22:13:30 RRSAgent has joined #css 22:13:30 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-irc 22:13:52 present+ 22:13:53 q? 22:14:32 Topic: Open UI / CSS meeting 22:15:12 jeff has joined #css 22:16:20 present+ 22:17:06 q+ 22:20:36 masonfreed has joined #css 22:20:37 q+ 22:20:46 present+ 22:20:50 una has joined #css 22:20:55 q? 22:21:03 present+ 22:21:10 present+ 22:21:13 q+ 22:21:17 present- 22:21:24 present+ 22:21:26 present+ 22:22:40 https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/1oL6QOWj/ 22:23:08 • Greg: specific area where Open UI and CSS WG overlap is pseudo elements. Concrete example, select control, which is the furthest along… 22:23:08 • Greg: parsing out what gets accessed as a pseudo-element, what is a new element 22:23:08 • Greg: as we land these parts, should we come to CSS WG as, we recommend this part as a pseudo element? Inversely, when new pseudo els come into CSS WG, should we have a part described in Open UI? 22:23:08 • Florian: regarding pseudos, a little uncertain how it will unfold. Have appearance prop, when you appearance none things, it removes UA styling, falls back to pure CSS styling. Way it's specced is different from legacy. Legacy version, millions of values. Specced version, auto and none. How this relates is that if you do appearance: none that might have subcomponents, slots, or pseudos, the appearance: none applies to the whole 22:23:08 thing. Part of the reasoning is pseudo els might non-standard. appearance: none on element itself CSS-ifies everything in the component. If we define pseudo els, we might want to keep that behavior or we might not. This feels like it should be revisited. 22:23:09 • Greg: Open UI: we don't intend to standardize default appearance, we do intend an author to reset. That's a good example of what I'd expect to bring this to a collaboration [between Open UI + CSS]. 22:23:09 • Greg: currently in proposal for select, there's an open state. Assumption from research across all selects. Majority are hidden by default and then are shown. Should appearance: none still have default expectations that the listbox by default is a display: none. That's where I'm trying to figure out where CSS wants to fit into Open UI in those questions. Base stylesheet for select? 22:23:09 • Florian: that's an open issue, visual style might be different but should be recognizable and operable as what it's supposed to be. What that style is, is an open question. 22:23:10 • Greg: because that gets into appearance: none, that should live in CSS. "We don't define styles in Open UI" might still be true 22:23:18 scribe: melanierichards 22:24:17 fantasai: one of the concerns I have, reason we haven't introduced tons of pseudo els, if you start introducing ability to support styling of complex form control, offering author assumptions about how the control is structured. And once you make those assumptions, you lock in that structure for implementation 22:25:13 fantasai: if you're in charge of structure, you can change that later. Author might start making assumptions how that calendar control is structured...styling of those pieces may not work in the way author envisioned originally. That's my concern on exposing too many parts of native controls 22:25:26 fantasai: vs author implementing own control 22:25:43 tantek has joined #css 22:25:47 q? 22:25:48 q+ 22:25:53 fantasai: we should standardize native form control, but I don't think standardizing on parts and part names is not necessarily way to do it for form controls 22:25:56 q- 22:26:03 s/standardize/make it possible to style/ 22:26:12 s/for form/for such/ 22:26:27 dandclark has joined #CSS 22:26:37 s/change that later/change that in conjunction with the styling/ 22:26:40 q+ to agree with no more appearance none complexity, and authors need more info about per-OS/platform control part structures in order to style them (conditional pseudos?) 