15:00:55 RRSAgent has joined #tt 15:00:55 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/10/01-tt-irc 15:00:58 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:01:00 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 15:01:11 nigel has changed the topic to: TTWG Teleconference. Agenda for 2020-10-01 1500 UTC meeting: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/149 15:01:19 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/149 15:01:34 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/09/17-tt-minutes.html 15:04:06 Mike has joined #tt 15:04:06 will join shortly (hopefully).... (still in previous call 15:04:22 cyril has joined #tt 15:05:56 Present: Andreas, Cyril, Gary, Mike, Nigel, Pierre 15:06:01 Chair: Gary, Nigel 15:06:04 atai has joined #tt 15:06:26 scribe: Cyril 15:06:35 Topic: this meeting 15:06:57 nigel: we have a placeholder for the IR of TTML2 2nd Ed IR 15:07:09 ... we have our fun issue of tts:direction 15:07:18 ... next call is dedicated to that particular issue 15:07:32 ... then TPAC planning is getting close 15:07:53 ... then we have an agenda item for TTML Profile Registry 15:08:02 ... but we haven't got the PR to process 15:08:10 present+ 15:08:12 Mike: the PR you did nigel was more important 15:08:16 Present+ Atsushi 15:08:25 ... I see the issue that I have useful but not critical, I will get to it 15:08:37 nigel: we could decide to publish without waiting 15:08:41 Mike: I'll support that 15:09:07 nigel: I made a proposal a few weeks back about the header matter that we use and the use of /history 15:09:23 ... it got thumbs ups but I want to turn it into a call for consensus 15:09:37 nigel: in AOB, we have a DST switch soon 15:09:44 ... I might a proposal 15:09:54 s/might/made/ 15:09:57 ... anything else 15:10:03 ...? 15:10:14 ... no, let's move on 15:10:20 Topic: TTML2 2n Ed 15:10:33 nigel: Glenn updated the IR earlier in the week 15:10:43 ... sharing that his implementation passes all the validation tests 15:10:50 ... he's moving on to the presentation tests next 15:10:56 ... that's 1 implementation 15:11:10 ... I don't know what's the likelihood of having a 2nd implementation 15:11:24 ... it's getting to the point where we need to look into it 15:11:37 ... I encourage everybody to look into that 15:11:51 ... we'll review in 2 meetings 15:12:15 ... there is a placeholder for tts:direction and tts:writingMode 15:12:28 pal: I read the entire thread 15:12:39 ... and it comes down to the statement from Glenn 15:12:46 ... that it cannot be mapped to CSS 15:13:01 ... I'm preparing an example and if I'm proven wrong we can move on 15:13:23 cyril: I have a conflict next week 15:13:50 pal: I don't think it's going to work 15:13:57 nigel: not ideal ... 15:14:03 pal: we could push it back 15:14:22 nigel: I wondered if it was a topic to raise in the joint call with CSS 15:14:37 ... they've thought about it carefully and we need to understand it 15:15:02 q+ 15:15:20 cyril: Glenn's presence is more important than mine 15:15:26 ack atai 15:15:41 atai: AFAIK, pierre's goal was to reach a conclusion next week 15:16:02 ... if you agree that we can have a tentative conclusion 15:16:14 ... we should get an agreement with those in the call next week 15:16:30 nigel: we'll discuss with whoever is available next week 15:16:53 ... and then discuss it with CSS 15:17:33 pal: I think without cyril present we won't be able to reach a conclusion 15:18:08 cyril: I'm sure you can reach a decision without me 15:18:30 pal: the results of the discussion will likely be implemented in imsc.js 15:18:49 ... and I wouldn't want your colleagues to say they disagree with it 15:19:04 nigel: it is a complicated area that needs careful thought 15:19:16 ... we need to unpack and understand why we are doing things differently from CSS 15:19:45 Topic: Virtual TPAC 2020 Planning 15:20:09 nigel: we need to solidify the set of topics we want to discuss in our joint meetings 15:20:32 ... the APA discussion, they've invited us to that, so they will lead the discussion, we don't need to drive the agenda 15:20:42 ... the CSS discussion, we have issue 140 15:21:01 ... we've got the viewport unit issue in WebVTT 15:21:18 ... and I will add TTML2 1211 15:21:48 ... if anybody has any others, please add them in the next few days to issue 140 15:22:06 and finally, we are tracking the joint meeting with MEIG and Media WG 15:22:10 with issue 139 15:22:28 ... the agenda for that is not yet there? 