Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

09 July 2020


Andreas, Atsushi, Gary, Nigel, Pierre
Gary, Nigel

Meeting minutes

This meeting

Nigel: Today we have the TTML Profile registry issue on codecs,
… IMSC 1.2 and TTML2 mainly as placeholders - not a lot to discuss?
… and Atsushi requested an AOB for IMSC 1.2 AC Review. Thank you!
… Any other other business?

Pierre: I think Atsushi had a report on his discussion about shear.

Nigel: Ok we should be able to find time for that.

Nigel: Thank you, that's our agenda for today.

The codecs parameter should have a formal definition of the use of the combination operators. tt-profile-registry#71

github: https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌tt-profile-registry/‌issues/‌71

Nigel: [reminds group of the issue]

Pierre: Some of the primary users of this are in the community where Cyril and Mike
… participate so I'm not sure we can make much progress without them.

Nigel: I know what you mean.

AC review of IMSC 1.2

Atsushi: There's no requirement on votes, but it is encouraged that all members actively
… participating in TTWG to vote. As of now, we only have 4 reviews, 2 from active
… participants and 2 others. Let me encourage you to ask your organisation to submit its review.

Nigel: That's very clear, thank you!

Atsushi: One FYI: there are no objections except for one issue raised by BBC's AC rep

Nigel: Okay, and that's an editorial issue.

Atsushi: Yes, that's all.

Pierre: There's a pull request against IMSC 1.2 that needs approval to merge.

Nigel: This has somehow passed me by, thank you I will look at it.
… Thank you for the prompt.


Pierre: This is a long-standing topic and I'm trying to add support for shear, whether it is
… block or character or line, to CSS.
… Atsushi kindly took an action item to follow up with folks in the JLREQ community.
… Are you able to summarise your findings?

Atsushi: Yes. The most baseline one is that there is no mention of shear or italics characters
… in the current JLREQ document.
… In the tickets shear is not mentioned in JLREQ, but in one note within JLREQ document
… shear is mentioned as an uncommon behaviour, sometimes used for headings or something.
… Shear in Japanese typography was not common and was seen as a rare feature.
… Since having shear is quite low priority in Japanese typography, usually this is one of the
… last features to be implemented. In general contributions to Chromium, Firefox and other
… browser implementations is quite welcome, for implementation.
… That is a common understanding among JLREQ task force.
… During our discussion we found one thing for block shearing to be shared in combination
… with ruby base and annotation.
… It seems that in discussion there was a request for samples or documentation of block shearing of ruby.
… But there is no follow-up to that comment. We would welcome such examples or documents
… if they exist. That would be the point for us to discuss with browser vendors.
… That is my summary.

Nigel: Thank you.
… Do we have any examples of use in subtitles?

Pierre: Yes you can find them from Netflix and from Digital Cinema.
… What I'm trying to do is find a way to break the cycle where every time it is presented
… the answer is "we don't know about it so it is not relevant".

<atsushi> https://‌user-images.githubusercontent.com/‌4871350/‌40342158-d573a7f8-5d3d-11e8-987a-d76aef5b45c5.png

Atsushi: Actually we would like samples of block shearing?

Pierre: What do you mean? [shows image on share]

CSS Issue 2983 for shear

Pierre: This is a long thread with a lot of examples in it.
… You can shear every character individually or as a block, and the difference is the alignment
… of ruby annotations with the base.

Atsushi: We need real world examples too.

Pierre: SMPTE has a document that describes this, that is used every day in digital cinema.
… SMPTE ST 428-7.
… Netflix has it in their subtitle guidelines.

Andreas: How I understood Atsushi to mean that they need real documents, like from an actual movie.

Atsushi: Yes, some reference to a real movie including this would be very useful.
… We could not find any example of it being used for ruby.

Pierre: Just to make sure, do you mean a specification or an actual distributed subtitle document?

Atsushi: Any guideline, internal company guideline or reference.

Pierre: OK I provided a couple of links like the Netflix one and the SMPTE one which both
… have examples of shear.
… I think a copy was shared with this group so we have a liaison with the SMPTE document.
… There is also software called SST G1Pro, which is Japanese subtitling software.
… [shares screen showing a manual] This manual has examples of shear.
… Is that what you're looking for?

Atsushi: If this shows block shearing for ruby that would be great.

Pierre: It does, yes. I'm not sure if I can find it on the spot but I will send an email
… summarising those three documents. Do you think that would be helpful in continuing the discussion?

Atsushi: Yes

Pierre: I will find the examples and send it over.
… [finds it on page 45]
… Here we go!

Atsushi: I see, I can see this is sheared by block.

Pierre: I don't want to presume about the ideal way of shearing, block, line or character.
… The idea is to come up with the right answer. I'm fairly certain italic is not the right answer.
… I am happy to put you in touch with an engineer behind this software if you would like.

Atsushi: I think we should start with these reference documents.

Pierre: OK

Nigel: Just thinking out loud, I guess a different answer could be to skew the alignment line
… for aligning the ruby annotation, when shear is applied to a ruby base character.

Pierre: I'm happy with whatever the answer is but not "this doesn't happen" - I'm happy

<atsushi> https://‌github.com/‌w3c/‌type-samples

Pierre: to provide a list of examples.

Atsushi: Just for information, JLREQ is operating a repository of samples, as above.

Pierre: Please upload the links. While you have the attention of JLREQ I recommend you go
… to them immediately and share the examples.

Atsushi: Yes, of course.

AOB: EBU Webinar on TTML over RTP

Nigel: Not sure if I shared this before but I will be participating in an EBU Webinar
… alongside the author of RFC 8759, James Sandford, about TTML over RTP, on 28th July.

EBU Webinar link

Nigel: If you're interested, please do register.

Meeting close

Nigel: It seems Mike had difficulty joining today, so we'll have to resolve that offline and
… return to the codecs parameter issue next week.
… Thanks everyone, since we've completed those parts of the agenda that we could,
… let's adjourn. [adjourns meeting]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by scribe.perl version 121 (Mon Jun 8 14:50:45 2020 UTC).