18:59:06 RRSAgent has joined #immersive-web 18:59:06 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-immersive-web-irc 18:59:16 Leonardo has joined #immersive-web 19:00:15 bajones has joined #Immersive-Web 19:00:25 cabanier has joined #immersive-web 19:00:32 present+ 19:00:33 present+ 19:00:53 present+ 19:01:25 present+ 19:01:28 present+ 19:01:41 present+ bajones 19:01:45 yonet has joined #immersive-web 19:01:57 present+ atsushi 19:02:09 present+ yonet 19:02:58 bialpio has joined #immersive-web 19:03:20 I am running a little late 19:03:40 can someone paste the URL for the call here? 19:03:57 dino has joined #immersive-web 19:04:00 nevermind naseemshah isn't online right now 19:05:46 I'll look at it ASAP! 19:05:56 agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/master/meetings/cg/2020-07-28-Immersive_Web_Community_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 19:06:03 meeting: Immersive Web Community Group Teleconference 19:06:14 date: 28 July 2020 19:06:22 zakim, clear agenda 19:06:22 agenda cleared 19:06:23 agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/master/meetings/cg/2020-07-28-Immersive_Web_Community_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 19:06:44 agenda+ webxr-hand-input#32 Allow caching of XRJointPoses [Manishearth] 19:07:04 agenda+ anchors#55 Should move discussion and API for "creating anchor from hitTestResult" to hit-test API [avadacatavra] 19:07:09 zakim, take up agendum 1 19:07:09 agendum 1. "webxr-hand-input#32 Allow caching of XRJointPoses" taken up [from Manishearth via atsushi] 19:07:14 avadacatavra has joined #immersive-web 19:07:14 scribe Leonard0 19:07:17 scribe Leonardo 19:07:36 rrsagent, make log public 19:07:42 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 19:07:42 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:07:50 Manish: not cache poses (XR & XRViewer) because some content may break 19:07:59 ... https://github.com/immersive-web/administrivia/blob/master/meetings/cg/2020-07-28-Immersive_Web_Community_Group_Teleconference-agenda.md 19:08:43 ... Hand has ~25 joints/hand which could overwhelm the system that needs to created & destroyed every frame 19:09:13 q+ 19:09:16 ... Rik propose allows browsers to cache XR joint poses to reduce load 19:09:40 ... This would come with the warning that the objects may or may not stay around 19:09:41 q? 19:09:42 q? 19:09:47 q+ 19:09:50 RafaelCintron has joined #immersive-web 19:09:56 ack brandon 19:10:00 alexturn_ has joined #immersive-web 19:10:02 present+ 19:10:03 q+ 19:10:06 ack ba 19:10:13 Brandon: Agrees, but like Manish, not very happy. 19:10:46 ... 2 other interact with cache and not always with consistent settings 19:11:48 ... Possibility of comparing the frame N & N+1 may cause some problems with "measured" velocity 19:12:17 q+ 19:12:25 q+ 19:12:53 q- 19:13:09 Manish: Some conditions are not related to real movements 19:13:16 ack cabanier 19:13:50 Rik: Some things change nothing to very little over time. 19:14:29 q+ to also ask about consolidating volumes of pose queries to a single call 19:14:44 Alex: Share concern that semantics are changing. Hand joints are "medium" data. Meshes are "large" data. 19:15:32 q? 19:15:38 ... Joint comparison may fail because of UA differences. Want it either every frame or all frames, nothing in-between 19:15:43 ack alexturn_ 19:16:14 q+ 19:16:15 ... However, it may not work through multiple (other) APIs 19:16:23 bialpio 19:16:32 ack bialpio 19:16:38 q+ 19:17:26 Bialpio: Can the caching state be signaled through API state? Need to be concerned with timing or values 19:17:47 ack bajones 19:17:47 bajones, you wanted to also ask about consolidating volumes of pose queries to a single call 19:18:02 q+ 19:18:11 q? 19:18:12 q- 19:18:57 Brandon: Likes signaling. Getting hand poses causes some internal delays (Runtime to native interface). 19:19:43 ... Suggests a means for getting a list of poses and output a predetermined data structure 19:20:05 q+ to like that idea 19:20:06 ack manishearth 19:21:27 Manish: Agrees with Brandon. OpenXR aligns with Brandon's suggestion - returns a struct with all hand-joints 19:21:37 ... works on shared structure that gets reused 19:21:47 ack alex_ 19:21:50 q? 19:22:32 Alex: OpenXR did a constant check against use cases and "actual" code. Engines preferred to use bulk data structure 19:22:46 q+ 19:22:55 ack alex 19:23:01 ... though, acknowledged that it was cumbersome for people developers 19:23:50 ack alexturn_ 19:24:12 ... More likely use WebXR over OpenXR, but still could use bulk 19:25:22 Ada: [lots of background noise - missed most of this] 19:25:25 ack Manishearth 19:25:46 q+ 19:26:12 ack ada 19:26:12 ada, you wanted to like that idea 19:26:16 Manish: JavaScript can do most everything that can be done through OpenXR -- the APIs can be similar 19:26:41 ack alexturn_ 19:27:20 Alex: Wants to consider UAs returning subsets of joints. Does not want to limit innovation 19:27:24 q+ 19:27:52 sorry about my noisy mic: I was suggesting that by having a split API it would enable the high perf use case of using the buffer to enable displaying the hand model but also allow developers to query individual joints in a way they would expect for things like physics or interactions. 