WAI Coordination Call Teleconference

09 Sep 2020


brent, /me, Cannot, today, sorry!, George, /me_Cannot_today


<Judy> agenda order is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

<Rachael> I would strongly prefer not to

<scribe> scribe: joconnor

JS: Did you see TPAC topic?

Want to talk about cross group issues

Scribe, rrsagent, agenda, confirming next meeting

JB: Confirms next meet

23rd Sept - any conflict?


<brent> +1 to 23 Sept

How's your group participation and momentum, post-August?

JB: Just to check in

W3C is interested in group morale


<Judy> Judy: ...and momentum

BB: In EO we've not seen attendance dip

Some have joined - helping work on curricula

No slow down at all

JB: Good to hear

JS: APA is doing reasonably well.

Am glad for leader doubling in our TFs.

Having Becky is very helpful.

We have some new people also - got some publications on the way out also.

Meetings going well - responsive. Synchronous.

JB: Good - glad that co-chairs are helping

<gives overview of TFs>

JB: Is CSS A11y TF still active?

JS: Three way thing - @@Amy is helping greatly
... We hope to recharter.

<discussion of charter juggling>

JB: Chuck, Rachael and Jeanne updates?

CA: I'm good - AG and Silver are in middle of aggressive schedule.

Getting us on track but gruelling

JB: Michael has been updating me.

I understand its been tough.

JB: Thanks to team

Other comments a la morale and momentum.

GK: The diagram centre is finished the grant - we are working on extended description for math etc

Pleased with result

We know things will change for the better - group doing well

Adding fundamental text books for math and extended descriptions etc

JB: Where will the scores show up?

GK: epubtest.org

<discussion on owenership of that space>

GK: Complex, but DAISY are in control of it.

<gives overview of process etc>

JB: Timeline for posting scores?

GK: They've been there for years - we are adding to the suite

JB: Ralph is seeing this?

GK: Dont know
... But we did discuss this with Ralph and Jeff.

Working on any items other groups need to know of?

JB: Wants to check in on any new aspects of your work that others need to know about.

JS: This came out of WAI-IG..

I reached out to the Timed Text Group - and we spoke about Syncronisation

They are also looking at it..

It may version up the MAUR also.

Don't know where work will happen.

<Chuck_> joconnor: Briefly, +1 to what Janina is saying. could be a nexus here. Also the work we are doing in RTC accessibility. Some of this could come together. XR as well.

<Chuck_> joconnor: May have quite unique requirements. We were talking a dot release, but could be higher level.

GK: Friday is the first meeting for working group rec track EPUB3

We have media overlays, and sync media

JS: There could be a nexus

I'll follow up with Marissa

<George gives overview of synced media architecture>

JeanS: The Silver group working on XR is very interested and wants to meet at TPAC.

JB: Registration is just open.

JS: We have a three way meeting.

JB: Great

RM: We are doing revamp of WCAG-ICT with mobile focus

JB: <gives overview of history>
... I will join call?

RM: That would be helpful.

CA: Yes helpful

JB: It was intense

RM: This is a good time - but may be long timeline

JB: Anything else?

TPAC registration open -- note communication accessibility provisions https://www.w3.org/2020/10/TPAC/

JB: There were discussions around things to do - should be fun

Working group meetings etc - look at registration form

if your group isn't meeting you are still welcome

Also will be short. Easier to dive in and out of things.

We are getting captioning queries also.

JB: Please point out to your members the provisions we are making.

Upcoming publication messaging? https://www.w3.org/WAI/cc/wiki/WAI_Announcement_Drafts

JB: Any publications upcoming that need co-ordination?

JS: We are ready to update the XR Accessibility User Requirements

Ready to go.

JB: I will look if possible, if you don't hear from me go ahead.

RM: Silver FPWD coming out shortly - need to co-ordinate around messaging.

JB: <gives overview sensitivities etc>

RM: We want to make sure messaging is positive and clear

JB: <discusses comments we receive>

RM: Want Jeanne and Shawn to be involved

JB: We have two weeks.

<Judy> ...both Shawns

GK: I like to discuss things before commenting.

These days there is less time to discuss before commenting.

JB: Good question

We could include some text for context

<jeanne> +1 for Q&A sessions

JB: Thoughts for offering that.

Looks to Shawn L and you for some of that.

BB: When you have people working on draft- there is raking over previous discussions.

Would an FAQ be helpful?

or that style

JB: We do that kind of thing at the end of the line.

We try to write stuff that orientates people

could help a lot

Am conscious of the work on peoples plates

Digital publishing messaging

JB: Please look at how your work is listed in draft announcements.

Update status


JB: George did you find mail?

GK: No

JB: <gives overview of minor issues in whitepaper>

Tell people what you are aiming for.

GK: DAISY are putting out paper on benefits of using EPUB for publishing.

Encouraging GOV etc to use it

We have a section on legal reqs - a la Lainey and Bruce

GK: We are careful to not be seen to be critical of PDF

Really its not.

<call scheduling>

<janina> https://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/wiki/Meetings/TPAC_2020

JB: Janina - re: Joint meetings

cross-group tpac meeting coordination


JS: We cannot get response from WICG

we have two specs where we need confirmation from mainstream inclubator

JS: I'm pinging chairs and filing issues

JB: Will look in PLH

JS: I'd like to ask how much longer we want to continue to participate in CSUN.

Based on last experience.

The resistance to cancelling for health reasons, and the still didn't.

JB: Thanks for raising this.

W3C/WAI staff are looking at other options.

A deliberate non participation thing is complex discussion

JB: Jeanne any further comment?

JeanS: Just dont want us to rush in - the conversation would be good.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/09/09 19:35:30 $

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Succeeded: s/OTC/RTC/
Succeeded: s/WCAG-ICT/WCAG-ICT with mobile focus/
Default Present: brent, /me, Cannot, today, sorry!, George
Present: brent /me Cannot today sorry! George /me_Cannot_today
Found Scribe: joconnor
Inferring ScribeNick: joconnor

WARNING: No meeting chair found!
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<dbooth> Chair: dbooth

Found Date: 09 Sep 2020
People with action items: 

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