ID CG weekly meeting

23 July 2020


Barbara Hochgesang, Coralie Mercier, Jeff Jaffe, Judy Brewer, Léonie Watson (tink), Tess O'Connor, Tzviya Siegman, Vagner Diniz, Wendy Reid, Wendy Seltzer
Chris Wilson, Dan Appelquist, Julien Tanay, Rhian Jones

Meeting minutes

Previous (2020-07-16)

Proposal to meet every two weeks

Léonie: is everyone happy to experiment with Zoom's "raise hand"?

Judy: note: some have expressed issues of accessibility
… happy to serve as backup for irc q+

Léonie: option-Y on mac OS, alt+Y on Windows, [see more shortcuts in <https://‌support.zoom.us/‌hc/‌en-us/‌articles/‌205683899-Hot-Keys-and-Keyboard-Shortcuts-for-Zoom>]
… the "Raise Hand" button is in the participants pane

Léonie: proposal to meet every two weeks
… and find another time for this meeting

<wseltzer> +1

Jeff: +1 to every other week at a different time.

<wendyreid> +1

<koali> +1

<vagner> +1

Tzviya: Thursdays are very packed. Every other week would be a great cadence for me

Judy: I'm worried about what other time we land on (expecting survey)
… but this happens to be in my relatively open time
… the in-between week could be used by sub-groups to keep momentum

Léonie: the way forward looks like: move to every other week
… I'll create a doodle
… for a different regular time

Jeff: There's a large overlap between this group and the PWE CG which meets every other week
… I wonder if that time could be available for the other week

[the PWE call is 2pm UTC on Tuesdays]

[Léonie, Tzviya and Tess to take this offline to work out a combination]

Feedback from the AC review

[Barb arrives]

Léonie: without realizing it and intending it, we caused some upset
… when we sent the statement out, we the CG had been so focused on timeliness
… we just asked the AC to sign-off on it
… when the regular survey went out it included the regular options, including those to provide changes
… when somebody filed an issue, I closed the issue
… that upset the person, confused me
… an issue has been opened on the AB repo that AC have access to, saying it isn't good form for the W3C community
… we've acknowledged it was wrong
… we've explained to the AC that changes are welcome
… we'll take a look at those at the end of the review
… It's a necessary delay
… Thoughts, comments?

Jeff: There has been at least one Formal Objection raised on the statement
… we have to wait till the survey closes as people may change their reviews
… it doesn't prevent us from reaching out to objectors and have conversations about it
… that objection was done in member space

Judy: Does it make sense to briefly discuss the content of the objection?
… and make sure we have somebody for the dialogue?

Léonie: Absolutely
… given our respective roles, and being careful

WendyR: I agree with Judy
… Many comments, and most have been constructive
… have fallen into the bucket of what I at least expected to get
… perhaps there's a document we could put together with our talking points
… that explains where we're coming from, and why we worded it the way we did

Coralie: I saw a comment probably in the AB repo, about not being judge and party and that for me raised the question on who can assess the AC review given I'm co-chair of this group, I've contributed to writing the statement, and I'm on W3C management

Léonie: @@

Barb: my participant view:
… separate the goal of the statement
… it was around improving or extending the inclusion and diversity
… that's the higher level
… what ends up happening is that it gets bogged down on a word, a comma, that sort of aspects
… so my worry is to "miss the forest"
… Is there some way that we could ge the AC to agree that the theme is doing more outreach
… and now, let's improve the statement

Léonie: It's sage advice
… in the W3C community we're especially good at picking at the leaves

Jeff: To address Coralie's question
… W3C management will assess the results of the survey
… by appointing someone to do that
… Coralie's point may be true
… I'm confident W3M can find someone in W3M who can fairly resolve any suggestion and remaining objections
… To Léonie's point, the leadership of the IDCG if not the entire IDCG will be involved in that
… there may be small editorial changes that the IDCG agrees are good, if we have more major changes we may have another review cycle
… The Director also has the power to overrule objections
… if objections are made and the director or his delegate tries to deal with the objections and finds there is no consensus,
… not every objector gets to write the statement
… in the end we're looking for consensus

Judy: With regard to a charter in review, we rely on a staff person who has subject matter expertise
… they have work time allocated for that
… and they're responsible for handling the comments
… so speaking of doing a "fair" assessment
… and hearing someone involved in the process may not be involved is surprising

Léonie: Thank you
… Back to Wendy's point
… it may be worth trying to formulate message points
… anyone able to have a look?

