04:58:32 RRSAgent has joined #dap 04:58:32 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-irc 04:59:18 mfoltzgoogle has joined #dap 05:00:27 present+ Mark_Foltz 05:00:49 zakim, who's here? 05:00:49 Present: Mark_Foltz 05:00:51 On IRC I see mfoltzgoogle, RRSAgent, Zakim, anssik, takio, kenchris, xfq, mounir, reillyg, odejesush99, tomayac, github-bot, rakuco, scheib, slightlyoff, dougt, sangwhan, 05:00:51 ... Josh_Soref, Mek 05:00:59 amandy_ has joined #dap 05:01:09 present+ 05:01:13 present+ 05:01:15 present+ 05:01:38 marcosc has joined #dap 05:01:41 present+ Takio_Yamaoka 05:02:53 hazel has joined #dap 05:02:53 present+ 05:02:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:02:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:03:12 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 05:03:15 plh has joined #dap 05:03:43 present+ 05:03:54 JamesH has joined #dap 05:04:28 present+ 05:04:34 present+ 05:04:35 present+ 05:05:20 larsgk has joined #dap 05:05:21 present+ 05:05:33 present+ Kenneth_Christiansen 05:05:51 Anssi Kostiainen, Intel 05:06:14 AK: WG Chair 05:06:16 Fuqiao Xue, W3C 05:06:22 Hazel Kuok, W3C Southeast Asia Chapter Evangelist 05:06:44 Kenneth Christiansen, Intel + TAG 05:07:01 Marcos Caceres, Invited Expert 05:07:38 PLH, W3C 05:07:46 Raphael Kubo da Costa, Intel 05:07:47 Lars Knudsen, Invited Expert 05:08:17 satakagi has joined #dap 05:08:28 larsgk: not on the call? 05:08:53 Eric has joined #dap 05:09:05 kenchris: I am on zoom - maybe wrong link (it says DAS though) 05:09:17 I dont see you :) 05:09:43 present+ Arno Mandy, Intel Corporation 05:09:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:09:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:10:06 kenchris: I changed password on W3C and can't access the mailing list link now ;) 05:10:33 larsgk: https://mit.zoom.com.cn/j/98970825623?pwd=dzJJNzVrUjlrZE9ybmZTSG1pWmg4QT09 05:10:38 Eric Mwobobia, Safari Telecom 05:11:40 Alexis Menard, Intel 05:11:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:11:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:12:09 Scribe: marcosc 05:12:23 Leon Han, Intel 05:13:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:13:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:13:12 rrsagent, make logs public-visible 05:13:14 RRSAgent, make logs public 05:13:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:13:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html xfq 05:14:00 heejinchung has joined #dap 05:14:07 me https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html is now visible 05:14:59 Peter_Burrows has joined #dap 05:15:20 Present+ Peter Burrows 05:15:23 Peter Burrows, Pfizer 05:15:24 mattreynolds has joined #dap 05:17:02 leonhsl has joined #dap 05:17:05 James Hollyer, Google Chrome 05:17:39 Lars Knudsen, Invited Expert 05:17:50 Peter Burrows, Fiserv 05:18:19 s/Pfizer/Fiserv 05:18:31 Mark Foltz, Google 05:19:03 Matt Reynolds, Google 05:19:36 Satotu Takagi, KDDI 05:20:35 Thomas Steiner, Google 05:20:38 Thomas Steiner, Google, Web/Chrome Developer Advocate working on Web capabilities (Project Fugu 🐡) 05:21:26 Takio Yamaoka, Yahoo Japan 05:21:37 Vincent Scheib, Google Chrome, Software Engineer on Web Capabilities 05:22:28 AK: good participation 05:23:05 TOPIC: Process 2020 05:23:54 scribenick reillyg 05:24:02 scribenick: reillyg 05:24:02 scribeNick: reillyg 05:24:06 Scribe: Reilly 05:25:10 Current charter: https://www.w3.org/2019/03/devices-sensors-wg-charter.html 05:25:11 Presenting: Philippe Le Hegaret 05:25:31 Proposed charter: https://www.w3.org/2020/05/proposed-das-wg-charter.html 05:25:35 Mozilla raised a Formal Objection to rechartering of the Working Group based on proposed deliverables. 05:25:58 Mozilla's FO: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2020Jun/0012.html 05:26:13 Two reasons: 1) Security and privacy concerns. 2) Would prefer refactoring existing APIs over new Generic Sensors framework. 05:26:43 W3C staff found the FO interesting and wants to explore a Director-free process. 