13:42:57 RRSAgent has joined #idcg 13:42:57 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/09/01-idcg-irc 13:42:58 Zakim has joined #idcg 13:44:18 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:44:26 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-idcg-minutes.html Previous (2020-08-18) 13:44:32 meeting: IDCG Meeting 13:44:58 agendabot has joined #idcg 13:45:02 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-idcg/2020Aug/0049.html 13:45:02 clear agenda 13:45:02 agenda+ BLM statement status update 13:45:02 agenda+ Diversity fund update, applications framework 13:45:04 agenda+ Actions updates 13:45:07 chair: Coralie 13:45:41 regrets: LĂ©onie 13:50:27 DKA_ has joined #idcg 14:00:20 yep. 14:01:02 Please, join https://mit.zoom.us/j/95100247250 14:01:47 jeff__ has joined #idcg 14:01:57 present+ 14:02:04 Judy has joined #idcg 14:02:12 present+ Coralie 14:03:45 regrets+ Barb 14:05:42 present+ 14:06:02 Zakim, agenda? 14:06:02 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 14:06:03 1. BLM statement status update [from agendabot] 14:06:03 2. Diversity fund update, applications framework [from agendabot] 14:06:03 3. Actions updates [from agendabot] 14:06:45 Zakim, take up item 1 14:06:45 agendum 1. "BLM statement status update" taken up [from agendabot] 14:07:22 present+ 14:07:31 present+ 14:07:33 q+ 14:08:17 ack ju 14:08:46 Coralie: formal objection resolution progressing 14:08:53 ... Ralph is the Director's delegate in charge 14:09:02 ... Kim Crayton may give us advice 14:10:10 ... thanks to all who weighed in on the thread in the formal objection resolution 14:10:20 q+ to ask about Kim Crayton feedback? 14:10:35 Judy: I'd like to weigh in on Marisa's good summary 14:11:07 ... May I still comment on the thread despite deadline passed? 14:11:10 scribe+ 14:11:22 CM: I suggest if you can, that you share your feedback and let ralph take it 14:11:24 ack next 14:11:25 tzviya, you wanted to ask about Kim Crayton feedback? 14:11:52 Tzviya: Leonie said we get feedback just on the statement 14:12:03 ... but I would be interested in hearing her views about everything 14:12:10 ... even if it means going back to the AC 14:12:11 q+ 14:12:27 ack ju 14:12:32 Coralie: I concur 14:12:48 Judy: I would caution getting definitive feedback from any one person 14:12:56 ... makes it increasingly complicated 14:13:02 q+ 14:13:11 Coralie: We are aware of timing issue 14:13:15 ... process is long 14:13:30 ... aiming for sweet spot between external review and another AC review cycle 14:13:40 ... acknowledging that we are late 14:13:44 ack next 14:14:05 Dan: I have immense respect for Kim's feedback 14:14:23 ... her response might be to look for an appropriate consulting fee 14:14:33 q? 14:14:34 ... concerned about gating it to her feedback 14:14:43 Zakim, next item 14:14:43 agendum 2. "Diversity fund update, applications framework" taken up [from agendabot] 14:15:02 Topic: Diversity fund update 14:15:14 Coralie: Wanted to discuss application framework 14:15:20 ... I've received no feedback 14:15:23 ... one week left 14:15:47 ... will know soon about child care 14:15:53 ... MIT may not be willing 14:15:57 ... checking with other hosts 14:16:22 Zakim, close this item 14:16:22 agendum 2 closed 14:16:23 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 14:16:23 3. Actions updates [from agendabot] 14:16:26 Zakim, next item 14:16:26 agendum 3. "Actions updates" taken up [from agendabot] 14:16:30 Topic: Action updates 14:16:50 wendyreid has joined #idcg 14:17:08 present+ 14:17:12 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-idcg/2020Sep/0000.html 14:17:28 Judy: Making W3C more welcoming 14:17:33 ... wiki based discussion 14:17:41 ... some top level statements 14:17:52 ... now a home page that reflects some of those 14:18:03 ... long list of individual actions 14:18:21 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki 14:18:36 ... general wiki ^^ 14:18:53 ... subpages for welcoming; learning and discussions 14:19:13 ... outreach and messaging 14:19:46 ... Coralie working on "w3C message to accompany publication of (BLM) statement" 14:19:59 ... can we set milestones on actions? 