14:12:01 RRSAgent has joined #idcg 14:12:01 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-irc 14:12:02 Zakim has joined #idcg 14:12:08 meeting: ID CG meeting 14:12:11 agenda: https://statamic.studio24.dev/ 14:12:13 koalie, sorry, I did not recognize any agenda in https://statamic.studio24.dev/ 14:12:14 chair: Léonie 14:12:27 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-idcg/2020Jul/0041.html 14:12:27 clear agenda 14:12:28 agenda+ Proposal to meet every two weeks. 14:12:28 agenda+ Feedback from the AC review. 14:12:28 agenda+ Actions updates. 14:13:36 regrets: Julien_Tanay, Daniel_Applequist 14:13:44 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:14:32 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/07/16-idcg-minutes.html Previous (2020-07-16) 14:52:37 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 14:52:55 Meeting: ID CG weekly meeting 14:52:59 Chair: Léonie 14:53:00 tzviya has joined #idcg 14:53:03 rrsagent, make minutes 14:53:03 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html tink 14:53:26 present+ Léonie (tink) 14:54:39 Regrets: Rhian Jones, Chris Wilson, Dan Appelquist 14:54:47 rssagent, make minutes 14:55:10 RRSAgent, make minutes 14:55:10 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 14:55:13 rrsagent, make minutes 14:55:13 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html tink 14:55:15 jeff has joined #idcg 14:56:57 regrets+ Julien_Tanay 14:57:46 wendyreid has joined #idcg 15:01:29 Is the Zoom currently blocked, or is it a problem on my side? 15:01:56 Judy has joined #idcg 15:02:20 tink, several of us are seeing "The host has another meeting in progress." when we try to join this Zoom 15:03:02 Ah. That explains it. 15:03:14 Are you using the Zoom you created last week? If so, could you DM me the URL? 15:04:17 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88142632786?pwd=bUhCL1NPRjFZd2YrdmlrRlZuUjljQT09 15:04:36 s|https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88142632786?pwd=bUhCL1NPRjFZd2YrdmlrRlZuUjljQT09|| 15:05:05 present+ Coralie 15:05:12 present+ 15:06:10 present+ Judy_Brewer, Wendy_Reid, Tzviya_Siegman, Vagner_Diniz, Tess_O-Connor, Jeff_Jaffe, Wendy_Seltzer 15:06:14 scribenick: koalie 15:06:28 Zakim, agenda? 15:06:28 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 15:06:28 present+ 15:06:29 1. Proposal to meet every two weeks. [from agendabot] 15:06:29 2. Feedback from the AC review. [from agendabot] 15:06:29 3. Actions updates. [from agendabot] 15:06:33 Zakim, take up item 1 15:06:33 agendum 1. "Proposal to meet every two weeks." taken up [from agendabot] 15:06:52 Léonie: is everyone happy to experiment with Zoom's "raise hand"? 15:07:04 Judy: note: some have expressed issues of accessibility 15:07:34 ... happy to serve as backup for irc q+ 15:07:59 Léonie: option-Y on mac OS, @@ 15:08:17 ... the click "Raise Hand" is in the participants pane 15:09:44 ==== 15:09:55 Léonie: proposal to meet every two weeks 15:10:01 ... and find another time for this meeting 15:10:02 vagner has joined #idcg 15:10:38 +1 15:10:56 Jeff: +1 to every other week at a different time. 15:11:01 +1 15:11:10 +1 15:11:12 +1 15:11:21 present+ 15:11:46 Tzviya: Thursdays are very packed. Every other week would be a great cadence for me 15:12:05 Judy: I'm worried about what other time we land on (expecting survey) 15:12:16 ... but this happens to be in my relatively open time 15:12:32 ... the in-between week could be used by sub-groups to keep momentum 15:12:44 Léonie: the way forward looks like: move to every other week 15:12:47 ... I'll create a doodle 15:12:55 ... for a different regular time 15:13:18 Jeff: There's a large overlap between this group and the PWE CG which meets every other week 15:13:29 ... I wonder if that time could be available for the other week 15:14:07 [the PWE call is 2pm UTC on Thursdays] 15:14:17 s/Thurs/Tues/ 15:14:37 [Léonie, Tzviya and Tess to take this offline to work out a combination] 15:15:18 Barb_H has joined #IDCG 15:15:21 Zakim, next item 15:15:21 agendum 2. "Feedback from the AC review." taken up [from agendabot] 15:15:29 present+ Barbara_Hochgesang 15:15:39 [Barb arrives] 15:15:55 Léonie: without realizing it and intending it, we caused some upset 15:16:15 ... when we sent the statement out, we the CG had been so focused on timeliness 15:16:21 ... we just asked the AC to sign-off on it 15:16:40 ... when the regular survey went out it included the regular options, including those to provide changes 15:16:56 ... when somebody filed an issue, I closed the issue 15:17:03 ... that upset the person, confused me 15:17:24 ... an issue has been opened on the AB repo that AC have access too, saying it isn't good form for the W3C community 15:17:31 ... we've acknowledged it was wronge 15:17:39 ... we've explained to the AC that changes are welcome 15:17:52 ... we'll take a look at those at the end of the review 15:18:03 ... It's a necessary delay 15:18:22 ... Thoughts, comments? 