05:27:15 PH: We need to find a way to replace Tim Burners-Lee. 05:27:45 s/Burners-Lee/Berners-Lee 05:27:48 ... Creating a council consisting of the Advisory Council and TAG to make decisions. 05:28:22 ... Advisory Board has decided to take on the FO as an example to test the process for making a decision. 05:28:41 ... Director will still make the decision but the AB will discuss as if they were making the decision. 05:28:52 ... Director will make a decision no later than Nov 20th. 05:29:01 ... Charter will be extended through Nov 20th. 05:29:24 ... PH will be acting as team contact for this experiment. Co-chairs will be invited to present on the first call. 05:29:42 (Addendum) Mozilla's formal objection: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-new-work/2020Jun/0012.html 05:30:31 AK: What are the practical implications for the participants of the group? 05:31:11 PH: There is currently no effect. Work can continue to happen. Adopting proposals from the WICG is currently blocked because the charter requires it. 05:31:43 AK: Proposed new deliverable "Screen Fold API" cannot be published as a TR. 05:31:55 PH: Correct, but we can discuss the proposal in the group. 05:32:50 TS: What does "blocked" mean? 05:33:12 PH: The charter is required to publish a TR. Discussing the proposal is allowed. 05:33:36 AK: Can you talk about Process 2020? 05:33:55 PH: As of today this group (and other groups) are working under Process 2020. 05:34:19 ... This group is not (and won't be with the current proposed charter) under Patent Policy 2020. 05:34:57 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:34:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:35:36 Meeting: Devices and Sensors F2F - Day 1/2 05:35:39 ... Patent Policy 2020 allow patent policy to cover working drafts and proposed recommendations. 05:35:45 Chair: Anssi, Reilly 05:35:57 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/devicesensors-wg/issues/31 05:36:03 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:36:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:36:05 ... DASWG currently under Patent Policy 2017. 05:36:28 ... Transition plan is to ask chairs about switching in November. 05:37:04 ... In this group's case we will issue the new charter with the revised patent policy so that members only have to rejoin once. 05:38:21 https://github.com/w3c/devicesensors-wg/issues/31 05:38:33 TOPIC: Agenda Bashing 05:39:01 scribenick: scheib 05:39:11 Scribe: scheib 05:40:10 AK: First day discussing technical topics. Second day addressing privacy concerns. 05:41:05 ... kenchris invited to discuss screen fold topic anticipated in new charter. 05:42:06 ... marcosc invited to discuss network information and describe use cases etc. Proposal variations exist, with larger, smaller scope 05:42:46 ... reillyg to discuss Wake Lock split to screen and system locks earlier this year. 05:43:27 ... anssik noticed interesting application of sensors with orientation sensors being used in earbuds 05:43:40 ... Comments, suggestions regarding this agenda? 05:44:07 s/earbuds/AirPods Pro/ 05:45:18 RG: Checking in with marcosc - prepared to discuss? marcosc: yes. 05:45:23 https://www.w3.org/das/roadmap 05:46:05 AK: Inviting participants to review https://www.w3.org/das/roadmap, suggest any other topics today. 05:47:15 RG: Battery use cases would be good to discuss, but we may not have an appropriate speaker for this. 05:47:19 https://github.com/w3c/battery/issues/25 05:48:05 AK: Re Battery, use cases are in old email archives, https://github.com/w3c/battery/issues/25 filed to recall adding them. 05:49:05 RG: We're aware we need to work on this - but not ready to discuss in this meeting. 05:49:32 AK: Noting that motion sensors work is mostly done. At CR. 05:49:55 ... Test automation a blocking factor. 05:50:34 MC: the hard part is getting cross browser API for testing 05:50:42 ... Might need to discuss how to handle test automation. Perhaps web driver isn't the solution? WebXR and USB use a different API? 05:50:54 RG: Web Driver is an ideal way. 05:51:20 PH: What are these other APIs? 05:51:36 RG: We can place testing on agenda. 05:52:35 RG: Had discussed in testing meeting, we're short on time today, can add for tomorrow. 