13:06:25 RRSAgent has joined #epub 13:06:25 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/09/11-epub-irc 13:06:27 RRSAgent, make logs Public 13:06:28 please title this meeting ("meeting: ..."), ivan 13:06:38 ivan has changed the topic to: Meeting Agenda 2020-09-11: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-epub-wg/2020Sep/0000.html 13:06:39 Chair: wendy, dauwhe 13:06:39 Date: 2020-09-11 13:06:39 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-epub-wg/2020Sep/0000.html 13:06:39 Meeting: EPUB 3 Working Group Telco 13:28:36 dauwhe_ has joined #epub 13:40:07 wendyreid has joined #epub 13:53:45 present+ 13:54:04 present+ 13:54:26 ShinyaTakami has joined #epub 13:56:31 MasakazuKitahara has joined #epub 13:57:07 preent+ avneesh 13:57:14 present+ avneesh 13:57:57 CharlesL has joined #epub 13:58:18 shiestyl_ has joined #epub 13:59:20 mgarrish has joined #epub 13:59:52 present+ 14:00:15 toshiakikoike has joined #epub 14:00:19 present+ deborah 14:00:19 present+ george 14:00:19 present+ shinya 14:00:20 present+ 14:00:24 present+ 14:00:27 present+ 14:00:37 present+ 14:00:38 George has joined #epub 14:00:58 Avneesh has joined #epub 14:01:01 present+ 14:01:03 present+ 14:01:12 present+ 14:02:18 present+ daihei 14:02:18 present+ karen 14:02:34 present+ toshiakikoike 14:02:47 Daihei has joined #epub 14:02:59 present+ 14:03:31 dkaplan3 has joined #epub 14:03:41 present+ 14:03:44 present+ billk 14:03:46 Karen_ has joined #epub 14:03:50 Bill_Kasdorf_ has joined #epub 14:03:55 present+ Karen 14:03:58 Scribe: Karen 14:04:29 Dave: Let's get started to the first ever meeting of the new EPUB 3 working group 14:04:45 ...exactly 21 years ago, EPUB OED 1.0 was published 14:04:55 ...it was about a deadly virus -- about Ebola 14:05:09 ...thirteen years ago, 2011, the first EPUB spect was published 14:05:21 ...So it seems appropriate that the new chapter of EPUB begins today, 11 Sept. 14:05:30 ...EPUB work was done by Open ebook forum 14:05:44 ...that became IDPF that merged into W3C 14:06:01 ...Ivan will talk about the W3C process 14:06:08 ...which ensures work is available to everyone 14:06:17 Dave: I can paste into minutes as well 14:06:32 George: continue to have this in the record 14:06:42 Dave: we have the process that ensures work we do is available to everyone 14:06:49 ...we do that by testing every single feature in the spec 14:07:04 ...and making sure that at least two pass every aspect of the tests is the most important job of this WG 14:07:14 ...EPUB has struggled with interopeability 14:07:19 ...with different reading systems 14:07:33 present+ garth 14:07:33 ...We hope these tests will help reading systems to be better and help people reading ebooks 14:07:46 ...Make EPUB better; Accessibility is critical to our work 14:07:59 [school things] 14:08:13 ...We will of course focus on Accessibility, fixed layout access; reading system conformance 14:08:17 ...make navigation better 14:08:25 ...what we work on depends upon you, members of the WG 14:08:33 ...your knowledge of all aspects of ecosystem 14:08:41 ...And backwards compatability is crucial 14:08:46 ...we are not going to break EPUB 14:08:58 garth has joined #epub 14:09:01 ...Ivan, could you talk a little about timelines and process, first public working drafts, etc. 14:09:09 Ivan: I won't go into all the details of each steps 14:09:18 ...What's important is we publish a series of drafts 14:09:20 present+ Garth 14:09:37 ...we start with the first public working draft; we will discuss when that will happen, likely end of year or start of new year 14:09:44 ...Essentially we put the documents on the map 14:09:52 ...and we are part of the formal W3C publications 14:10:00 ...it's a draft but has its own permanent URI 14:10:07 ...and all the patent procedures start at that