effect. 16:21:23 .. The question about the change breaking, my interpretation is that you would set direction 16:21:35 .. on p and there is a deterministic behaviour expected for the rendering. From the long 16:21:48 .. long thread we had on that, where all the experts were discussing and could not really 16:22:01 .. get a grip on it and agree, it seems to be agreed that there's no deterministic behaviour 16:22:25 .. so therefore it doesn't break anything. On the contrary, if you do that, it might not even 16:22:38 .. break an existing application. I would argue that if an application would render it the 16:22:48 .. way CSS3 does it, it would maybe be okay, but at least not an error. 16:23:03 .. If you now fix and make normative a deterministic behaviour then it is very clear that 16:23:09 .. some implementation is no longer conformant. 16:23:32 Nigel: Thanks, that's a good point, definitely food for thought. 16:24:47 .. I think what you're saying is that this change removes from reachability some features 16:25:18 .. of CSS, in that you couldn't get a mapping from a TTML2 document by a processor 16:25:31 q+ 16:25:35 .. conformant to this PR, which would end up setting the direction property on a p element. 16:25:47 .. If you're mapping from TTML to HTML + CSS, say. 16:25:57 .. Is that fair? 16:27:06 Pierre: exactly. The only place where you would set the direction property would be the 16:27:18 .. equivalent of the region TTML element, which is fine because that's where the inline 16:27:22 .. progression direction is set. 16:27:25 ack cy 16:27:45 Cyril: When Pierre said he hadn't seen Arabic documents in the wild I was wondering what 16:27:58 .. we do at Netflix. We have 100,000s Arabic documents. I picked one completely at random 16:28:04 .. and it uses direction on p. 16:28:08 .. I will paste the example. 16:28:18 .. The document I have has no writingMode on the region at all. 16:28:22

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16:28:40 pal has joined #tt 16:28:52 Andreas: The direction is on span not p 16:28:59 Cyril: Sorry, I need to wake up! 16:29:04 Andreas: Exactly how it should be used. 16:29:15 Cyril: I will try to see if we ever use direction on a p 16:29:20 Pierre: In general that's the question. 16:31:15 Nigel: It seems like Netflix is the best placed to give us real world data. 16:31:34 q+ 16:31:35 Cyril: I'm looking. I think the difficulty is checking various vendors. I suspect that if all 16:31:48 .. vendors use the same tool, given there's a restricted set of production tools, once we have 16:32:01 .. looked at the output of all those tools, if none of them use direction on p then we're 16:32:04 .. probably in good shape. 16:32:10

مسلسلات NETFLIX الأصلية

16:32:25 Pierre: If they use it on a p and it is consistent with writingMode then it's not terrible. 16:32:38 Cyril: Another example above, again nothing on the p or region 16:32:55 .. I will run some queries before expressing an opinion on the change. 16:32:57 ack at 16:33:10 Andreas: It's also important to see what would happen if you removed it if you do find it. 16:33:27 .. It should be an interoperable behaviour, and at least it should be tested. 16:33:57 Pierre: I will work on implementing Andreas's suggestions - they don't change really the 16:34:01 .. fundamental proposal. 16:34:05 q+ 16:34:14 .. I do want to understand why the group concluded that unicodeBidi is not applicable on p 16:34:27 .. when CSS does say some values are applicable to p. I'm happy either way. It would be 16:34:32 .. good to get confirmation there. 16:34:35 ack at 16:34:47 Andreas: I've seen in your comments you asked for a reference. I couldn't find the discussion 16:34:59 .. part but in one of Glenn's latest comment he said he considered removing the application 16:35:15 .. of unicodeBidi from p in a later version and that's my recollection from the discussion as 16:35:30 .. well, and there's issue #1212 that says to do this. 16:35:44 Pierre: If you go to the latest CSS drafts, some values of unicode-bidi that do have an impact 16:35:58 .. on p, including embed. We should point to some discussion or assessment in the PR I think. 