05:52:51 AK: Any other items, please send to anssik for inclusion tomorrow. 05:52:59 AK: Moving on to Screen fold API 05:53:18 TOPIC: Screen Fold API 05:53:55 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:53:55 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html reillyg 05:54:21 [this will get into the minutes] 05:54:50 Mizushima has joined #dap 05:55:55 KC: Starting with use cases for screen fold. 05:56:05 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:56:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 05:56:51 ... [presenting use case document with diagrams of devices with many different folding configurations] 05:56:53 -> https://github.com/SamsungInternet/Explainers/blob/master/Foldables/FoldState.md 05:57:20 ... -> https://github.com/SamsungInternet/Explainers/blob/master/Foldables/FoldState.md Fold Angle Explainer 05:57:47 ... Some screens right next to each other considered one virtual screen. 05:58:09 ... Consideration: Should screens not so close together still be joinable? 05:58:35 ... What about hinges between screens and keyboards as well. 05:59:19 ... [skimming quickly through spec draft] 05:59:30 ... -> https://w3c.github.io/screen-fold/ Screen Fold API 05:59:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 05:59:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html reillyg 05:59:50 ... May need to standardize angles of fold 06:00:09 ... Goal would be consistent behavior between different devices types. 06:00:34 ... One solution is JavaScript, events on angle changes 06:01:16 ... Others are CSS solutions... timelines... exposing the angle value. However downsides are that some computations are not possible (e.g. angle to position). 06:01:52 q+ 06:02:00 q? 06:02:02 acl marcosc 06:02:04 ack marcosc 06:02:18 MC: Has this been taken to CSS WG? 06:02:39 KC: Individually explored, and taken to some CSS experts. 06:03:30 Discussed with Alan Stearns, CSS WG co-chair 06:03:30 AK: Did confer with CSS co-chair Alan Stearns, Adobe 06:03:53 KC: Would still desire JavaScript for some applications, such as 'children's book'. 06:04:05 RG: Can a CSS value be pulled out of CSS to JS? 06:04:31 TS: Media query ... this might be possible? 06:04:41 ... just in theory at least 06:05:00 ... Why was this raised for CSS in general? 06:05:52 KC: [discussing some calculation challenges, e.g. degree conversion to other unit types] 06:05:52 See also: https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-4/#example-1daf921b 06:06:22 TS: Houdini seemed to have related solutions, may be able to bring something from there. 06:06:35 JH: Why is CSS desired? 06:07:00 KC: For basic layout / animations, want to avoid JavaScript 06:07:08 RG: [similar statement] 06:07:22 q+ 06:07:28 MC: Performance, smoother animations 06:07:31 Present+ Philippe_Le_Hageret, Eric_Mcobobia, Hazel, Heejin_Chung, James_Hollyer, Lars_Knudsen, Matt_Reynolds, Peter_Burrows, Satotu_Takagi, Takio_Yamaoka, Tomoaki_Mizushima 06:07:36 Here it is: https://drafts.css-houdini.org/css-properties-values-api/ 06:07:40 q? 06:07:44 ack marcosc 06:07:49 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:07:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:07:59 TS: See https://drafts.css-houdini.org/css-properties-values-api/ 06:08:38 MC: Are postures bound to angles? Can variables be used, e.g. 'this is a laptop' 06:09:09 This would of course require to register something like "degree" in https://drafts.csswg.org/css-values-3/ 06:09:13 MC: Can we avoid pre-sets, which might limit devices used? 06:09:23 KC: There has been feedback requesting standardization 06:09:49 q 06:09:53 KC: Intel working with partners has heard this desire that multiple devices function similarly 06:09:53 q+ 06:11:20 For the record, I love this API, I'm purely curious to hear why folks said it couldn't be done in CSS 06:11:32 AM: for each posture desire OS actions to also be consistant 06:12:23 MC: Concern of exposing both angle and mapping, because developers may use the wrong one. 06:12:47 AM: One solution is to start with posture, and see if it is sufficient and wait for requests to read the angle 06:13:35 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 06:13:35 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 06:13:57 RG: Will need to react to changes in the ecosystem, and new hardware. Need to be selective for what is standardized. 