point 14:10:20 ...This community in my experience is not very patent oriented 14:10:26 ...After the first public working draft 14:10:31 q? 14:10:32 ...we are supposed to update the draft regularly 14:10:42 ...there is a kind of expectation that every three months there should be something happening 14:10:49 ...and some sort of record of the changes we have done 14:10:58 ...what exactly we publish is entirely under our control 14:11:12 ...whereas the first public working draft goes through some W3M administration 14:11:14 ...which I handle 14:11:21 ...At some point we get to candidate recommendation 14:11:27 ...planned to be sometime in summer 2021 14:11:31 ...that depends upon us 14:11:35 ...That is a very essential point 14:11:45 ...what CR means is that we consider technical content as final 14:11:53 ...after that we are not supposed to add major technical changes 14:11:59 ...and from that point on, we concentrate on testing 14:12:07 ...As Dave said, testing is very important 14:12:13 ...has to be implementable 14:12:26 ...need to be several mutually independent implementations 14:12:30 ...we have a lot of work to do 14:12:36 ...to find the normative statements in the document 14:12:46 q? 14:12:47 ...For every normative statement there must be a test and two implementations for the test 14:12:55 ...Won't get too much into CR and what is to be tested 14:13:07 ...the CR phase is when we get implementations and have to produce test results 14:13:11 ...and show where we are 14:13:23 ...sometimes you need to republish CR to take care of problems 14:13:25 ...that's ok 14:13:34 ...like the working draft we can do some level of change 14:13:39 ...others a bit more complicated 14:13:46 ...at some point we say that the tech content is fine 14:13:59 ...and we feel the implemenation report is complete 14:14:06 ...At that point we published a proposed recommendation 14:14:11 ...the W3C community reviews 14:14:14 ...that is end of the process 14:14:22 ...per our charter we have 2.5 years to do that 14:14:32 ...As a point of comparison, some of us are active in the Audio Book WG 14:14:40 ...plan is that that goes to CR next week 14:14:48 ...that is essentially it; the way we produce things 14:14:52 ...Already the workflow 14:14:56 ...I leave details 14:15:07 Wendy: For the work mode for this working group 14:15:13 ...We have a very international membereship 14:15:15 present+ juliette 14:15:18 ...we will have alternate times 14:15:24 ...this is the alternate US/Europe time 14:15:37 ...Next week our meeting will be at 8:00pm EDT, or 9:00am Japan 14:15:44 ...we will meet every other week 14:15:59 ...we will not repeat agendas, with the exception of these first meetings to make sure everyone knows the work mode 14:16:04 ...with these split meeting times 14:16:16 q+ 14:16:16 ...any resolution made in one meeting has to be affirmed in another meeting 14:16:22 ...unless they are covered in issues 14:16:34 ack ge 14:16:34 ack George 14:16:39 George: The evening time 14:16:46 ...that is on Thursday, not the Friday? 14:16:48 Wendy: yes 14:17:02 George: All people in North America would be expected to join both meetings 14:17:15 Wendy: not expected, we'd love to have you at both, but come to whatever meeting you are able to come to 14:17:26 ...We will make sure we have good minutes so that people don't miss out 14:17:33 ...For email we have our two main mailing lists 14:17:38 ...public mail lists will set agendas 14:17:46 ...and internal mailing list for things internal to us 14:17:52 ...or not to be made public 14:17:53 q+ 14:17:59 ack dauwhe 14:18:02 ...and there will be a chairs mailing list 14:18:16 Dave: In general I think we should have tech discussions in public mailing list 14:18:28 q+ 14:18:28 ...and member only for admin matters like Zoom meeting details 14:18:33 ...that is more the reason for the member only list 14:18:34 ack CharlesL 14:18:39 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-epub-wg/2020Aug/0000.html 14:18:40 Charles: I am still confused 14:18:45 -> https://www.w3.org//publishing/groups/epub-wg/ Home Page of the WG, with links to further information 14:18:45 ...in this document mailed to us 14:18:58 ...Looking at times, it talks about the 18th of September at 9:00am; is that Japan? 