13:09:45 RRSAgent has joined #dpvcg 13:09:45 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/10/07-dpvcg-irc 13:10:15 zakim, this is DPVCG Meeting Call 07-OCT-2020 13:10:15 got it, harsh 13:11:04 zakim, start this meeting 13:11:04 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:11:05 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), harsh 13:11:42 Meeting: DPVCG Meeting Call 07-OCT-2020 13:11:45 Chair: harsh 13:11:57 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpvcg/2020Sep/0012.html 13:12:10 ScribeNice: harsh 13:12:27 present+ FajarEkaputra 13:12:31 present+ BeatrizEstaves 13:12:36 present+ PaulRyan 13:12:52 present+ GeorgeLioudakis 13:13:04 present+ LisaLeVasseur 13:13:40 agenda+ Presentation on BPR4GDPR by George L. 13:13:47 agenda+ DPVCG resolution on virtual workshop 13:13:57 zakim, show the agenda 13:13:57 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 13:13:58 1. Presentation on BPR4GDPR by George L. [from harsh] 13:13:58 2. DPVCG resolution on virtual workshop [from harsh] 13:14:11 zakim, open agendum 1 13:14:11 agendum 1. "Presentation on BPR4GDPR by George L." taken up [from harsh] 13:14:47 George has presented the BP4GDPR project ontologies and their application in the project. 13:14:56 George will be sharing the slides on the mailing list. 13:15:42 Lisa LeVasseur is present in the meeting as an observer. 13:15:58 Lisa is a member of the IEEE P7012 WG regarding machine readable privacy agreements 13:19:24 Questions on the presentation by Georg: 13:19:53 harsh: What is the relevance or correlation between DPV and BPR4GDPR? Where can DPV be used within BPR4GDPR and vice-versa. 13:20:14 Georg: Both are complimentary to some extent. DPV should consider adopting the structural components from BPR4GDPR. 13:20:48 Georg: The structural components are the design patterns for describing concepts e.g. personal data has a relationship is-a, is-part-of, and is-more-detailed-than 13:21:05 Georg: BPR4GDPR also has the concept of Roles and Purposes and their relations which could be adopted. 13:21:28 Georg: Conversely, the DPV LegalBasis are missing as a term in BPR4GDPR and can be integrated in rules. 13:22:00 More questions can be shared on the mailing list or directly with Georg (email on public list, slides to be shared) 13:22:13 zakim, move to agendum 2 13:22:13 agendum 2. "DPVCG resolution on virtual workshop" taken up [from harsh] 13:51:07 We have 5 indicatins/preferences on the poll, with Nov 4 and Nov 25 as best choices. 13:51:17 Choosing Nov 4 (no objections) 13:51:37 Items on the agenda will be: 13:51:50 1. Updates to DPV based on terms proposed on mailing list 13:51:56 2. Review documentation 13:52:37 3. Resolution on examples, styles of usage, and general use in common forms (e.g. RDFS, OWL2) 13:53:02 Volunteers for assisting with the workshop are required, and should contact the mailing list or chair(s). 13:54:15 zakim, please leave 13:54:15 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been FajarEkaputra, BeatrizEstaves, PaulRyan, GeorgeLioudakis, LisaLeVasseur 13:54:15 Zakim has left #dpvcg 13:54:30 rrsagent, please create the minutes v2 13:54:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/07-dpvcg-minutes.html harsh 13:55:03 rrsagent, please set logs public 13:55:41 rrsagent, please leave 13:55:41 I see no action items