WoT online PlugFest - Day 3

30 Sep 2020


Kaz_Ashimura, Hazel_Kuok, Philipp_Blum, Kunihiko_Toumura, Ege_Korkan, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Daniel_Peintner, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Michael_McCool, Sebastian_Kaebisch, Tomoaki_Mizushima, Michael_Koster


<scribe> scribenick: kaz


McCool: (updates the agenda)
... anything else?

Cristiano: made a new PR

McCool: ok


McCool: welcome Philipp, again



McCool: (goes through the minutes)
... talked about geolocation
... merged PRs
... any objections to make the minutes official?


McCool: approved


McCool: contacted Farshid but he is still on vacation
... got clarification that the LinkSmart instance is still available
... will forward the information to the group list
... note that we don't have new query mechanism like SPARQL
... for tomorrow, I'll update the scripts
... that's the status

Kaz: tx for the update!

McCool: synch with the GitHub repo every one hour



McCool: 4 PRs there
... Hitachi, NHK, and Cristiano

PR 72

Toumura: added geolocation information

McCool: ok
... no problem and merge it


PR 73

McCool: NHK's update
... they have "media" section
... can add this kind of additional section but will not detected by the validator
... would like to check the detail tomorrow

Ege: I'm afraid this TD will fail with the validator

McCool: there should be "form" section here
... would suggest we think about formal extension for this purpose
... extension for media handling

Kaz: yeah, this is a good input for the joint discussion on Oct 7 as well

McCool: think so
... and would like to merge this
... (and adds some comments before merging)


McCool: and will discuss the detail tomorrow

PR 74

McCool: would assume this is related NodeRED flow
... adding a TD
... and also updating the active.csv file
... looks good to me


PR 75

Cristiano: updates based on yesterday's discussion
... added a note on the extension


The TDs are generated starting from Thing Models provided in this folder (files with tm-jsonld extension).


McCool: this is actually a JSON-LD file, so should be called .tm.jsonld
... like .td.jsonld
... could be a long-term suggestion

Cristiano: also security updates
... "nosec_sc" to "basic_sc"
... 2 different user roles here
... and associate them using "link"
... sensor is controlled by another TD

McCool: interesting
... there is a discussion on Architecture as well

Cristiano: another point is geolocation
... you can refer to SOSA

McCool: 3 cases for virtual devices
... 1. shadow devices and physical device
... 2. simulation
... 3. device only visible on AR headset, etc.
... software-only device can be also tied with geolocation
... would like to capture the points

Kaz: yeah
... and this is related to the proposal from MEIG on AR integration with geolocation information

McCool: (adds comments on his point)

Cristiano: possibly there will be a 4th option
... real device positioned inside a simulation

Ege: information on different things
... humidity sensor and rain forecast
... interconnection between simulated devices

McCool: we have multiple devices
... (adds "mashups" as the 5th option)
... using data from multiple locations

Kaz: those options look fine
... on the other hand, maybe we should think about the relationship and definition of "digital twin" here
... because in some viewpoint, WoT is a mechanism to make all the devices "digital twins" via Servient

McCool: (adds a note saying "need to clarify the relationship between digital twin and WoT")

<Philipp_Blum> q+ How about OLCs regarding this topic? https://github.com/google/open-location-code Maybe there is a standard for it.

Philipp: question about OLCs

McCool: not listed yet
... we need some more survey and discussion on geolocation
... will merge this now


McCool: we have 20 more minutes


McCool: would like to think about the scenarios
... Ege was working on some

scenarios area

Ege: I've added some and would like to see input from others

McCool: would say "Example scenarios" here
... and would like to capture other ones now
... e.g., media content management
... NHK TDs extended with content lists
... and then agriculture things
... Cristiano, any specific scenario in your mind?

Cristiano: WoT farmer application
... not finished yet right now, though

McCool: Siemens has extended the UI with geolocation
... seems to be interested in this
... maybe you might want to work with them
... what do you think, Daniel and Sebastian?
... we had discussion on geolocation yesterday
... Daniel mentioned some extension on geolocation with the UI

Sebastian: ok
... limited use of the interface

McCool: we should write down requirements for geolocation here
... actually creating a map would be useful
... adding a screenshot would be also helpful
... what the use cases and requirements would be

Kaz: think we can ask Rob Smith about their AR game use case
... we can ask the implementation status during the use case call tomorrow

McCool: (adds that point to the geolocation use case section)
... (also adds "smart city")

Cristiano: some experience on visualization
... could help
... using Open Street Map

McCool: (adds that point too)
... let me save the updated README.md
... (and creates a new issue on "experiment with visualization in maps")

Daniel: disconnected for a while, but I've been also working on visualization for geolocation information

McCool: ok
... (and adds the new issue 76 to the README.md)

Issue 76

McCool: next let me see the active devices


McCool: (edits the format)
... (and then checks the devices listed there)

Ege: TUM's coffee machine is simulated one
... then sensors and robots

McCool: and then Fujitsu
... proxy and sensor
... then NHK
... not sure about "player emulator", though
... maybe media player feedback
... (adds active devices to the "mashup" section of the scenario)
... (and then "Siemens coffee machine" and "display on TUM matrix" to the "Coffee Status" section of the scenario)

Ege: push button on the robots

McCool: push button in TUM, make coffee in Siemens

Cristiano: sprinkler for farming

McCool: first input for Siemens and second input for farming?
... (adds "take first set of TUM displays" to "Coffee machine")
... NHK is doing some work for node-RED integration

Kaz: very interesting
... probably overkill for today but robot UI would imply possible gesture UI for accessibility in the future
... thanks a lot for all your hard work!

[PF adjourned; TD call starts in 5 mins]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/10/05 10:06:24 $