14:19:12 Wendy: The meetings are 9:00am in Japan on Fridays, which is Thursday evenings in North America 14:19:17 Ivan: I have put on the home page of the group 14:19:22 ...I have put pointers to times and dates 14:19:26 ...I realize that this is confusing 14:19:32 ...and other thing I had done on mailing list archive 14:19:35 juliette_mcshane_ has joined #epub 14:19:36 ...there are two attachments 14:19:39 ...ICS files 14:19:50 ...two, one for European centric and one for Japan centric series 14:19:57 ...hopefully that sets for the right time zone for you 14:20:01 ...One thing we have to realize 14:20:06 ...that will come back I think in November 14:20:17 ...Every year, twice a year, some countries change DST 14:20:20 ...some don't 14:20:25 ...some shall not change at the same time 14:20:29 ...there is a mess coming up 14:20:50 ...so we may want to think about changing the Northern hemisphere winter period, but we will come back to that 14:20:59 Wendy: I recommend using ICS files to make life easier 14:21:07 ...next part of work mode is that we will use Github 14:21:12 https://github.com/w3c/epub-wg/ 14:21:16 ...for management issues and repositories 14:21:19 https://github.com/w3c/publ-epub-revision/ 14:21:21 ...posting both links into irc 14:21:29 ...Why do we have two Github repositories? 14:21:40 ...If you were in the EPUB CG, you will remember EPUB revision 14:21:45 ...we will keep that for spec docs 14:21:55 ...where technical issues related to changes will go into that Github repository 14:22:02 q+ 14:22:05 ...we did not want to lose the valuable issues logged there from EPUB 3.2 14:22:08 ...and not lose those 14:22:28 ...the EPUB WG repository is for meeting minutes, F2F docs, where page on W3C site is hosted, group related documentation 14:22:35 ...or for group administration issue 14:22:36 q- 14:22:43 ...and where we will run the project management taskst 14:22:50 ...keep them separate from the other repository 14:22:58 ...look at project tabs and we already have some open 14:23:06 Dave: We are lucky to have an organized chair 14:23:12 Wendy: you all should have W3C accounts 14:23:22 ...if you have not associated your Github ID with your W3C IDe 14:23:24 s/ID 14:23:33 ...you can do that by going to your profile and "link accounts" 14:23:37 ...It was easy to do 14:23:44 ...Next thing, irc 14:23:47 ...we are already on irc 14:23:52 ...we will use the #EPUB channel 14:24:04 ...If you have not given your irc nickname to Ivan, it makes minutes easier 14:24:15 ...try not to change your nickname too often so we don't get confused 14:24:17 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/cepc/ 14:24:24 ...next thing to talk about is incredibly important 14:24:43 ...Code of conduct that governs all groups in working group settings, in email, at TPAC 14:24:49 ...this doc should be taken into consideration 14:24:54 ...I would like everyone to read it 14:25:01 ...I am part of the group that helped to craft it 14:25:11 ...How to behave, core is be nice to each other 14:25:23 ...if there are any incidents, if you feel anything happened, reach out to the chairs 14:25:39 ...Please make sure you all read it and conduct yourselves appropriately; you are all wonderful people 14:25:39 q? 14:25:44 ...Today we asked for a scribe 14:25:54 ...we don't want to do