15:00:06 RRSAgent has joined #tt 15:00:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/08/20-tt-irc 15:00:08 RRSAgent, make logs Public 15:00:09 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 15:01:02 nigel has changed the topic to: TTWG Teleconference. Agenda for 2020-08-20 1500 UTC meeting: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/136 15:01:13 Agenda: https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/136 15:01:17 scribe: nigel 15:01:53 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/08/06-tt-minutes.html 15:02:11 Present: Andreas, Nigel, Pierre, Cyril, Atsushi 15:03:12 Present+ Gary 15:04:18 Topic: This meeting 15:04:29 scribe: Cyril 15:04:36 Topic: this meeting 15:04:51 nigel: the main thing on the agenda is about writing mode and direction 15:05:03 ... not sure we have anything on TTML2 IR and TPAC Virtual Agenda 15:05:15 ... but we probably should meet with the Privacy group 15:05:43 ... in AOB I would like to mention a couple of things about in-place edit to TTML1 3rd edition 15:05:49 ... Mike Dolan pointed out some issues 15:06:10 ... and a proposal I made to link to the History of specs rather than previous versions 15:06:18 ... anybody else? 15:06:26 Present+ Mike 15:06:34 ... no 15:07:14 Topic: Interaction between tts:writingMode and tts:direction on paragraph element. w3c/ttml2#1211 15:07:26 Topic: Interaction between tts:writingMode and tts:direction on paragraph element. 15:07:27 github: https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/1211 15:07:48 s/Topic: Interaction between tts:writingMode and tts:direction on paragraph element.// 15:07:57 mike has joined #tt 15:08:08 nigel: good discussion and lots of detailed technical inputs 15:08:15 ... thanks Pierre for raising this issue 15:08:27 ... I asked yesterday do we have consensus? 15:08:31 q+ 15:08:34 ... Pierre said it wasn't clear 15:08:59 ... the difference between specifying direction/unicodeBidi on a p vs on a span 15:09:05 ... Glenn put some equivalences in 15:09:23 ... do we think we got to some kind of understanding 15:09:28 ack atai 15:09:42 atai: while working through it, I noticed that it is complex, too many specs 15:09:56 ... my proposal would be to go systematically through the issue 15:10:03 ... and see if we have a common understanding 15:10:19 ... for example going with direction on region and p 15:10:32 ... and see if the specification text is clear to represent our understanding 15:10:45 nigel: you created 3 cases 15:10:51 ... and generated reviews for them 15:11:11 ... in the end from doing that, do you think we did get to something that made sense to you? 15:11:17 ... I did not detect any disagreement 15:11:22 ... but I want to check 15:11:28 atai: I want to be really sure about it 15:11:50 ... for region, what I got from the discussion 15:12:02 ... is that inline progression direction influences start/left... 15:12:08 ... using writing mode 15:12:43 ... there are 2 kinds of inline progression direction 15:12:57 ... one to set the edges that influences alignment 15:13:11 ... and then the inline progression direction that is used to apply the unicode bidi algo 15:13:15 ... and these 2 are separate 15:13:42 ... tts:direction never influences the inline progression direction of writing mode 15:15:15 scribe: nigel 15:15:23 Cyril: I agree with you Andreas that there are two concepts. 15:15:25 Hew has joined #tt 15:15:34 .. Not sure they're called Inline progression direction in both cases. 15:15:41 Andreas: From the spec it's not clear. 15:15:53 pal has joined #tt 15:15:56 q+ 15:15:57 .. Glenn commented that there are separate directions, for writing mode and direction. 15:16:13 Cyril: Also what makes the discussion difficult is that we refer a lot fo XSL-FO, 15:16:31 .. and I'm not sure that our spec contains enough information to understand writingMode, 15:16:38 .. direction and textAlign without going deep into XSL-FO. 15:16:53 Andreas: Yes, I tried to look through the different references and it's really difficult because 15:17:04 .. direction came from CSS 2 to XSL-FO and both use the Uniode bidi algorithm, 15:17:13 .. and then we have the new setting how CSS is handling writing mode and direction. 