19:28:42 ... use extra or removed joints. You get everything or nothing. Some joints may be marked as unavailable or emulated 19:29:14 ack Leonardo 19:29:36 Leonardo: would any of these decisions have a bad impact on someone who is disabled 19:29:38 q+ 19:29:40 q+ 19:29:45 q? 19:29:48 ... or has attachments or something that would make them not fit the humanoid model 19:29:51 q+ 19:29:52 Leonardo: Would any suggestions compromise use for disabled or 19:30:05 ack alexturn_ 19:30:57 Alex: Has thought through some level of accessibility. Level of API should be separate from user abstraction -- that would be the UA job 19:31:11 ack bajones 19:31:36 Brandon: Alex covered most issues. Similar conversations about accessibility: Can provide data for website 19:32:24 ... to do the right thing; however, websites may not choose to do so (ignore accessibility) 19:32:51 https://github.com/immersive-web/webxr-hand-input/issues/11 19:32:55 ... Probably allow UA to be configured to allow a user to specifically configure their own environment 19:33:15 ack Manishearth 19:33:18 Manish: (See link above). No specific answers. 2 concerns: 19:33:51 ... 1: Application should be written so they can get a hand representation according to user's desire 19:34:10 q+ 19:34:19 ... 2: Gesture apps should have fall-back gestures (missing digits, etc.) 19:34:40 q? 19:35:04 ack alexturn_ 19:35:27 Alex: Caution to wait before going beyond core. Native side may have further divergence. Believe APIs should be 19:36:02 ... base-level agreement. Only go beyond when requested and/or needed. 19:36:22 q+ 19:36:32 ... Allow the API to return the "standard" actions, but "enlightened" apps could access the details 19:36:50 ack Manishearth 19:37:28 q+ 19:37:34 Manish: Agrees with Alex 19:37:41 ack alexturn_ 19:38:21 Alex: Double-check with Rik. Wants to make sure that unneeded legacy is not carried forward 19:38:37 Agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/anchors/issues/55 19:38:54 zakim, take up agendum 2 19:38:54 agendum 2. "anchors#55 Should move discussion and API for "creating anchor from hitTestResult" to hit-test API" taken up [from avadacatavra via atsushi] 19:38:55 q+ 19:39:01 Diane: Anchor depends on Hit-Test (APIs) 19:39:03 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 19:39:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:39:49 ... Move from Anchor to Hit-Test explainer so that Anchor is stand-alone and Hit-Test contains all dependencies 19:39:56 q? 19:40:46 Piotr (Bialpio): Concerned that Hit-Test is marked as release. If Anchor is moved, then a clarification would be needed 19:40:48 s|Agenda: https://github.com/immersive-web/anchors/issues/55|| 19:40:51 ack bialpio 19:41:00 q+ 19:41:03 ... Like to delay move until Anchor and HT are at same level of maturity 19:41:17 ack avadacatavra 19:41:18 q+ 19:42:06 Diane: Asking of level of maturity of Anchors. Doesn't want to go forward until the change is moved 19:42:07 previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2020/06/16-immersive-web-minutes.html 19:42:17 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 19:42:17 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:42:29 q+ 19:42:30 Piotr: Anchors go out in V85 (stable in about a month - 25 Aug) 19:42:35 ack bajones 19:43:25 Brandon: This scenario probably going to be encountered more frequently. 19:43:48 q- 19:43:49 ... Probably benefit WG figuring out how to handle the general case for the future 19:44:28 Aysegul: Continue discussion on GitHub. 19:44:45 s/scribe Leonardo/scribe: Leonardo/ 19:45:49 Manish: Item for WG. Ada to handle 19:46:52 i/Leonardo: would any of these/scribenick: Manishearth/ 19:47:10 i/Leonardo: Would any suggestions compromise/scribenick: Leonardo/ 19:47:40 s/Piotr (Bialpio):/Piotr_(Bialpio):/ 19:47:46 rrsagent, publish minutes v2 19:47:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/28-immersive-web-minutes.html atsushi 19:48:34 rrsagent, bye 19:48:34 I see no action items