Publishing Steering Committee

21 August 2020


Avneesh, Bill Kasdorf, Dave Cramer, Garth, George, Ivan, Ralph, Wendy Reid
Daihei, Liisa, Mateus, Tzviya, Yoshii

Meeting minutes


previous: 24-July

EPUB 3 Working Group startup

Wendy: we got a home page and iCalendar files
… lots of participants are joining!
… we've figured out most of the logistics around meeting times and work mode
… we're discussing the finer points of document structure
… with an immense amount of help from Matt
… big news: Matt is back as editor!
… we'll be looking for more editors for different parts of the spec
… hoping for some new faces; would be nice to get some new hands and eyes on the spec

Ivan: we have quite a number of Japanese participants already
… hope that many of them will be active participants
… every other meeting will be on an East Asia-friendly time
… so unfortunately only the North Americans will find it convenient to attend every meeting

Ivan: do we want to use the IDPF EPUB logo?
… is it a branding thing we want to use?
… do we know where the original source is?
… BillK had commented that the text should be removed from the logo

Garth: we can use the logo if we want
… I'm vaguely in favor of using it

BillK: if we can use it, I'd love to remove the mixed-case text under the logo
… that's an easy edit to the file

Ivan: I'd like to have the source in SVG

BillK: I'm sure it exists in various forms

<wendyreid> https://‌commons.wikimedia.org/‌wiki/‌File:Epub_logo_color.svg

Ivan: EPUBCheck says that SVG is not valid
… because of an EPUB-specific restriction
… DTDs containing entities

TPAC Planning

Ivan: EPUB 3 WG is on the list; we're searching for the right date

Ralph: do we have a sense for the CG and BG to meet?

Avneesh: I've heard interest from Liisa and Daihei for the BG to meet

BillK: makes sense from a prospective member / guest perspective
… something that appropriately shows the difference between a WG, BG, and CG
… a joint meeting for those three groups to dialog where they overlap and do not overlap
… we benefit from the distributed situation; you only need to join a Zoom call

Ralph: good points
… especially useful for the CG and WG to have a joint discussion about {,non}overlaps

Wendy: we're thinking about how long people will agree to sit on a Zoom call
… and we have the timezone issue as well

Ivan: my experience in virtual F2F meetings worked out well:
… we had two dates
… on one day we had two 90-minute sessions with a 30-minute break between
… and alternated the time on the second day
… that sort-of worked
… whether we need two days for the WG or more, we don't yet know

BillK: coordinating between groups sounds like a SC meeting

Wendy: the SC meetings aren't meant to be public meetings

Daisy Whitepaper

[Wendy departs]

White paper for your review prior to press release announcement [George]

George: Daisy has been asked by many groups to clarify the difference between PDF and EPUB
… Dan Goldstein, retired attorney, very well-known A11Y lawyer contributed
… we want to publish around September 11
… with a supporting webinar
… we were thinking that a blog from W3C would be appropriate

Ralph: sure; it feels appropriate to have a W3C blog post

George: I'm volunteering to write it

Ivan: I scanned it and love it
… it's extremely polite but between the lines says PDF isn't good for accessibility

Avneesh: I would have liked to include a few other formats in the comparison too

George: I'll draft a short blog and share it here for comment
… maybe mention the new EPUB 3 WG

<Ralph> +1

Ivan: and EPUB A11y being a part as well

BillK: it makes sense to focus on PDF and EPUB; in the world I work in, those are the two formats people say need to be accessible
… people tell me "508 requires PDF" -- I tell them "no, it doesn't"
… that's the world we live in right now

Avneesh: Daisy's strategy is to institutionalize accessible publications
… we're not interested in getting into format wars

George: any format that evolves over time we'll be focused on this principal

Ivan: the whitepaper is produced by Daisy
… it might give more weight to the W3C blog if it's signed by someone not in Daisy

George: I'm happy to help in the writing, it would be wonderful if someone from this group wants to sign it
… it will be very short

George: on document formats ...
… I have all my papers since 1990 prior to EPUB in HTML
… I have them as a single publication
… I've shared it with people and they're unaccustomed to seeing documents in HTML; it's very foreign to them

BillK: with a CSS file?

George: Markus created the CSS for me
… in-line

Avneesh: I still unzip EPUB and read the HTML in a browser

<dauwhe_> https://‌the-digital-reader.com/‌2018/‌05/‌01/‌dropbox-quietly-launches-an-epub-viewer/

Ralph: thanks George
… also, kudos to BillK's recent article

BillK: thanks, unfortunately it's behind Springer's paywall

<Bill_Kasdorf> "We're at an Inflection Point for Publishing and the Web": https://‌rdcu.be/‌b36KJ.


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 121 (Mon Jun 8 14:50:45 2020 UTC).