14:20:03 ... manage it that way 14:20:22 q? 14:20:46 Coralie: I created specific action for introductory blurb for BLM statement 14:20:57 ... intend to proceed alone (at first), then seek feedback 14:21:13 ... For milestones for actions, I would leave it up to the people 14:21:22 ... you could do it for your subgroup 14:21:36 ... you work on it in late July 14:21:40 ... but I did not open links 14:21:45 ... did you want to summarize? 14:22:05 Judy: I suggest proceeding down issue list 14:22:16 ... my impression is that we stalled in August 14:22:24 ... would like to regain momentum 14:22:45 q+ to ask about additional resources for reading list 14:22:50 ... pockets of activity 14:22:53 ack next 14:22:54 tzviya, you wanted to ask about additional resources for reading list 14:23:02 https://github.com/w3c/PWETF/blob/master/ReferencesAndResources.md 14:23:08 Tzviya: Reading list ^^ 14:23:19 ... added article Tess sent around 14:23:23 ... I really recommend 14:23:35 -> https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/16 Issue-16: Curate reading lists 14:23:36 ... we need articles about sexism 14:23:43 ... we only have about racism and harrassment 14:23:54 ... want to reorganize the list 14:24:33 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Learning-and-Discussion 14:24:33 Judy: Might be useful to point to learning and discussion 14:24:41 ... reading list on page 14:24:47 ... also companion activities 14:24:51 ... drive discussion 14:24:55 ... encourage groups 14:25:08 ... Vagner had commented that we should track outcomes 14:25:45 ... so this page shows some outcomes 14:25:49 ... little done to date 14:26:02 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Learning-and-Discussion#status 14:27:05 Coralie: [muted] I made an interesting point 14:27:18 ... since we are only 9 people, some are not here to debrief 14:27:30 [JB: ...except starting to populate the reading list, but will need companion actions to get people discussing and using the materials] 14:27:32 ... does anyone here want to debrief, summarize, or seek help? 14:27:53 q+ 14:27:55 [crickets] 14:28:04 ack tz 14:28:05 Coralie: I've sorted issue list by last activity 14:28:14 Tzviya: We are at the end of our formal agenda 14:28:24 ... I sense this meeting wants us to do something 14:28:30 ... not sure how to move forward 14:28:53 ... we are accustemed to create issue lists 14:28:59 q+ 14:29:02 ... harder for social change 14:29:06 ... what can we actually do? 14:29:31 ... stagnated issue lists will not get us there 14:29:44 ... Twitter discussion concluded no sexism at W3C 14:29:47 ... not really true 14:29:59 ... how do we actually get the word out? 14:30:21 ... Tess' masculine defaults article was interesting 14:30:31 ... institutions may themselves be sexist 14:30:54 ... in a Tenure track university there might be equal time off for child rearing 14:31:05 q+ to mention https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Learning-and-Discussion#sub-actions as an example of companion actions to promote change and action 14:31:07 ... but then men continue their writing and women care for the children 14:31:11 q+ to suggest an action we can take along side of https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/11 14:31:14 q+ 14:31:18 ... looks equal, but actually advances men 14:31:29 ... how can we actually promote equity at W3C? 14:31:31 q+ 14:31:32 ack next 14:31:34 Judy, you wanted to mention https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Learning-and-Discussion#sub-actions as an example of companion actions to promote change and action 14:31:45 Judy: I may be an anomaly 14:31:57 ... worked with many social groups 14:32:09 ... so I am not working from a GH list of unrelated topics 14:32:17 ... interested in learning and discussion 14:32:47 ... what is a reading list worth unless we vet it as applicable to W3C 14:32:56 ... need to promote discussion 14:33:03 ... discussion must also be outside of CG 14:33:22 ... W3C has a huge footprint 14:33:40 ... international context 14:34:11 ... fill gaps in reading list and push it out 14:34:47 ack next 14:34:48 DKA_, you wanted to suggest an action we can take along side of https://github.com/w3c/idcg/issues/11 14:35:08 Dan: I appreciate Tzviya's injection of energy 14:35:14 ... inspired me to look down the list 14:35:19 ... what can we do? 14:35:36 ... I've been involved in Global Diversity CFP day 14:35:47 ... distributed event for people from underrepresented groups 14:35:51 s/social groups/social change groups/ 14:35:57 ... make proposals