14:01:10 RRSAgent has joined #w3process 14:01:10 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/07/15-w3process-irc 14:01:13 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:01:13 Meeting: Revising W3C Process Community Group 14:01:14 present+ florian 14:01:18 present+ 14:01:19 present+ dsinger 14:04:45 present+ 14:05:34 fantasai has joined #w3process 14:05:45 ScribeNick: fantasai 14:05:50 plh has joined #w3process 14:05:52 tantek has joined #w3process 14:05:54 present+ 14:06:03 present+ 14:06:21 Proposed to close: 14:06:22 Topic: Issues proposed to close 14:07:13 dsinger_: After long discussion, decided logistics were very difficult if some comments confidential and some not 14:07:23 dsinger_: so we closed 39, effectively same issue 14:07:44 q+ 14:07:47 plh: Propose to close. We do encourage AC to put comments in GH. But we don't require, also have WBS form. 14:08:09 tantek: What I don't understand, I thought this was kinda moving forward in practice 14:08:18 tantek: what plh said, more charter comments in public channels 14:08:30 tantek: Maybe this is a phrasing challenge rather than something that's impossible 14:08:35 tantek: Is there something we can salvage here? 14:09:00 florian: Unsure that's the case. At least chaals and maybe others, were against WBS to be public. 14:09:18 dsinger_: Didn't want to split across public, private, and GH channels. Too many channels. 14:09:29 wseltzer: Thought it was more useful to have a formal acknowledgement of what we're trying to do in practice. 14:09:45 wseltzer: Several members wanted to raise comments in GH, discuss them there, with WG members proposing charter updates. 14:09:52 wseltzer: Trying to find a practical way to acknowledge that. 14:10:00 florian: I would be in support, but we were deadlocked. 14:10:16 florian: I wouldn't mind making progress if we can 14:10:32 dsinger_: Team isn't prohibited from improving practice even if Process is not hcanged 14:10:49 tantek: Team isn't stopped from using public channel 14:11:00 dsinger_: Not prohibited from making public channel in addition 14:11:06 florian: ... 14:11:19 tantek: Seems we are doing some charter reviews in public in practice, I feel that must at least acknowledge that. 14:11:23 +1 from fantasai 14:11:33 tantek: Either there should be a concerted effort to stop that (which I would oppose) 14:11:47 tantek: or we should [? audio cuts out ?] 14:12:10 dsinger_: There's a private AC conversation in the formal ballot, and a public conversation that anyone can have in GH 14:12:15 q+ 14:12:18 dsinger_: Do we need to confuse with a public AC channel? 14:12:32 florian: This is about formal comment as an AC 14:12:35 florian: anyone can comment in GH 14:12:45 dsinger_: Any AC member can cite GH comments if they want 14:13:08 https://w3c.github.io/w3process/#ACReviewStart 14:13:14 chaals1 has joined #w3process 14:13:21 fantasai: Agree with Tantek, acknowledge in Process that public comment is possible. 14:13:37 tantek: One way to close issue is to acknowledge existing practice. Not open-ended issue. 14:13:46 present+ 14:13:50 tantek: Candidate for 2021 14:14:09 tantek: Proposed to scope specifically to what's already implemented by the Team, and consider that wording for 2021 14:14:16 dsinger_: Can you summarize and retag, please? 14:14:35 plh: One of the rationale for doing public channel is because vast majority of groups are working in public 14:14:43 can we poll the proposal / resolve here first? 14:14:44 plh: If have to discuss comments with WG, needs to be public 14:14:57 q- 14:15:48 RESOLVED: Update Process wording to acknowledge existing practice of allowing public comment (through GH), although this is not the official AC comment. 14:15:57 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/38 14:16:07 Topic: Issue 63 14:16:24 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/63 14:16:32 github: none 14:16:40 Topic: Good Standing 14:16:59 +1 to close 14:17:11 q+ 14:17:38 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/76 14:17:47 fantasai: This is open in the AB. Shouldn't close. 14:18:03 fantasai: AB can discuss here if it wants. either way should tag to AB issue. 14:18:17 jeff: We're looking at Director-free. 14:18:28 jeff: Since related to overturning Director's decision, propose closing. 14:18:34 ack jeff 14:18:43 tantek: I agree with Jeff's reasoning, if we do Director-free then this issue becomes irrelevant. 14:18:44 +1 to close 14:19:45 [I'm OK with that] 14:19:50 fantasai: When are we implementing Director-free? I don't think we should close it. Don't need to prioritize to P2021, but don't agree to close. 14:20:01 dsinger_: OK, retagging to director-free 14:20:44 Topic: transitions to Obsolete/Superseded 14:20:49 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/141 14:21:09 dsinger_: Waiting on Tantek for proposed wording, proposed to close otherwise... 14:21:13 dsinger_: tantek is on the call today :) 14:21:24 tantek: I thought y'all would do the work :) 14:21:36 florian: I don't disagree that this section is editorially improveable 14:21:42 tantek: ... 