Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

17 September 2020


Atsushi, Cyril, Mike, Nigel, Pierre
Andreas, Gary

Meeting minutes

This meeting

Nigel: Light agenda today - TTML2, TPAC and TTML Profiles Registry
… Any points to make sure we cover, or any other business?

group: [no other business]

TTML2 2nd Edition

Nigel: I noticed a change to the IR recently, by Glenn. Any other discussion points on this?
… We have a placeholder for ttml2#1211 if anyone has anything to raise?

group: [no points to discuss on that at this time]

Virtual TPAC 2020 Planning

Nigel: I think we're good in terms of meeting times.
… And I see TPAC registration is now open.

<atsushi> https://‌www.w3.org/‌2002/‌09/‌wbs/‌35125/‌TPAC2020/

TPAC 2020 public page

Nigel: Please do register!
… It's free this year.
… Any queries about any of our joint meetings?

group: [no queries]

TTML Profiles Registry

Nigel: I merged the open pull request yesterday so our favourite perennial #71 is now closed.

Mike: I haven't opened the PR for #76 yet but I will.

Nigel: And the other open issue is for the reference to TTML 1, which cites 2nd Ed instead of 3rd Ed.

Mike: I think that's editorial.

Nigel: Formally, I'm not sure if it's editorial, but the change is the right thing to do anyway.

Cyril: Piece of information on the profile registry. ISO BMFF part 12, 6th Edition should get
… published soon. When it gets published, it now defines the codecs parameter, so you
… should expect a change to RFC6381, so I don't know if this will impact our registry.

Nigel: Will part 12 be publicly available at no cost?

Cyril: Yes
… But the base syntax for codecs is not moving, only the meaning of the parameter in
… the context of MP4. It's only the note about where the codecs parameter is defined for MP4
… that might change.
… I don't think it's a big deal.

Nigel: So to clarify, the syntax reference to the RFC will not need to change?

Cyril: I don't think so.

Nigel: Thanks, that's good information.

Cyril: One other thing - the status of the registry says Editor's Draft. Is there another
… type of document we could use?

Nigel: The one on TR?

Cyril: No, the TR one is WG Note.

Nigel: That's what I expect

Cyril: So we expect to update the TR version?

Nigel: Yes, the only formal process is we need to resolve to do it.

Atsushi: Yes we just need WG consensus.

Nigel: I think we should aim to do that as soon as we can, practically.
… I'm not sure what people think of publishing every time a pull request gets changed?
… The lag between e.g. adding the 4cc for IMSC 1.2 and publishing is something I would like to reduce.

<atsushi> https://‌www.w3.org/‌TR/‌clreq/

Cyril: Can we point TR at the ED?

Atsushi: No, we can publish a WG Note Draft like the link above.
… It is updated on the 1st day of every month, by copying from the ED

Nigel: I'm not sure if it helps to have another version of the document that is not the official one.

Atsushi: It's just for information, this option is available.

Nigel: I understand.

Nigel: How do you feel about the idea of publishing a WG Note every time we merge a pull
… request into the ED?

Cyril: I think it's a good idea

Nigel: If we wanted to do that, what would we have to do to make it happen?

Atsushi: There's no requirement, so we can just record the CfC here.

Nigel: I meant mechanically, can we trigger an action to update TR

Atsushi: No, someone would have to trigger echidna, but a link to the resolution of consensus
… is required to run it.

Nigel: I think I'm arguing that we have enough process in the WG that agreeing to merge
… the pull request into gh-pages counts as consensus, but I can see there's risk associated
… with this approach as well.
… Anyway right now I think we should be aiming to get these last two issues resolved as
… soon as we can and then resolve to publish.

Meeting close

Nigel: We've completed our agenda. Thank you everyone. [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 123 (Tue Sep 1 21:19:13 2020 UTC).