14:43:48 RRSAgent has joined #pbgsc 14:43:48 logging to https://www.w3.org/2020/07/10-pbgsc-irc 14:43:50 RRSAgent, make logs Public 14:43:51 Meeting: Publishing Steering Committee 14:43:57 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-publishing-sc/2020Jul/0000.html 14:44:04 -> https://www.w3.org/2020/06/26-pbgsc-minutes.html previous 26-June 14:44:16 agenda+ Publishing CG Update (Mateus) 14:44:16 agenda+ Community Webinar update (Karen, Tzviya) 14:44:16 agenda+ Business Group Presentation Proposals [3] 14:44:17 agenda+ AOB 14:56:12 present+ 14:57:31 present+ 14:57:34 present+ Daihei 14:57:46 present+ Avneesh 14:59:27 Avneesh has joined #pbgsc 15:00:46 Daihei_ has joined #pbgsc 15:00:57 present+ 15:01:30 present+ 15:01:50 present+ 15:02:07 present+ George, Liisa 15:02:34 liisamk has joined #pbgsc 15:02:44 present+ 15:02:55 present+ 15:04:02 George has joined #pbgsc 15:04:19 present+ Garth 15:04:29 present+ 15:04:31 wendyreid has joined #pbgsc 15:04:40 present+ 15:05:03 garth has joined #pbgsc 15:05:13 present+ Garth 15:05:16 scribe+ 15:06:05 topic: Update on webinar 15:06:31 tzviya: 23 registrants, so far 15:06:38 … Japanese version just went out 15:06:56 … New email to go to 100 who were interested in survey updates 15:07:21 … We expect more registrations, so tentatively “off to a good start.” 15:07:56 … PPT template is done; all preso’s into one. 15:08:30 … Daihei & XX & Avenesh will join for Asia Q&A 15:08:50 q+ 15:08:52 s/XX/Shinya/ 15:09:00 s/Avenesh/Avneesh/ 15:09:03 … There will be live captions; 30 min of speaking then Q&A. 15:09:04 ack liisamk 15:09:33 ack Ralph 15:09:37 … Slides will go to this group before going to captionist. 15:09:53 -> https://github.com/w3c/publ-webinar Webinar GitHub repo 15:10:22 … Slidesd will be in our github repository. 15:10:24 mateus has joined #pbgsc 15:10:36 present+ Mateus 15:10:38 s/Slidesd/Slides/ 15:10:46 topic: CC update 15:11:01 mateus: Jeff & Mateus in Charter discussions 15:11:19 … Build off initial work of EPUB 3 by Wendy & Dave 15:11:29 … Model around inccubation 15:12:00 … Committees around different areas and features. 15:12:39 … CC is broad in scope and surface area — thus need sub-groups (or task forces) targeted at issues and largely self-manage. 15:12:51 … and have their own deliverables. 15:13:01 … Also aid broad publishing engagement. 15:13:41 … Seem to have relatively straight forward governing structure (with Mateus and Jeff as leadership). 15:14:01 … Leaders will corrdinate across sub-groups and across W3C. 15:14:20 … Need 3rd co-chair, who can help with logistics and coordination. 15:14:50 q+ 15:14:59 … Draft of charter should go out soon-ish. 15:15:10 ack tz 15:15:13 … That’s where we are! 15:16:17 q+ 15:16:19 tzviya: Call for 3rd chair for CC — focus on logistics: meetings, what belongs where, repositories, et al. 15:16:37 q+ 15:16:55 q+ 15:17:02 George: 3rd chair could be really important; Geroge can’t do. 15:17:35 … when we make this call should we also be asking for task-force chairs at the same time? Maybe one of them? 15:17:41 wendyreid: +1 15:17:57 +1 15:18:37 … Looking for somebody outside this group — geo diversity would be good too. 15:18:55 q? 15:19:42 q+ to comment on how many chairs 15:19:57 Avneesh: With distributed govnerance — do we really need mroe chairs — task force leads may be sufficient. 15:20:05 tzviya, you wanted to comment on how many chairs 15:20:11 … Need to find strong task force chairs. 15:20:28 q+ 15:20:33 tzviya: Lets get started now with two chairs and hunting for task force chairs. 15:20:51 … If okay with Mateus & Jeff. 15:21:00 Ralph: +1 15:21:03 q+ to agree and a a couple other notes 15:21:52 … Likes George’s idea of getting TF’s going and see who might want to move to chair-ing. 15:22:32 George: One mailing list for whole CC; need task-force prefixes to make it more managable. 15:22:36 mateus, you wanted to agree and a a couple other notes 15:22:47 mateus: Agree with previosu points. 15:23:40 … Main issue — Mateus and Jeff aren’t generally available on regular basis. Work better asynchronously. 15:24:03 q+ 15:24:14 … Whomever is in logistics role needs more regular availability. That’s the main issue. 15:24:45 … See how much engagement comes from task-force discusisons — centralized or distributed? 15:25:22 … Merge membership of EPUB 3 CG into Publishing CG — still unresolved. 