06:14:04 +q 06:14:13 ack reillyg 06:14:14 q? 06:14:39 TC: Fingerprinting concern with fine grained angle 06:15:02 s/TC/TS 06:15:02 KC: Without fine grained the animations will be poor. A mitigation may be to only report when changing. 06:15:18 RG: Each time a laptop is opened it will be to a different amount 06:15:44 q- 06:15:46 …but during a session, the screen probably stays static for longer periods 06:16:11 ... RG: Do we have more use cases for fine grained angles? 06:16:14 q+ 06:16:20 ack marcosc 06:16:24 ack plh 06:16:51 PH: To access API are permissions needed? 06:17:31 KC: Integration with screen placement may affect permissions 06:18:02 AK: Can we generate synthetic (fake) values for legacy devices? 06:18:56 PH: Fingerprinting concern if not behind a permission. 06:19:09 RG: How does this differ vs screen / window resolution? 06:19:44 PH: This will add to the problem 06:19:56 MC: Resolution is used as a vector 06:20:17 AK: The specification should describe the concern and address it 06:20:29 q+ 06:20:43 MC also noting angle may be constantly changing 06:21:29 q- 06:21:47 --> https://w3c.github.io/fingerprinting-guidance/ Mitigating Browser Fingerprinting in Web Specifications 06:22:12 RG: Concern that permissions can solve the fingerprinting concern. Can browsers describe the risk sufficiently? 06:22:21 q? 06:22:29 PH: notes --> https://w3c.github.io/fingerprinting-guidance/ Mitigating Browser Fingerprinting in Web Specifications 06:22:53 PH: Discuss with the privacy WG sooner than later 06:23:10 s/privacy WG/Privacy IG/ 06:24:17 AK: Should address in spec and address anticipated questions and then request review. 06:25:16 q? 06:25:37 q+ 06:26:09 KC: Discussions in github issues appreciated. 06:26:19 q- 06:26:23 q? 06:26:33 MC: I'll send stuff to github 06:27:08 Eric has joined #dap 06:27:15 Topic: Network Info 06:27:16 Spec: https://w3c.github.io/screen-fold/ Repo: https://github.com/w3c/screen-fold/issues 06:27:18 * It's past my curfew, so I will say good night. Thank you chairs for allowing me to observe the meeting. 06:27:52 https://wicg.github.io/netinfo/ 06:27:56 AK: A long history in this WG, was previously discussed. 06:28:07 AK: Inviting Marcos to discuss 06:28:18 ... --> https://wicg.github.io/netinfo/ 06:28:46 MC: Original use cases: 06:28:47 Use cases: https://wicg.github.io/netinfo/#requirements-and-use-cases 06:29:02 ... --> https://wicg.github.io/netinfo/#requirements-and-use-cases Use cases 06:29:13 ... What type of connection is being used? 06:29:24 ... Raised many concerns of exposing too much information 06:29:56 ... Picture element came along, which allows responsiveness to environment. Also media queries, lazy loading, etc. 06:30:04 ... Needs of the API were reduced. 06:30:27 ... Notably: Did not address if the connection is "Metered" or not. 06:30:35 ... Does the connection cost money. 06:31:06 ... Metered or not could be a signal. 06:31:11 We have Save-Data (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Save-Data) and prefers-reduced-data now (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-data) 06:31:20 https://github.com/WICG/netinfo/issues/84 06:31:45 ... --> https://github.com/WICG/netinfo/issues/84 Metered Github Issue 06:32:02 AK: Does metered mean there's a data limit? Or a charge? 06:32:10 MC: Up to the user + user agent. 06:32:57 RG: Some OSes may make assumptions, or get a signal from a carrier. 