15:17:22 .. We should first check our common understanding and then check back to the references. 15:17:33 .. I agree with you Cyril that there is not enough text in TTML2 to understand the concepts 15:17:36 .. and how they apply. 15:17:36 scribe: cyril 15:17:44 atai: if tts:direction is set on the region 15:17:59 ... my understanding is that the only effect is that it is inherited to the p 15:18:02 q+ to check if there is enough text in TTML2 to define (rather than explain) the concepts 15:18:02 cyril: me too 15:18:27 atai: it was surprising that tts:unicodeBidi is not inheritable 15:18:39 ... so only tts:direction makes sense on region 15:18:53 ... so it inherits to the p and there set the paragraph embedding level 15:19:07 ... on the p if only unicodeBid is specified, then it would be combined 15:19:29 ack pal 15:19:44 pal: I agree on the inheritance business 15:19:59 ... glenn's latest explanation on tts:direction is the cleanest I've seen 15:20:18 ... it's the combination of tts:direction and unicodeBidi that inserts the code 15:20:23 ... and this explains everything 15:20:29 q+ 15:20:38 ... tts:direction would have no effect on writing mode 15:20:47 ... I'd like to see if this explanation is accurate 15:21:15 ... I see no reason why tts:direction and unicodeBidi should apply to p 15:21:24 ... because it insert control characters 15:21:38 ... and that is clearly an inline matter that belongs to span 15:22:09 s/inserts the code/inserts control characters/ 15:22:39 cyril: maybe because of anonymous spans 15:22:45 nigel: [reads the spec] 15:23:03 ... the algo that we are referencing requires a paragraph embedding level 15:23:11 > When applied to a p element, the computed value of this property explicitly establishes the paragraph level as specified by [UAX9], §4.3, Higher Level Protocol HL1. 15:23:13 pal: I wanted to understand what it meant 15:23:45 ... glenn's latest answer seems to indicate that applying on p or applying on the single child span has the same effect 15:24:06 atai: what's missing from Glenn's example is what happens if you set direction without setting unicodeBidi 15:24:31 ... if you set tts:direction on a p, it sets the paragraph embedding level, regardless of the value of unicodeBidi 15:24:56 Present+ Hew 15:25:01 ... that's a different concept from inserting control characters 15:25:12 ... at least that's what I understand 15:25:34 q? 15:25:47 pal: then I still don't understand 15:26:03 ... what happens when you set tts:direction and unicodeBidi on p 15:26:08 ... I read the words but ... 15:26:11 ack nige 15:26:11 nigel, you wanted to check if there is enough text in TTML2 to define (rather than explain) the concepts 15:26:56 nigel: 1) I wanted to ask if there is enough text in TTML2 to define the concepts 15:27:34 ... 2) one of the things that get affected by writing mode is textAlign (start and end) 15:27:53 ... and looking at the text of textAlign it does not define what start and end mean 15:27:59 ... there is a semantic derivation 15:28:14 ... which talks about start and end 15:28:29 ... we seem to be in a knot of complicated spec 15:28:49 q+ 15:28:52 ... it does not seem to make any sense to have textAlign based on the span, maybe on the p and the region 15:28:55 q 15:29:00 q+ 15:29:27 pal: I had concluded that tts:direction and unicodeBidi did nothing to inline progression direction but now I'm confused 15:30:23 ... what prompted me to raise this issue, in CSS it is NOT possible to set the equivalent of tts:direction and unicodeBidi on p 15:30:26 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/CR-css-writing-modes-3-20180524/#logical-to-physical CSS dependency that defines inline-start and inline-end 15:30:37 ... because p is a block it also sets writing mode 15:30:54 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/REC-ttml2-20181108/#derivation-padding