15:22:43 ... there are 6 chairs 15:23:02 ... we will need to select 1 chair driving the meeting 15:23:12 ... and we need the chairs to come up with an agenda 15:23:58 nigel: I discussed with Chris and it's my job to distribute the information to this group 15:24:24 ... I don't have an opinion about which chair should do it 15:24:33 ... there are many joint meetings going on and not much for us 15:24:40 ... happy in any chair steps in 15:24:45 ... we scheduled that for 2h 15:25:06 ... we expect several topics: data cue, text track cue end time, text track cue HTML api ... 15:25:21 ... when there is api changes, we need to decide which group should do 15:25:37 ... and given that we don't do much APIs, I think it'd be better done in the Media WG 15:25:47 ... the other topic is exposing cues through MSE 15:26:00 ... that's all from memory, let me confirm 15:26:08 ... anything else? 15:27:09 ... we don't have a group meeting scheduled at TPAC 15:27:21 cyril: we meet every week, TPAC or not TPAC 15:27:40 nigel: I have created issues for meetings on the 15th and 22nd 15:27:44 .. for regular calls 15:27:56 summary on joint at https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/141 15:27:58 ... but it does not mean we need to have them if they clash with other TPAC meetings 15:28:13 ... if anybody has any clash, that's fine, let me know 15:28:49 ... I'm proposing that the week of the TPAC breakout session, our meeting will clash and it's the week of the DST transition 15:29:00 ... I'm proposing that we don't hold our meeting 15:29:06 cyril: fine with me 15:29:32 Topic: TTML Profiles Registry 15:30:02 nigel: the situation is: we have no open PR, we have 1 issue about the wrong edition of TTML1 being cited, there is a respec warning on the editor's draft 15:30:13 ... because the version of respec has been deprecated 15:30:48 ... and there is the other issue from Mike, about the MIME codecs parameters from ISOBMFF 15:30:59 ... my proposal is to fix the edition and respec version 15:31:10 ... and then publish the result of that as a new WG note 15:31:15 Mike: good to me 15:31:44 nigel: I will do the tweaks first and do the CfC over the reflector 15:32:04 Mike: they are clearly editorial, we could start the clock today 15:32:07 nigel: indeed 15:33:00 ... just looked at the issue again, do we need to make that change (issue #77 in TTWG) 15:34:36 ... the text in the profile registry under media type registration says : this updated registration supercedes the one in TTML1 1st ed after updated by TTML1 2nd ed 15:34:48 ... the text is actually factually accurate 15:35:05 .. however there is a reference from the profile parameter to the ttp:profile attribute 15:35:16 ... and that should be updated to point to the 3rd edition 15:35:32 > This updated definition supersedes the initial registration information specified in [TTML1-1e], Appendix C, as updated by [TTML1-2e], Appendix C. 15:35:45 Mike: the sentences that say "this text ought to be other there ..." is not relevant anymore 15:35:58 ... it doesn't matter any more 15:36:12 ... maybe then that is less editorial 15:36:46 nigel: we did not make normative change so far, so no need to republish with IANA 15:36:54 ... if we do change this, there would be extra work 15:37:04 ... I'm inclined to say that this is not so important 15:37:13 ... we could publish without making this change 15:37:20 Mike: yes 15:37:31 ... the changes we made are important 15:37:38 ... we need to publish soon 15:37:41 nigel: agree 15:38:22 PROPOSAL: we publish the current ED of TTML Profiles Registry as a WG Note subject to editorial changes (e.g. update ReSpec) 15:38:41 nigel: any questions? comments? objections? approvals? 