06:33:55 TS: On windows, when tethered to a phone, poor results can happen, but there are heuristics to detect connection type. 06:34:07 MC: iOS option briefly shown 06:34:20 Windows link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/metered-connections-in-windows-10-7b33928f-a144-b265-97b6-f2e95a87c408 06:34:40 TS: --> https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/metered-connections-in-windows-10-7b33928f-a144-b265-97b6-f2e95a87c408 Windows link 06:34:45 Low data mode on iOS: https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT210596#:~:text=Wi%2DFi%3A-,Open%20the%20Settings%20app.,Turn%20on%20Low%20Data%20Mode. 06:35:10 q+ 06:35:28 MC: Confusion around heuristics working well enough, and what some OS signals even mean. 06:35:42 MC: Connection Type 06:36:03 MC: What type of bandwidth may be available, may influence what is downloaded 06:36:24 MC: Concerns around connection type being poorly identified, e.g. due to transient conditions. 06:36:25 ack anssik 06:36:38 q+ 06:36:47 AK: Where has this API shipped? 06:37:01 https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_networkinformation 06:37:02 AK: Data from real-world use cases? 06:37:44 JH: Seeing Chrome is behind a flag 06:37:51 TS: notes https://caniuse.com/mdn-api_networkinformation 06:38:08 RG: [details missed] 06:38:40 TS: Differential Serving == adjusting what applications do based on connection type / quality. 06:39:04 TS: We have Save-Data (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Save-Data) and prefers-reduced-data now (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-data) 06:39:43 TS: concern isn't about use cases, but concern is that information is too fine grained. 06:40:05 Repeating what TS said earlier, we have Save-Data (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Save-Data) and prefers-reduced-data now (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/@media/prefers-reduced-data) 06:40:10 TS: precision now is more than needed for differential serving 06:40:35 https://www.w3.org/TR/netinfo-usecases/ 06:40:42 MC: Problem is that API is overzealous 06:41:07 AK: Is earlier editor Ilya Grigorik still working on this? 06:41:13 s/differential serving/adaptive loading/ 06:41:14 https://addyosmani.com/blog/adaptive-loading/ 06:41:37 q+ 06:41:41 q? 06:41:46 ack scheib 06:41:49 TC: Correcting use cases term that are known employed: adaptive loading https://addyosmani.com/blog/adaptive-loading/ 06:41:59 s/TC/TS 06:42:48 VS: what use cases remain that we want to solve... seems like we want this adaptive loading use case solved 06:43:14 VS: what use cases remain that we want to solve... seems like we want this adaptive loading use case solved 06:43:14 q? 06:44:05 TS: One problem remaining is a site changing behavior even though the user prefers another. E.g. a user who would want to wait and see a higher resolution image. 06:44:20 amandy has joined #dap 06:44:27 RG: Yes, issue is "what is the signal" 06:45:01 RG: A) the carrier indicating connection type, or B) User indicating what type of bandwith usage they want 06:45:23 Chrome Lite mode reillyg was referring to: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2392284?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en 06:45:23 RG: Related: browser 'data saving' features that can be toggled by users. 06:45:25 q? 06:45:43 TS: Chrome Lite mode reillyg was referring to: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2392284?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en 06:46:13 ack marcosc 06:46:19 JH: The site will need to implement functionality 06:46:25 On extremely slow connection Chrome would proxy pages through Google Web Light: https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6211428?hl=en 06:46:39 s/slow connection/slow connections/ 06:47:03 MC: Hard part is network signal in an interoperable manner. 06:47:40 q? 06:47:45 MC: Also: are client hint and CSS media-query sufficient for use case? 06:48:31 RG: Interop is challanging. But "is metered" and "user wants to save data" should be achievable 06:48:32 Nit: it's not a client hint (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-CH), but just a header 06:48:50 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Save-Data 06:48:55 /me thanks for clarifying tomayac 06:49:09 TS: (Nit: it's not a client hint (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Accept-CH), but just a header 06:49:09 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Save-Data) 06:49:46 AK: Reviving user override desired 06:50:18 RG: Yes, apps need to implement the app behavior ... so a poorly behaving app may be corrected by the browser sending a different signal 06:50:54 AK: Need a refresh of specification for 2020 context. 