15:18:43 Jeff: There has been at least one Formal Objection raised on the statement 15:19:07 ... we have to wait till the survey closes as people may change their reviews 15:19:20 ... it doesn't prevent us from reaching out to objectors and have conversations about it 15:19:28 ... that objection was done in member space 15:20:03 Judy: Does it make sense to briefly discuss the content of the objection? 15:20:11 ... and make sure we have somebody for the dialogue? 15:21:07 Léonie: Absolutely 15:21:43 ... given our respective roles, and bing careful 15:22:04 Wendy: I agree with Judy 15:22:07 s/bing/being/ 15:22:45 ... Any comments, and most have been constructive 15:22:57 s/Any/Many/ 15:23:10 ... have fallen into the bucket of what I at least expected to get 15:23:25 ... perhaps there's a document we could put together with our talking points 15:23:42 ... that explain where we're coming from, and why we worded it the way we did 15:23:46 +q 15:23:50 s/explain/explaines/ 15:24:37 s/explaines/explains/ 15:25:20 Coralie: I saw a comment probably in the AB repo, about not being judge and party and that for me raised the question on who can assess the AC review given I'm co-chair of this group, I've contributed to writing the statement, and I'm on W3C management 15:25:41 Léonie: @@ 15:25:43 ack B 15:26:06 Barb: my participant view: 15:26:13 ... separate the goal of the statement 15:26:25 ... it was around improving or extending the inclusion and diversity 15:26:30 ... that's the higher level 15:26:49 ... what ends up happening is that it gets bogged down on a word, a comma, that sort of aspects 15:27:08 ... so my worry is to "miss the forest" 15:27:31 ... Is there some way that we could ge the AC to agree that the theme is doing more outreach 15:27:37 ... and now, let's improve the statement 15:27:41 Léonie: It's sage advice 15:27:57 ... in the W3C community we're especially good at picking at the leaves 15:28:31 Jeff: To address Coralie's question 15:28:44 ... W3C management will assess the results of the survey 15:28:48 ... by appointing someone to do that 15:28:57 ... Coralie's point may be true 15:29:14 ... I'm confident W3M can find someone in W3M who can fairly resolve any suggestion and remaining objections 15:29:37 ... To Léonie's point, the leadership of the IDCG if not the entire IDCG will be involved in that 15:30:00 ... there may be small editorial changes that the IDCG agrees are good, if we have more major changes we may have another review cycle 15:30:09 ... The Director also has the power to overrule objections 15:30:32 ... if objections are made and the director or his delegate tries to deal with the objections and finds there is no consensus, 15:30:41 ... not every objector gets to write the statement 15:30:47 ... in the end we're looking for consensus 15:31:21 Judy: With regard to a charter in review, we rely on a staff person who has subject matter expertise 15:31:29 ... they have work time allocated for that 15:31:43 ... and they're responsible for handling the comments 15:32:08 ... so speaking of doing a "fair" assessment 15:32:26 ... and hearing someone involved in the process may not be involved is surprising 15:32:30 Léonie: Thank you 15:32:33 ... Back to Wendy's point 15:32:47 ... it may be worth trying to formulate message points 15:32:55 ... anyone able to have a look? 15:33:02 Wendy: I can do it 15:33:13 [Thanks WendyR!] 15:33:21 Léonie: it will come in handy, so thank you! 15:33:24 q? 15:33:31 Zakim, close this item 15:33:31 agendum 2 closed 15:33:32 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 15:33:32 3. Actions updates. [from agendabot] 15:33:57 Léonie: Any update? any question for discussion? 