that again, so we will set up a scribe rotation 14:26:05 ...let chairs know if you are comfortable being a scribe 14:26:15 ...and we will have a rotation, take a turn and move to bottom of list 14:26:26 ...there are two time zones, so will be another person in place 14:26:35 ...If you have not scribed, I put some tips on our WG page 14:26:40 ...link is here 14:26:56 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/epub-wg/WorkMode/newbie#irc 14:26:57 ...that provides tips on how to do it [scribe] 14:27:06 ...If you are a newbie, or always wanted to scribe 14:27:11 ...there is info 14:27:22 ...we love new scribes and are happy for everyone to help 14:27:28 ...otherwise, we will reach out directly to others 14:27:44 Dave: We understand that some people cannot scribe for various reasons and we are ok with that 14:27:49 ...we won't ask what those reasons are 14:27:57 ...we don't want to do anything to make anyone uncomfortable 14:28:16 Wendy: we are working to get Github bot set up to track our resolutions, especially because of the split meeting times 14:28:26 q+ 14:28:27 Dave: this bot will post minutes of an individual discussion to Github as a comment 14:28:35 ...it was written by David Baron for CSS WG 14:28:47 ack ivan 14:28:49 ...it is helpful to have it; addresses the issue itself so you don't have to hunt 14:28:52 Ivan: Also to help 14:28:59 ...everytime we have a meeting, within 24 hours 14:29:05 ...I will post the cleaned up minutes 14:29:09 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/epub-wg/Meetings/Minutes/ 14:29:14 ...All the minutes are available on the WG home page 14:29:16 ...link above 14:29:26 ...also a script that extracts the formal resolutions of every minutes 14:29:30 https://www.w3.org/publishing/groups/epub-wg/Meetings/Minutes/resolutions 14:29:30 ...separate page set up for that 14:29:39 ...with list of all the resolutions we have taken over the years or months 14:29:49 ...to help keep track of what is happening even if you are not on the calls 14:29:52 Wendy: Last thing 14:29:58 ...we are implementing a formal decision process 14:30:13 ...any decision taken up in one meeting has to be confirmed in the second meeting with the other group 14:30:28 ...so everyone has a chance to object or make other suggestions 14:30:33 ...that is it for the work mode 14:30:49 ...We will have our meetings, but we also want to work as asynchronously as possible 14:31:10 ...we are scattered across the world; not wait until next meeting; feel free to log Github issues; send emails, ask questions 14:31:17 ...We do note that there are language barriers sometimes 14:31:35 ...the primary WG language is going to be English; my Japanese is terrible 14:31:47 -> If you are new to github... https://iherman.github.io/misc-notes/docs/BasicGitHubContributionIntro 14:31:52 ...if you cannot express issue, please express in language of your choice and we will figure it out from there 14:32:05 ...We want everyone to contribute; everyone is incredibly valuable and we want your feedback 14:32:11 Dave: Add that what worked well 14:32:27 ...is issues in Github and discussions there; since asynchronous you can include code samples 14:32:33 ...and we tend to go over the issue in a call 14:32:43 ...have discussions and reach consensus 14:32:56 ...Github will be primary place for the laying out of issues and the substantive options 14:33:07 ...any questions about the introductory material before we move on? 14:33:18 ...Shall we do introductions then? 14:33:24 ...I know most of you 14:33:29 ...but given this is a new working group 14:33:44 ...we should introduce ourselves and give 1-2 sentences about who we are; why we're here 14:33:50 ...I'm Dave Cramer, one of the co-chairs 14:33:56 ...I was a co-chair of the EPUB 3 CG 14:34:02 ...I