TTML2 reference that maps inline-start and inline-end to start and end 15:31:34 ... the way I read CSS, if you set unicodeBidi and direciton on a span (which is an inline element) it has the same effect as in TTML 15:31:45 q+ to mention the CSS abstract - physical mapping 15:31:57 ... but on p, setting tts:direction on p, also sets the ipd 15:32:09 s/ipd/inline progression direction 15:32:14 q? 15:32:24 ack atai 15:32:45 atai: it's not possible to compare CSS in its current form to TTML, because it derives from XSL:FO 15:32:56 ... and XSL:FO derives from CSS 2 which was changed later 15:33:23 ... in general with the formatting character, it is explained in the unicode bidi algo and in XSL:FO 15:33:32 ... in the end all markup is converted into characters 15:33:57 ... but before there are steps in setting fo bidi override elements to refine the formatting 15:34:07 ... in general what TTML2 is defining is not broken 15:34:13 ... but not specified clearly 15:34:25 ... especially how unicode bidi applies to p 15:34:51 ... it's consistent if it works as Glenn explained 15:35:14 q+ pal 15:35:20 ack pal 15:35:34 pal: you said 'especially how unicode bidi applies on p', glenn's response is simple 15:35:40 ... it behaves the same as it behaves on p 15:35:47 scribe: nigel 15:35:47 s/p/span 15:35:49 q+ 15:35:50 ack cyril 15:36:07 Cyril: Reading the spec (again!), the part that talks about the combination with unicodeBidi 15:36:17 .. is prefixed by "when applied to a span", there's nothing about a p element there. 15:36:18 q? 15:36:31 .. In TTML2 §10.2.12 after the table. 15:36:34 +1 15:36:50 ack ni 15:36:50 nigel, you wanted to mention the CSS abstract - physical mapping 15:36:51 scribenick: cyril 15:39:18 nigel: sometimes you need to know the start and end actual edges depending on writing mode and direction 15:39:25 ... padding is one of the cases where you need that 15:39:30 ... textAlign too 15:39:38 ... CSS mapping does that 15:39:54 ... and TTML lists the mapping from start and end to CSS terms 15:40:09 ... and this explains why you might want to set direction on a p 15:40:28 pal: long time ago, that was my understanding 15:40:41 ... tts:direction on a p, changes the ipd like CSS 15:41:23 ... but those 2 sentences in 10.2.12 were inserted to explicitly differ from CSS 15:41:45 nigel: not sure there is a semantic difference between inline progression direction and the decoding of start and end 15:41:58 ... they might be different things conceptually 15:42:17 ack at 15:42:27 atai: setting the edges and for the bidi algo, they are 2 different concepts 15:42:56 scribe: Nigel 15:43:23 atai: What's missing from the spec for how tts:direction applies to p and span, for p it 15:43:29 .. just says sets the para embedding level. 15:43:40 .. for span it says how it translates in combination with unicodeBidi. 15:43:53 .. But it doesn't say the same for p, so there's definitely some missing text here I think. 15:45:34 .. I only come to the conclusion that this must be the case because unicodeBidi applies 15:45:34 .. to p, from the formal description of the attribute, so it must have the meaning as 15:45:35 .. Glenn explained in his latest comment, but it needs to be reflected in the spec. 15:45:35 .. What you said Nigel, is the big problem, we mix CSS and XSL-FO and it can be hard 15:45:35 .. to separate them. We need to take just XSL-FO as the reference. It may be different 15:45:36 .. from CSS in its current form. 15:45:36 .. XSL-FO takes from CSS2 but that may be different from current CSS. 15:45:37 .. I think it makes sense what Glenn says, because in TTML the region is the only 15:46:17 .. element that can map to an XSL-FO element that establishes a reference area. 15:46:17 .. a fo:block container. This is the only element mapped from TTML that can establish the 15:46:17 .. edges, so a block as I understand it, does not have this. A p is mapped to a fo:block. 