22:26:47 s/that calendar contro/native calendar contro/ 22:27:10 s/originally/originally when applied to a calendar control that is differently structured on a different device/ 22:27:44 heycam: related concerns, without defining styling of customizable controls, authors will make assumptions for a particular browser...also want mandated UA stylesheet...make them work w/o additional styling, dependable base for authors to rely on and customize on top of instead of rewriting shared styles 22:28:17 gregwhitworth: 'appearance: none' would fall back to base styles that are agreed on 22:28:25 fantasai: Might not necessarily be true across devices 22:28:33 heycam: Might not look like native form controls, but 22:28:41 scribe: fantasai 22:29:15 scribenick: fantasai 22:29:53 fantasai: example of maybe form control that's time is text input, vs on a different device is an analog pop-up or osmething. Styling for one will not translate to the other 22:30:16 gregwhitworth: Time control, could be laid out in any number of ways, don't want to restrict that 22:30:27 gregwhitworth: e.g. MSFT often comes up with new form factors 22:30:38 gregwhitworth: behaviors and controller code often follwos MVC model 22:30:46 gregwhitworth: select takes options, zero to N, doesn't change the layout 22:30:49 gregwhitworth: let's ratify that model 22:30:57 gregwhitworth: but also say, on desktop they're all different 22:31:01 gregwhitworth: the models are still identical 22:31:05 gregwhitworth: layouts and styling vary 22:31:16 gregwhitworth: Apple watch: model has not changed, but behaviors are still the same 22:31:27 gregwhitworth: keyboard still wired up, but not going to work unless bluetooth keyboard attached 22:31:43 gregwhitworth: One beign input that looks like text, vs other being radio 22:31:46 gregwhitworth: showing slots 22:32:02 gregwhitworth: Potential changes, ::part has more meaning based on thismodel not just styling 22:32:05 gregwhitworth: parts have meaning 22:32:10 gregwhitworth: can slot in whatever you want as an author 22:32:16 gregwhitworth: so time input being a text field 22:32:20 gregwhitworth: click on it pops up 22:32:28 gregwhitworth: someone comes along, input above, want it to be just text 22:32:34 gregwhitworth: when pop-up appears, odn't want it to be just text 22:32:42 gregwhitworth: will apply a part for controller code 22:32:53 gregwhitworth: wanted to show that with this bootstrap example 22:32:57 gregwhitworth: defining the part 22:33:00 q? 22:33:03 gregwhitworth: wired up necessary ARIA stuff 22:33:14 gregwhitworth: completely different layout and appearance, but the model is the same 22:33:22 q+ 22:33:26 gregwhitworth: To Cameron's point, we wanted to make it easier for authors to style 22:33:35 gregwhitworth: key aspect of styling, need a base style sheet to start from 22:33:45 gregwhitworth: if we do agree, then we want to modify the form control 22:33:54 gregwhitworth: will be shipped with web components, so rendered with web tech 22:34:01 gregwhitworth: would have access to those pieces with parts 22:34:09 gregwhitworth: but if everyone lays out list box differently 22:34:15 gregwhitworth: one uses flex, one needs grid 22:34:23 gregwhitworth: then need something new 22:34:28 gregwhitworth: to get to base style 22:34:45 gregwhitworth: We're aware of other form factors, didn't want to hinder 22:34:49 gregwhitworth: important aspect of design model 22:35:10 q? 22:35:12 fantasai: Not sure you entirely understood what I was saying, but queue is long, let's come back to it 22:35:31 jensimmons: I think fantasai was trying to articulate some important things to understand 22:35:46 jensimmons: I think we have good agreement on goals, to allow authors be able to style things 22:36:05 jensimmons: Don't want authors to replace form conrols with their own 22:36:11 jensimmons: Also want authors to be able to style things 22:36:22 jensimmons: Also agreed that default styling will not match across browsers 22:36:29 jensimmons: room for differences 22:36:37 jensimmons: thoughts on `appearance: none` as a togge 22:36:49 jensimmons: either get native controls styling, or click into styleability 22:37:02 jensimmons: if we had a time machine, maybe we'd come up with more consistency, but can't 22:37:20 jensimmons: But idea that we would now agree to web components, and all agree to very specific structure, and then have pseudos to style that structure 22:37:28 jensimmons: where 'appearance' would trigger that structure 22:37:34 jensimmons: ... 