have been making epubs for 20 years 14:34:12 ...and working on EPUB standards for 8 years now; involved pretty deeply 14:34:18 Wendy Reed: Also one of the co-chairs 14:34:25 ...and also one of co-chairs of the Pub WG 14:34:32 ...working on audio books 14:34:37 ...work for Rakuten Kobo 14:34:57 ...not part of CG, but this is my first in-depth work on EPUB standards but have been working on EPUB a long time 14:35:11 Shiyama Takami: I work for Kodakawa 14:35:16 ...EPUB based services 14:35:27 ...named Rakuten Kobo in Japan, seven years ago 14:35:34 ...EPUB 3 is widely spread in Japan 14:35:44 ...I will help Japanese and Asian countries to communicate 14:35:59 ...and Daihei will help to support my English, Daihei 14:36:11 Daihei Shiohama: My role is to stay behind the scenes 14:36:17 ...where I can I will support as much as possible 14:36:29 ...EPUB is the primary format in Japan so it is a very big concern 14:36:42 ...and hope of Japanese publishing industry that EPUB propels 14:36:58 ...I am very happy to see the establishment of this WG and hope this will propel EPUB into global usage 14:37:16 Matt Garrish: with Daisy Consortium, editing EPUB specs since Daisy got started 14:37:34 ...want to see EPUB continue, want this to be mainstream; we want accessible publications and have EPUB at the forefront 14:37:41 Dave: we hope Matt will serve as managing editor 14:37:53 ...for large-scale production; and help other editors doing individual pieces 14:38:00 Charles: lead at Benetech 14:38:11 ...working on global certified initiative to certify publishers 14:38:24 ...to adhere to 1.0 spec we created with IDPF and hope to continue that work here 14:38:35 ...also with Pub WG; was part of Pub IG and the Access. TF 14:38:44 ...along with Deborah along with gaps missing in accessibility 14:38:51 ...a lot happens in accessibility 14:38:54 ...pass to George 14:39:02 George Kerscher, Daisy Consortium and Benetech 14:39:20 ...I was one of authors of original OEB spec in 1999 and involved in digital books since 1988 14:39:33 ...long history and look forward to a long running, successful WG 14:39:45 Bill Kasdorf: an independent digital publishing consultant 14:39:51 ...I would never compare myself to George 14:40:00 ...I have been involved in this work in EPUB for over 10 years 14:40:13 ...back in the day I had a company with employees who were involved in the original OEB 14:40:26 ...one thing important is that I am not a coder or developer, so not nearly as technical 14:40:36 ...one of my roles is I am the W3C EPUB Evangelist 14:40:55 ...I took on that role because I am passionate about getting more people involved in this group 14:41:04 ...and to help communicate that to others in the outside world 14:41:16 Garth Conboy: engineering manager at Google playbooks for reading client 14:41:27 ...Like George have been doing EPUB standards since predecessor in 1999 14:41:35 ...at IDPF, both technically and on the board there 14:41:47 ...and with Wendy, co-chaired the Pub WG and involved in Pub BG 14:42:06 Toshiaki Koike: our company publishes EPUB 2 and reading systems 14:42:16 ...I'm sorry I cannot be a scribe 14:42:21 present+ brady 14:42:23 ...due to lack of English ability 14:42:25 s/EPUB/Publishing 14:42:42 Deborah Kaplan 14:42:47 [you are muted] 14:42:58 Deborah: forgot which to unmute 14:43:16 ...I have been involved with accessibility 14:43:20 ...maybe 20 years 14:43:24 ...am a programmer 14:43:38 ...worked with digital publishing; worked in Pub IG, CG, some EPUB Check things 14:43:49 duga has joined #epub 14:43:53 ...as a freelancer I have done a lot of work with publishing and library platforms, working on archiving software 14:43:54 s/EPUB 2/EPUB Tools/ 14:43:57 ...focused on accessibility 14:44:01 present+ 14:44:05 ...that's it 14:44:17 