15:46:20 .. This may be different from CSS but in the logical mapping from TTML to XSL-FO, 15:46:26 .. it makes absolutely sense. 15:46:32 scribe: cyril 15:46:58 nigel: if you set padding or text align on a p and need to compute what start and end edges are 15:48:04 ... Andreas is saying that the edges can only be defined by the region and never defined by the p itself 15:48:07 atai: yes 15:48:19 nigel: I think that is different from what our spec says in the derivation for padding 15:48:45 q+ 15:49:06 q+ 15:49:14 pal: if that is the case, then what does establishing the paragraph level embedding means 15:49:26 scribe: nigel 15:49:32 Cyril: 3 questions we have: 15:49:43 .. 1. Compute start and end edges - does tts:direction on p affect it, yes/no? 15:50:00 .. 2. What is unicodeBidi doing on p given it is applicable but the text for tts:direction 15:50:18 .. mentions unicodeBidi combination only for the span? 15:50:35 .. 3. The one Pierre mentioned. What does "establishing the paragraph embedding" level mean? 15:50:43 .. Is it the same as the formatting characters or something different? 15:50:49 Pierre: 4th question: 15:51:04 .. Depends on the answer to the 3rd one. To the extent that in TTML it is possible to set 15:51:14 .. the paragraph embedding level without also changing the start and end edges, 15:51:19 .. should CSS also allow that? 15:51:34 Cyril: This is a good spot to stop! 15:51:40 Nigel: I was thinking the same thing! 15:52:10 SUMMARY: Conversation resulted in 4 key questions - see IRC log above. 15:52:28 scribe: cyril 15:52:53 Topic: New member 15:53:06 nigel: Hew joined us in the midst of a complex technical question 15:53:17 ... it'd be very good to introduce who we are 15:53:23 [introductions] 15:57:03 Topic: TTML 1 in-place edits 15:57:21 nigel: Mike pointed a couple of issues 15:57:39 ... in the introductory material, the very top, there is a link to latest recommendation 15:57:55 ... and that points to the previous recommendation not the next 15:58:09 ... and his name is not the same in all the place 15:58:11 (that's definetry my job...) 15:58:27 ... Mike you are going to be Michael Dolan in all the places you're listed 15:58:39 ... in the process of doing this 15:58:45 latest draft for update: https://ttml-w3c.himor.in/TTML1-3rd-edit-20200820.html 15:59:07 mike: if you're going to TTML 1 it is not obvious to find TTML1 2nd ed 15:59:21 nigel: I raised an issue in the TTWG Github space 15:59:28 ... in place of previous version links 15:59:40 ... we use a history link 15:59:58 ... this is a new link that is very useful 16:00:06 ... and does not change from version to version 16:00:11 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/145 Adopt /history in place of Previous Version for all future publications 16:00:30 ... if you think there is any issue with that, let us know 16:00:47 mike: I came about this because IMSC1.0.1 cites the 2nd edition 16:01:01 ... but the link in 1.0.1 is a generic link that goes to the 3rd edition 16:01:22 nigel: we are over time 16:01:30 ... let's adjourn 16:02:00 atai has left #tt 16:02:11 rrsagent, make minutes v2 16:02:11 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/20-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:05:37 s/scribe: Cyril/scribe:cyril 16:05:41 Chair: Nigel, Gary 16:05:43 rrsagent, make minutes v2 16:05:43 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/20-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:05:58 s/Topic: this meeting// 16:05:59 rrsagent, make minutes v2 16:05:59 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/20-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:07:10 s/atai:/Andreas:/g 16:07:18 s/cyril:/Cyril:/g 16:07:24 s/pal:/Pierre:/g 16:07:32 s/nigel:/Nigel:/g 16:07:46 s/mike:/Mike:/g 16:08:15 s/Uniode/Unicode 16:08:49 s/unicodeBid /unicodeBidi 16:09:04 s/glenn/Glenn/g 16:20:11 s/scribe: Nigel/scribe: nigel/g 16:24:46 s/let's adjourn/let's adjourn [adjourns meeting] 16:24:52 rrsagent, make minutes v2 16:24:52 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/20-tt-minutes.html nigel