WoT PlugFest/Testing

11 Nov 2020


Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Tomoaki_Mizushima


Minutes review

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/2020/10/02-wot-pf-minutes.html

<inserted> scribenick: cris

Kaz: we may need to review the minutes from Oct 2 plugfest

McCool: ok
... I remember Rob Smith, I noticed his affiliation is in the contracted from. Could you please expand it?

Kaz: sure.

McCool: ok, any other comments?
... minutes approved
... do you want me to review any part of the minutes from the TPAC meeting?

Kaz: yes, please

<kaz> vF2F minutes

McCool: any objections to publish it?
... ok, let's mark number 8 as reviewed

Node-RED integration

McCool: toumura-san we saw your prototype during the plug fest. What is the plan to make all this stuff avaible to other people?

Toumura: we are thinking about how to make the code opensource
... there's also some technical limitations we Node RED. in particular, we are looking to Node RED plugins

McCool: kaz, do think the smart cities workshop will be in March?

Kaz: I've started to think about April but let's see within the Program Committee

McCool: I like Node-RED demo, I think it convey good value to WoT
... we should plan a showcase for it soon
... toumura-san, please keep us updated.

TV testing framework

<kaz> kaz: Louay Bassbouss from Fraunhofer is working TV browser testing within the CTA WAVE project

<kaz> ... would be useful for the WoT Testing work too

McCool: I think it is interesting, it would be nice to invite him to the PlugFest call
... anything else?

open issues

McCool: regarding the PlugFest I added link to the breakout presentation
... do we have anything else on the major accomplishment of the last plugfest?

Ege: I think we could close it and add a label

McCool: ok, it might be harder to find if it stays closed, but let's see

<inserted> Issue 76

McCool: I'll leave #76 open to discuss with OGC group
... also I labeled it to keep track of the related issues.

<inserted> Issue 71

McCool: #71 is a TODO
... it is about testing TDD thing description with node-wot.
... someone should volunteer to do this
... I'm cross-referencing this issue in the node-wot repo
... also I'm labelling the issue with a new lable for node-wot
... consequently, I'm adding also a node-red label
... we do not fulfilled #63 issue.

<inserted> Issue 63

McCool: do you have the link for APA meeting minutes? we probably talked about #63

<kaz> https://www.w3.org/2020/10/05-22-wot-minutes.html#apa

McCool: we have a couple of issues tagged with geolocation. I think we should start to plan a meeting with them
... still a bunch of work to do on tools
... Please take a look to geolocation tagged issues. we'll discuss them in the planned meeting with Spatial Data on the Web IG.

<kaz> i|please take|Issue 87|

McCool: there's a interesting discussion on issue 87
... alternate it is a little vague

Cristiano: I agree

McCool: If we going to propose a new link type we have to go through IANA procedure

Ege: Usually, link types have a little paragraph to explain their purposes

<kaz> IANA Link Relation Types

Ege: btw which task force regulate this IANA link types?

McCool: we should talk with the TD task force

Ege: alternate is good for html

Cristiano: yes, I mentioned this in the comment

McCool: we have a document for link type proposals, it should be in the use-case repo

Cristiano: I've just remembered that I edited a document in the arch repo

<kaz> wot-architecture PR 562

McCool: Ok so please add link types in the document linked. In the end, I think they will be listed in the TD document

<kaz> updated comment on wot-testing Issue 87

<kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/12/02 09:19:13 $