22:37:45 jensimmons: HTML and CSS vs form controls are very different 22:37:55 jensimmons: Would be nice to style border / background but inherit rest of form contorl 22:38:03 jensimmons: I'm not sure we can do what you're talking about gregwhitworth 22:38:16 jensimmons: I think we need a hybrid of the proposals written up in CSSWG a couple months ago 22:38:19 jensimmons: Less prescriptive 22:38:27 jensimmons: Maybe we really need to look at what things to authors want to style the most 22:38:33 jensimmons: and how can we give them ability to do that 22:38:37 jensimmons: with more generic pseudo-classes 22:38:43 q+ to answer Jen if possible 22:38:50 jensimmons: not so presectiptive, don't match exactly an exact web-component based model 22:38:52 q+ 22:38:54 jensimmons: give authors what they want and need 22:39:01 jensimmons: we also need to give implementers the flexibility that they need 22:39:27 I feel like the appearance (or whatever mechanism toggle) is the thing that allows us to have a standardized control implementation and styling 22:39:28 tantek: Let me see if I can build on what fantasai and jensimmons said, because 100% agree 22:39:43 tantek: I agree it's a bad idea for 'appearance' to be repuprposed for components model 22:40:00 tantek: seems hacky, lots of constraints, would not want to go there 22:40:07 tantek: point that I think fantasai made and jensimmons expanded on 22:40:17 tantek: different browsers and potentialy different OSes, providing different views 22:40:22 tantek: number of parts, structure of parts 22:40:25 tantek: is spot on 22:40:37 tantek: it's possible exact same browser in two different layouts, depending on width of windoe e.g. 22:40:46 tantek: could provide completely different part hierarchies 22:40:49 tantek: intentionally 22:41:00 tantek: I don't think we can make any assumptions about what kind of pseudo elements an author could depend on or not 22:41:10 tantek: and any that we did provide, would give author an artificial sense of control 22:41:14 tantek: that these things are fixed 22:41:23 tantek: they aren't, across impls, platforms, even different views in same impl 22:41:37 tantek: What I think we need is a model where both the browser has the freedom to alter part hierarchy per control 22:41:44 tantek: based on things like dimensions of user's window or other things 22:41:47 tantek: but also for things like a11y 22:42:04 tantek: and where the author somehow has the ability to access what decisions the browsers has made wrt part hierarchy 22:42:13 tantek: and be able to style the different possible expressions of that hierarchy 22:42:24 tantek: consider mobile vs other, differences are complex 22:42:29 tantek: and it's getting worse 22:42:33 s/worse/more complex 22:42:43 gregwhitworth: I would like to see what differences you're seeing , that Open UI didn't figur eout 22:42:51 tantek: Not saying anatomy is wrong. Your existing research demonstrates this. 22:43:02 tantek: the part hierarchies that you have are way more reflective of spectrum of possibilities 22:43:11 tantek: than people's assumptions about e.g. input[type=file] 22:43:13 tantek: or datepickers 22:43:20 tantek: those are going to be extremely different across different things 22:43:28 tantek: maybe you've already modeled part hierarchy for datetime? 22:43:37 greg: we're trying to tackle most frustrating first 22:43:45 greg: I think maybe we're talking past each other 22:43:59 greg: are we referring to DOM, just parts? name of parts? or referring to layout structure of parts? all of these very different 22:44:02 greg: 22:44:05 greg: all of these are not defined by Open UI 22:44:09 tantek: I'm referring to both 22:44:24 greg: ??? 