Avneesh Singh: so many great people 14:44:21 ...from Daisy Consoritum 14:44:30 ...Daisy has been driving accessibility in EPUB for more than a decade now 14:44:40 ...I have been following for many years 14:44:50 ...6-7 years ago I started driving accessibility 14:44:54 ...and will continue to do so 14:45:00 Wendy: Avneesh is being modest 14:45:05 George: I also want to say that I am blind 14:45:18 ...all of the accessibility features of EPUB really benefit me personally 14:45:46 Masakuzu Kitahara: I am not very good at Englsh 14:45:53 [missed first part] 14:46:05 Juliette McShane: I am director of accessibility at Access2online 14:46:13 ...we are an accessibility service provider 14:46:19 ...we are new to this space 14:46:26 ...interested in metadata in EPUB 14:46:40 ...and urge industry to move to browser based EPUB like PDF 14:46:51 ...integral to making switch to EPUB as the universal standard 14:47:03 Brady Duga, Google: I no longer have any knowledge of dates or time 14:47:16 ...since the "apocolypse" is destroying our sense of time and dates 14:47:28 ...I attended second meeting of EPUB in 1990s 14:47:38 ...I have been involved consistently in digpub for 20 years or so 14:47:43 ...interested in all parts of it 14:47:50 ...I work on a reader; the Google Playbook reader 14:47:59 Ivan Herman: good morning, evening, afternoon 14:48:03 ...I am part of the W3C team 14:48:08 ...I am the staff contact for this group 14:48:23 ...I have been around this community ever since W3C started to work in publishing 14:48:35 ...I worked with Markus Gylling with the first Publishing workshop 14:48:47 ...I am currently the formal technical lead of the Publishing@W3C activity 14:48:55 ...make it possible to make it work 14:48:58 Wendy: 14:49:06 scribe+ 14:49:14 Karen_: Karen Myers, w3c staff 14:49:23 ... I help support the tech work with outreach and education 14:49:32 ... and I'm the best scribe ;) 14:49:42 Wendy: I think that is all 14:50:00 Shinya: I forgot to introduce myself as a co-chair of this working group 14:50:05 Wendy: I think that is all for introductions 14:50:08 https://github.com/w3c/epub-wg/issues/8 14:50:08 ...we have our first issue 14:50:11 Topic: version number 14:50:12 ...an important one 14:50:19 ...Issue number 8 in EPUB WG repository 14:50:22 q+ 14:50:30 ...what version should we call this revision? 14:50:34 ...should it be 3.3? 14:50:40 ack dauwhe 14:50:43 q+ 14:50:44 q+ 14:50:45 ...it's important because it will dictate what we call every document 14:50:55 Dave: I think 3.3 is a natural follow up to 3.2 14:50:59 ...we are not making breaking changes 14:51:10 ...our goal is not to take what is in 3.2 and run through the W3C process 14:51:24 q+ 14:51:25 q- 14:51:29 ...we want to improve the language, fix open issues, make improvements to accessibility as we discussed 14:51:38 ...3.3 sounds right to me 14:51:44 ack mgarrish 14:51:49 ..like to not spend three months arguing about it 14:51:56 Matt: dot dot numbering is hard to understand 14:52:04 ...if it were small maybe go with a second number 14:52:12 ...I don't think it's our goal not to do any revisions 14:52:18 ...I think 3.3 makes sense; it is clear 14:52:21 ack CharlesL 14:52:24 ...makes it clear with the second number 14:52:28 Charles: I agree with that 14:52:35 q+ 14:52:46 ...if were were just putting 3.2 as standard process then 3.2.1 would have made sense, but we are not doing that 14:52:49 ...so 3.3 makes sense 14:52:54 Avneesh: one aspect 14:52:55 ack Avneesh 14:53:05 ...is somewhat...HTML serialization 14:53:11 ...would we bump the number even more? 14:53:14 q+ 14:53:17 ...which may lead to branching of EPUB 14:53:23 ...if we go to EPUB 3.3. 