06:51:30 q? 06:51:36 TS: Will check in with editor Ilya Grigorik to see status 06:52:47 RG: Seems we're discussing around a minimal sub-set that is already in the platform. Could drop the spec 06:54:15 RG: Research warranted to understand what sites are using this functionality, can e.g. Chrome deprecate them? 06:54:39 RG: If not, at least document status quo and try to get interop 06:55:32 TS: Is it fingerprinting use, or legitimate use? 06:56:28 q? 06:56:52 +1 06:57:03 RESOLUTION: Revise Network Info use cases for 2020 drawing from real-world usage experience e.g. for adaptive loading pattern, review what API knobs are required given the new properties HTTP Save-Data header and prefers-reduced-data CSS media feature are made available 06:57:17 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 06:57:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html plh 07:09:26 scribenick: tomayac 07:09:56 rrsagent, generate minutes v2 07:09:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 07:10:36 TOPIC: System Wake Lock 07:10:43 q? 07:11:30 reillyg Where we left the discussion as of last TPAC: we split the spec into screen and rest. Screen has shipped in Chrome, with interest from Mozilla. 07:12:00 Last TPAC I (@reillyg) had some ideas around system, but didn't want to distract from screen. 07:12:01 s/with interest from Mozilla/with "worth prototyping" from Mozilla 07:12:50 reillyg The observation was that there is work that sites are doing 07:13:01 that the site wants to tell the user they are doing 07:13:21 It's separate from background geolocation and geofencing 07:13:33 They are fascinating, but a different discussion 07:13:58 Examples of sites doing work would be Figma and Squoosh doing data processing 07:14:08 Work, which, if canceled, would be lost 07:14:22 Another example would be an IDE compiling code 07:14:47 -> https://github.com/w3c/system-wake-lock/issues/4 System Wake Lock use cases meta issue 07:14:49 While also allowing the user to know that an operation is in process 07:15:13 On OS, there is the concept of foreground operation 07:15:24 Like downloading updates or processing photos 07:15:34 s/OS/OS like Android/ 07:15:57 The proposal I hinted at last TPAC was an integration between screen wake lock and the notifications API 07:16:12 Along with some UI elements (indicators) 07:16:23 q? 07:16:30 UAs can implement some heuristics when to show this indication 07:16:33 q+ 07:16:49 q+ my concern is separating the lock from the processing 07:17:05 q+ to say my concern is separating the lock from the processing 07:17:09 Developers would take these locks eagerly, and the UA could then decide whether or not to show the indicator 07:17:30 This is a signal the site could provide to the UA 07:17:47 Similar to what we have today with onunload handlers, I know that's frowned upon 07:17:59 q? 07:17:59 Used to say I have unsaved changes 07:18:04 ack anssik 07:18:24 @anssik What you describe at the user experience is alongside notification 07:18:41 Would this be dismissible UI by the user? 07:19:12 In your idea, if the user wishes, could the user break the lock? 07:19:36 @reillyg Yes, this would be interruptible 07:19:49 q? 07:20:05 There is a second level to this. Background tab throttleing 07:20:42 -> https://github.com/WICG/page-lifecycle 07:20:43 Users have a lot of tabs open, and UAs try to throttle. But heuristics are hard. Is it just a carousel sliding, or something actually important? 