15:25:50 ralph: Decision was made to do that (merger) — Ralph will do so. 15:25:59 q+ 15:26:12 … and communicate name change from EPUB 3 to Publishing CG. 15:26:20 q? 15:26:26 ack Ralph 15:26:26 Ralph, you wanted to comment on merging CGs 15:26:49 ack me 15:27:58 tzviya: Tzviya, Ralph, Jeff, Mateus should meet to kick off — Tzviya could do some actual meeting running. 15:27:59 ack liisamk 15:28:12 I can help with the mechanics (github, etc) except when I am on vacations:-) 15:28:38 liisamk: Check with her folks, so see if they can step forward for TF lead or even 3rd chair. Woo hoo. 15:28:39 Liisa++ 15:28:49 q+ 15:28:57 ack George 15:30:07 George: When/how will various TF’s be scoped and formed and recruited? Avneesh on A11Y. Best practices? New features? 15:30:10 q+ 15:30:48 q+ 15:30:52 tzviya: Need to see what group wants to work on. New features is likely too broad for a TF. New idea submissions need to drive it. 15:30:52 ack mateus 15:30:55 ack mateus 15:30:57 mateus: +1 15:31:20 … hard to define such work in a Charter — incubation shouldn’t be pre-defined. 15:31:32 +1 to allow task force come up depending on which work items gain traction. 15:31:37 … Some will fizzle some will get traction. 15:31:52 +1 15:32:25 … Folks should propose ideas for TF’s. Merged membership should help get tracktion. 15:32:38 q? 15:32:39 … Communities need to rally around TF ideas. 15:32:55 … Maybe the likes of “scripting?” 15:33:00 ack iv 15:33:08 tzviya: Need to move foward with Charter and see where we go. 15:33:28 Ivan: TF’s need to be easy to creature and easy to stop. Need to be lightweight. 15:33:57 … Charter should reflect a strong relationship between CG and WG. 15:33:59 +1 15:34:23 … Less mature work should be in CG. Member should understand this strong relationship. 15:34:46 tzviya: action for subset to get together and see Charter soon. 15:35:01 Ivan: EPUB 3 WG Charter 15:35:03 topic: EPUB 3 WG charter review status in W3C Members 15:35:10 … Mid-term time now. 15:35:42 … Working on list of who should vote (that haven’t yet). 15:35:50 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OHxYLTf4WfsAo08d2G3Csaf3ktCykZ9mPsUOgFm8oCQ/edit#gid=979272795 15:36:10 s|https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OHxYLTf4WfsAo08d2G3Csaf3ktCykZ9mPsUOgFm8oCQ/edit#gid=979272795|| 15:36:31 … Table of votes that are missing, that would eb good to have. 15:36:45 q+ 15:36:51 … AMZN, AAPL, BISG for example. 15:37:10 … Long list — see Doc. 15:37:55 … Also has “good to have”s. Tables has proposals for folks to contact looking for those votes. 15:37:58 q? 15:38:20 … Almost have enough votes in now. 15:38:34 … For W3M process. 15:39:20 … More important to convince new folks to join WG (as well as vote). AAPL & AMZN particulately, as well as Chineese folks. 15:39:23 q+ 15:39:24 ack dauwhe 15:39:37 s/… Almost have enough votes in now.// 15:39:48 dauwhe: Process is confusing. How many votes to we need? 15:40:11 Ralph: Not firm number — but need “enough” — somewhat more than we have now. 15:40:19 ack Daihei_ 15:40:46 q+ Daihei_ 15:40:47 dauwhe: Yes, “enough” is opaque. 15:41:30 ivan: For example, the reason to reach our to AAPL is less to get one more vote than participation. 15:41:51 ack dai 15:41:55 dauwhe: 4.2% of W3C members had voted for the Charter. 15:42:03 s/somewhat more than we have now/W3M wants to see more response from the Advisory Committee 15:42:30 Daihei_: Approached Japanese members to vote. 15:42:41 … They all want to be members of WG. 15:43:02 … Some have voted, but many have not. 15:43:26 … Will look at Doc and hunt for votes! :-) 15:44:18 … Such members want WG going and want to particpate — so getting voes shouldn’t be too hard. 15:44:34 ivan: Feel free to add names to the Doc. 15:45:01 tzviya: Proposals for presentstions to the BG. 15:45:26 … Ralph had prepared proposals for discussions. 15:45:38 -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kJjQKW7spNYietObiADhi7hfssXaJw2RnU-4iNZ0nfs/edit Potential Agenda items for BG 15:46:01 i/tzviya: Proposals/topic: Presentations to BG 15:46:12 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please draft mintues v2', Ralph. Try /msg RRSAgent help 15:46:21 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/10-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:46:27 q+ 15:46:29 … Doc out of APA — re cognitive A11Y — good example and they want feedback. 