Publishing Business Group Steering Committee

24 July 2020


Avneesh, Bill_Kasdorf, Cristina, Daihei, dauwhe, Garth, George, Jeff Xu (zheng_xu), liisamk, Mateus, Ralph, WendyReid
dauwhe, wendyreid

Meeting minutes

<Ralph> previous 10-July

Webinar updates, comments on slides

<Ralph> current webinar slide set

Ralph: will someone walk us through the slides?
… is that the best use of our time?

wendyreid: many of us have seen the slides
… OK if people view on their own and send comments

Avneesh: the sessions are very small; if something needs to change please provide brief comments

<Ralph> Webinar

Ralph: we can't squeeze a lot in the time we have
… we want half of the hour for discussion
… any presenters have issues?

Cristina: I didn't get the final version

Ralph: there's a link in IRC

George: that link didn't work

George: I've been going into Zoom and doing a recording of my slides
… it does two things: you're getting practice at your presentation
… I've done two or three takes, and then I've asked Richard to edit the glitches
… it goes very smoothly

Ralph: the presenters met yesterday
… Tzviya will be the MC
… we will have live captionists
… if you pre-record please let Tzviya know, as she drives the slides

<Avneesh> I did run down today and my speech was 5 min and 9 sec. So, it looks that I will keep the time.

Cristina: how do you record?

George: I go into Zoom, start recording, then start screen sharing and run the slides
… when it comes to your turn, it just starts playing your recording

Avneesh: clever people know that you're not visible on the screen

Ralph: if presenters want to do this, please experiment ahead of time

George: might already be too late

wendyreid: the easier way is to incorporate the recording in the slide block
… Daihei, were you going to do additional slides for Japan, on top of what Cristina is doing?
… I haven't seen any slides from you, and the captionist needs to see them

Daihei: I haven't come up with them, but I am intending to review the slides here
… is there room for me to include one or two slides?

wendyreid: I would need them today because of the captionist

Daihei: could I just insert slides wherever I want?

wendyreid: send me the slides and I'll insert them

Ralph: we had 52 people for Monday
… (ralph pauses dramatically)
… we have 56 now

George: have links been sent to participants?

Ralph: yes

Ralph: I'll send links to late registrants

liisamk: any value to send another notice?

Ralph: we could do that
… I'd want to strip out those who already registered
… lemme talk to Karen

<George> +1 to resend reminder

WG charter news

Ralph: we're doing OK on # of members who responded
… more support, esp. from the pub industry, is beneficial

dauwhe: We did get one response that suggested changes
… I have submitted a PR to address those changes

Ralph: the director likes to see the group that authored the charter react to suggested changes

garth: looking at the website, it says 30 answers received, but 29 visible
… is there some un-public vote?

Ralph: an AC member can choose to make their response non-visible except to the Team

TPAC Planning

Ralph: the reason this is on the agenda
… we need to decide what meeting times we would like to ask to be scheduled
… are we going to propose a breakout session?
… I presume that if the EPUB WG is chartered, it would like to have its first meeting around the time of TPAC
… unless you tell me otherwise
… Mateus and Jeff might want the CG to meet?
… the schedule is being done a little differently
… we're encouraging each group to independently schedule times on a wiki to help resolve conflicts
… the bigger challenge will be the ten hours of breakout sessions
… over five days, with a lot of sessions trying to squeeze into those slots
… do we want to propose breakouts?

mateus: you answered my Q
… it would be good to have a CG meeting

Ralph: each group can schedule itself; the big challenge will be the breakout slots
… do we need a BG meeting during TPAC?

liisamk: we'll discuss on Monday

Ralph: a goal of tpac is to encourage groups to meet together, or for people to observe

Daihei: it's going to be different from last year
… because of the f2f last year, many of the publishing companies executives
… attended tpac
… it could be not a regular PBG but something special, making it a special conference under tpac about publishing as a whole
… I will discuss that on Monday with the PBG chairs

Ralph: almost anything can fit in the context of TPAC
… the challenge will be times of day, given time zone issues

Daihei: because it's once a year, easier to gain attention from special people

Ralph: I hope that's true

Ralph: any other thoughts on TPAC?