to speak 14:36:05 ... get mentored by experienced people 14:36:24 ... write bio; conference talk proposal; what types of events; topics; ideas 14:36:40 ... we should run a distributed workshop 14:36:46 ... in line with issue #11 14:37:05 ... how to get started in standards 14:37:13 ... promote it to underrepresented groups 14:37:25 ... "standards, participation, diversity day" 14:37:30 ... I could help organize 14:37:33 ack next 14:37:39 +1 to DKA_ 's idea 14:37:52 WendyR: +1 to Dan's idea - lots of fun 14:37:55 +1 to DKA 14:38:20 ... Tzviya mentioned Twitter discussion; Tess' pointer to an article 14:38:28 ... aligns to my new WG getting started 14:38:30 ... CEPC 14:38:42 ... alternate workmodes; how do we accommodate 14:38:46 Global Diversity CFP Day: https://www.globaldiversitycfpday.com/ 14:38:52 ... Twitter discussion highlighted it 14:39:11 ... some people thrive speaking their mind in W3C/q+ structure 14:39:23 ... unphased by community of experts 14:39:29 ... but some don't 14:39:45 ... working well is culturally a north american male default 14:39:52 ... not necessarily in other cultures 14:40:08 ... in some countries you cannot speak up before your boss 14:40:15 ... I plan to do more research 14:40:26 ... half of my members are Japanese (for my WG) 14:40:42 ... I don't speak Japanese; although my co-chair does 14:40:58 ... we need to break the NA default 14:41:07 ack next 14:41:18 scribe+ 14:41:21 RJ47 has joined #idcg 14:41:51 Jeff: +1 in particular to what Judy said: let's expand our advocates beyond this group 14:41:56 ... W3M agrees 14:42:09 ... We've asked Wendy to speak at the W3C Advisory Committee meeting next month 14:42:24 ... one of the questions is what are the messages? 14:42:49 ... the biggest D&I problem we have in W3C is we don't have enough D&I 14:43:01 ... most of our participants are designated by their AC reps 14:43:17 q+ to respond to jeff__ 14:43:24 ... deputizing the AC to extend the reach of this group is to my mind the most powerful way to create social change 14:43:39 ... I haven't prepared talking points for AC reps 14:43:41 +1 to encouraging the AC to become a part of this effort. 14:43:51 ... but this sounds useful to help Wendy with in the next several weeks 14:43:53 scribe- 14:43:54 ack t 14:43:54 tzviya, you wanted to respond to jeff__ 14:44:14 q+ 14:44:19 Tzviya: Most important message to the AC is that W3C has huge diversity and inclusion issues 14:44:30 ... if you don't believe; realize that most AC reps are men 14:44:38 ... that effects how W3C works 14:44:56 ... W3C is setting standards for the entire web so we need diversity supporting this 14:45:08 ... AC rep must appoint a diverse set of participants 14:45:18 ... maybe Wendy should emphasize this 14:45:19 ack ju 14:45:25 ... we need to recognize our biases 14:45:31 ... and take action to change 14:45:42 Judy: Message to the AC should be multi-faceted 14:45:56 ... many organizations are aware of diversity issues 14:46:03 ... in W3C; in their own orgs 14:46:10 ... collective set of resources are missing 14:46:17 ... we can promote engagement in IDCG 14:46:38 ... well vetted set of things to learn from; actions such as mentoring 14:47:02 ... like to encourage parallel actions in community 14:47:19 ... partly I'm modeling this from accessibility 14:47:26 ... we bring people together 14:47:30 ... we can do here 14:47:35 ... Wendy can help convey 14:47:37 q? 14:47:41 WendyR: I like the message 14:47:51 q+ 14:48:05 ack wend 14:48:12 WendyR: AoB question 14:48:24 ... are we sending the statement to Kim Creighton this week? 14:48:31 Coralie: Yes. 14:48:36 ... Tobie intends to write to her 14:48:43 ... this week 14:48:56 ... meanwhile we are on hold 14:49:24 rrsagent, make minutes 14:49:24 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/09/01-idcg-minutes.html jeff__ 14:49:28 [adjourned] 14:58:37 Barbara has joined #idcg 15:00:18 jeff_ has joined #idcg 15:18:11 jeff__ has joined #idcg 15:26:42 jeff_ has joined #idcg 15:39:32 jeff_ has joined #idcg 15:59:16 jeff_ has joined #idcg 17:05:31 jeff_ has joined #idcg 17:34:05 jeff_ has joined #idcg 17:56:39 jeff_ has joined #idcg 18:18:12 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 18:18:12 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/09/01-idcg-minutes.html koalie 18:20:57 jeff_ has joined #idcg 22:27:45 barb has joined #idcg