18:53:43 RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web 18:53:43 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-immersive-web-irc 18:53:49 zakim, clear agenda 18:53:49 agenda cleared 18:53:55 meeting: Immersive Web Community Group Teleconference 18:54:02 date: 18 Aug 2020 18:54:14 agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/cg/2020-08-18-Immersive_Web_Community_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 18:54:34 atsushi has changed the topic to: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/main/meetings/cg/2020-08-18-Immersive_Web_Community_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 18:54:55 agenda+ administrivia#125 FaceMesh Extraction Explainer [alcooper91] 18:55:01 rrsagent, make log public 18:55:07 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 18:55:07 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 18:59:11 dino has joined #immersive-web 18:59:34 Brett has joined #immersive-web 18:59:51 alcooper has joined #immersive-web 19:00:59 kip has joined #immersive-web 19:01:19 yonet has joined #immersive-web 19:01:33 present+ 19:01:48 zakim, who is here? 19:01:48 Present: Manishearth, cwilso, Leonard, ada, kip, bajones, cabanier, yonet, trevorfsmith, mounir, alexturn, klausw, dino 19:01:50 On IRC I see yonet, kip, alcooper, Brett, RRSAgent, atsushi, dom, rzr, Karen, sangwhan, trevorfsmith, surma, sheppy, Zakim, garykac, NellWaliczek, iank_, cwilso, flaki, mounir, 19:01:50 ... bertf, ada, Manishearth 19:01:54 present+ 19:01:54 bajones has joined #Immersive-Web 19:02:05 Leonard has joined #immersive-web 19:02:13 present+ 19:02:17 present+ 19:02:23 present+ 19:02:33 dino has joined #immersive-web 19:03:30 scribenick: cwilso 19:03:32 Alex: 19:03:34 cabanier has joined #immersive-web 19:03:35 chair: yonet 19:03:38 zakim, take up agendum 1 19:03:38 agendum 1. "administrivia#125 FaceMesh Extraction Explainer" taken up [from alcooper91 via atsushi] 19:03:42 present+ 19:04:16 Alex: I've been working on a proposal for facemesh. My current intent is to not integrate with WEbXR at the start - it's more for WEbRTC - but it might be something people want to integrate with WebXR, so I wanted to bring it up her.e 19:04:22 s/her.e/here 19:04:29 avadacatavra has joined #immersive-web 19:04:56 Asyegul: so you don't want this on WebXR repos, right, you just wanted to bring it up? 19:05:32 alcooper: yes. I imagine it's something that people might want to reuse, but I wanted to look at it more broadly than just WebXR use cases. 19:05:45 q+ 19:05:47 asyegul: Any other questions or comments? 19:06:13 a- 19:06:14 Diane: What are some of the privacy implications of face mesh? 19:06:14 q- 19:06:29 Nick-8thWall has joined #immersive-web 19:06:35 q+ 19:06:37 Would it do Head Tracking style XR in WebXR? 19:06:52 ack nick 19:07:09 alcooper: there are already libraries that can do this integration; one you have the camera feed, you can already do this, so I don't imagine there is additional concern (unless/until we integrated into WebXR) 19:07:11 https://github.com/alcooper91/face-mesh 19:07:30 nick:?? 19:07:46 alcooper: facemesh is something you'd have to request as part of getusermedia. 19:07:53 ack Nick-8thWall 19:08:08 nick: is this additional API surface? 19:08:23 alcooper: similar to insertable streams, this is building on APIs that aren't exposed yet. 19:08:54 aysegul: thanks for bringing this up Alex. Anything else? 19:09:07 diane: I wanted to give a quick up date on the Mozilla situation. 19:09:59 ...FF Reality is going to be maintained, but not actively developed from here. We will have a blog post going out shortly on this. We plan to continue to participate in the standards (Kip and I will still be here). 19:10:18 aysegul: does this mean bug fixes as well, or just "it will still be out there"? 19:10:24 @diane will it stay 'secure'? 19:10:36 diane: not sure yet. It's getting rolled into Hubs team. 19:10:51 kip: you should see a ff reality 12 release. 19:11:07 diane: and of course I would hope we can get any security-critical bugs fixed. 19:11:24 kip: this is built on gecko view, and any fixes there should be inherited. 19:12:00 Aysegul: that's all, see you next week! 19:12:57 rrsagent, make minutes 19:12:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-immersive-web-minutes.html cwilso 19:13:04 rrsagent, make log public 19:15:31 laford has joined #immersive-web 19:15:48 present+ 19:21:52 Karen has joined #immersive-web 19:35:51 laford_ has joined #immersive-web 19:49:23 alexis_menard has joined #immersive-web 20:17:08 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-immersive-web-minutes.html 20:17:16 rrsagent, make minutes v2 20:17:16 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 20:19:01 i/diane: I wanted to give a quick up date on the Mozilla situation./topic: quick up date on the Mozilla situation/ 20:19:02 rrsagent, make minutes v2 20:19:02 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 21:33:30 alexis_menard has joined #immersive-web 22:52:54 flaki has joined #immersive-web