WoT Use Cases - Pre-meeting on Agriculture joint meeting

24 Sep 2020


Takuji_Kiura, Michael_McCool, Kaz_Ashimura, Cristiano_Aguzzi, Ryuichi_Matsukura


Agenda wiki

Kaz: would like to talk about the expected agenda item and possible time/date for the joint discussion with the Agriculture CG

McCool: we already have a GitHub issue for the agenda

Issue for the joint discussion with Agriculture CG

McCool: (introduces the key people from WoT)
... McCool and Sebastian Kaebisch as co-Chairs
... Michael Lagally as the Editor of the WoT Use Cases and the WoT Architecture

Kiura: Takuji Kiura, the Chair of the Agriculture CG
... many issues in the agriculture area
... like the term definition
... not only agriculture itself but rural hybridization as well
... would like to make contribution to WoT
... would like to use the WoT Architecture for agriculture purposes
... would fit with the industry area

McCool: do you think about RDF ontology for terminology?

Kiura: yes
... there is a common terminology definition by FAO and NAL from USA, etc.
... Food Agriculture Organization
... and National Agriculture Library

McCool: (introduction of Cristiano and Matsukura-san)

Cristiano: IE
... WoT semantic technology
... working on an EU project on agriculture

McCool: an author of a use case for agriculture

Matsukura: Matsukura from Fujitsu
... trying to apply WoT to some fields
... greenhouse agriculture, etc.
... control the facilities using WoT

McCool: (describes the purpose of this call)
... clarify the logistics and topics for the joint discussion
... would capture the keywords gotten so far here (in the agenda issue 937)
... WoT use case note draft
... use cases from WoT side and your side to be discussed
... AG CG introduction
... first would like to show you the use case note draft

draft note

McCool: we usually draft the use cases on the GitHub repo

Use Case drafting area

McCool: would like to see what is missing from your viewpoint
... want to mention the proposed Smart City IG as well
... urban agriculture, food distribution, etc.
... not yet created
... Kaz is working on the creation
... but might be interesting
... and then would like to capture your use cases
... do you have any links to be included in the agenda here?

Kiura: not yet

McCool: btw, what do you mean "rural hybridization"?

Kiura: covers not only agriculture but natural resources and disasters

McCool: including water management?

Kiura: yes
... the focus is working on the rural area
... there is an activity on thesaurus as well

McCool: ok
... would like to see the date/time now

time table

McCool: we're proposing a set of topics though the concrete date/time is not decided
... we have use cases session and also joint discussion session

Kaz: maybe we could merge those into one use case session

McCool: the issue here is that the use case session is overview
... while the joint session should include the detailed discussion
... we could have both them on the same day
... e.g., Oct 7
... and Architecture on Oct 5
... kaz, what about MEIG?

Kaz: asking Chris about his availability and waiting for the response

McCool: would be nice to have them as well on Oct 7 if possible

Kaz: +1

McCool: (puts tentative date of "Oct 7" to the Use Cases discussion session and the Joint discussion session)
... we have four hours left
... will talk with Lagally as well
... Takuji-san, is 30min OK?

Kiura: might be too much

McCool: probably 15min presentation and 15min discussion

Kaz: +1

McCool: so I think 30min would be good
... (put "15+15m" to Agriculture CG and MEIG)
... so now we have the logistics
... would put the link back to the vF2F here (in the Issue 937)
... time should be 8am-11am Eastern
... AG CG is at 10:30am Eastern
... (23:30 JST)
... 15m presentation + 15m discussion
... and overview slot for WoT use cases
... we already have two categories on the WoT side
... greenhouse and openfield
... how to handle yours?
... part of the openfield use case?

Kiura: some overlap there

McCool: Cristiano, can you make the expected UC session on Oct 7?

Cristiano: yes
... btw, have the Agriculture CG themselves published some vocabulary, etc.?

Kiura: not yet

Agriculture CG page

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-usecases/blob/master/USE-CASES/smart-agriculture-openfield.md

Cristiano: cool to have discussion on the FAO ontology

McCool: ok
... maybe you could give us your summary on your use cases now?

Kaz: maybe you could show us your slides on rural hybridization you presented at APAN50?

Kiura: will dig it later

McCool: ok
... what about the WebEx for the call?

Kaz: will allocate it shortly

McCool: the WebEx coordinate is sent to the Member-only list
... if the CG participants are not W3C Members, we need to share the coordinate separately

Kiura: ok

McCool: we're done now :)


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/11/18 05:44:18 $