15:34:07 Judy: I had worked on the outreach and messaging area 15:34:12 ... happy to provide an update on that 15:34:18 ... and I have a few questions for the group 15:34:50 Léonie: I have a very quick update on Office Hourse 15:34:53 ... anyone else? 15:34:59 ==== 15:35:04 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Outreach-and-Messaging 15:35:08 Sub-topic: Outreach and Messaging 15:35:21 Judy: I now have edit access to the ID CG GH 15:35:31 ... I've seeded some edits 15:35:39 ... in a sub-page for outreach and messaging 15:35:50 ... this is in parallel to the "welcoming" sub-group 15:36:24 ... I consider both "outreach" and "messaging" to be linked 15:37:05 ... I've asked people who expressed interest, and I may have overlooked someone 15:37:14 ... so let me know after you see what's here! 15:37:16 === 15:37:23 Judy: I wanted to point out a few things 15:37:25 q+ on a different topic, in ProcessCG 15:37:39 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Outreach-and-Messaging#volunteers-for-outreach-andor-messaging-activities 15:38:14 +q 15:38:40 Judy: There's a draft goal statement 15:38:45 ... and a list of sub-actions 15:38:58 ... I went through our issues tagged with outreach and messaging 15:39:14 ... and went back to the categorization I had suggested while we were writing the statement 15:39:26 ... right now there's a list of 10 or so different actions that may relate to this area 15:39:33 ... some of them have a possible person assigned 15:39:50 ... the CG may not want to look at this at all if this is too granular 15:39:58 ... or there may be missing sub-actions 15:40:02 ... I welcome feedback 15:40:23 Judy_ has joined #idcg 15:40:32 ack b 15:41:33 Barb: I agree, the welcoming and outreach are synergized 15:41:46 ... if the two leads could figure out how to do driver / drafter 15:41:49 ... that would be great 15:42:05 ... I do want to emphasize another area I participate in: the academic engineering program 15:42:11 ... my school follows this closely 15:42:25 ... such programs across the world have tried to increase diversity 15:42:58 ... I want to encourage that this has had a huge impact 15:43:20 Tzviya: I very much agree with what you're saying 15:43:30 ... you're one of the people working on how to make W3C more welcoming 15:43:37 ... we need to work out to add "and inclusive" 15:44:08 ... it needs to go far beyond than welcome emails 15:44:14 ... we intend to jointly meet at TPAC 15:44:38 ... we need to find a way to make it clear we're all welcome 15:45:04 Judy: I've just updated the wiki page to reflect Barb's 2 suggestions in the form of two sub-actions 15:45:07 [JB: updated https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Outreach-and-Messaging] 15:45:14 https://github.com/w3c/idcg/wiki/Outreach-and-Messaging#idcg-outreach-and-messaging-potential-sub-actions-andor-related-actions-in-other-areas-of-idcg-work 15:45:37 Judy: Tzviya used "belonging" 15:46:02 ... might the "welcoming" area be willing to turn their name into "welcoming and belonging" 15:46:14 ... Another point 15:46:31 ... There is a meta level 15:46:36 ... reading lists, discussions 15:46:56 ... does it make sense to build a "meta level" for "learning / reading lists"? 15:47:18 q+ to say goals and metrics plus homework 15:47:23 ... The office hours does not have a home 15:47:37 ... this could be cross linked from other areas 15:47:38 ack v 15:47:38 vagner, you wanted to say goals and metrics plus homework 15:48:18 Vagner: Suggestion for every group which work on different types of actions 15:48:29 ... we need to add in our topics "goals and metrics" 15:48:41 ... so we can assess if we're reaching what we're trying to do in this community group 15:48:49 ... generally speaking the tasks are very general 15:49:03 ... it's not very easy to see what kind of results we'll be aiming for 15:49:25 ... I suggest to establish some goals and metrics for the future 15:49:32 ... to determine success of the objectives 15:49:42 ... The other thing I wanted to talk about is homework 15:49:52 ... if you want to promote diversity, we have homework to do 15:50:24 ... including invite black people, different genders, to talk at our conference, in our meetings, in our CGs 15:50:37 ... we also have to hire black people or different genders into