WoT PlugFest/Testing

22 Jul 2020



Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner, Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Tomoaki_Mizushima


<scribe> scribenick: kaz


McCool: (updates the agenda)

Ege: implementation report generator maintenance?


Kaz: note that we need to review two more minutes from the online PlugFest in addtion to the ones from last week:



Prev minutes


McCool: typo "PlugFest"
... any comments?



PlugFest June-18

McCool: nodegen
... btw, Toumura-san, we need a video on nodegen/node-red
... there will be a conference by Connexus on Aug-3
... we should talk about doing a video
... having a screenshot would be great

Toumura: could generate a video based on the plugfest setting

McCool: would be great
... maybe could use the existing video itself
... let me look into that
... (going back to the minutes)
... need to talk with Farshid about the EdgeX integration
... any objections for publishing the minutes?



PlugFest June-19

McCool: (goes through the minutes)
... don't see any problems
... would be better to put a link to the issues

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22Plugfest+Outcome%22

Kaz: will add it

<McCool> http://jsonpatch.com/

McCool: maybe we can add the link for JSON Patch too

Kaz: ok

McCool: any objections for publishing them?



Ongoing testing

McCool: IETF 108 is happening next week
... hackathon as well there
... no response about VPN setting plan yet
... if they can take an action for the VPN setting, that would be great :)
... they could help us set it up given they're network experts
... report generation tool is still ongoing
... Kaz to talk with PLH about where to put the tool
... btw, our SoftEther VPN still on?

Kaz: think so

McCool: anything else?


Repo review

Ege: manual CSV files
... every implementer to generate to explain what the implementation is
... where to put all the information best?

McCool: assertion test should maintain the CSV files, shouldn't it?

Ege: how to see what to fill in?

McCool: the spec itself has a bunch of assertions

Ege: assertion tester can specify what to test

McCool: the trouble is what if someone updates the spec with additional assertions

Ege: so the assertion tester should not handle the manual CSV files

McCool: right

Ege: where to maintain all the manual CSV files then?

McCool: (visits the report generator)

report generator inputs

McCool: do you have a specific issue already?

Ege: not yet

McCool: let me create one then

new issue 40 - reorganize list of assertion CSV files

<inserted> mm: (describes the basic procedure)

McCool: manual assertions should not be manually maintained
... instead
... report generator tool should generate a file
... each tool that does testing should have a file
... the report generator should take the union of all the "tested.csv" files as input

Ege: then I can talk about playground


<Ege> https://github.com/thingweb/thingweb-playground/pull/125

McCool: can provide the manual check tool to you too

Ege: your proposed procedure makes sense
... and I'd like to talk about restructuring playground now

McCool: ok

Ege: once PR is merged
... you now have these views
... playground-assertions, -cli, -core, -web
... four packages
... assertion is include in this playground-web version as well
... you need to install the CLI for playground-cli

McCool: should updated the script on my side

Ege: yes
... the PR will be merged shortly

McCool: will create an Issue as well
... also create a new label for validation

<McCool> https://github.com/w3c/wot-testing/issues/41

Kaz: will you update the main README.md with how to use the new capabilities?


Ege: yes

wot-testing repo cleaning

Issue 41

Issue 42

McCool: will clean up the wot-testing repo with playground and VPN instructions

wot-testing/tools subdirectory

McCool: need the ongoing data as well

(further discussion next week)


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.152 (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/07/24 12:39:15 $