14:21:58 florian: We did decide that we wanted to make editorial improvements to Process to make it easier to read 14:22:08 florian: whether we want this particular issue to be tracked, idk 14:22:18 florian: assigning to Tantek seems one way to make progress on it 14:22:45 cwilso: I had this assigend to me because Tantek wanted to keep it open and wasn't participating at the time 14:23:10 RESOLVED: Assigned to Tantek to propose wording 14:23:22 Topic: CRUD/Snapshot Split 14:23:29 dsinger_: Can we finally close this issue? 14:23:41 wseltzer: Please do! 14:23:47 RESOLVED: Close 14:24:23 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/346 14:24:30 Topic: Something Else 14:24:52 s/Something Else/ Document management for DF 14:25:01 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/366 14:25:08 florian: This should be assigned t ome 14:25:48 dsinger_: Should close then 14:26:03 fantasai: [quotes Léonie's comments] 14:26:14 dsinger_: What else is there? 14:26:23 florian: Process, patent Policy, Member Agreement, various other things 14:26:50 fantasai: Does not need to be tagged to P2021 14:27:09 fantasai: explicitly not about the Process, so shouldn't be tagged P2021 :) 14:27:19 Proposed: Document (in the Process) existing public comments practices (e.g. GitHub comments) as allowed and encouraged for wider review of charter proposals and revisions. 14:27:30 Topic: None 14:27:56 Topic: Public Charter Reviews 14:27:58 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/issues/38 14:28:04 Per previous discussion in today's process CG call: Proposed: Document (in the Process) existing public comments practices (e.g. GitHub comments) as allowed and encouraged for wider review of charter proposals and revisions. 14:28:25 +1 14:28:29 +! 14:28:32 +1 14:28:37 +1, but I already typed that in as our resolution 14:28:59 0 14:29:06 Proposed explicitly to defer: 14:29:09 github: noe 14:29:11 github: none 14:29:18 Topic: Deferring Issues 14:29:49 jeff: Aren't we closing all the ones? 14:29:55 dsinger_: They're in an amorphous state 14:30:01 states: accepted2021, deferred2021, unknown2021 14:30:26 untagged = unknown right? 14:30:28 s/state/state if not tagged/ 14:30:35 jeff: Why not explicitly defer? 14:30:48 fantasai: If someone comes up with a proposal, should feel free to bring it up for discussion and possibly fold in to P2021 14:31:00 Proposed as important, worth delaying to get: 14:31:01 Topic: Priorities 14:31:07 present+ 14:31:17 Proposed as important, worth delaying to get: 14:31:46 dsinger_: Basically, 4 issues on Registries 14:32:13 dsinger_: Getting rid of Director-free mentions that are largely editorial 14:32:15 s/4/5 14:32:18 q+ 14:32:34 q+ to comment on #130 14:32:50 florian: Not planning to do DF generally, but want to fix cases where Director is doing things like announcing, etc. 14:32:58 florian: prevents excessive rebasing of the DF branch 14:33:06 dsinger_: And also editorial streamlining 14:33:11 s/planning to do /planning to prioritize/ 14:33:12 dsinger_: Agreed we focus on these? 14:33:34 jeff: Wondering, given so many posts on 130, if we should prioritize 14:33:48 dsinger_: You're right 14:34:06 [you have widely divergent proposals on how to address it] 14:34:11 q+ 14:34:13 florian: Should definitely work on it. If we fail to come to consensus, should we block? 14:34:22 jeff: Identifying as priority doesn't tie our hands. 14:34:25 jeff: If we truly fail, we fail. 14:34:35 jeff: We pulled Registries at the last moment last year because didn't have consensus on it, eg.. 14:34:53 ??: I think we're getting close to there 14:35:07 ??: Argument about what needs to be specified, but end goal is becoming clear 14:35:13 s/??/weiler/ 14:35:33 s/??/weiler/ 14:35:36 Topic: Candidate Topics 14:35:38 Proposed that we handle if they finish in time: 14:35:39 q- 14:35:46 q- 14:36:03 florian: What does it mean to disagree that something is a candidate? 14:36:15 dsinger_: more likely we should add to this list rather than remove 14:36:25 dsinger_: A number of these fall under editorial simplifications 14:36:29 dsinger_: Do we need to discuss these? 14:36:38 dsinger_: For candidates would like to have assignees 14:38:21 fantasai: These are basically proposed as "we think we can do this in P2021, if someone works on them, so here's stuff might want to work on" 14:38:28 dsinger_: Maybe will triage with florian and jeff 14:38:44 florian: There are a few untagged that I wish to do, but no confidence could be done 14:38:52 dsinger_: ok, Florian and I will discusss 14:39:15 Topic: PRs 14:39:24 Editor’s start on the cleanup, pull requests, and so on. etc. 14:39:31 florian: Many are old, and some of them like registries, don't make sense to discuss on the fly 14:39:46 florian: Gratuitous mentions of Directors, though, I think it's clean. 14:39:52 florian: I would like to merge 14:40:04 florian: Don't want this to drag on for weeks/month, it's a lot of work to rebase that branch every time we change something else 14:40:20 dsinger_: OK, explicit request to everyone to review this PR, make sure it doesn't change the sense of the Process 14:40:24 florian: Meant to do two things. 