22:44:32 tantek: layout is one, vs DOM is another 22:44:47 greg: and then there's the part, which doesn't require ither 22:44:58 jensimmons: some of us might be meaning the componetns, the code, how the form controls is made 22:45:39 q? 22:45:41 fantasai: I think making assumptions about either layout or DOM structure, relationship of parts to each other, is going to be problematic 22:45:45 fantasai: making assumptions about the dom, structure, or parts may be bad because those things are likely to change 22:45:47 q- 22:45:47 fantasai: because those can change 22:46:58 fantasai: Open UI did a lot of great research on what the abstract parts and relationships 22:47:17 fantasai: so that could implement a control that maps those parts, and browser could map in the behavior / events / a11y etc. 22:47:28 greg: ... 22:47:34 greg: could implement without web compent tech 22:47:55 s/etc./etc. and could have any layout or dom structure you ant/ 22:48:11 greg: ppl don't build the web component the same way. Model and parts are the same, but dom structure and layout are different 22:48:50 fantasai: browsers will have similarly wide differences, and so exposing parts for styling will not work 22:49:22 fantasai: I think it makes sense for us to tackle this problem from two different directions 22:49:42 fantasai: one direction that I think you've built up the framework for already is to allow the author, when it's necessary, to build up a form control from their own markup and layout 22:49:47 falken has joined #css 22:49:58 ... and by using the component model, tell the browser what the model is, and have the browser fill in the behavior / events/ a11y pieces 22:50:12 ... and maybe hook into some aspects of behavior, but there are defined hooks for that 22:50:14 ... I think you've built up the framework for taht 22:50:19 ... which we can then implement in the browser 22:50:29 ... the opposite direction is to take the native browser controls and make them more stylable 22:50:40 ... don't think the way to do that is expose the natvie controls as if they were native components with parts 22:50:50 ... that structure is something the author doesn't know 22:51:01 ... they cannot make an assumption based on "this is a part, if I style it this way it will make sense" 22:51:08 q- 22:51:11 ... so in order to make things stylable, you can't take the same approach 22:51:23 majidvp has joined #css 22:51:24 ... the reason exposing the components works for the authors is that they control the styling and the structure and the layout 22:51:26 q- 22:51:30 ... it's not going to change under them 22:51:34 foolip has joined #css 22:51:46 ... so I think we've had some discussions about how to create styling for controls at an abstract level 22:51:48 ... one is accent-color 22:52:04 ... another proposal was defining archetypical component pieces, and having browsers extrapolate from that 22:52:16 q? 22:52:22 ... but the research you've done in figuring out the archetypes of form controls is a really good foundation for this 22:52:32 ... but it'll be a different approach than trying to make these two systems come together in the middle 22:52:44 ... 2 approaches based on the same abstract model 22:52:59 florian: I agree with a lot of things fantasai and tantek and jenn have been saying 22:53:16 ... as long as appearnce is auto, we expect native controls, and all of what you've said is true 22:53:32 ... while that is true, it's hopeless for the author to guess waht the parts are 22:53:43 ... but when you do appearance:none, thisi s a request for the component not to be a native one 22:53:50 ... so any and all parts can be overridden by the author 22:53:52 gregwhitworth has joined #css 22:54:00 bkardell_ has joined #css 22:54:00 Travis has joined #css 22:54:02 ... so if we don't make assumptions / spec these, authors will make assumptions 22:54:51 ... having it defined with a dom hierarchy, a thing that's compatible with the openui model, with a known ua style sheet 22:55:04 ... but for sure once you switch to appearance:auto, then all these assumptions are gone 22:55:15 I agree with florian 22:55:24 jenn: I don't think we will get interop on that 22:55:29 ... I think we should think what else is possible 22:55:53 gregwhitworth: basically I feel like what elika and jenn are touching on is partial styling 22:56:01 ... chromium decided to have a drop shadow on something 22:56:05 ... other browsers haven't 22:56:07 kereliuk has joined #css 22:56:12 q+ 22:56:13 ... does it have one on android? no idea. so I need to reset to some base 22:56:26 ... if I understand fantasai correctly, the approach that will probably come into play, is what is similar to the password reveal thing 22:56:33 yoichio has joined #css 22:56:33 drott has joined #css 22:56:36 ... we'll define a part, in a similar way to how pseudos have been used in the past 22:56:42 ... we're going to assume these things are locked down 22:56:45 ... to allow this partial styling 22:56:51 ... we can't allow it to be display:grid for example 22:57:00 NavidZ_ has joined #css 22:57:18 ... I would love to see a base style sheet, and then any form factor can add on top of that 22:57:40 ... with password reveal on amazon, the icon is different 22:57:43 ... for branding reasons 22:57:59 ... if iOS uses an eyeball I don't agree with, then I'll not leverage that 22:58:14 ... so based on the research I've seen, I think this discards some of the reality we have 22:58:51 gregwhitworth: could we have more discussions of this types? in the CSSWG / at TPAC? 22:59:04 ... figure out what makes sense from the CSSWG perspective 22:59:13 ... I can present some research based on that angle 22:59:27 q- 22:59:32 heycam: agree witha lot of FLorian said 22:59:40 heycam: Key thing is opt in for customizable control 22:59:47 heycam: that's how we can allow authors to rely on how controls are implemented 22:59:53 q+ 22:59:56 I think we should consider the reverse, defaulting to a customizable control 22:59:58 heycam: without redefining native controls in ways that might not even be possible 23:00:29 gregwhitworth: Appreciate the discussion. Will go from email forward 23:01:39 present+ heycam gregwhitworth jensimmons melanierichards 23:01:43 zakim, who is here? 23:01:43 Present: tantek, melanierichards, gregwhitworth, una, florian, jensimmons, heycam 23:01:46 On IRC I see NavidZ_, drott, yoichio, kereliuk, Travis, bkardell_, gregwhitworth, foolip, majidvp, falken, dandclark, tantek, una, masonfreed, jeff, RRSAgent, Zakim, Karen, jess, 23:01:46 ... dtapuska, sanketj, emilio, jcraig, svoisen, achraf, slightlyoff, jensimmons, dauwhe_, SimonSapin, zcorpan, geheimnis`, gsnedders, spectranaut, innovati, sylvaing, shans, 23:01:50 ... Rossen, leaverou, projector, hayato, timeless, cbiesinger, shane, sangwhan, nainar, ojan, Letze, jyasskin, JonathanNeal, surma, liam, github-bot, Mek, dustinm, CSSWG_LogBot, 23:01:50 ... ondrejko 23:01:57 RRSAgent: make minutes 23:01:57 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-minutes.html tantek 23:01:59 truly loved that chat - thank you all so much for the time :) 23:12:11 how do we get permissions to look at https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-minutes.html ?? 23:13:21 rrsagent, make logs public 23:14:21 RRSAgent, pointer? 23:14:21 See https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-irc#T23-14-21 23:16:14 i/ gregwhitworth: 'appearance: none' would fall back/scribenick: fantasai/ 23:16:26 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-minutes.html fantasai 23:16:57 i/fantasai: one direction/scribenick: heycam/ 23:17:00 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-minutes.html fantasai 23:17:30 s/• //g 23:17:31 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-minutes.html fantasai 23:18:40 s/thing. Part of the reasoning/Florian: Part of the reasoning/ 23:19:42 i/heycam: agree witha/scribenick: fantasai/ 23:19:48 s/witha lot/with a lot/ 23:19:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/08/18-css-minutes.html fantasai 23:20:02 I'm so sorry I missed this meeting! Was it announced somewhere? 23:26:54 hober: I'm so sorry, it was during the CSSWG F2F meeting 23:27:23 hober: I'll add you to the follow up email as I think we'll figure out a CSSWG topic 23:29:43 gregwhitworth: could you announce things like this to one of our mailing lists? 23:30:20 Or one of OpenUI's? I went looking for a meeting pointer once I noticed it had started and could not find anything 23:30:37 astearns: for sure, I apologize - I kept it to the Doodle folks that showed interest 23:30:49 no worries - thanks for organizing it! 23:33:59 I was in and out of the F2F & (many) conflicting meetings, so I must have missed that part. 23:34:23 jeff has joined #css