Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

10 September 2020


Atsushi, Gary, Mike, Nigel
Andreas, Cyril, Pierre
Gary, Nigel

Meeting minutes

This meeting

Nigel: We're light on numbers for today. I propose we don't discuss TTML2 2nd Ed today.
… We quickly go over TPAC 2020
… and maybe spend a few minutes on TTML Profiles Registry
… AOB, or points anyone would like to cover?

Mike: Procedural question for managing profiles - do you want to approve and merge the PRs?

Nigel: Let's come to that in the TTML Profiles Registry part of the agenda.

group: [no other business]

Virtual TPAC 2020 Planning

Nigel: I saw that TPAC registration is now open.

Virtual TPAC 2020 page

Nigel: We need to choose a time for our joint TTWG/CSS meeting and propose it.
… That'd be an action for the Chairs I guess.

Gary: For the CSS WG the members are mostly in US and Europe?

Nigel: They schedule their meetings to suit West Coast US and Europe (just about) except
… once a month they do an APAC-timed call to include people from Asia etc.
… There are only a few hours in the day that are commonly acceptable for these joint meetings though.

<atsushi> https://‌www.w3.org/‌wiki/‌TPAC/‌2020/‌GroupMeetings I can view..

Nigel: Looking at the schedule, it looks like 12th or 16th October could be available, in the
… usual slot. I will ask the Chairs of CSS WG if either of those would work.
… It will be a follow-on from the email conversation I've already had with them asking for the meeting.
… Anything else on the joint CSS call?
… Moving to the MEIG and Media WG joint call,
… one of the other Chairs proposed that we make it 2 hours to allow time for all the topics.
… I'll propose that we schedule it for that long unless there are any objections.

Gary: Easier to schedule for 2 hours and run early than extend if we're running out of time.

Nigel: Yes
… Re the Privacy topic, we do need a meeting but I don't think we should try to force it into
… a tight timescale of October if we're not ready. Instead, cover it later in the year.

Gary: That sounds fine.

Nigel: Anything else on TPAC?

TTML Profiles Registry

Mike: How shall we approve and merge pull requests?
… Just a reminder of how we work.

Nigel: Our normal 2 week rule should apply. We need GitHub review approval before merging
… any pull request and the person who opened the pull request cannot approve it.
… For example https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌tt-profile-registry/‌pull/‌78 has been open 8 days
… and has no review so far. We must not merge it for another 6 days, but even then we
… won't be able to before there is an approval, because of branch protection rules.
… It would be helpful if at least one Editor who did not open the pull request would review,
… and hopefully press the Approve button, and by default it'd be good for the person who
… opened the pull request to press the Merge button.
… I'm happy for either Editor to do it if the other doesn't have time.

Mike: Okay I'll have a look at that.
… I'll also prepare a pull request for #76.
… I just approved #78.

Nigel: That's great, thank you, I'll leave that sitting there until it's had 14 days in case
… anyone else has any comments, and then I'll probably go ahead and merge it.

Nigel: The other thing with the profiles registry is that we should consider publishing an
… updated Note. Can we use echidna, given that there's a publishing moratorium coming up?

Atsushi: I think so, I'll check.

Nigel: It's a WG Note.

Atsushi: I think we can do that.

Nigel: Okay, when we resolve to publish then we can consider the mechanism.

Atsushi: We need a resolution to publish somewhere, that's the only requirement.

Nigel: One thing driving this for me is that the IMSC 1.2 Rec was published but we haven't
… updated the Profiles Registry to include its entry yet.

Meeting close

Nigel: We've completed our agenda, so let's adjourn. Thank you everyone. [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 123 (Tue Sep 1 21:19:13 2020 UTC).