Meeting minutes
<melaniebw> present+
<MURATA> The presentation file will be made available after this talk.
<MURATA> Legible website demo.
<MURATA> Audio book integrated
<MURATA> Q&A including translations
<MURATA> Yoshii-san: I have a question about backwards-compatibilities.
<MURATA> You mentioned conformance to 3.2, but there are EPUB 2 publications and EPUB 3.0.1 publications. How do you handle them?
<MURATA> Response: We are aware of the current situation.
<MURATA> Publishers that publish older versions will not be rejected.
<MURATA> Ensuring manga support is important for us.
<MURATA> MM: EPUB 3.0.1 publications conform to 3.2
<MURATA> Legible: EPUB 2 is different. But thank you for the correction.
<MURATA> Kamata-san: What kind of customers use this sytem?
<MURATA> Major companies or small one?
<MURATA> Legible: Everybody, including independent authors and big companies.
<MURATA> Legible: I have another company involved in publishing. We know what customers request.
<MURATA> We also support many languages.
<MURATA> Daihei: Q&A offline Which channel?
<MURATA> Legible: We would like to listen to requests and respond.
<MURATA> Legible: Please contact us.
<MURATA> Via email.
<MURATA> Daihei: Thanks for your talk.
<MURATA> Daihei: Report of the W3C webinar
<MURATA> Daihei: Key topic for today. FXL
<MURATA> Daihei: Further improvements required?
<MURATA> Daihei: Takami-san is going to give a short presentation.
<MURATA> Takami-san: Two files (XHTML and image) per page
<MURATA> Takami-san proposed to introduce XHTML-SVG-CSS-free, image-dominated EPUB.
<MURATA> Takami-san: fallback behavior is not needed and ignored.
<MURATA> JP reading systems (which are dedicated to manga) often do not understand XHTML
<MURATA> Takami-san: Allow OPF to reference JPEG without specifying fallback.
<MURATA> Jeff: Interesting.
<MURATA> Jeff: Hopefully, consensus can be achieved.
<MURATA> Meteus: I agree. Interesting presentation.
<MURATA> Like Jeff, I think that the CG is probably the right place.
<MURATA> Murata: Some history about this topic. Apple opposed and we are here.
<MURATA> Daihei: TPAC October this year.