15:38:51 Mike: I support it 15:38:53 cyril: +1 15:38:55 +1 15:39:01 +1 15:39:18 RESOLUTION: we publish the current ED of TTML Profiles Registry as a WG Note subject to editorial changes (e.g. update ReSpec) 15:39:51 nigel: we have a decision policy, 2 week period, if no objection, that resolution is a WG decision and we'll hand over to Atsushi 15:40:24 Topic: Adopt /history in place of Previous Version for all future publications #145 15:40:54 github: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/145 15:41:07 nigel: we have 2 thumbs up and it is my proposal 15:41:17 ... it's about changing the header matter 15:41:36 ... instead of having 'previous' link, we'll have a static link 15:41:47 ... you'll be able to see the different editions, CR, PRs ... 15:42:08 ... I'd like to propose that we do across every document we publish under /TR 15:42:13 ... that is my proposal 15:42:27 ... opened on Aug 20 15:42:40 ... I would like to do a CfC now 15:43:39 ... if there is no objection in 2 weeks, we'll have a decision 15:46:02 https://www.w3.org/TR/css-text-4/ 15:46:22 atsushi: in some cases, for ex CSS, it lists multiple previous versions in the header part 15:46:37 ... but usually we juste have only 1 previous version in our publications in TR space 15:46:55 ... it's replacing this with /history link 15:47:41 SUMMARY: this proposal becomes a decision if no objection received by Oct 15th 15:48:10 Topic: AOB - DST switch 15:48:33 nigel: the plan is not to have a meeting on the 29th of october 15:48:46 ... then on the 1st of nov, the DST switch happens in the US 15:48:58 ... neither Europe nor USA will be in DST 15:49:09 ... the person affected most is Atsushi 15:49:12 ... because you don't have DST 15:49:33 atsushi: Europe change happens Oct 25th 15:49:40 ... US on Nov 1st 15:49:48 ... there is no meeting on 19th 15:49:54 s/19th/29th/ 15:50:17 cyril: the question is what is the time after everybody has switched 15:50:27 atsushi: I prefer alignment with DST 15:50:55 +1 15:50:57 nigel: the proposal is that for meeting after Nov1st, we keep the same local time in US and Europe 15:51:02 +1 15:51:09 ... this would make it 1h later in Japan 15:51:22 nigel: no objections 15:52:16 ... the UTC time of the meeting will change, to be 1h later 15:52:34 Mike: it's much clearer to say we are locked to Boston time 15:52:50 nigel: I completely disagree on how to phrase it 15:52:59 Mike: as you wish 15:53:21 nigel: the effect on us all is that it's going to be the same exact time for all of us except Atsushi 15:54:39 nigel: meeting adjourned 15:54:52 atai has left #tt 15:55:12 rrsagent, make minutes v2 15:55:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/01-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:58:07 s/will join shortly (hopefully).... (still in previous call// 15:58:35 s/TTML2 2n Ed/TTML2 2nd Ed 16:00:12 s/and finally, we are/.... and finally, we are 16:00:23 s/with issue 139/... with issue 139 16:00:49 s/happy in any chair steps in/happy if any chair steps in 16:08:15 s/for meeting after Nov1st/for our meetings after Nov 1st 16:08:46 rrsagent, make minutes v2 16:08:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/01-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:13:44 scribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 16:13:47 zakim, end meeting 16:13:47 As of this point the attendees have been Andreas, Cyril, Gary, Mike, Nigel, Pierre, atsushi 16:13:49 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:13:49 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/10/01-tt-minutes.html Zakim 16:13:52 I am happy to have been of service, nigel; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:13:56 Zakim has left #tt 16:39:44 rrsagent, excuse us 16:39:44 I see no action items