07:21:01 You can balance that against the system policy 07:21:05 q? 07:21:27 @anssik Am I right in assuming the API shape would be different from screen wake lock? 07:21:41 @reillyg We're not there yet. Not concerned about that yet. 07:21:52 More interested in use cases that need to be ack'ed 07:22:15 When you play a video, you get a screen wake lock for free. Maybe we should be stopping this. 07:22:25 Like when videos are used to replaced animated GIFs 07:22:38 Browsers will take a system wake lock when downloads run 07:22:51 There are cases where the browser can't decide alone and needs help 07:22:56 q? 07:23:05 q+ anssik to ask about abuse mitigations 07:23:07 q? 07:23:19 ack marcosc 07:23:19 marcosc, you wanted to say my concern is separating the lock from the processing 07:23:27 q+ 07:23:43 @marcosc My concern would be separating wake lock and actually doing the work 07:23:54 q? 07:23:56 Maybe we should have a dedicated worker 07:24:21 @reillyg I don't understand the difference. If it is main thread work or a worker. 07:24:46 @marcosc You would not be doing work on the main thread, it would enforce a best practice of working on workers 07:24:49 q? 07:24:53 and not the main thread 07:25:20 @reillyg This makes sense. Sites can work around this. Sites could spawn a fake worker and still do work on the main thread 07:25:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 07:25:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 07:25:39 @marcosc If you do work on the main thread you get the "this site is blocked" thing 07:25:57 @reillyg Not talking about blocking like with loops, but just regular work 07:26:12 s/thing/UI/ 07:26:40 s/@marcosc/MC: 07:26:53 q? 07:26:58 ack anssik 07:26:58 anssik, you wanted to ask about abuse mitigations 07:27:30 AK: How do we prevent every site declaring they are doing important work? 07:28:02 RG: Not concerned about this. Sites already today compete for resources. 07:28:22 There's a visibility tied up with that 07:28:26 q+ 07:28:51 The user agent can make the intention visible to the user 07:29:06 AK: SGTM 07:29:07 q? 07:29:38 q? 07:29:46 ack JamesH 07:30:10 JH: This also doesn't hog resources. The system would just go to sleep. 07:30:33 ack queue 07:30:38 ack "queue 07:30:38 "queue, you wanted to react to JamesH 07:30:40 When some timer has gone up, a popup could appear. Saying "this tab is preventing the system from sleeping" 07:31:08 I would not watch a compiler do its work 07:31:18 I hope the indication would be in the tab 07:31:33 RG: User agents could adjust the way this gets displayed 07:31:38 q? 07:31:39 Including not showing it at all 07:32:07 For example, if a site is in the foreground, the timer could be longer 07:32:19 But if you're in the background, the timer could be shorter 07:32:33 You could then see some popup that tells you about ongoing work 07:32:49 The UA is given more ability to decide how to show the UI 07:32:55 qq+ 07:32:58 q? 07:33:02 ack anssik 07:33:02 anssik, you wanted to react to "queue 07:33:21 AK: Is there use for allowing web pages to explain the reason? 07:33:31 +q 07:33:32 Like "I'm doing video encoding" 07:33:42 q? 07:33:51 RG: My strawman is that it's a type of notification that includes progress 07:34:05 You would have to upgrade that progress periodically 07:34:10 AK: I like that 07:34:13 qq+ 07:34:18 ack tomayac 07:34:52 zkis has joined #dap 07:35:19 Present+ Zoltan_Kis 07:35:37 TS: We have iOS' camera usage indication, but there's nothing like this on desktop 07:35:56 anssik has changed the topic to: Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/devicesensors-wg/issues/31 07:35:57 RG: We have tabs red dot for recording 07:36:08 Also screen sharing 07:36:26 q++ 07:36:32 q- 07:36:34 q? 07:36:36 qq+ 07:36:42 ack + 07:36:55 ack tomayac 07:36:55 tomayac, you wanted to react to tomayac 07:37:23 TS: Clarifying that I was talking about OS level indication 07:37:31 Not browser-level 07:37:51 RG: Windows has the concept of in-taskbar icon progress 07:37:57 ack marcosc 07:38:16 MC: macOS shows geolocation in the title bar 07:38:37 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 07:38:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 07:38:42 MC: Tying it to "progress" sounds good 07:38:59 RG: We also need an indetermined mode 07:39:12 For things that don't know how long something will take 07:39:33 AK: It would be like a heartbeat 07:39:43 If there's no heart beat you could ask for aliveness 07:40:00 MC: If you see the worker is working based on CPU, you know it's busy 07:40:17 RG: The heartbeats are important to know if progress is being made at all 07:40:25 q? 07:40:29 Does the code think it's making progress 07:40:31 q+ 07:40:55 MC: For example when I'm walking I would turn off the screen, but might still be interested in progress 07:41:12 RG: On mobile, it's different. You're more likely to put it away instead. 