14:39:26 RRSAgent has joined #wai-curricula 14:39:26 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-wai-curricula-irc 14:39:56 Meeting: WAI Curricula Task Force Meeting 14:40:04 Date: July 28 2020 14:40:16 chair: Daniel 14:41:15 rrsagent, make logs public 14:43:03 Agenda+ FYIs on proposals we have been working on 14:43:24 Agenda+ Are images of text functional, complex, or both? 14:44:02 Agenda+ Topic on Progressive Enhancement 15:01:32 shadi has joined #wai-curricula 15:02:33 eoncins has joined #wai-curricula 15:02:47 present + Estella 15:03:24 present+ Estella 15:03:39 present+ 15:04:18 present+ Daniel 15:04:19 gerhard has joined #wai-curricula 15:04:26 present+ 15:04:33 Carlos has joined #wai-curricula 15:04:52 chair: Daniel 15:05:52 agenda? 15:05:57 present+ 15:06:01 zakim, take up next 15:06:01 agendum 1. "FYIs on proposals we have been working on" taken up [from dmontalvo] 15:06:19 present+ Gerhard 15:06:38 Topic: New layout for competencies to avoid repetition 15:06:45 Zakim: https://deploy-preview-238--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/structure-and-semantics/#competencies 15:06:45 - 15:07:08 DM: gruoped competencies to avoid repetition 15:07:21 ...and added explan/collapse to allow skipping 15:07:52 ...thoughts on this? 15:08:04 GN: looks good 15:08:14 ...like this version much more 15:09:26 https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/structure-semantics-and-navigation/ 15:10:37 EO: like this much more 15:10:52 ...but were prerequisits removed? 15:11:00 DM: no, just linked to overview page 15:11:31 https://deploy-preview-238--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/structure-and-semantics/#competencies 15:11:31 - 15:11:44 EO: better structured in this new version 15:12:04 Howard has joined #wai-curricula 15:12:05 present+ Howard 15:12:16 https://deploy-preview-238--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/structure-and-semantics/#competencies 15:12:16 - 15:13:53 Topic: Learning outcomes to sign-post cross references 15:14:33 https://deploy-preview-238--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/structure-and-semantics/#topic-page-headings 15:14:37 DM: agreed we need to sign-post related requirements for other roles 15:14:57 ...new proposal in topic "Section Headings" 15:15:11 [[describe complimentary requirements for authoring heading texts and designing visual styles for headings]] 15:15:39 ...could have similar learning outcomes throughout as needed 15:15:50 ...any thoughts on this approach? 15:17:13 [[describe complimentary requirements for authoring text alternatives of textual and complex images]] 15:17:57 CD: do you think "complimentary requirements" understood? 15:18:31 ...or does it need some description? 15:21:22 HK: little confusing 15:21:33 ...maybe example but may get too long 15:24:16 GN: agree confusing without example or such 15:28:30 SAZ: how could we address the issue differently? 15:28:52 EO: think one of the issues is the term "describe" 15:29:03 ...would use a more specific verb 15:29:13 ...maybe "identify" or "list" 15:29:45 CD: also wonder about the term "complimentary" 15:29:58 ...maybe can be more explicit that these relate to other roles 15:31:00 ...like "describe requirements for content authors that write headings and visual designers that style them" 15:31:55 GN: maybe "have an idea of how write and design headings" 15:33:51 DM: maybe "list" 15:34:00 ...inline Bloom's Taxonomy 15:34:38 EO: also change from passive to active 15:35:58 DM: will take back this input 15:36:22 Topic: Broadening scope of Module 2 15:36:46 https://deploy-preview-238--wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/navigational-menus/ 15:37:29 DM: now also include application menus 15:37:44 ...was planning to have them in the widgets module 15:37:50 ...but now have them here 15:38:21 ...thoughts on this? 15:39:36 https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/navigational-menus/ 15:39:47 https://wai-curricula.netlify.app/curricula/developing-accessible-content/navigational-menus/ 15:40:07 CD: concerned about complexity of this topic 15:40:17 ...requires knowledge of WAI-ARIA 15:40:40 ...is this something that students know? 15:41:05 DM: refer to some ARIA concepts in the prior module 15:41:15 ...like headings and landmarks 15:41:26 ...maybe need to add to the competencies 15:41:30 CD: agree 15:42:24 GN: not sure if application menus should be commonly used 15:42:30 ...sometimes misused 15:42:39 ...should add comment on that 15:43:51 DM: could be a learning outcome 15:43:58 ...scoping application menus 15:44:10 ...to clarify when to use and potential down-sides 15:44:25 ...not interchangeable to use both types of menus 15:44:49 ...explicitly for desktop-like applications 15:45:15 EO: replaced "single-level" and "multi-level"? 15:45:26 DM: not exactly, just organized content differently 15:50:11 HK: good thing is consistency with Tutorials 15:50:21 ...easier cross-referencing 15:51:27 SAZ: was definitely not by intention 15:51:45 ...started off from scratch to not get biased 15:52:01 ...but went in circles and came back to Tutorials structure 15:52:17 ...probably good indication for Tutorials! 15:52:26 ...or subconcious bias 15:52:41 HK: good thing to have this consistency 15:52:52 CD: looks good 15:53:07 ...agree with GN about adding caution note 15:53:29 DM: need to be much more clear about scope of application menus 15:53:39 ...and explaining the difference to other menus 15:54:03 HK: maybe specifically add "not common" 15:54:39 ...directly in the heading 15:56:10 SAZ: in the past such generic labelling had become limiting 15:56:22 ...prefer to do in the learning outcomes 15:56:32 ...teachers need to decide what they want to teach 15:57:14 CD: first learning outcome "identify situations where an application menu is appropriate" 15:57:41 ...although not sure if that is a competency for developers 15:57:57 DM: "identify" does not mean they are solely responsible for it 15:58:24 ...enough to have some degree of awareness 15:59:16 Topic: Closing 15:59:35 DM: would like to ask you to go through the two remaining agenda items 15:59:55 ...where would you place "images of text" in the current organization? 16:00:20 ...and other agenda item is on Module 6 16:00:33 ...currently first topic is introduction to WAI-ARIA 16:00:43 ...but that repeats the Intro curriculum 16:01:08 ...suggest introducing concept of progressive enhancement instead 16:02:00 DM: not sure about meeting next week, will let you know 16:02:53 Topic: Introductions 16:03:11 GN: first project on accessible design in 1997 16:03:24 ...did some lectures over the years 16:03:34 ...look forward to this work on curricula 16:03:45 DM: thank you Gerhard! 16:05:14 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 16:05:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-wai-curricula-minutes.html dmontalvo 16:38:08 s/gruoped/grouped 16:38:48 s/explan/expand/ 16:43:56 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 16:43:56 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-wai-curricula-minutes.html dmontalvo