<janina> trackbot, start meeting
<trackbot> Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference
<trackbot> Date: 11 November 2020
<janina> date: 11-nov-2020
<janina> meeting: APA Teleconference
<paul_grenier> scribe: paul_grenier
janina: review expected meeting
dates for the rest of the year
... we will meet next week but the following week 2020-11-25
will be hard to get US participation. Then we begin again on
... then we will skip the 23rd and 30th of Dec.
... any followup or discussion from TPAC?
janina: we have an edited draft
of a charter that scopes our work in more general terms, we
need review, we're looking to recharter soon because all groups
need to make a decision about moving to the new patent
disclosure policy
... you may want to review the policy link (above) for any
changes and raise any objections before we recharter
... rechartering before the next year means we won't need to
recharter again to accept the new patent policy
MichaelC: rechartering will cause everyone to be removed from the group and readded.
<janina> My headset has stopped connecting to my Mac. I've tried twice. Please continue--I have to get my cell
we're paused :)
Becky: the takeaway is that we will all need to accept the new patent policy to remain in the group
becky: personalization is making updates and closing issues making progress toward CR
<becky> scribe: becky
pronunciation is struggling to make quorum, hopefully deciding at next meeting to more forward to CR with attribute model using data-; having trouble getting industry participication
<paul_grenier> josh: I missed last week and we canceled today, so no updates.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: aria 1.2 is approaching CR and needs horizontal review
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: APA is the horizontal review group, so this is an official review request.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: APA can either agree to the review (90 days) or not.
<paul_grenier> becky: we can check with janina, but without objections we don't need to review.
<paul_grenier> janina: that's ok, no need to review.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: there is one new charter for a web and network interest group
<MichaelC> https://w3c.github.io/web-networks-charter/
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: there's a liaison statement to APA. I'm inclined to sign off.
<paul_grenier> janina: confirmed.
<paul_grenier> becky: confirmed.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: there was one new one
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/TR/htr/
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: it's a note without review related to payments and describes how things relate
<paul_grenier> janina: I want to take a look at this
<MichaelC> ACTION: janina to review How EMVCo, FIDO, and W3C Technologies Relate https://www.w3.org/TR/htr/
<trackbot> Created ACTION-2266 - Review how emvco, fido, and w3c technologies relate https://www.w3.org/tr/htr/ [on Janina Sajka - due 2020-11-18].
<paul_grenier> josh: i'm interested as well and will work with janina
<MichaelC> action-2266: https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/How_EMVCo,_FIDO,_and_W3C_Technologies_Relate
<trackbot> Notes added to action-2266 Review how emvco, fido, and w3c technologies relate https://www.w3.org/tr/htr/.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: CSS box-sizing
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: issues include content stretching or clipping
<paul_grenier> amy: i reviewed boxmodel v3 but I haven't reviewed this
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: we should escalate the review priority
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-sizing-4/
<MichaelC> https://w3c.github.io/geolocation-api/
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: review request from June was not followed up
<paul_grenier> josh: I'll talk to nicolo and have a look
<paul_grenier> josh: he's our maps expert in RQTF
<Joshue108> /me Nicolò Carpignoli
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: language tags and locales, janina is a reviewer
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/TR/wake-lock/
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: we declined to review in 2016, we have another request to review, do we want to respond again with no comment?
<paul_grenier> janina: does anyone have an opinion?
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/TR/PFE-evaluation/
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: note without a prior draft, I don't think it has any accessibility impacts
<MichaelC> https://www.w3.org/TR/baggage/
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: first public working draft (Oct)
<paul_grenier> janina: I don't see an issue with accessibility
<paul_grenier> becky: more of a security/privacy issue than accessibility
<paul_grenier> amy: I have a list
<amy_c> https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues/14
<paul_grenier> amy: this one says see personalization and coga docs and it leads to apa meeting minutes but it's not clear of the issue
<paul_grenier> Gottfried: the wiki I set up with media queries 5 address this
<amy_c> https://github.com/w3c/css-a11y/issues/15
<paul_grenier> amy: this was a review of the CSS logical properties level 1. I had reviewed it and found no issues but it wasn't closed.
<paul_grenier> janina: I think we can go ahead and close it.
<paul_grenier> amy: my next question: shutting down the CSS accessibility task force and CSS WG puts out their own requests for review, do I just make a comment on their ticket?
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: there should be something in our dashboard but I'm not seeing anything there.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: when they close the issue it will appear in the dashboard.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: I suggest, if it's an issue, put a comment in it. If it's an email, reply on list.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: horizontal review procedures are being worked on. Right now we have a tracker using labels. Specific issues come to our attention that way. There's a review request process in the works so we'll have to determine if that fits all of our needs when that comes.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: you can review the dashboard but we don't have a great way for you track your todos. You can use the a11y-tracker label. Or subscribe yourself to the issue.
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: there are 6 issues from webxr
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: we should go through them.
<paul_grenier> becky: it did go through the accessibility checklist
<paul_grenier> josh: I'll look through these and bring them to RQTF
<MichaelC> https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5594
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: there's an issue in mediaqueries
<paul_grenier> MichaelC: do we want to track this?
<paul_grenier> janina: we'll keep tracking
This is scribe.perl Revision of Date Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/ Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Present: janina paul_grenier Joshue108 becky Gottfried JPaton_ amy_c MichaelC Regrets: Matthew Found Scribe: paul_grenier Inferring ScribeNick: paul_grenier Found Scribe: becky Inferring ScribeNick: becky Scribes: paul_grenier, becky ScribeNicks: paul_grenier, becky Found Date: 11 Nov 2020 People with action items: janina WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: IRC log location not specified! (You can ignore this warning if you do not want the generated minutes to contain a link to the original IRC log.)[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]