14:40:53 florian: Some places where Process says "Director decides X", and then references 'Director's decision'. Just removing tha mention of Director 14:41:02 florian: Then others where "Director announces" 14:41:10 florian: Doesn't need to be Director, so switching to Team 14:41:27 s/tha /that second/ 14:41:32 jeff: Reviewing right now 14:41:41 Just reviewed in GH 14:42:13 dsinger_: Not going to execute this PR this week, good to do next week 14:42:23 jeff: Agree we should pull gratuitous mentions 14:43:00 jeff: 2nd one (quotes text) 14:43:18 jeff: You're removing because by definition, Director resolves the FO? 14:43:20 florian: right 14:44:26 https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/254 14:44:30 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/420 14:44:39 githb: none 14:44:42 q+ 14:44:43 Topic: Another PR 14:44:55 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/420 14:46:03 jeff: General obsevation, maybe group editorial fixes into one PR to review as a set? 14:46:15 florian: Maybe, but then again for DF, I did this 1.5 yrs ago, and the fact that it was being massive delayed it being reviewed. 14:46:20 [another time, other considerations] 14:46:38 dsinger: Thisseems trivial 14:46:54 florian: Since ppl say Process is too long, mentioning when AB and TAG were created seems unnecessary 14:47:00 fantasai: let's accept 14:47:24 RESOLVED: Accept PR 14:48:15 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/274 14:48:24 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/420 14:48:28 Topic: Something 14:48:48 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/274 14:49:12 s/Something/Reference to Stale Discipline Doc/ 14:49:24 florian: AB discussed updating document rather than removing link 14:49:28 q+ 14:49:36 florian: but we're still linking to a confidential document that's not up to date 14:49:53 dsinger_: I propose Team moves this somewhere visible so we can see it and maybe update it 14:50:02 florian: chaals did a clean-up of the document to make it not wrong 14:50:06 florian: so we might have a way forward? 14:50:13 florian: Seems like Team action to get this cleaned up 14:50:17 jeff: I propose we assign to me 14:50:41 Topic: Something 14:51:20 dsinger_: Leave to the editor 14:51:23 florian: I don't care either way 14:51:33 florian: Coralie prefers one way, you prefer other way 14:51:48 florian: so I don't know how to move forward 14:51:59 q- 14:52:08 dsinger_: Defer to editor 14:52:09 tantek: agree 14:52:12 RESOLVED: Defer to editor 14:52:18 Topic: Something Else 14:52:34 dsinger_: I will look for issues assigned, proposed text 14:52:40 dsinger_: so get your ideas rolling. This is time for creativity 14:52:47 dsinger_: Next meeting is August 12th 14:53:08 tantek: Do we want that much time between meetings, or schedule one in 2 weeks? 14:53:16 florian: This week is oddly scheduled due to conflicts 14:53:28 dsinger_: Time for serious offline work 14:54:37 florian: To prompt merging of DF fix, should we say we'll merge unless ppl disagree? 14:54:44 topic: DF Cleanup 14:55:11 resolved: we will merge PR 254 (Director-free cleanup) unless someone sees a problem, at the next meeting 14:55:40 github: https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/274 14:55:46 Topic: Scheduling 14:56:05 dsinger_: Usually we submit for review at TPAC, is that same schedule ? 14:56:14 jeff: Seems unrealistic. Just sumbitted P2020 for AC ballot 14:56:19 jeff: So we will slip compared to normal schedule 14:56:26 dsinger_: So spring AC like we did this year? 14:56:37 jeff: I think what we really need to do is to come to ground on how we'll solve Registries 14:56:44 jeff: That's the priority item for this year, along with HR 14:56:49 jeff: 130 is a great conversation 14:56:52 jeff: Registries is stalled 14:56:57 jeff: need to restart that before going back to AC 14:57:08 dsinger_: OK, will make that priority for next meeting 14:57:28 q+ 14:57:41 tantek: Want to make more progress on DF 14:58:05 ack je 14:58:13 fantasai: Plan was to do not so substantial fixes to DF for 2021 14:58:20 fantasai: Do more substantial work on branch for later 14:58:24 [tantek, agree, please check AB agenda as well] 14:58:51 dsinger_: continue discussing in AB, if something is agreed and solid will pull into Process cycle 14:59:19 dsinger_: Thanks, see you next month hopefully with offline progress to discuss 14:59:23 Meeting closed. 15:06:15 RRSAgent, make minutes public v2 15:06:15 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public v2', florian. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:06:55 notwseltzer has left #w3process 15:07:14 rrsagent, draft minutes v2 15:07:14 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/15-w3process-minutes.html florian 15:07:38 rrsagent, make log public 16:23:52 jeff has joined #w3process 16:30:42 chaals has joined #w3process 17:08:22 Zakim has left #w3process 18:14:36 tantek has joined #w3process 19:56:20 jeff has joined #w3process 19:58:45 chaals has joined #w3process 21:53:13 jeff has joined #w3process 22:57:41 jeff has joined #w3process