W3C 15:50:46 q+ to suggest that our the meta-level "continuous improvement" item could have sub-actions on metrics and progress 15:50:51 ... that's our homework to show that we are really working 15:51:02 Léonie: very good idea, Metrics 15:51:16 ... Thanks for your suggestions on how we can invite more people 15:51:22 ... these are important things too 15:51:24 ack j 15:51:24 Judy_, you wanted to suggest that our the meta-level "continuous improvement" item could have sub-actions on metrics and progress 15:51:53 q+ to suggest that our the meta-level "continuous improvement" item could have sub-actions on metrics and progress, and also to brainstorm on "homework" 15:52:27 Judy: Vagner, "continuous improvement" could include metrics and progress 15:52:35 ... Jeff has an annual report 15:52:52 ... if I did a sub-page for that, would you, Vagner, volunteer to help on that? 15:53:05 [Vagner nods] 15:53:15 ==== 15:53:26 Léonie: quick update on the Open Office Hours 15:53:37 ... I'll get in touch directly with a few of the listed people 15:53:53 ... Then we need to determine how and where to promote the availability of volunteers 15:53:56 q+ 15:54:18 ack J 15:54:18 Judy_, you wanted to suggest that our the meta-level "continuous improvement" item could have sub-actions on metrics and progress, and also to brainstorm on "homework" 15:54:23 ack ws 15:54:23 wseltzer, you wanted to comment on a different topic, in ProcessCG 15:54:49 WendyS: I wanted to invite input from this group on a question that's been on the process community group issues list around recording of meetings 15:54:55 ... there's been some heate discussion there 15:55:29 ... a commenter remarked she found recording would be particularly difficult for her as a woman and it would be non-inclusive if W3C were to record (audio/video) its meetings 15:55:39 ... if there's input from this group, that is welcome 15:55:59 -> https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/334 Recording of meetings #334 15:56:25 Tess: Some W3C WGs record meetings as a matter of course 15:56:28 ... WebPerf does 15:58:06 Coralie: after the AC review on the BLM statement, I'll want this group's input on how to promote it 15:58:39 Tzviya: That commenter on the Process GH issue comment is right 15:58:53 ... we have people who are not comfortable with being recorded 15:59:01 ... and we need to take this into consideration 16:00:24 Judy: Colleagues in China have told me they can't sometimes put their thoughts in e-mail, so recording is [worse] 16:00:27 [adjourned] 16:00:36 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:00:36 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:00:45 vagner has left #idcg 16:01:03 s/[worse]/might be even worse; and also if recordings are being used in place of minutes, need to have captions, maybe asr ok for that, depends.../ 16:01:25 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:01:25 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:36:09 i|Léonie: quick |Sub-Topic: Open Office Hours| 16:37:19 i|WendyS: I wanted|Sub-Topic: Process issue around "video/audio recording of w3c meetings"| 16:37:40 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:37:40 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:39:02 i|Judy: I had worked|Topic: Actions updates| 16:39:05 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:39:05 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:39:33 s|koalie, sorry, I did not recognize any agenda in https://‌statamic.studio24.dev/|| 16:39:42 s|rssagent, make minutes|| 16:39:44 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:39:44 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:41:34 s|S, @@|S, alt+Y on Windows, [see more shortcuts in ]| 16:41:37 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:41:37 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:42:21 s/ click "Raise Hand"/"Raise Hand" button/ 16:43:12 s/access too/access to/ 16:43:22 s/wronge/wrong/ 16:44:05 s/Wendy: I agree with Judy/WendyR: I agree with Judy/ 16:46:10 s/Wendy: I can do it/WendyR: I can do it/ 16:46:55 s/tagged with/labelled/ 16:49:36 s/====//G 16:50:30 rrsagent, please draft minutes v2 16:50:30 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/23-idcg-minutes.html koalie 16:50:54 RRSAgent, bye 16:50:54 I see no action items