07:41:26 The notification could still be useful 07:41:50 Like in the aftermath. You could discover abusive behavior 07:42:09 On the other hand, it could feed into systems like battery consmption 07:42:20 So you could see which sites have taken a lot of system locks 07:42:30 MC: It could be managed by the OS or the UA 07:42:35 ack larsgk 07:43:12 LK: One example from enterprise would be where there is no progress for days, but the need to wake up the screen when something important happens 07:43:26 RG: This would be more like a kiosk mode 07:43:33 This is a policy the admin sets 07:43:46 There is a proposal for Microsoft to set install-time permissions 07:44:01 Like a site is run in kiosk mode. The site would declare this in its meta data 07:44:23 Tied in with monitoring: one of the use cases for this: 07:44:38 you have WebUSB where you might be flashing a device 07:44:52 You need to download the data, then flash 07:45:08 The hint is important to make the UA understand 07:45:32 q? 07:45:54 AK: I feel like there is need to do more work 07:46:06 We have collected use cases 07:46:12 and excluded background geolocation 07:46:17 which helps frame the scope 07:46:50 RG: Understanding the scope helps. I would like to hear from @marcosc how he sees Mozilla perceive this? 07:46:56 q? 07:47:11 MC: There is definitely a clear case for this 07:47:47 They need to be outlined a little bit more clearly, and then we need to think about the API shape 07:48:07 I don't think anything is blocking here 07:48:15 AK: Maybe we need an Explainer 07:48:32 RG: Yes. Something with the goals and non-goals defined. And the rough API shape. 07:48:51 MC: Some discussion of the pros and cons of the worker route 07:49:01 JH: Do you think worker is more feasible? 07:49:29 MC: Depends on how much work the browser needs to do. It's also less of a footgun 07:49:47 There are lots of things to consider there 07:50:05 AK: We need to agree on what the Explainer should contain 07:50:09 there is this template 07:50:18 Please provide key concerns and questions 07:50:28 Template: https://w3ctag.github.io/explainers 07:50:39 clear use case + real world examples from native apps or things that web apps are doing today 07:50:39 RG: Not sure we need to go into that much detail. The template is probably good enough 07:50:58 proposed RESOLUTION: Write System Wake Lock explainer and draft an API shape 07:51:18 /me +1 07:51:24 +1 07:51:26 RESOLUTION: Write System Wake Lock explainer and draft an API shape 07:51:27 +1 07:51:31 =1 07:51:32 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 07:51:32 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 07:51:36 s/=1/+1 07:52:21 RG: This is on my/Fugu's plate. People asking for this are coming to me (@reillyg) 07:52:47 Wanted to get a signal from folks in thew WG if this is valid 07:52:54 And it seems the answer is yes 07:53:13 MC: Especially since screen wake lock has gone well. Offloading this cognitive load is helping us. 07:53:25 AK: Reilly, do you want to own this action? 07:53:31 RG: Sure 07:53:37 ACTION: Reilly to kick off the System Wake Lock explainer work 07:53:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 07:53:58 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 07:54:15 AK: Thanks for today. We'll be back tomorrow 07:54:24 Giving outlook on the agenda 07:54:27 https://github.com/w3c/devicesensors-wg/issues/31 07:54:45 TOPIC: Adjourn 07:54:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 07:54:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/22-dap-minutes.html anssik 09:38:51 zkis has joined #dap 09:47:25 xfq has joined #dap 10:31:12 Zakim has left #dap 11:05:46 sonia has joined #dap 12:04:20 zkis has joined #dap 12:44:56 ooy has joined #dap 12:45:09 12:45:11