WendyR: I can do it

[Thanks WendyR!]

Léonie: it will come in handy, so thank you!

Léonie: Any update? any question for discussion?

Actions updates

Judy: I had worked on the outreach and messaging area
… happy to provide an update on that
… and I have a few questions for the group

Léonie: I have a very quick update on Office Hourse
… anyone else?

Outreach and Messaging

<Judy> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌idcg/‌wiki/‌Outreach-and-Messaging

Judy: I now have edit access to the ID CG GH
… I've seeded some edits
… in a sub-page for outreach and messaging
… this is in parallel to the "welcoming" sub-group
… I consider both "outreach" and "messaging" to be linked
… I've asked people who expressed interest, and I may have overlooked someone
… so let me know after you see what's here!

Judy: I wanted to point out a few things


Judy: There's a draft goal statement
… and a list of sub-actions
… I went through our issues labelled outreach and messaging
… and went back to the categorization I had suggested while we were writing the statement
… right now there's a list of 10 or so different actions that may relate to this area
… some of them have a possible person assigned
… the CG may not want to look at this at all if this is too granular
… or there may be missing sub-actions
… I welcome feedback

Barb: I agree, the welcoming and outreach are synergized
… if the two leads could figure out how to do driver / drafter
… that would be great
… I do want to emphasize another area I participate in: the academic engineering program
… my school follows this closely
… such programs across the world have tried to increase diversity
… I want to encourage that this has had a huge impact

Tzviya: I very much agree with what you're saying
… you're one of the people working on how to make W3C more welcoming
… we need to work out to add "and inclusive"
… it needs to go far beyond than welcome emails
… we intend to jointly meet at TPAC
… we need to find a way to make it clear we're all welcome

Judy: I've just updated the wiki page to reflect Barb's 2 suggestions in the form of two sub-actions

<Judy_> [JB: updated https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌idcg/‌wiki/‌Outreach-and-Messaging]


Judy: Tzviya used "belonging"
… might the "welcoming" area be willing to turn their name into "welcoming and belonging"
… Another point
… There is a meta level
… reading lists, discussions
… does it make sense to build a "meta level" for "learning / reading lists"?
… The office hours does not have a home
… this could be cross linked from other areas

<Zakim> vagner, you wanted to say goals and metrics plus homework

Vagner: Suggestion for every group which work on different types of actions
… we need to add in our topics "goals and metrics"
… so we can assess if we're reaching what we're trying to do in this community group
… generally speaking the tasks are very general
… it's not very easy to see what kind of results we'll be aiming for
… I suggest to establish some goals and metrics for the future
… to determine success of the objectives
… The other thing I wanted to talk about is homework
… if you want to promote diversity, we have homework to do
… including invite black people, different genders, to talk at our conference, in our meetings, in our CGs
… we also have to hire black people or different genders into W3C
… that's our homework to show that we are really working

Léonie: very good idea, Metrics
… Thanks for your suggestions on how we can invite more people
… these are important things too

<Zakim> Judy_, you wanted to suggest that our the meta-level "continuous improvement" item could have sub-actions on metrics and progress

Judy: Vagner, "continuous improvement" could include metrics and progress
… Jeff has an annual report
… if I did a sub-page for that, would you, Vagner, volunteer to help on that?

[Vagner nods]

Open Office Hours

Léonie: quick update on the Open Office Hours
… I'll get in touch directly with a few of the listed people
… Then we need to determine how and where to promote the availability of volunteers

Process issue around "video/audio recording of w3c meetings"

<Zakim> wseltzer, you wanted to comment on a different topic, in ProcessCG

WendyS: I wanted to invite input from this group on a question that's been on the process community group issues list around recording of meetings
… there's been some heate discussion there
… a commenter remarked she found recording would be particularly difficult for her as a woman and it would be non-inclusive if W3C were to record (audio/video) its meetings
… if there's input from this group, that is welcome

Recording of meetings #334

Tess: Some W3C WGs record meetings as a matter of course
… WebPerf does

Coralie: after the AC review on the BLM statement, I'll want this group's input on how to promote it

Tzviya: That commenter on the Process GH issue comment is right
… we have people who are not comfortable with being recorded
… and we need to take this into consideration

Judy: Colleagues in China have told me they can't sometimes put their thoughts in e-mail, so recording is might be even worse; and also if recordings are being used in place of minutes, need to have captions, maybe asr ok for that, depends...


Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 121 (Mon Jun 8 14:50:45 2020 UTC).