16:36:16 Andreas: There is a part of the minutes where Elika explained what they do if it is applied to p. 16:36:30 Pierre: yes, it's in the CSS spec. I think that's less urgent. 16:36:35 .. My goal is to close this by end of year. 16:37:13 Nigel: Good discussion on this given the PR is only 11 hours old so already a massive step 16:37:18 .. forward, let's keep reviewing. 16:37:28 SUMMARY: Continue reviewing 16:38:01 Topic: Process 2020 - Living Standards 16:38:14 Gary: I wanted to get your thoughts on Living Standards in particular because of how 16:38:26 .. tied WebVTT is to the web platform, and because of how it seems that living standards, 16:38:38 .. if you've never been a Rec then it's a bit easier to become a living standard. 16:38:39 q+ 16:38:55 .. It seems like adopting it for WebVTT makes sense, since it allows us to get a minimal 16:39:02 .. release out and then add features as we go along. 16:39:09 ack ni 16:39:41 Nigel: By living standard do you mean continual CR or a Rec that can be updated. 16:40:02 Gary: I imagined Rec that allows us to update, and provides a path for moving ahead with WebVTT. 16:40:11 .. It allows new features to be added. 16:40:26 Nigel: Thanks, any views? 16:40:42 Andreas: Just for my understanding, isn't this what Nigel calls a continuously updated CR? 16:40:53 .. The other way round would be to come to Rec status, but is that what you mean? 16:41:00 https://www.w3.org/2020/Process-20200915/#publishing-crrs 16:41:35 Gary: Process2020 does have a new feature for Recs where you say that new features 16:41:37 .. can be added. 16:41:49 Nigel: My reading is that both models exist. 16:42:02 https://www.w3.org/2020/Process-20200915/#rec-track 16:42:05 Gary: Atsushi put a link above - there's a section about it 16:43:25 Nigel: My understanding is that P2020 allows new features to be added to a Rec but 16:43:40 .. labelled as being like CR status features, and when they've met the requirements 16:43:46 .. for Rec the labels can be removed. 16:44:02 Atsushi: The group can publish CR snapshots 16:44:11 Nigel: I think Gary's proposal is not about CR snapshots? 16:44:21 Andreas: Currently WebVTT is still in CR status? 16:44:23 Gary: yes 16:44:30 Andreas: But you still intend to bring it to Rec? 16:44:35 Gary: Yes that would be good for it. 16:44:46 Andreas: And then you have the possibility to add features after Rec? 16:45:03 Gary: Yes so you can add features individually instead of going through the entire process. 16:45:52 Nigel: Imagine turning the clock back for IMSC 1.1 and allowing this to be done to add the 16:46:03 .. font feature - it would have made things much easier. As long as there's a dated versioned 16:46:10 .. link that can be referenced externally. 16:46:22 q? 16:46:49 Nigel: I think there has to be something in the document itself that says it will use this model? 16:47:00 Gary: Yes there's a whole bunch of things that need to be updated and incorporated before 16:47:13 .. it can be moved on, and the new end time request from Rob that we can discuss another day. 16:47:34 might be this one(?): https://www.w3.org/2020/Process-20200915/#revised-rec-features 16:47:40 Nigel: CfC or proposal to make this change and allow people to consider it? 16:47:59 Gary: Yes. 16:48:06 .. Atsushi that link above is the one to start with. 16:48:33 Atsushi: Sorry I misunderstood - it's not CRRS but a way to add new features to Recs, and 16:48:37 .. allow the change to be reviewed. 16:48:58 Nigel: Yes, it would involve incorporating "Candidate Changes" 16:49:05 s/CRRS/CRS/ 16:49:13 Atsushi: Yes, and would need to be applied. 16:49:45 Nigel: Suggest emailing a list of steps and CfC to allow people to think about it? 16:49:49 Gary: Yes sounds good 16:50:07 Atsushi: P2020 is already applied, and this is also about revising a Rec after publication. 16:50:28 Nigel: I think the document itself needs to explain the working mode. 16:50:37 Gary: I believe so, if we want to do it at Rec. 16:50:51 Atsushi: First we need to go to Rec, and after that add in new features. 16:51:07 Gary: Yes that's the plan, to get the pared down thing to Rec with the addition that says 16:51:14 .. new features can be amended, and then we can add new features. 