15:46:31 ack liisamk 15:46:34 +1 15:46:53 liisamk: Legible are doing presentation in both time-zone meetings. 15:47:06 … Thorium demo was quite helpful. 15:47:39 … Need regroup on Sept scehdule. 15:47:50 ivan has left #pbgsc 15:47:50 q? 15:48:03 … It will happen and get presentations on calendar. 15:48:18 chair: Tzviya 15:48:23 +1 to Liisa 15:48:42 … Should focus on what to do move buseinss forward. 15:48:56 … Not exactly W3C match, but we try to head that way. 15:49:19 ivan has joined #pbgsc 15:49:31 q+ 15:49:35 ack wendyreid 15:49:52 q+ 15:49:57 tzviya: Cognitive disability work would be a business impacting example. 15:50:26 +1 excellent dpub seminar from Nels 15:50:34 wendyreid: Nels(?) should present on practicalities of audiobooks and business impact. 15:50:38 ack liisamk 15:50:43 s/Mels/NNELS 15:50:52 s/(?)// 15:51:32 s/from Nels/from NNELS 15:51:47 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/10-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:51:51 liisamk: Should promote that presentation. But need to worry about duplication — mayeb later this year. 15:51:56 q+ 15:52:02 ack av 15:52:07 s/mayeb/maybe/ 15:52:12 wendyreid: good to overlap with vote on Audiobook standard. 15:52:31 Avneesh: Should link to existing presenttion, as it’s done. 15:52:42 s/Nels should/NNELS should 15:52:52 … One PBG call per month — in each of two timezones. 15:53:02 … so 12 presentstion per year. 15:53:15 … Is there time for other business. 15:53:38 q? 15:53:44 … PBG should be discussing the likes of FL A11Y such that BG can promote to CG or WG. 15:53:57 q+ 15:54:02 … Need to make sure there is time for both presentstion and discussions. 15:54:04 ack liisamk 15:54:04 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/10-pbgsc-minutes.html Ralph 15:54:14 liisamk: +1 to time mangement. 15:54:58 … Should also use shared Doc to collect areas for discussion as well as for presontsations. 15:55:32 [I think the BG chairs are entitled and authorized to determine an appropriate set of agendae for BG meetings] 15:55:39 Avneesh: Good idea to brainstorm on such ideas and then delegate to technical groups. Need sufficient ideas. 15:55:55 q+ 15:56:09 … Should be problems in community that BG can help reoslve. 15:56:32 ack wendyreid 15:57:05 wendyreid: Tuesday’s call — for first time in awhile there was a real business discussion (manga cost of production) 15:57:30 … Is that something we need to dig into? 15:57:38 q+ 15:57:59 … More to learn about that that topic — should that be a topic of presentstion? Are there solutions out there? 15:58:10 q+ 15:58:16 … Nice business oriented conversation. 15:58:18 ack Daihei_ 15:58:29 q- 15:59:03 Daihei_: Reponse to Wendy’s FL managa & reflow-able — pretty specfiic to Japanense. 15:59:09 [+1 to the value of all such "presentations" being to reveal where there is interest in further discussion] 15:59:15 … Japan gap document. 15:59:40 … Working on solutions for these isseus. 16:00:02 … When solutions become available, they shall be posted to Publishing @ W3C. 16:00:33 Ralph: Thanks Daihei. 16:01:03 … Richard needs such expert input. 16:01:09 q? 16:01:14 ack Ralph 16:01:46 … Need to identify experts who are willing to get together and talk about these issues. 16:02:36 ivan: Folks in Doc in green have already votes; don’t bother them agian. 16:02:36 [adjourned] 16:02:44 zakim, end meeting 16:02:44 As of this point the attendees have been tzviya, Ralph, Daihei, Avneesh, Daihei_, ivan, George, Liisa, liisamk, dauwhe, Garth, wendyreid, Mateus 16:02:46 RRSAgent, please draft minutes v2 16:02:46 I have made the request to generate https://www.w3.org/2020/07/10-pbgsc-minutes.html Zakim 16:02:49 I am happy to have been of service, Ralph; please remember to excuse RRSAgent. Goodbye 16:02:53 Zakim has left #pbgsc 16:13:40 Karen has joined #pbgsc 17:07:48 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 17:53:17 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 18:33:17 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 20:16:51 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 20:55:18 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 20:58:11 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 21:03:58 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 22:11:49 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 22:40:30 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc 23:04:17 dauwhe has joined #pbgsc