Ralph: anything else on your mind

wendyreid: I wanted to ask the BG chairs
… we've been doing updates on the EPUB charter for the last ten thousand weeks
… for the next couple of weeks, could we have some time for audiobooks, since we're getting close to the end of the charter
… I would love to hear from business group members on that

garth: looks like the google implementation of audiobook is going to be live in the next week or two
… so if you want to practice on us, go ahead :)

Ralph: ok if that's in the public record?

garth: yes

liisamk: maybe garth can talk about that at the next BG meeting
… and I can see if leslie wants to talk about her efforts with coresource etc
… Mateus and Jeff, you asked about another co-chair, someone to help with administrative work and maybe start a task force
… I have found you someone
… I would like to put forward Alex Grover (?) and I'd like him to start a task force on FXL+reflow
… we've talked about business cases in the BG
… Alex would be good and technical at building samples

<Daihei> +1 to Liisa/Alex for PCG

mateus: that's great. Thanks!

Ralph: that's wonderful!

liisamk: he's also been looking at the a11y task force stuff, and has been testing our a11y

Avneesh: he was on the last call

liisamk: I'll make introductions

George: my comment is back about PBG announcement on charter
… it's always appropriate to include the ask about assigning people to the working group
… there is a wide range of skills needed, it would be good to get a wide range of people

Ralph: how many survey respondents said they would participate? A lot :)

mateus: I wanted to ask wendyreid about audiobooks
… I assume this already happened, but is there any role the CG could play to help transition the PWG into the PCG

wendyreid: I think we need a maintenance WG; I haven't talked to Ivan yet
… but I would love for people to join the CG
… and incubate some audiobook features, like bitrate switching
… audiobook folx should be everywhere

Ralph: a spec is never done :)
… and the CG is a good place to talk about next steps for a spec

mateus: I'd be happy to join a call about these issues

Ralph: I bet ivan has already done something
… any time we close a WG, we should point participants to another venue for discussion, in this case the CG

Bill_Kasdorf: I presume that work would be done in an audiobook task force, so you should create the task force now.

Ralph: that's part of what you were thinking, Mateus?

mateus: yes

<liisamk> +1 to task force for audiobook

Bill_Kasdorf: there are people in the CG who don't know about audiobooks

George: I heard talk about a task force and specs
… there are lot of questions people have, implementation issues, best practices, just building the knowledge base in the community
… can that happen in the CG?

Ralph: yes

<Avneesh> question of George was about best practices for publishing in general (I think)

George: I think


Ralph: there might be enough interest for a tech task force working on the spec
… and a deployment task force for people who want to use the spec

wendyreid: I want other people to write documentation

<George> I wanted to know where education and outreach would live.

Ralph: I heard great feedback from the Legible presentation at the BG this week

liisamk: that went well and was interesting
… it helped with trying to find what else is out there
… we skated around business model questions
… they invited us to help them test, because it's not released
… I want to know what they mean by that offer
… are they asking their competitors to help test?

Ralph: I'll check the minutes
… we do need to be careful about talking about such issues

zheng_xu: it's a good direction to work on practical and current issue, and possibly move to WG or if not create guidelines
… including for the Japanese market
… the content guidelines there are old
… I met with Daihei before
… we can extend direction about more rich content
… we have good input on starting task forces and CG
… I'll work with Mateus etc to get started as soon as possible

Ralph: I have to do the renaming

Daihei: what Jeff Xu mentioned, the EBPAJ guidelines issued a while ago, everyone is talking about revising it
… there is some red tape...
… this is a good opportunity to push this
… cooperation with CG and Japan, with some localization for Japan
… and Taiwan has translated these into Chinese
… I will work closely with zheng_xu and mateus to introduce them to people here

Ralph: it will be good to share resources that already exist

Ralph: we mentioned that the audiobook presentation for the EDRLab things, everyone liked the NNELS presentation there
… they tweeted some announcements today
… we should invite NNELS to the BG to present

George: hello

Ralph: we guessed at your question
… I don't know if the answer dave scribed answered your question or some other question

George: it was just best practices, etc etc around audiobooks, is that where people go for answers?

wendyreid: yes
… there have been lots of requests for documentation

dauwhe: I just find it interesting that we have an industry where we do all the work as volunteers

<Bill_Kasdorf> plus we're PUBLISHING

dauwhe: as opposed to browser vendors where there's paid developer relations people

Ralph: I think many working groups have an education and outreach component
… publishing isn't as unique as you implied ;)

Ralph: see y'all on Monday

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 121 (Mon Jun 8 14:50:45 2020 UTC).