16:51:51 Nigel: Is your plan to move "at risk" features to Candidate Changes to allow transition to Rec 16:51:54 .. more easily? 16:52:04 Gary: Yes I think so, at least the ones we think should definitely stay in. 16:52:16 Nigel: Thanks that would be useful to explain. 16:52:27 Gary: One final thing: maybe it makes sense to transitioning IMSC to this working mode. 16:52:48 .. I know it is more complicated but would be good for any other specs being maintained. 16:53:04 Pierre: Gary, I think it's really worth exploring and look forward to seeing how it works for WebVTT! 16:53:24 Gary: It should be easier for WebVTT because it isn't at Rec. 16:53:41 Pierre: I would like to know what the game plan is for version numbers. Just a year, or a date? 16:53:53 .. Or a 1st Ed, 2nd Ed, etc. It's worth thinking about how we're going to do this. 16:53:56 Gary: Good thought. 16:54:10 Pierre: I don't particularly think that the CSS way is very helpful - I find it confusing. 16:54:26 Gary: I'm not sure how it's done for the Rec. For the CR model there are dated snapshots. 16:54:35 Pierre: That's clear at least. You pick one snapshot and implement it. 16:54:49 Gary: That's something I will figure out before sending the email. 16:55:01 Pierre: I'm happy to kick around ideas if you want to ping me. That's been a challenge for 16:55:14 .. IMSC, so maybe there's a better way of doing this going forward. Right now we're discussing 16:55:29 .. a potential change to TTML2 which is in CR. Do we withhold it, put it in the CR... The way 16:55:38 .. the world is going how to update the spec is really important. 16:56:23 Topic: Process 2020 - Patent Policy 2020 16:56:30 Atsushi: We need to ask the question to W3M whether we need to do something. 16:56:50 .. Two options: 16:57:05 .. 1. W3C batch update on various WG Charters to update to patent policy 2020, soon. 16:57:19 .. or 2. postpone application until our next rechartering in 2022. 16:57:30 .. There will be a WBS on this. 16:57:50 Nigel: From a practical perspective I'm not sure the impact on us? 16:58:03 Pierre: Isn't there an interaction between the new patent policy and the ability to do CR snapshots etc? 16:58:18 .. To the extent that we want to consider the new mode of work we might need to switch. 16:58:32 Atsushi: For CRD / CRS we would need Patent Policy 2020. 16:58:39 Nigel: Nobody is proposing to use that at the moment. 16:58:57 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2020OctDec/0028.html (survey email) 16:59:33 Topic: AOB - text tracks and MSE 16:59:46 Cyril: Quick update: the Media WG met and started triaging issues for MSE v2. 16:59:55 .. Three categories: editorial, in scope and out of scope backlog. 17:00:06 .. The Media WG encourages people to review the issues in scope, and the out of scope 17:00:24 .. ones if they care about them. The list doesn't include Text Track support in MSE in scope or 17:00:38 .. out of scope. I asked the group - they were curious to know what it meant but there was 17:00:45 .. no immediate position so I take it as a good sign. 17:01:07 .. I encourage TTWG participants who are also Media WG to create an issue if they are interested. 17:01:19 Nigel: Maybe I could talk to you about this offline Cyril? 17:01:23 Cyril: Yes 17:02:04 Topic: Meeting close 17:02:26 Nigel: Thanks, we haven't managed to cover Default Branch Name or the AOB on TTML Profile 17:02:41 .. Registry publication so will postpone those or cover offline. We're out of time for today, 17:02:49 .. so I'll adjourn. Thanks everyone! [adjourns meeting] 17:02:53 rrsagent, make minutes v2 17:02:53 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/12-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:20:08 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 17:20:11 zakim, end meeting 17:20:11 As of this point the attendees have been Andreas, Cyril, Gary, Pierre, Nigel, Atsushi 17:20:13 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 17:20:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/11/12-tt-minutes.html Zakim 17:20:16 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 17:20:20 Zakim has left #tt 17:20:36 rrsagent, excuse us 17:20:36 I see no action items