14:53:34 ...then if we go to serialization then maybe we go to 3.3.5 14:53:36 ack Bill_Kasdorf_ 14:53:41 Dave: that is an excellent point 14:53:51 s/3.3.5/3.5/ 14:53:53 Bill: I agree with 3.3 for all the reasons everyone said? 14:53:57 q+ 14:53:58 q+ 14:54:08 ...anyone want to address what's going on in ISO? 14:54:14 Avneesh: two deliverables 14:54:19 q- 14:54:27 ...3.3.0 from Korean gov't 14:54:30 ...progressing 14:54:39 ...3.3.0 will be ISO standard 14:54:42 s/3.3.0/3.0.1/ 14:54:44 ...EPUB accessibility was approved 14:54:47 ...in month of June 14:54:53 ...nine countries voted all positive 14:54:55 q+ 14:55:01 ...last week we had meeting for editorial changes 14:55:09 ...we are hoping it will be published as ISO standards 14:55:16 ...EPUB 3.0.1 14:55:17 ack Avneesh 14:55:21 ack ivan 14:55:24 Ivan: a bit to add to that 14:55:35 ...3.0.1 is ISO standards and we cannot do anything about that 14:55:39 ...it happened before that 14:55:50 ...there is an HTML ISO standard which has long been forgotten by the community 14:55:56 ...Accessibility is very different 14:55:58 ..by our charter 14:56:03 ...it will be a first for EPUB 3 14:56:20 ...the Accessibility document will be an integral part of the whole family of documents, on equal level with packaging for eample 14:56:32 ...we start with current document, the one undergoing ISO standardization 14:56:42 ...I hope Accessibility 1 standard plus 14:56:50 ...we start with the document currently being voted on ISO 14:56:54 ...and we will add and improve that 14:57:00 ...that is what this group's charter is 14:57:06 Wendy: we only have a couple minutes left 14:57:08 ...profosal 14:57:10 s/proposal 14:57:16 PROPOSED: The version of this revision of EPUB will be 3.3 14:57:18 +1 14:57:18 ...the version of this document is EPUB 3.3 14:57:19 +1 14:57:19 +1 14:57:20 +1 14:57:20 +1 14:57:20 +1 14:57:21 +1 14:57:22 +1 14:57:24 +1 14:57:24 +1 14:57:28 +1 14:57:33 +1 14:57:34 0 14:57:34 ...if you would +1 if you agree; 0 if neutral and -1 if you disagree 14:57:36 +1 14:57:38 +1 14:58:04 Garth: a standard for uninimity moving forward 14:58:13 Brady: I did not say EPUB NEXT :) 14:58:17 RESOLVED: The version of this revision of EPUB will be 3.3 14:58:21 Dave: all those plus ones add up to 3.3 14:58:27 Ivan: let's get it into the minutes 14:58:31 q+ 14:58:36 ...see how resolutions are taken in a working group 14:58:42 q- 14:58:43 ...that resolution is provisional until next week 14:58:49 ...next Friday's call will decide 14:58:57 ...and then we will have further discussion and that is how it works 14:59:03 Dave: encourage people to comment in Github 14:59:12 ...and ask if anyone objects to this resolution next week 14:59:19 Ivan: that is worth emphasizing for the process 14:59:32 ...If on the next call the issue or discussion relative to previous resolution 14:59:45 ...if there is no discussion, it will automatically become final 14:59:55 ...there is a one-week period where any members of the WG can object 15:00:00 ...Almost top of the hour 15:00:08 ...unless there are any other questions or business 15:00:13 dkaplan3 has left #epub 15:00:16 ...hope to see most of you next week, or if not, in two weeks 15:00:27 zakim, end meeting 15:00:27 As of this point the attendees have been ivan, wendyreid, avneesh, dauwhe, deborah, george, shinya, mgarrish, toshiakikoike, shiestyle, MasakazuKitahara, CharlesL, daihei, karen, 15:00:28 ...Thank you for coming to the first EPUB 3.3 call! 15:00:30 ... dkaplan, billk, garth, juliette, brady, duga 15:00:30 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:00:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/09/11-epub-minutes.html Zakim 15:00:32 [adjourned] 15:00:32 I am happy to have been of service, ivan; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 15:00:36 Zakim has left #epub 15:03:00 rrsagebt, bye 15:03:06 rrsagent, bye 15:03:06 I see no action items