TOCC call

09 Jul 2020


Mark, Megan, Clemens, Ted


<scribe> Scribe: Ted

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Collaboratory issues

Megan: the point of the collaboratory in terms of implementation, I created something for class definition form

[screen share of UI]

[subclass definition form]

Megan: added option to provide definition licensing
... additionally you can upload figures
... we can use built in mediawiki referencing capability to cite documents the definition is taken from
... this is taking into consideration thoughts from our last meeting

Clemens: you added definition licensing part, is that free text?

Megan: yes, basically right now I created a page where we can list the types of licenses we would be including
... likewise with the figure upload, ability to specify license it is under

Clemens: my guess would be Ken would say license needs to be there
... too fine grained can get messy and confusing

Megan: we could have a comment about license applying to some of the content

Clemens: if we have a term, definition and description the source would likely be the same

Ted: description could be from contributor in their own words

Megan: right, interpretation is independent

Clemens: free form text somewhere about exceptions should suffice

Megan: do we want to go through the requirements document again?

@@tocc gh uri requirements_spec.md

Megan: anything people free we missed?

Clemens: I have reviewed in detail the last changes but see it mostly as additional questions for us

Megan: correct

Clemens: worth holding on for Ken

Mark: when are we going to be ready for primetime for launching collaboratory and have enough concepts populated to make it compelling?
... for next time, I intend to add a number of generic city concepts starting with a personal favorite 'resident'
... we should perhaps have a discussion about the concepts we want to capture in transportation domain
... top N (5, 10...) what would they be?

[discussion of resident/passenger/visitor]

Mark: it is a great city level concept

Ted: route which we are already drawn to, passenger and also mode of transportation being my top three
... understand resident distinction very useful for city planners as their primary need for daily commutters (in normal times)

Clemens: resident/passenger topic makes it clear what is relevant concept
... from city perspective, the relationships matter

Ted: I brought this topic to our Strategy Team chaired by our legal counsel and attended their call
... while a wide cross section of colleagues were in attendance, none knew of a close, prior example. I think some must exist or have simply glossed over the topic
... we should be able to host contributions modulo their specific licensing with proper attribution
... copyright law fair use is our friend
... in collecting any excerpts into a catalog/registry we should cite source, acknowledge their copyright claim and any licensing terms
... analysis and derived works including specification could be under w3c document license
... we regularly have normative references in specs
... lastly a personal opinion, we should be mindful in our use of excerpts, we should provide enough information (excerpt and our added description) for fundamental understanding and not require reader to have to buy a dozen different specs from elsewhere or we will impede adoption
... basically aligns with our thinking and what Megan already did in collaboratory UI

Mark: sounds good, where should we put that for Ken?

Ted: I'll include in minutes

Clemens: that is worth putting in a markdown file we can link to from collaboratory

Ted: counsel would be willing to review what we put in collaboratory or github about contributions if we feel it necessary, expects we'll come up with reasonable wording

[adjourned, deferring topics as Ken still on ISO call]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version (CVS log)
$Date: 2020/07/09 15:40:52 $